InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rakuen: The Beginning ❯ When In Need ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author's note: I love you're suggestions, they'll come to good use but we cannot rush here, remember, rushing would make me mess up but I promise it won't be long
Chapter 3: When in Need
Sango put down her book as she heard the phone ring. It was well past eight forty-five so whoever was calling was a really important. She was really ungrateful that the phone in the living room didn't have caller id, then if she didn't want to talk to whoever it was, she wouldn't have to. She didn't dwell on the matter long and sighed before answering it.
“Sango, sweetie, how are you?” asked her mother
“Mom, what's up?”
“I was wondering how you were, since you never call me anymore” she said sarcastically
“I do too, mom, I've just been busy lately”
“How are the grand's?”
“They're all good, they went to bed, and they've got school tomorrow”
“Oh, hmm, when are you going to come visit?”
“I'm not sure; I'll try to ask Sess when he's less busy with this new business agreement thing”
“Is he home?”
“No, he'll be home later tonight”
“Last time I heard that from a male, he was seeing another girl”
“MOM! Sess isn't like everyone else, he loves me and I trust him”
“Well, baby, don't hesitate to leave him if he isn't as trustworthy as you think”
She heard a beep on the other line and really tried to get it.
“Mom, there's a beep, hold on, ok?”
“Hurry up”
“Ok” she pressed the flash button “Hello?”
“Sango” said a cutesy voice
“What is it?” she said with concern
“I need to really talk to you, is Sess there?”
“No, not yet, you can come over, he'll be home around eleven”
“Ok, I'll be there shortly, thanks”
“Sure, bye, see you soon”
She flashed back and then continued talking to her talkative mother. They talked about her job and his, his brother and her, her sisters, and her cousins, aunts, and uncles. They talked about another fifteen minutes until she heard a knock on her door. She made an excuse to get off the phone, which worked wonderfully. She went to answer the door and a wet Inuyasha fell into her arms, sobbing. She was taken back by his open emotions and dragged him back to the den, where she sat and he laid his head on her lap, his cries reducing to sniffles.
“Inuyasha, what happened?” she asked worried
“It's K-Kagome…”
“What about Kagome?”
“She doesn't like me” he said and she patted his head, thinking of comforting words
“Inuyasha, you don't know that yet, I mean, it's an arranged marriage, don't expect too many feelings from this” she whispered
“I hate father, he makes me go through hell, why isn't Sesshomaru set to marry” he said and a pain struck her stomach, there was a reason
“I'm sorry I made your life miserable” she whispered
“What?” he said back, not as not hearing as in questioning her
“He was set to marry…a young, beautiful girl named Arielle but I got pregnant with Damon and he had to marry me”
“Oh, Sango, I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry, it's not your fault”
“Its okay, Inuyasha, admitting the truth is better”
“Humph” he snorted; obviously his little attitude had gotten back
“I thought you were…”
“DON'T you DARE tell Sesshomaru or anyone I was crying, understood?” he said, walking into the nearby kitchen
She nodded with a smile. Inuyasha had been her friend since back when. He had told her he had feelings for her when he was around 16, she told him it was hormones but she guessed it really wasn't. Anyhow, they were friends, and he had always been the friend anyone could want. He was trustworthy, straight up, and mean. It was funny, Inuyasha was really a funny kid.
Kagome rubbed against his erection and a throaty groan came from his chest. She had already had him half naked and she was teasing his chest, the muscles jumping under her touch.
“Oh, Sess, you're so gorgeous” she said and picked at the belt, suddenly turning it loose and pulling his pants down, with his help
She shoved her hands in his boxers and teased his hardened flesh, he hurriedly stripped her of the little clothing she had and smiled as her breast popped at him, her bra did little to no coverage of the large globes. She had to be at least a DD, with a skinny waist and little shoulders; he wondered who she did it. It didn't matter though, time was pleasure.
She stripped the last of his clothing off and examined the porcelain lord in all his glory. He was extremely gorgeous, beautiful could even describe him. She briefly held little strands of his wispy hair in her hands before she noticed she was being plunged by that huge `member' of his.
It felt so large and wonderful she couldn't help but moan loudly, the sounds becoming pleasurable to his ears. She was so responsible. He plunged harder and harder, faster and faster feeling her clamp down around him.
“S-S-S-SESS!” She screamed violently and he grunted
“Kagome” he whispered, his voice couldn't hold up as his orgasm ran through him quickly
After getting over the shook, and noticing he was dressed and reading, she got dressed. That was the most wonderful orgasm she had had for the longest, she hoped it would happen again.
“That was wonderful” she said as she slipped on her heels
“I know” he responded coldly
“Will it happen again?” she asked hopefully
“Hmm, maybe, let's be patient, my love” he said and she nodded, quickly walking out of his office and adjusting some of her clothes and then leaving.
