InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Shivering Sands ❯ Quaver ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Forgive me for taking so long to update. It's hectic around here. Hope you enjoy.
It was a beautiful early October evening as the two walked along Sesshomaru's vast estate. Kagome paused perplexed as they passed near a profuse row of high bushes.
"These are interesting,” she said as she viewed the strange foliage. “Its almost as if they are designed that way on purpose.”
“Hmm,” he said almost sardonically. “Its a maze. I use it to train.” He tilted his head as he indicated the breadth of the enclosure. “Its systematic.
She nodded. "I never even noticed." She was silent for a moment, and then tilted her head to his. “You designed it, didn't you?” He nodded slowly. “I want to go see it.” He raised his brow, and then a small smile tilted his lips as the thought occurred to him. He tilted his head in acquiescence.
They began walking side by side and she laughed as he relayed how long it took the investors to return to their hotels with all of their information in his car. "So everything went well I take it, you know, with the take over," she asked as they neared the hedges.
"Was there ever any doubt," he said imperiously, reverting to his manner of old. She laughed and shook her head. "Never."
He stopped before the opening to the tall immaculate hedges. She glanced up at it curiously and he murmured, "Go ahead, why don't you step in?"
She turned to look at him, and noticed his eyes were now a deep amber. "You're going to come after me, aren't you," she said quietly. He nodded slowly. He seemed so serious yet somehow almost playful.
A small smile twitched her lips. "No fair if you can use all of your senses. I'm sure you know it by heart anyway. You'd catch me in an instant. " His mouth was now in a sensuous smile. "I will only use my ears and nose. I will give you a head start."
"But don't you know the maze?" she said raising her brow. "There are at least a dozen different obstacles and exits, the sliding panels beneath reconfigure the maze every day. I will not be able to tell which one you have used."
"Okay. How long do I have?"
"Five minutes."
Her eyes shone as she looked at him. "If I win, what do I get," she said mischievously.
He smiled sardonically. "Anything you want."
She arched her brow once more. "And if you win?"
His eyes gazed sensuously into hers. “Something I've wanted for some time."
Her heart thudded against her breastbone and she moaned very softly, but he heard her, and his body stiffened in excitement. He gently pushed her shoulder blade. "Go," he said and leaned back against a tree, closing his eyes.
She took off into the maze, marveling as she did so at the intricacy of it. She very quickly became confused and was soon simply guessing and feeling her way out of the maze.
'Okay, just calm down and find the exit before he can even find you. I want to win this time.' She turned left and discovered that was a dead end exit. 'Oh no, my five minutes are almost up,' she thought fitfully. 'I've got to get out of here.'
Sesshomaru straightened at that moment, and after closing his eyes but shutting off his other senses, he calmly stepped into the maze. The dark of evening was upon them and he calmly began searching for her.
He stepped into the maze, and breathed deeply. `There.' He maneuvered the maze with a quiet swiftness, accessing his way through the depths utilizing his photographic memory. His pace was measured, but deliberate.
Kagome's heart sped up as she thought she heard him, and she went completely still. 'He can't use his eyes, but,' she thought. When she thought she heard him pass, she took off at a run.
She stepped into a small circular clearing and thought, 'Okay, this must be the middle'. She looked at the six paths that lay before her in some dismay as she thought she heard the rustle of the hedges. `Pick one, pick one,' she thought nervously.
She picked the second one to the left and took off running. She paused as saw a new diverging path and quickly decided upon the one furthest to the right.
'I think I'm near one of the exits,' she thought excitedly. She walked a bit further. 'I am! I think I can see it up ahead,' she whispered and took off running. `Yes, Yes, Yes, I'm going to finally beat him at something!'
She felt a breeze pass and then an arm snaked out and clamped her waist, lifting her off the ground. She shrieked, and began kicking her legs. “No, No, No,” she with profusion of giggles.
"You must accede defeat," he said calmly, as he walked out of the remainder of the maze with her slung over his shoulder "Aww," she said with a pout, "I was so close," she said as she stopped struggling, her body still suspended in the air.
He laughed. "Yes, but not close enough." She inhaled softly as she felt the heat of his body against her back. She sighed and leaned into his kiss that he placed along the back of her neck.
"You win," she murmured as she twisted around and slid her arms around his neck as he set her down. “So I must do your bidding.” His eyes flickered and he trailed his clawed index finger across her bottom lip before cupping her chin.
She smiled gently as she spoke to him softly. “But then again, this was one of those things where I don't really lose.”
