InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ senior year.... ❯ Long Day... ( Chapter 11 )
Kagome stood stillat the other side of the well. Did sesshy mean for her to wait here? {he did say he knew when I came…but I guess since I know where his house is, I might as well just go there…}she began to walk, searching the back of her mind for memory of the trail sesshy had used through the forest. The cool over-grown grass tickled her bare-feet as she shuffled along, and the sun shone upon her face through the branches of the tall trees. Sesshy was watching her from a branch way up ahead. He obsessed over every detail of her beauty, the way her long hair wved around in the breeze, and how her hazel-brown eyes sparkled as she looked around in wonderment. (Yeah I'm making up stuff about how they look just to let u kno….cause…*in a whisper* SOME ppl are kinda ugly…. / kagome: I HEARD THAT! / uhoh…*hides under a rock*)He dropped down to the ground and bounded ahead of her to his house. Kagome looked around suddenly alert. She had heard the rustling of trees. She shrugged. {probably just the wind.}
By the time she reached sesshys house, sesshy was inside. But something was wrong and kagome could sense it. She knocked lightly on the wooden door, and then entered. There sesshy was, shirt off, nursing a wound on his chest. He had a run-in with a certain forest demon. Kagome's mouth fell open. { oh my gosh he's so hot. But what happened to him? That cut looks pretty deep…} she blinked a few times and forced her mouth shut. "sesshy, are you okay?" her voice was full of concern. Sesshy looked up and smiled weekly. {ugh I look like fool, if only that stupid demon hadn't caught me off guard! Oww the pain!} he thought, his smile turned to a grimace and he groaned in pain. Kagome rushed over, sat down and opened her pack. She still had some medicine in it from the times she used to help inu. Sesshy saw a look of emotional pain reflected in her eyes. Kagome blinked the tears back. {That's it! Enough wasting my thoughts on Inuyasha!} Her mind screamed. She pulled out disinfectant cream, a compress to stop the blood flow, and some bandages. Sesshy looked at her funny. "What's that stuff?" he manages to choke out. "Medicine from modern Japan. It's a ton better than what you've been using," she said glancing at a thin bandage he had been using completely soaked through with blood and dirt. Sesshy nodded, and put aside his bandage. She opened the cream and squirted it onto her fingers, and then gently she rubbed it into the wound. Sesshy winced in pain. "that's going to sting for a while…" she said, noticing his reaction. She handed him the compress. "here, hold that down to the cut while I get the bandages." She wrapped a thick bandage around his chest, overlapping the compress twice, then tied the end in a knot, and sat back. "there. How ya feeling?" sesshy managed a grin. "Better."
"Good. What happened anyway?"
"to put it in short terms, there is a demon who lives in this forest. He's no real threat…but he doesn't like me at all, and has refused to accept my prescence in the forest. He led a few others in an attack on me today. I would've been fine had I been carrying my sword and been alert, but I…was…erm, pre-occupied." He blushed slightly but kagome didn't seem to notice, and decided not to push it with further questions. Sesshy slowly rose to his feet. Kagome did the same. He took her by the hand and led her outside. "I was making some meet out here before you came." He said. "oh. Great I'm hungry!" she said, fully aware that his hand was clasped around hers, not sure whether she was supposed to hate it or like it. He let go, sat in a sunny place in the grass, and handed her a plate of meat. Kagome took it, and sat down next to him, and they both ate, taking their time and making conversation. "so how have you been?" he asked, wanting to get off the subject of this afternoons incident. "Good." She lied, not wanting to go into detail about how much hell school was. He frowned. "Something's wrong. S it about Inu?" he was almost afraid to ask. His brother was really pissing him off. "No, no. This guy, at my school. He called me today." She said. And when sesshy raised an eyebrow, she simply said, "he really bugs me, that's all," this wasn't a good subject. {What am I doing? I can't talk to sesshy about guys! He'll think I'm not interested…. wait…I'm NOT interested. Oh god not this again.} She hurriedly changed the subject. "The real problem is that school is a living hell." She said without thinking. {Oh no I don't wanna talk about this.} "oh." He said, relaxing now that she was off topic of other guys. "Why?" he asked. "Because ever since Inu dragged me away from my life to find jewel shards with him, I've been so off track. I had barely gone to school. Maybe twice a week. And I don't understand anything anymore and I can't handle all the work." She said rally fast, not realizing so much had been built up in side her. Sesshy nodded understandingly. "So you wish you had never come here? You regret it all?" he questioned. She looked him straight in the eye. "Not all of it." She said quietly. She had finished eating. And so had sesshy. There was a long silence. Then sesshy went on to tell her about things he regretted in his life. It was strange; she had never thought he had such deep feelings. He was showing her the real him. Not the cold, bitter evil guy he appeared to be.
It was getting dark now. the sun was setting, and the sky was a beautiful shade of pink. Sesshy sighed happily. (THAT MAKES 5 TO 8 YAY! GOOO SESSHY! Lol) kagome got up. "I have to go. I'll come back tomorrow, ok?" she said. "Alright." He said, looking her up and down before she spun around and walked away. His smile faded. {I'm so lonely…I miss her already.} A few minutes later he walked inside, and saw her backpack still on the floor. He picked it up. {hmm…better take it back to her, she might need something in it.}
A/N: yay I finally finished….i procrastinated a lot today. Lol well things are about to get a lot more interesting, I've been burning to write the next few chapters and it'll take all my strength not to start the next chapter right now. I have to do my homework and I have a lot…well please review, I'm so upset that nobody is taking the time to do so. Ok I'll update tomorrow!