InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Shared Life ❯ truths, changes, and awakinings ( Chapter 3 )
hey all this is my first fic so lemme kno what you all think and reveiw! flames are accepted. if I get enough reveiws then I'll keep on working on it. so now you all enjoy and remember that italicized stuff is thoughts! (but i dunno if the they even work and if not sorry!) ^.^ R/R! of and i don't own inu & co so don't sue me! (runs off)
Shared life chappie numbah 3!
"I'll go! I wanna see if Kagome changed yet." Sota was nearly jumping off the ceiling when he went to check up on Inuyasha and Kagome. When he got to his moms room Inuyasha was snoring on his stomach while Kagome was rolling into a ball with her arm sticking out. When he was close enough to see her clearly, he saw her her lightening and two triangular ears on her head. He went to touch one but she sniffed and her ear twitched back. That was enough for him.
Back out in the main room, Mrs. Higuarshi was talking with Yuka, Eri, and Ayumi. They were discussing sleeping arrangments since the girls wanted to stay untill Kagome awoke.
"Please Mrs. Higurshi, at least let one of us stay. Please. It'd be Eri too. She's the clean one. Please. One of us has to be here for Kagome. " Yuka was begging for an inside access. And it was finally given to her, reluctantly.
"Alright girls. But only Eri. You may stay in the guest room. The rest of you need to head home. Your mothers must be worried sick. Eri you call your mother and let her know that you'll be here. Now if anyone needs me I'll be in the kitchen preparing snacks."
Mrs. Higurashi bustled into to the kitchen to prepare the food for Sota, Eri, and herself. Leaving Eri alone with Sota and Myoga. Sota just went upstairs to play a game of some sort. It was after he left when Myoga spoke again.
"Excuse me, Eri, right? May I have a word with you? I would like to discuss an important matter." Myoga was happy when she nodded and sat down . "What is it Myoga? Can you make it quick, I'm beginning to tire myself."
"Of course. Will you please tell me why you disguise yourself? It is a question that has been plauging me ever since I've noticed. I bet Lord Inuyash has noticed as well... "
Eri spoke in a confused manner. "What do you mean, Myoga? I do not disguise myself. "
"You must, for I can smell that you are part demon. Do all the demons in this era disguise themself? "
Eri paled. "Well, I know what you mean Myoga, but I do not disguise myself because there is no need. Others may need disguises but I don't because I am only 1/4 neko demon. My only visable demon attribute is my fangs. And they are small."
"I see. But why can't Kagome sense you? Mikos are able to do that, arn't they?"
"No Myoga, Mikos only sense the good or evil of a person or demon. Thats why she hasn't noticed. All the demons now are disguised and have been for 200 years. And none of them have had evil intentions for even longer. The only flaw in their disguises is that any demon can see through them."
"Well Eri, you must tell Lady Kagome and Lord Inuyasha. If you do not then they may do something unpredictable. You should tell Mrs. Higurashi as well. It may help Kagome."
"I understand Myoga. I will tell them when they wake up. But now lets go eat and catch some shut eye." Eri stood up and Myoga jumped onto her sholder. They went and ate with the two Higurashi's and then they all slept. (After grandpa got home of course.) Eri was in the guest room, Mrs. Higurashi was in Kagomes' room, Sota in his own room, and Myoga on Buyo in Gramps' room.
~About five pm the next day.~
Everyone was awake (except Inuyasha and Kagome) and eating dinner when the phone rang. Sota answered the phone. "Hello?"
"How's Kagome?" It was Yuka. Sota could hear Ayumi in the backround say to ask if she woke up yet.
"Hi guys, no Kagome hasn't woken up yet. I'll ask Myoga if he knows anything about it. Hey Myoga, do you know when they're gonna wake up?"
As soon as he calmed down from the shock of the phone ringing, Myoga gave his ever-wise answer, "Lord Inuyasha will wake as soon as the transformation is complete, whitch will be at sundown. But Lady Kagome will sleep for a little longer then that. I am not sure how long though."
"Ok. Well guys, Myoga said that Inuyasha will wake up at sundown but he doesn't know when Kagome will wake up."
"Inuyashas that red guy right? I don't like him." it sounded like Yuka sneezed but Sota wasn't sure.
"Well when Inuyasha wakes up then we'll call you and you can come see her changes ok? Bye." Sota hung up the phone and turned to his mom, "When's sundown anyway , mom?"