As they walked back across the lawn a few minutes later, he paused for a moment and his ear flickered as he heard a sound that only one with his keen hearing would.
He looked over his shoulder to the sky and saw the faint outline of a red dragon emblem.
She turned back to gaze at him quizzically, but his face remained upturned to the sky.
It was very dark that night, with only the slightest sliver of a crescent moon visible as the waves softly pounded the surf. Kagome walked along the surf alone, skimming her shoed feet in the undulating water thoughtfully.
Sesshomaru lounged indolently upon the steps of the beach house watching her with hooded eyes. After some time, she walked back toward him, pausing as she wrapped her arms about herself and huddled in her sweatshirt. “It's getting colder,” she said, gazing at the stars.
He was silent for a few moments, and then he spoke. “I expect that we will have some visitors soon,” he said as she approached, his eyes upon her silhouette in midnight filter of light.
She paused, gazing at him in surprise. “Really?” she asked incredulously. He never before indicated that he ever had visitors. “Someone I've known for a long time. He resides in China. They will arrive within the next few days.”
She looked down at the shell she rubbed between her fingers. before tilting her head slightly to look at him. “I had no idea. I thought you were the last. You've never spoke of them before,” she said before gingerly sitting on the step between his legs.
“I am the last Greater Demon here, but others are scattered about the continent. A few minor ones still exist here. There yet remain a few demons in this world.”
She went silent for a few moments, her brow furrowing slightly. “Is there anything I have to do?”
He shook his head slowly. “I expect there is something they need to speak with me about directly.”
“Will they dislike me,” she asked timidly.
He raised his brow. “As if it matters.”
She stared off at the white foam spreading up the sand. “You must have forgotten. I was there. I know how so many of them felt.” she said her voice trailing. Though the words were unsaid, they both knew it remained. He gazed out upon the night. “It will be fine.”
She closed her eyes and looked out upon the surf once more. Sesshomaru had gone inside for a moment, but another form was rising from the water and coming toward her at a rapid, but measured pace.
Kagome pressed up against the steps as Kikyo straddled her body and sat on her chest, her face hovering over hers, her eyes as cold as ever.
She laughed deeply, throwing her head back before shaking her head at Kagome slowly. “He's not yours either, he never was, and he never will be. And in the end, you wont have neither. Your story is my story, we are one and the same, and in the end, you too will be alone.”
She opened her eyes with a start, feeling the warm wetness of a single tear rolling down her face breaking from the corner of her eye to land upon the bed.
He opened his eyes slightly to feel her brushing the trail away as she lay with the curve of her back against him, the top of her dark head right below his. She stared off at the window, seeing nothing.
He lay still, simply observing her, not wanting to place too much emphasis on the occurrence, until she started shivering slightly.
`I feel so cold,' she thought numbly. `Like someone is walking over my grave.'
Her eyes widened slightly as Sesshomaru turned her over and settled her on top of him, as he lay propped against the pillows. “Are you cold,” he asked looking down into her face.
She gazed into the amber eyes that seemed, for a moment, to gaze searchingly into hers. She turned her face away and laid her head against his chest, feeling as if he could see straight through her. She closed her eyes slowly. “No.”
The next afternoon, she sat alone in the garden gathering some flowers to place within the castle vases. She loved doing that because she knew it pleased him; Sesshomaru remarked upon her particular talent of hers.
Her skin tingled as she felt the familiar sensation that meant he was near, and she tilted her head back to look at him. She was curious as she saw his eyes toward the sky as well. He looked down into her face. “They are here,” he said quietly.
At first it simply appeared to her as a white sphere upon the horizon, but then it began to take the same shape that she recognized as floating on clouds. That is when they came into sight.
A very tall midnight haired demon with enticing turquoise eyes stood tall next to a svelte deep lavender-haired female demon with violet eyes. Within the arms of the smaller demon lay a slumbering child. Kagome stared at the pair, stunned. They were absolutely magnificent together, each complementing one another immensely.
They landed and Sesshomaru strode to meet them. “Ronin, Mai,” he said, as they each exchanged mutual inclinations of the head out of respect for their positions and each other. “I trust all is well.”
The one called Ronin smiled lightly. “It is as it should be.” “Sesshomaru, its good to see you,” Mai said sweetly, “The castle is still beautiful I see, untouched. It has been sometime since I was last here.”
“It has,” he said, turning and motioning them to follow. “And I see you're not alone,” she said inquisitively with a slight look of surprise on her face as she spotted Kagome.
