InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ sesshomaru and kagome ❯ pregnant lady stuff... ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer : I don't own inuyasha…
Please take it slow… this chapter explains a lot of stuff… I don't want anyone to get lost. (^-^)
Kagome woke up to the sweet sounds of blue birds chirping in the trees. She could see pink flower petals blowing in the wind as the grass swayed to the side. She rolled over and smelled the sweet flower bed she had slept on that night; then looked to the sky and beheld the bright sunlight that was shining down on her. She smiled and rolled over to her other side… where she heard the sound of loud snoring and some ones mouth smacking together as they woke up. `Ugg… gross. I can't even believe I thought this day was going to be good.' Kagome thought as she pushed sesshomaru's hot breath out of her face.
“Sesshomaru get up!”
“Get your hot breath away from me!”
“Mmng… kagome…” sesshomaru moaned in a raspy morning voice. His lips were dry and crusty, and he had dried drool all over the side of his cheek. His hair was pasted to his face from all the sweat and some of it stood up in the back.
“Wake up! We need to get to the castle so you can brush your teeth!” sesshomaru sat up.
“Kagome, dear!” sesshomaru said with a huge morning smile on his face. Kagome threw her hands in front of her nose.
“WOAH!! Damn! You got the dragon! Cover your mouth!” kagome screamed while pushing sesshomaru's face away from her.
“I am sorry for my breath your royal daintiness, maybe you could enlighten me on how to be perfect after IVE SCREWED SOMEONES BRAINS OUT!”
“Don't give me any of you assy antics I'm not in the mood. I just woke up to a wonderful sight of nature and you ruined it with your hot ass breath.”
“Whatever. This sesshomaru has no time for this.”
“Oh so were back to `this sesshomaru' again huh? What happened to that being below you?
“I can and will say WHAT I WANT - WHEN I WANT!!!”
“Fine. You get no booty then.”
Sesshomaru felt his heart drop in to his stomach. He felt like someone gave him a huge warm steak to eat but then said they got it from the trash. He wanted to crawl under a rock. He hid his face in his shirt and started to huff angrily like a child in the toy section who couldn't get any thing.
Kagome looked at him and prepared to say `suck it up and be a man'; but for some reason the pregnant side of kagome was overcome. The real kagome saw what pain she had caused sesshomaru and it almost broke her heart. She immediately was overwhelmed with pain when she realized how she had been acting over the last two days. She would have burst into tears but she felt it was more important to comfort sesshomaru. Kagome pulled sesshomaru's face from his shirt and hugged him. They stayed that way for a while. Kagome wanted to save every moment. She didn't want to let sesshomaru go. She felt like if she did she would revert back into that monster.
Kagome pulled back from sesshomaru and held the sides of his face in her hands. She spoke as soft as she possibly could, to let sesshomaru know that she didn't mean to hurt him,
“Sesshomaru… I apologize. I haven't been myself and I want to let you know that I am going to try my best to fight these strange impulses I have to be mean. I want you to know that I think that you are the most beautiful being to ever set foot on this earth. Don't ever let me or anyone else tell you otherwise. Ok?”
“Kagome, I'm sorry for not understanding what your-.” Sesshomaru was cut off by kagomes soft voice again…
“Sesshomaru, don't apologize for things you haven't done. I love you. You have done nothing to me and therefore have nothing to say sorry for Ok?
“Ok, kagome. I love you also.”
“Tell me again sesshomaru.”
“I love you.
“I love you too…”
* * *
Kagome and sesshomaru began going to the castle but kagome asked if they could stop and see kyade. Sesshomaru agreed and they began to descend into some woods. Kagome wanted to go to the village by herself so that the people didn't get scared from sesshomaru. Kagome left the woods and began to seek out lady kyade.
“Lady Kyade!? Lady Kyade!?”
“Over here child.” Kyade said in a soft voice. She didn't hold a grudge over kagome because she knew the circumstances.
Kagome ran to kyade and threw her arms around her with tears in her eyes.
“Kyade I am so sorry for the way I acte-.”
“It is Ok child! Calm down. Ye are just having difficulties coping with the pregnancy.”
“its not ok! I cant even believe what I said!”
“well I can see that we in a way have part of our old kagome back.”
“what do you mean `part of' kyade?”
“oh child… ye have mated with a demon and are pregnant with the child. Did ye have no idea of the toll it was going to take on your emotions?”
Kagome began crying her eyes out again like a hysterical baby that needed a diaper change.
