InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ready, Set, SHAVE! ❯ Judging of Legs: Part 2 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I want his tail! I want his tail! I want Fluffy-chama's tail! I don't own Inu Yasha and co.; they belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

Ready, Set, SHAVE!

Chapter 4: The Judging of Legs, Part 2

Author's Note:

Hi all! Do any of you have Inu Yasha downloads or know where to get them? I have Kazaa and iMesh already, so don't tell me I can get them there! I would LOVE to get them! Please? If you do, e-mail me at either account! Also… my friend Juli-chan, a.k.a. KawaiiFryingPanChick, has a story up. Read it! She's a really good writer! Lastly… Thank you all for helping me reach the 50th review mark! You don't know how much it means to me! Well, enjoy the story and review!

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Everyone was silent. But, of course, everyone cracked up again. Poor Naraku!

Finally, everyone ran out of air and stopped laughing. Of course, by that time, no one had realized that Shippo and Rin ran off (me-OW!) together. Or rather, Rin had chased Shippo away.

"Well, that was really kawaii!" Kagome exclaimed. "But you still can't have Shippo. He's mine and will be for forever!

"Not even I?" Kagura asked.

"What are you talking about? She wouldn't ever give Shippo to you! She would give the cute little thing to me!" Kikyo said, raising her voice. "Besides, I could easily kill you!"

"Now, now, sister, and, uh, demoness lady, let's be kind to each other!" Kaede said as she walked over.

"I'm older than you!" Kikyo yelled.

"Sorry, sis, but not anymore! I'm 58, but don't tell anyone!" Kaede whispered the last part.

Kikyo glared.

"Umm, can we get this contest going, please?" Miroku asked.

Sango glared at him. "You just want to look at Kikyo and Kagome-chan's legs," she accused.

Miroku put on his perfected 'I'm innocent' face. "Why, Lady Sango! How could you think such a thing!" he said, mocking being outraged.

"Yeah, and Sesshoumaru doesn't look like a girl."

"Hey!" Sesshoumaru protested. "Keep me out of this!"

"But you do!" Inu Yasha said.

"Shuddup. Be nice to your elders."

"Yeah, right!"

"People, don't laugh, but if you were me, you would know how much an hour at a therapist cost nowadays! Can we PLEASE hurry up?" Naraku yelled, recovering from his earlier nervy b (nervous breakdown).

"Yeah, we should. Mom got a session for Grandpa and she complained about the price for days!" Kagome said.

"The next contestant is Kikyo!" Shippo announced, back from his little 'adventure' with Rin.

Kikyo walked up to the judges' table. She went and fluttered her eyelashes at both Naraku and Inu Yasha. Naraku was totally recovered and Inu Yasha was RED!

"Wow-wee!" Kouga gasped out.

Kikyo's legs were as smooth as silk and extremely white. She was not at all dry as they expected ("How does she do it? I mean, she was cremated!" Kagome asked.).

"Thanks for letting me borrow your Venus razor, Kagome!" she said as she smirked.

"So that's where my razor went! You THIEF!" Kagome yelled.

"Prove it!" Kikyo taunted.

Kagome suddenly started laughing, much to Kikyo's surprise. "Hahaha! I knew something like this would happen!"

"What?" a puzzled Kikyo asked.

"Hey, youkai and hanyou! Take of whiff!" Kagome said, still laughing insanely.

"What's that smell?" Miroku asked!

"Tell me about it! If you can smell it, we with demon blood really can!" Sesshoumaru whined.

"Something smells AWFUL!" Naraku yelped.

Inu Yasha had no response, for he had fainted a lot earlier. ("HAHAHA!" Sesshoumaru had yelled.)

Shippo held his nose. "MAKE HER GO AWAY!" he loudly said.

"What did you make me use, you stupid, little girl?" Kikyo yelled at Kagome.

"I didn't make you use anything! You stole my things and used them yourself!"

"What smells so bad?" Kikyo asked.

"Nair! Made for removing hair and smelling awful!" Kagome said as she laughed. "I always get it for dumb thieves like you!"


"EEK!" Kagome yelled.

Naraku walked up to Kikyo. "Chant with me!" he ordered. "Ohhmmm… Ohhmmm… We are calm, we are calm… Ohhmmm…"

"Okay…? Ohhmmm, ohhmmm…" Kikyo calmed down. "HEY! That crap really works! Who's your therapist?!"