“This is Kagome,” he said, as they came a breast of her, as she swallowed her nervousness and smiled, tilting her head slightly. “Hi.” Ronin and Mai looked at each other for a brief moment before greeting her with a smile.
“Its very nice to meet you,” Ronin said. “I am Ronin, and this is my Mai.” “And this,” Mai said, peeling back the blanket so that the baby could be seen more clearly, “is our daughter, Mine. You've never seen her Sess.”
Kagome started slightly at hearing Sesshomaru being nicknamed, and bent to see the baby. She was already a little beauty, with rich, sable-colored hair and violet turquoise eyes. She stared at the two new faces for a brief moment before yawning sleepily.
“Perfection,” Sesshomaru said quietly. “She's gorgeous,” Kagome said awestruck. Mai smiled.
“We were near. We came to see you as we passed through, to deliver any messages you needed to those on the continent. Everything seems well on your end,” Ronin said as the two walked across the lawns.
“That is so. No disturbances. No lesser demons attempting anything. They stay very quietly to themselves.” He gazed askance at Ronin. “What of you?”
“Nothing I can't handle. The Turks seem to wish to make their presence known.”
Sesshomaru raised his brow. “Are you asking for my assistance,” he said quietly.
“If needed,” Ronin said carefully. “My lands are infinitely larger.” Sesshomaru nodded. “You have it. But you knew that.” Ronin smiled slightly. “It still doesn't hurt to ask.” There it was, an agreement between friends of long standing.
“Are you going to tell me anything about her right now,” he asked, with his brow raised, referring to that which remained unsaid. He knew one could never get anything out of Sesshomaru unless he wanted them to know.
“No. Right now, that isn't to be told.”
The two women sat upon the porch, Mai cuddling her small daughter who gurgled softly. “That is extraordinary,” she said as she heard the tale of how Kagome ended up in the Feudal Era. “So you've known of Sess for 500 years. How intriguing.”
She shifted her daughter, who rather insistently curled her hands in her mother's long lavender hair. “I'm fascinated. So you two are good friends,” she said smiling at her.
“Yes,” Kagome said, a little uncertainly. At this moment, she wasn't really sure what they were, but since she was a private person, she didn't divulge any more. “And you're human,” Mai said gently. “So is my mother,” she said as her daughter suckled on her finger.
Kagome stared, having been caught unawares. “She is?” “Oh, Yes. I'm a half demon.” That was a surprise, she expected for a half demon to have Inuyasha's ears. “What happened to her,” she asked, thinking of InuYasha's mother.
“Oh, she's still with my father,” Mai said with a laugh, “and he still adores her.”
`Well that's a revelation,' Kagome thought. Mai continued as she absently kissed Mine's cheeks. “Many demons keep humans as their concubines. I'm afraid my father defied convention. But it is the way of most.” Kagome was silent as she digested this, as her heart skipped a beat in a momentary pang, for some reason, this hurt her so.
Mai continued blithely. “Some still treat the children as unnatural. Still, others accept them as the product of a viable union, as natural as anything else.” Then she smiled “I'm glad to see that Sesshomaru has someone. I had worried about him being in this castle alone.'
Mine began squirming a bit, and Mai lifted her up and cooed at her. “Now, Mommy has to run inside for a moment, so you be good.” She looked at Kagome appealingly.
“Would you hold her for a moment?” Kagome looked at the child hesitantly. “Okay,” she said as she accepted the baby. She was perfection, all softness and sweetness, her baby hair covering her head in a soft sweep.
They sat gazing at one another for a few moments, and then the baby yawned sleepily. She leaned into Kagome's chest, turned her head up slightly and poked her little lips out. Kagome admired her thoughtfully. “So sweet.”
At that moment, Sesshomaru and Ronin returned and began climbing up the patio. He and Kagome's eyes met for a long moment as he looked at her, then his eyes flickered to the baby and back again.
Her face grew flushed with heat and looked down at the baby as he and Ronin continued their discussion. Mai emerged a few moments later and laughed indulgently. "She puttered out didn't she," she said with a wide grin. Kagome smiled thoughtfully. “She sure did,” she said her eyes upon the baby's dark lashes smudging against her cheeks.
Sesshomaru lifted the girl from Kagome's lap as he studied her sleeping form with an amused half smile and then handed her to her mother. Mai took her and kissed her downy head.
“We must be going,” Ronin said as Mai reached his side. “It was good to see you Sess,” Mai said significantly, “and it was lovely meeting you, Kagome. I hope to see you again,” she said as Ronin gestured his agreement. She smiled. “Thank You.”