“w-what d-d-do you mean… EMOTIONAL T-TOLL?!” kagome squeezed kyades shoulders and pulled her in for a tighter hug while she soaked kyades shirt with tears.
“oh child. Each month of your pregnancy ye will begin this cycle over and over again; until ye gives birth. But fortunately for ye… hanyouu babies grow faster than human babies. Ye shall only be pregnant for four months instead of nine.
For the next week ye will be extremely sad and depressed, it is usually up to the woman's mate to assure that she does not do anything drastic… such as… killing the unborn child, which has happened countless times to mothers that I have seen carrying hanyou babies.
The week after that ye shall experience extreme happiness. You will find pleasure in little things such as eating a meal. You may truly believe that that is the greatest meal you have ever had in your young life, and it could only be a stew!
On the last week of the month you will go into a completely emotionless state. Nothing will make you angry, sad, or happy. You will be a zombie to the earth.
After that week is over you will begin the new month in a new week and in a new state of rage…”
“So this is how it's going to be?” kagome said while still crying her eyes out.
“It is unfortunately so child. Go fetch sesshomaru he must know and be prepared for what he is in store for.”
“ok…” kagome dramatically dragged herself back into the woods and busted through the trees screaming sesshomaru's name. sesshomaru caught kagome in his arms as she unnecessarily collapsed into his chest screaming and crying her eyes out.
“kagome! What is the matter?!?” sesshomaru thought kagome was in extreme pain from the way she was sobbing and gasping for air.
“k-k-.” kagome began but was cut off.
“please tell me kagome?!? What has happened?!? Do you require medical attention?!? Has someone tried to force themselves on you?”
“OOOHHH s-s-sesshomaru!!! P-p-please help meheheeeee! Waaaaahhhh!!”
“WHAT HAS HAPPENED, KAGOME!?!?!? Oh noooooooooooo!!!!! someone has raped my kagome!!! Why has fate dealt an evil hand?!?! whyyyy?!?!”
“ no sesshomaru,I'm *sniff* I'm *sniff* on a --.”
“YOU HAVE NOT BEEN RAPED?! WHAAAAT HAS HAPPENED THEN!?!?!?!” kagome looked into sesshomarus eyes. He could smell the fear and sorrow rolling off of her. Why didn't he smell her in danger before this? What was wrong with his kagome?!!
“P-P-P-PREGNANCY CYCLE!!!! Ohhh the humanity!!! Why has life been so cruuuwweeelll?!?!
Sesshomaru looked into her face and dropped kagome onto the ground. He stared at her as she rolled along the floor, flopping her arms around and flailing her legs into the air still while screaming and gasping for air. She pulled the grass from the ground and screamed,
“oh why?!?! WHYYYYY?!?!”
“kagome! Get a hold of yourself!”
“sesshomaru?! Don't you see?!?! It will never be the same!! DON'T YOU SEE?!? OOOOHHHHH GOOOOOODDDDD!!! The humanity of it all!!! And not to mention the cheap socks!!! They just wouldn't stay up!!! I would pull at them, BUT THEY WOULD FALL BACK INTO MY SHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOE!!!”
“YOU SHOULD KNOW!!! THE S-SOCKS SESSHOMARU, the goddamed socks!! Ohhh whyyy?!?! No elastic in the bands!!”
Kagome rolled along the floor while squealing and screaming loudly. She now had snot drizzling from her nose and her eyelids were swollen. All around her eyes were red from the non stop crying.
“this sesshomaru is so confused.” Sesshomaru picked up kagome and carried her back into the village.
“no sesshomaru! No! take me away!!” kagome was trying to wiggle out of sesshomarus grasp as he carried her through the village kicking and screaming.
“YOU CALM DOWN!!! You scared me half to death with your `falling socks'. I am going to see what is wrong with you.” Kagome finally squeezed out of sesshomarus arm and tumbled to the ground. Sesshomaru who was now reverting to his emotionless act just walked past her and into kyades hut.
“priestess, what is wrong with my kagome?” sesshomaru demanded. Kyade handed him a cup of tea and told him to sit down. She began explaining what kagome was really going through.
“lady kyade, why was kagome only in her angry state for one day? Yesterday was the first day she was pregnant.”
“yesterday may have been the first day of her pregnancy, but today starts the second week of the month. Yesterday was the last day of the first week of the month… therefore, she was only in the `anger week' for one day. Had you gotten her pregnant on the first day of the month, then she would have been angry for the full week. Most demons who know about the pregnancy cycle always try to impregnate there mates in the third week of the month… the `happiness month'.
