InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Remeber Me ❯ The Kiss ( Chapter 13 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Remember Me
By Miryokuteki
Chapter 13: The Kiss
Keiko stared at InuYasha. He was acting strangely. `So he accidentally called me Kagome. What's the big deal?' She thought. `I mean, mom has accidentally called me Sota before.
`… Hold on. Where'd that thought come from? Who's Sota?' Keiko decided not to dwell on it as InuYasha spoke again.
“So… what now?”
“I don't know. The demon got away, so I guess we should go back to the clearing.” She tried to stand but immediately fell back down. InuYasha caught her just before she hit the ground.
“You okay?” he asked.
“Yeah. I just twisted my ankle, that's all.”
Things weren't looking to good. They were both soaked and the rain was still coming down hard. Keiko couldn't walk and even InuYasha was a bit beaten up.
InuYasha looked around. The gorge was about fifty feet deep and twenty feet wide. It wouldn't be hard for him to jump out. Hearing a ripping noise, he turned back to Keiko. She'd torn off part of her kimono and was carefully wrapping it around her ankle.
Keiko finished her makeshift bandage and was about to try standing again when two strong arms lifted her up bridal style. She turned to see InuYasha's golden eyes staring back at her.
“Did you really think you were going to be able to walk just because you wrapped your foot in some cloth. Not only are you humans weak, you're also stupid.”
“Excuse me! It's your fault we're down here in the first place! I'm not the one who decided to jump down a fifty foot hole!”
“Oh so you'd rather be squashed by a tree?”
“You could have jumped over it. You're the demon here! You're supposed to be able to do oomph…”
Keiko's speech was cut off as InuYasha's lips pressed against hers. As abruptly as they'd been place there, they were removed.
“Now shut up and let's get out of here.”
By the time Keiko had recovered from the shock of being kissed, they were out of the gorge and well on their way back to the clearing. When they arrived it had stopped raining and a cold chill was filing the night air.
InuYasha set Keiko down in a patch of grass. “I guess the others aren't back yet.” I'll see if I can find some fire wood.”
InuYasha moved off, leaving Keiko alone in the dark to think about all that had just happened.
`Why would he kiss me? Was he just trying to shut me up or was it something else?'
InuYasha returned empty handed. All of the wood nearby was soaked from the rain and so they would have to go with out a fire for the night.
As they sat there, Keiko chose to ask the question that had been bugging here for awhile.
“InuYasha? Why… why did you kiss me?”
It took him a moment to answer. “Feh. I didn't kiss you. I was just trying to shut you up and I couldn't use my hands because I was carrying you.”
“Oh” `Just as I thought. Burr. It's cold.' Keiko thought, rubbing her arms. She had on her invisibility cloak but it wasn't enough to keep her warm.
All of a sudden, something red was draped over her shoulders, instantly warming her. It took her a moment to realize that it was InuYasha's haori.
She looked over to where she could barely make out his figure across from her in the dark.
“Thank you.” She whispered.
InuYasha didn't respond although, as Keiko curled up and drifted off to sleep, she was sure she heard a mumbled “Feh. Weak humans.”