Sesshomaru looked to Ronin. “I will await your word.” He nodded. “Until then.” A lift in the air and the two were gone just as suddenly as they came.
Kagome stood next to him, staring up in the sky where they had departed, then cast a sideways glance toward Sesshomaru. He too remained looking at the sky, and then glanced at her for a moment before he sat down upon the porch, his eyes beckoning her to come to him.
She sat down upon his lap, her eyes upon the sliver of the sun disappearing upon the horizon as she leaned her head back slightly. “You've been quiet,” he said as he tilted his head toward her.
She turned her head slightly toward him. “Just taking it all in,”
“What was your impression,” he said quietly as a cool breeze swept through, rustling the plants. She said slowly. “A beautiful couple.” She paused for a moment. She's breathtaking. She's half demon?”
“They were surprised to see me,” she said softly. She couldn't explain her mood; everything seemed to happen far away.
His eyes flickered over her. “It matters not.” He stood smoothing his hand over her bangs. She looked into his eyes. “So have you. Been quiet, I mean.” She smiled slightly. “Well, more quiet than usual.”
“Its nothing,” he said.
“I see,” she said searchingly. She wouldn't tell him about her insecurities, her fears that they didn't accept her, that he simply amused himself with her, especially now that she knew there were other demonesses around.
Had he never gotten over his distaste for humans, was he just amusing himself with her because she was all that was familiar, all that reminded him of what once was?
“He is preoccupied by the situation in their lands. We do not see each other often. He came to assure himself of my assistance. There are political implications.”
She looked up slightly afraid. “You'll fight.”
“It won't come to that,” he said calmly as he stood, sliding her from his lap. “I shall return later.” She searched his face as he touched the top of her head, his eyes unfathomable. “Until then,” he said, turning.
She stayed sitting for quite some time, as her mind went over Mai's words, over and over again.
`Most demons keep humans as their concubines.” `Is that all I am? Is that all there is? Stop it. Stop doing this, you did the same thing with he and those girls, you let someone else define how you feel.' `I can't help it; I spent so much of my time with InuYasha so uncertain, so unsure. It hurt so much when he left me for her.'
`InuYasha.' He would be remote for hours afterward, sometimes days, and she spent so much of it plagued by fear and insecurities.
She remembered that night in the woods, when she walked in on InuYasha alone with Kikyo and his passionate declaration to her; it was a hurt that had not healed. She stood wearily and pushed her hair back from her forehead. `I can't think about this now.'
She suddenly felt tired, more tired than she had been in a long while. She grabbed bottled water as she passed the kitchen, and went up the stairs. Upon reaching the upstairs, she undressed and climbed into bed, dozing after blinking sleepily for a few minutes.
He reentered the bedroom. She lay on her side, her eyes nearly closed, with the room completely dark. He had known that she was not sleeping. He had sensed her preoccupation earlier, her burdened thoughts. `Perhaps Mai said something, or she simply is not comfortable around others.'
There had been a few moments such as when he saw her holding Mine that she seemed okay, but overall, she seemed troubled. Now, he was concerned with how she felt. Even now, her dreams were troubled, her body registering the faint signs of dream distress, and her thoughts were in turmoil.
She had awakened and realized he was there, yet did not turn around. She was taut with tension, and breathing in deeply.
Her eyes flicked open as he slid into the bed next to her and dropped a kiss to her nape. He reached up and began undoing her high bun very slowly, pulling the pins from her hair.
He pulled her atop of him and removed the last pin from her hair. It spread about her like a midnight curtain, enveloping her creamy shoulders. He caught a sadness in her eyes before her lips upturned slightly, relief marked her features.
`Nothing is different. He is still the same.' So much of her fear was that after being around other demons that he would have changed.
He gazed at her inquisitively for a moment before he slid her off of him and swung his body over hers, his face inches from hers. “Tell me,” he said searchingly, looking deep into her eyes, and referring to more than what happened earlier in the day, “tell me what plagues you.”
She looked at him, wanting to tell him, but she couldn't, not the thoughts that tormented her secret heart.
She lowered her eyes, feeling as if he could almost see through her and brought her lips to his chin.
`I wont let her words affect me,' she thought as he kissed her eyelids, then her lids. She wouldn't allow it to intrude on what they had, after being torn from InuYasha's arms the way she was, she felt that she had to take whatever moments she had.
“Its nothing, I promise,” she said as he moved to kiss her lips.