"Is it my turn, yet?" Kagome asked impatiently.

"Yes, Kagome-chan, it's your turn!" Miroku said brightly.

Kouga looked all ticked and smacked him on the head. "Get your own woman, monk!"

"But sharing is caring!"

Sango smacks Miroku again. "Sorry, this guy here is an enchii and going to die very soon. Do not worry about his mental health and the Juicy Fruit commercial songs."


Kagome went to the judges' table. She smiled flirtatiously and lifted her leg up. Like Kikyo and Sango, she, too, had smooth legs. They didn't smell like Nair and were a joy to behold.

Everyone gasped with joy, including Inu Yasha.

"I , too, used the Venus razor. The shaving foam I used a very gentle to skin, and has a very pleasant, light, fruity scent. It adds moisture and helps keep it that way," Kagome explained.

"Never, in all my years of experience, have I ever seen such lovely legs," Sesshoumaru said.

"Me, too! Even though this is a first," Naraku said.

"Oh, Kagome-chan, now I want you even more!" Kouga yelled.

"Back off!" Inu Yasha yelled at Kouga, jumping on his head. "How do you like this, wolf?!"

Explanation Author's Note:

In the books, Kouga has a 'habit' of always 'landing' on Inu Yasha's head whenever he sees Kagome. Okay, back to the story.

"Inu Yasha! I thought you still loved me!" Kikyo cried, glomping Inu Yasha.

A vein popped on Kagome's head. "Oh Kouga-kun!"

Inu Yasha gets very mad and jumps on Kouga's head again, making him drop unconscious.

Another vein popped. "SIT!" ("Kouga pancake, anyone?" Shippo offered.)






"Can you guys be good? A little girl is here!" Sesshoumaru yelled, sounding like a woman.

"Sesshoumaru, you sound like a woman," Inu Yasha told him.

"And what's wrong with that?!"


"That's right! There is no problem!"

"Okay! This is starting to get weird now!" Kagura said from the back.

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Okay, that was the chapter! I hoped you guys all liked it and I'll try to get the next chapter up soon! Review, 'cuz that little button down there is calling your name! Can't you hear it? It's saying "Dude! Click me!" Yeah, I'm weird.

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Responses to Reviews:

Lucy: Hiya! What's up? I meet you at Chinese School! I still despise the teacher, though!

Magic Girl2: Thank you, thank you! *Bows*

BattleJoy W: That's a kawaii idea… kukukuku! Thankies!

KFPC: Hiya! Whazzup? I'm e-mailing you, I e-mailing! I reviewed your story! Now Juli-chan, don't eat so much!

Umm… can I get back to you on that: Kawaii username! It's so cute! Yes, I'm insane! Who isn't? Very, very crazy!

Sparkling Cyanide: Yup. He takes yoga. One of my teachers says it's VERY relaxing.

Shannon: I really like Sango, too! She's great!

Alice: Thanks! So I'm a real girl? Cool!

Mia: Thankies you!

TenkunoMeiou: OMG! I am SO sorry I didn't see your review! Please forgive me!

Code Name- Anrui Yuy: I almost split my sides writing this! Thanks for the compliment!

Crystal Arrow: Your comments keep me and my muse going!

ArtemisMoon: I love your ficcy! It's so cool! Now you know why I had the Nair thing! Yes, I like jealous Inu Yasha!

Lady BlackDragonFire: I'm glad you think so and that you laughed!

Sylicat: Go Kagome, go Kagome!

Slice: OMG I forgot you, too? I'm so sorry! Thanks for the review!

Sorena27: Yes, I'm mad. I also have an appointment with the Mad Hatter. He's my friend.

Julia-Tears: Is Texas cool? Naraku and yoga. I wonder how I thought of that! I'm going to start writing in Camp of the Chaotics near Christmas, because I have a bit of writer's block. However, if you want, I can e-mail you a sneak peek at the parody section!

Kraken 1.w: I will continue! Thanks for your support!

Rin281: Yes, I'm 14, and a very 'strange' one at that!

ChibiNeko: Hi girl! What's up? I try to e-mail you later! I'm glad you think this is funny! Meet you at the guild if I can!