Ayame gasped at the scene that went before her. So that was why that bitch Kagome wanted to be near Sesshomaru, she wanted to fuck him, and that low, dirty idiot did it too. She had come back because she had noticed that she left some important papers and if she forgot to do them, Sesshomaru would flip.
Then, when she went to her desk, she heard some grunts so she went back to Sesshomaru's office, to make sure no one was trying to smuggle him, well actually that would be good but she was just curious. She turned the knob but it was locked so she looked through the window by her clumsy climbing and then she saw something, gasped and fell, hurting herself.
She had cursed her luck and then when she noticed the knob turn, she hid in the dark corner to see Higurashi Kagome come out and adjust her clothes. So her assumptions were right, that was a slut, who would have not thought that, the way she dressed, the way she acted, it was an altogether duh.
She then left after she was sure Kagome had disappeared. She had almost cried herself, Sango was like a friend to her, how could that ignorant cocky bastard do that to her? She couldn't blame Kagome altogether because it wasn't like she forced herself on him. She wanted to tell Sango but she just couldn't do it, but she would tell someone, someone whom she knew would tell her when the time was right, and someone like Inuyasha.
After drinking some coffee and talking some more, Inuyasha took his leave when he was certain his brother would be home soon. He was very overprotective of Sango, as if Inuyasha could steal her. She would be his if all possible, age was nothing but a number and experience was sufficient. He gave her a small kiss on the cheek which made Sango's face color a little red.
As soon as he left, no more than two minutes later, Sesshomaru came home. He looked a little spent and flushed and he quickly looked at her then ran upstairs and went to bed. Sango just looked after him with a smile and continued reading the book she had set down, not ready to go to bed just yet.
Inuyasha sped off onto the highway, he was about to get a few drinks then maybe get some chick go home and have a good time. It was all he could think of doing for now, since he wasn't going to be a bachelor for long. Why should he care what the bitch had to say? She was obviously occupied with other things, thoughts that didn't include him.
His phone suddenly rang and he pressed it on speaker phone.
“Yes, I um need you to meet me, very soon, like now”
“Why? What's wrong?”
“I just need to discuss something that happened over a few drinks…can you meet me at the Sakura Bar in about 10?”
“That's where I'm headed” he said with a smile
“I could have betted you would be going there…asshole, anyway, hurry up!”
“Alright, see you then, bye!”
“Bye” she said and hung up
What could possibly be so urgent that Ayame would call him? First of all, Ayame wasn't too close too friendly with him because of the disputes he's had with her boyfriend. He was the exact pronunciation for ass hole. He hoped it wasn't anything crazy like someone dying or something; he didn't need that this moment. He made a final turn into an exit and a couple blocks down he was at the door of the bar.
He hurried and got his jacket, walking into the smoke-filled room and trying to spot Ayame in the fog. Then he saw her, she had her hair in two ponytails and she had a blue business suit on. She was very nervous obviously because she was smoking a cigarette, which she never really did unless it was something very, very urgent. He walked over to her and sat next to her at the bar.
“Oh, hey, you're here”
“I'm here, Ayame, so what's so urgent?”
“I think you better light a cig for this one” she said, handing him a cigarette and lighting it for him, he took a big puff of it before she began to speak
“Tonight, I went to get the AOM symposium papers, because I never finished them and I was going to type them at home” she started
“Alright…” he said more cautiously
“And, when I got into my office, I heard something in Sessh's office so I went to check it out and I found something really…um…really depressing”
“What you find out?”
“Sesshomaru was screwing the office girl”
“What office girl?”
“Kagome…that new chick…”
Inuyasha dropped his cigarette our of shock and then noticed because his pants where burning so he quickly picked it up and put it back into his mouth. Willing himself to calm down he puffed harder from the cigarette.
“Aren't you suppose to marry that girl? I'm really sorry I had to break it to you like that”
“That fucker…”
“I'm sure you're mad, she's suppose to be you're gf”
“It ain't the bitch I care about…it's going to be Sango I'm going to hate to know she knows…when are you going to tell her?”
“Me? No, you're much closer to her, you gotta tell her at the right time, but you gotta tell her”
“Oh, you shit head, Ayame, why would the hell she believe me?”
“Because you her buddy, remember?” she said it with a hint of sarcasm and laughed
“Shit head!”
“Ass hole!” she said before he left the bar in indescribable rage building inside of him. He couldn't tell her now, not yet, just later, she didn't need that now but she needed to know before she would accuse him of never telling her. Oh he was in big ass problems he didn't need right now.
Author's note: Review, please!, thanks!