"Oh, about two hours I think. Why don't you and Eri go check up on Inuyasha and Kagome for me. Thanks." Mrs. Higuarshi was gathering the dishes as the two left to the bedroom that the sleepers where in. Inuyasha was sprawled on the bed and Kagome was on her stomach. Their tied hands were inbetween them. When they looked at Kagome they gasped.
Her once ebony hair was silvery and a little longer. At the the top of her head were two triangular ears and a fang was hanging out of her mouth, just like Inuyashas was. Her nails were at least an inch longer and she seemed ... taller. But they weren't sure. They left and told Mrs. Higurashi about Kagomes appearence. After Mrs. Higuarshi went to see for herself, they all waited for Inuyasha to wake up.
~Sundown (7:13pm) ~
Inuyasha woke with a start and sat straight up. His tied hand was unmoved though, as he quietly turn to look at Kagome. He wasn't as shocked as Sota was, but shocked anyway. He knew that her hair and ears would change, but he didn't know that she'd get older. By the looks of it she was as old as he was. Which explaind why her legs were longer and she was more filled out in her hips and chest. Out of curiosity he lifted her eyelid to see if her eye color changed. Her eyes were beautiful. They were the color of her hair, a bright silver that shone like the full moon. He didn't want to wake her, so he let her eyelids drift close. Just as Inuyasha was thinking about her captivating eyes, his stomach growled ferousciously. He was suprised that Kagome was still asleep.
He gently pulled Kagome onto his lap and picked her up, while being careful about their arms. When he looked down at her, he smiled. Her arm that was free unconsiously gripped his coat, making his grin widen. She seemed so helpless there, but Inuyasha was happy for her being there. They were actually together and not fighting. Just then Inuyasha realised how much he cared for Kagome, expecially since they wouldn't be torn apart by the ageing difference. But just as realisation hit him, his stomach growled again. So he head toward the kitchen for some ramen and to see if anyone was there.
As soon as Inuyasha entered the kitchen and saw that everyone was there, Myoga jumped to his ear and told him a bit about Eri. He nodded and went up to Sota.
"Hey kid, mind making me some ramen? Thanks." Sota jumped when Inuyasha spoke because he didn't notice him come in.
"Hi Inuyasha. You're awake. How's Kagome?"
"She's fine but if she wakes up because of my stomach then she'll be very mad."
"Your Stomach?" As if on cue, Inuyashas stomach growled loudly. Sota just laughed. "Alright Inuyasha. You go sit down or something." Inuyasha went to the table and sat down, making sure Kagome was in a comfortable position.As the water was boiling, Sota called up Yuka and told her the news so far and that she could come over for a while. Inuyasha started talking to Myoga.
"So flea, when do I take this thing off? Its itchy." Inuyasha raised his arm up and scratched it as he spoke.
"Well my lord, You may take it off now. When you woke the transformation was completed so Lady kagome doesn't need it any more."By the time Myoga was done speaking, Inuyasha had already sliced off the cloth and gently pulled their wrists apart, causing the cut on her arm to open again. He watched her arm heal at the same speed his own did. The cuts were as good as new in 5 mineuts, which by then the ramen Sota made was done. Inuyasha ate it whitout moving Kagome and finished in record time. As he asked for more a pounding was heard at the door, followed closely by Yuka and Ayumi barging through the door. Yuka spoke first.
"Wheres Kagome? We must see her." Inuyasha's ear twitched and he saw Kagomes ear twitch too. She was still asleep though.
"Shh. Kgomes still asleep and if she wakes up then she be mad at me again. Come on lets just go in here." Inuyasha started mumbling, "Not even a hello... damn I'm still hungery." Inuyasha headed to the living room while carring Kagome. The two girls that arrived didn't know what he was even carring. It looked like some white fulffball though, until they saw legs. Then they just followed him.
When Inuyasha reached the couch, he laid Kagome down gently. The girls sat and waited for him to move so they could see Kagome. When he moved away and sat by Kagomes feet, they gasped.
Kagome looked completely different, they weren't even sure if it was her or not. Her beautiful ebony hair was white, her ears were on top of her head, her nails were two inches long and pointed, a fang was hanging out of her mouth, and to top it all off, her legs were longer and in some places she was... bigger.
"That can't be Kagome." Ayumi was getting closer to Kagome as Yuka spoke. "That girl there is too old. She isn't Kagome."
Ayumi was staring at Kagomes ears when Inuyasha spoke quietly to Yuka, "You better believe it. Kagome is that girl right there. She is now the same age as me, which would be 67 human years. And if you arn't quiet you'll wake her up. So shut..." Inuyasha was inturrupted by Kagome sitting straight up, clutching her ears, and glaring daggers at Ayumi.