“so… if kagome and I meet up with another human impregnated with a demon child… the woman will be acting just like kagome?”
“sesshomaru you are a very powerful demon… the amount of power you have affects the severity of kagomes emotions. If you were not a power full demon there might not have even been a noticeable change in kagomes attitude at all. But you are the strong lord of the western lands… kagome is going through very severe emotional changes. And it's because of your power! You may meet another pregnant woman… and she may even be crying… but unlike kagome, she will not be rolling on the ground screaming and making a scene.”
“sesshomaru… ye are a demon… why did ye not know this?”
“throughout my entire life… I never once anticipated having a human as my mate.” Sesshomaru got up from his seat and began walking toward kagome. He still had a lot af things that needed to be done that day, including his deal with inuyasha. he would simply take kagome to the castle and leave her with the servants.
“kagome lets go.”
“wahaaaahaa. Ooooohhhhhh!”
“kagome! You will come with me now! I will not tolerate this!” sesshomaru felt bad. He felt it was his fault for kagome being so sad because he always wanted to be the most power full demon alive.
Sesshomaru decided he would just ignore kagome and take her weather she wanted to go or not.
“well are you ready?” sesshomaru said while he picked kagome up. She was still screaming and villagers were staring.
Sesshomaru took off on his cloud and began speeding to the castle.
“I suggest you stay still if you don't want to fall to your death.” Sesshomaru said to kagome while they were miles above the ground. Kagome pouted her lip and slid down on to the cloud. Then she did something a pregnant lady should never do… she looked down…
Kagome barfed all over sesshomarus pants and shoes.
“fantastic.” Sesshomaru mumbled under his breath before…
This time kagome barfed over the cloud and throw up began descending to the ground that was far below them.
“dear kagome. We have to get you home immediately. I am sorry for putting you through all of this. I will get you to a bed in a little while.”
* * *
Meanwhile Naraku once again was making plans to take over the world.
“Kagura! Tell me what the weather is like. I need to know so that my spell's path is not ruined by any rain.” Kagura flipped her fan and said,
“It is windy…why don't you just get kanna?”
“her mirror isn't working and I don't have time for this. I will see myself. This is the best plan I have had in a long time kagura. I will make it so that everyone in inuyashas little group switches bodies with each other. I wonder if the young taijiyah will learn the secret to wielding inuyashas tetsuaiga. And inuyasha will be stuck in that monks body… and instead of the monk, INUYASHA WILL GET SUCKED INTO THE WIND TUNNEL!!!! HHHAAA HAAA HAAA!!!!!”
Naraku walked away from kagura as she thought, `oh my poor inuyasha! I love him but how can I love him if he is not in his own beautiful, sexy body?!?!'
Naraku walked out his cavern and put his face to the sunny sky with his eyes closed. He inhaled the fresh air and said, “hmm, I have not actually been outside for a while. Nature is beau--.”
Naraku was greeted with a chunky, wet, orange, stinky, pile of throw up in his face that began dripping to his shoulders.
“Nature is an ass hole,” Naraku said while wiping his face and walking back into his cave; where he put his plan into action.
* * *
*Back with the cast*
Naraku - wow. That plan is genius.
Corn - yeah I know I don't even try its like it just happens
Kago - naraku was being sarcastic corn. Your plan is stupid.
Corn - your just mad because you wanted to switch bodies with inuyasha to see how big he is!
Inuyasha - jeez kagome if you wanted to see me so bad all you had to do was ask.
*inuyasha pulls pants down*
Corn - woah…
Kago - oh my…
Sango - oohh baby…mmm
Kagura - HEY BACK OFF!!! Hes MINE in the story, so hes MINE now too!!!
Sessh - pull your pants up brother! Let me show you what a real man looks like.
*sessh pulls down pants*
Corn - woah…
Kago - mmm I remember…
Sango - large and ohh in charge
Kagura - umm soo… who wants inuyasha? I know who I want…
Kago - NOO! You want inuyasha you got him!! sessh is mine!
Corn - so… umm… monk show us what ya got…
*monk gets sweat drops*
Monk - well ladies I a-asure you it is m-most impressive b-but I wouldn't want to ebarrasse my friends so…
*monk runs out of room*
Sango - well I guess I get the monk… who do you get, corn? How is his “junk”?
Corn - well unlike you guys I have a boyfriend that's not a c-cartoon so… his… well lets just pretend ive never seen it ok?! … I sure do wish I hadn't. So damed tiny.
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