InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rakuen: The Beginning ❯ Meeting the Higurashi's ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author's Note: Ok, please don't torture me with dead baby jokes, I give in, I will update for the sake of my mind and sanity
Chapter 2: Meeting the Higurashi's
Kagome got out of her papi's limo with the help of the driver. Sometimes she wished her chest wasn't so peaked, she then wouldn't have to require help from others. Although, being gifted with such big assets did bring much joy and excitement to her love life. She pulled down the small business skirt that only ran slightly pass her behind, which was a bit revealing but who cared. Her channel glasses fell out of place and she pulled them from her face, her black strands getting in her face.
Hair was so unruly these days, it really sucked at times but when you've got chopsticks and you aren't hungry, why not put them to good use? Hair netting. Kagome stumbled forward as her smaller brother Souta ran pass her with his game boy in hand. Oh he was such a nuisance; she didn't think she could have children. She didn't like to baby-sit or clean after people, especially not cook, what did she look like? A maid? No she wasn't.
Her father catched her in time before those pretty stilettos broke and she would panic before this meeting would be over with. Kagome looked at her nails and frowned, a manicure was in dire need and one ASAP. She checked her mirror and applied more gloss to her lips, which could she forgotten to put as much gloss as possible? How careless of the expectations of Higurashi Kagome.
“Sweetie, stop panicking, I'm sure is not such a big deal” said her father
“I don't care how big deal of a deal it is, Higurashi Kagome does not leave the house with decent clothing, of course nothing less that $150, pretty nails and toes, a pretty flawless face, and of course, glossy hair.”
“I know, baby, but-“
“No butt's papi, you are stupid if you don't understand”
“I do but” he started but was cut off by Kagome's finger as she picked up her phone and put it to her ear
She must have been talking to her ex because their conversation did not sound of appropriateness for two girls. She turned her head and walked into the large incorporated building in front of her. Her father and hr mother carried some of her bags which included her make-up, her personal items, and tons of other unneeded junk that Kagome claimed to be in `dire' need of just in case.
As the three finally got upstairs, they were asked to sit in a big conference room and in roughly five minutes, a bunch of men and two women approached the room. Two of the men had silver hair, one more graceful and the other seemed like a total klutz. They must have been brothers because although their characteristics varied, they did associate somewhat. The third man had short black hair and sparkly blue eyes. He was pretty cute and he seemed calm. The third man looked a bit rough around the edges but that was ok. He had long black hair and blue eyes; he gave her a toothy smile which only proved to frighten her a little.
The two women could no were be related. One of the women had short black hair and reddish-brown eyes, she had a very small mouth and she was a little arrogant looking. The other woman had long light brown hair and looked like she could make friends with everyone. That was of course a plus until she could get to these two silver headed brothers who sat in front of her.
“Sakamotto-sama” suddenly said Kagome's father, Lonz and slightly bowed his head and so did Carol.
Sesshomaru noticed that the girl outright refused to respect him her superior and he had to fix that. He really did not like a non submissive person, especially a woman. He only smiled deeply to himself thinking of who he could put her in shape.
Inuyasha out rightly smiled. She was so beautiful and she was going to marry him, for once, not Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru always got the people he always had the hardest crushes on like Sango, Yura, and Kykio. Although he was only married to Sango and would not openly commit an affair, which was low for him, the hearts of those girls belonged with him. That really sucked because he started to think that every girl he meet he couldn't take home to brother because he would probably get to them before he did.
Like, he remembered when he was in college and Sesshomaru had graduated, Sango had one of his young nephews and his brother had been so arrogant. Inuyasha use to go to Sango with problems and she cooed him to sleep or helped him but ever since they got married, no more seeing Sango like you use to. He was able to sometimes sneak a call but other times he just gave up.
“Higurashi-san, we do not intend to merge both companies, correct?” asked Miroku
“Right, my headquarters and yours are vastly different; there would be no purpose in doing so”
“Yet, you think as an innovator” mentioned Sesshomaru
“Then, when will this `marriage' take place?” asked Koga
“Actually, Kagome was birthed here, she's a citizen, maybe it would be best if we leave her here to follow through and we go back home after the settlements”
`Quick to get rid of her, aren't you Lonz? She had indeed become a pain in the ass anyway' thought Carol and smiled in agreement
“Yet, we have not found a good purpose for keeping her here, she can work here but what would she do?” asked Miroku
“Right, I agree, does she have any skills?”
“Secretary, I can be a secretary…” said Kagome cockily
“Very well, Secretary, you're office is down the hall, Ayame is our personal notary and has been our phone call receiver for years, you won't need to do that. All you have to do is type, fill-in applicants, and listen to me” said Sesshomaru, the last sentence in a whisper
“I suggest we get to work then, huh?” suddenly Inuyasha interrupted their too long eye-contact
After a couple more agreements, Lonz and Carol were sent home and Kagome was set to work on typing out these agreements then telling Ayame so she can call up certain representatives that would do all this crap she really did not care to listen. Ayame sat opposite of her back around the half moon circle. She was currently answering and transferring a call. Kagome thought of the tall silver prince or lord. He had characteristics to be a cold king and she kind of liked but disliked his arrogance. When addressed to her, it was disliked when addressed to other; it was pleasing to see others squirm.
“Hey, Kagome, can you tell me what time is it?”
“Um...12:49…may I ask why?”
“Well, lunch break is from 1:00 to 2:30, just letting you know so you can go eat”
“Cafeteria time?”
“No, this isn't school, Kags, we go get out own food from different places downtown. You can get it and eat there or get it and come back…”
“Do you mind if I go with you?”
“Absolutely not, come on, we can personally leave now”
“Ok” said Kagome and followed Ayame to the closest elevator.
While they were waiting, Sango came out of the elevator and smiled at Kagome and Ayame, only Ayame smiled back. Kagome looked on as to see where she was going until she saw her go to the end door, straight ahead, Sesshomaru's office. She saw her just open the door and walk in, a smile came to his lips and she closed the door behind her.
“How freaking disrespectful” she said as Ayame pulled her in the elevator
“She just walks into Sesshomaru-sama's office without knocking and she just goes past the receptionist without singing in or waiting or an appointment to Sesshomaru-sama, who is she?”
“Sango Sakamotto”
“His sister-in-law?”
“No, his wife”
Kagome face suddenly went pale. She was not going to let a simple girl stop her from her mission, sleeping with the brothers, well sleeping with Sesshomaru. She wasn't that important, with a big business like this, she would never think of leaving him.
Sango sat in the chair in front of Sesshomaru and watched him finish a call; his royal-like voice was so cutesy. When he finished, he got up and walked around his desk and pull Sango up for a kiss, her hair feel below her shoulders as her took the rubber band from her hair. She probably looked a bit limp in his arms, but it was only because he reached down to kiss her, subtle red lips. He nibbled them with his teeth and then let her go and looked at her. She quickly le her head drop down, not willing to stare at Sesshomaru, he had that speck of intimidation in his eyes.
“Sango, you know how much I hate when you do that” he whispered
“Sorry” she said and raised her head to stare at him; he was quickly pleased and let her sit down
“Are you planning on having lunch with me, my sweet?”
“I would rather watch you eat, honey”
“I would rather finish what was started this morning”
“Yes, anywhere, now, here, yes”
“You know Sesshomaru, it isn't polite to do that, and we'll do that later”
“How late?”
“I'll be home right after this, when will you be home?”
“I don't know, the Higurashi's came a bit early which was unexpected, I'll probably get home around 11”
“Oh, their daughter was the one with Ayame?”
“Yes, her name is Kagome”
“She seems nice”
“I have yet to judge her on the progress she will make, doesn't Rin get out of school around this time?”
“Trying to rush me out?” she said with a smirk and he quickly shook his head negatively
“No, I was just asking”
“She went to a friend's house; me and the little girls mother know each other well”
“Hmm, good, you know my family's reunion is in two weeks…”
“I know where is it this time?”
“Osaka, I believe, my father is yet to fax me the information…”
“Ok, well, we can always take the van, I can drive some way and you can drive the rest”
“I'll consider it over it”
The phone suddenly rang and Sesshomaru really considered ignoring it but did not think it twice and press it on speaker phone.
“Sakamotto-sama?” came Kagome's cocky but soft voice
“I have some visitors for you”
“Do they have an appointment?”
“No, but they say it is urgent”
“Send them in”
“Would you like me to escort Sango out?” she suddenly asked with much anticipation
'What? I cannot believe she just asked me that and I cannot believe she called her by her first time that was like disrespecting a queen, his queen by the way'
Sango noticed the taken back look on Sesshomaru's face and decided to think of something to say before he said something really mean. She really did not want Kagome to get fired or hear the cockiness her husband possessed. She wasn't really mad, because she understood that important matters didn't concern her much.
“No, Kagome-san, I'll escort myself out, thank-you”
“Have it your way, lady” she suddenly said in a mad tone and hung up that phone
“Sesshomaru, she's a child, rebellious and modern, leave it alone and don't you dare say nothing to her”
“I run my corporations like I want to run it do not interfere in matters that don't concern you, Sango” he said in a venomous cold voice and she just turned her head and walked out the door, slamming the door behind her.
`That ignorant, asshole she thought to herself and went down the elevator
When Kagome noticed that Sango had left, she grabbed the papers and went down to Sesshomaru's office. This should be Grammy awarded work, it would probably be so easy. She smiled to herself as she entered, nearly unnoticed by her boss who was analyzing more papers himself, a cup of hot tea at his side.
“Higurashi, Kagome…what is it that you need?” he said nonchalantly
“Oh, sir, the people left but they did leave some papers for you.” She said with a cutesy voice
“People…” he whispered hatefully and she just glared at him for a second
Kagome reached over his desk for an empty folder, basically, shoving her chest in his face and he looked pretty stunned. Then, she reached back and `accidentally' poured the hot cup of tea onto his lap. He flinched quietly at the heat of the tea and she quickly put on the `oh my god, I didn't mean to' face. She took a handkerchief from her pocket and started drying off his thighs.
As she did that, she wiped more sensually around his `member' to see if she could get a small response from him. When she heard him gasp, she was forced to not giggle out in success. A bulge started to form and she innocently looked up at a lust-driven Sesshomaru. He quickly lifted her off and kissed her soft lips and she sighed in content.
“Go. Lock the door, Higurashi” he said hoarsely and she quickly complied, coming back to him as quickly as possible and straddling his hips, a moan emitting from his chest.
Author's Note: I hope you liked it, please review and tell me what should happen next?