InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sleep Paralysis ❯ Angels of the Future ( Chapter 34 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/n: Bwahaha, you hate me for the last chapter, don't you?!

Lindajrjt: I had to have Kagome asleep. Otherwise, with their relationship and how it was, they would have both been too distracted by one another. It would have irritated poor Fluffy to no end. I tortured him enough as it is X3.

Zetsuii: Happy I could live up to your expectations. Feliz cumpleanos! :D. *claps twice*

LouLou4729: I really, really don't blame you for forgetting. It was over a year since my last update. Thanks for the encouragement! Congratulations on being review number 140!

Note: The song in this chapter would belong to NIN, Something I Can Never Have. It is my current obsession. Yay for a bitchin' cover, Flyleaf! Whoo! Oh, and btw, don't listen to the studio version. You must listen to it LIVE. So much better. *squeals with happiness*


And, I was going to wait a few days to post this, and wait for more reviews, but I'm too impatient and too excited with this chapter. It might be my favorite as far as fluff goes :3. *squees*

Warning: Sexy lemony goodness ahead.


Chapter XXXIV: Angels of the Future

"...what the fuck are you talking about?" the disbelief in his voice was apparent, as he leaned farther away from the table, eyes averted angrily from Sesshomaru... as if trying to hide within himself.

"Whether or not you remember Inuyasha, it's the truth. You came to me, after Naraku died, after Kagome died, after you made your wish... you pleaded with me to kill you."

Sesshomaru's voice was matter-of-fact. He still clearly remembered the shock... the disbelief he had when his otouto had approached him then, with desperate eyes...

He had given up that day.

And the Inuyasha that sat before him now made him reminisce of the Inuyasha of then. Stubborn, unwilling to listen. Lashing out in body language, rejecting everything he had said with his entire being.

"That doesn't make sense. I hated you."

Sesshomaru merely shrugged. He never knew his otouto's reasons then. He remembered those sorrowful eyes so clearly, reaching out with the Tetsusaiga.... that bright day, asking him to strike him down with their father's fang...

Sesshomaru had wondered then if it was a ploy, a trick to kill Sesshomaru himself. His brother and he had been on a wavering truce since they had destroyed the Sounga together and sealed it in the Netherworld.

But Inuyasha stood still, palm out with the Tetsusaiga grasped firmly in his claws... Rin glancing to her Lord in question... Jaken speechless, for once...

Sliding his eyes closed, Sesshomaru could still hear the rustling of clothes in the winds... the deep, sure breathing of his determined half-brother...

"Whether or not it makes sense, it is the truth, Inuyasha. You asked me to kill you."

Inuyasha suddenly glared up at him, sneering with an unwarranted deep set hatred that startled Sesshomaru.

"And you did it gladly, didn't you?"

Pushing his way from the table, he stole quickly from the room, leaving Sesshomaru standing there shocked.

What was this about?

All he registered was the obvious accusation that had been laced within his brother's voice, and that did not settle well with him.

"Inuyasha!" he demanded loudly, feeling very suddenly like their father. That tone, the same one he used when he was pissed...

Sesshomaru stormed from the kitchen, a blizzard that was ready to avalanche upon Inuyasha. He watched his otouto picked up Kagome's sleeping form and head for the front door. But Sesshomaru was quicker than him, blocking his path before he made it to his destination.

"I do not know what is going through that dense head of yours, Inuyasha, but you had better remember one very important detail. Regardless of past lives, this is here and now and I am different. And maybe it'd do you good to remember for the last ten years I have struggled and worked... my blood, my sweat, my fucking life obssessed with work to make sure you could survive, and not be taken away to an orphanage to live out your life, staring at other families when you did not have your own," he hissed angrily.

What was with these degenerate ingrates? How could they so easily ignored the time he was away, the hard work he put in so he could support those two?

He saw Inuyasha's jaw set, quite like Kagome's reaction, he noted absently. Though his amber eyes were hard, there was none of the previous hatred toward him apparent. Just unnerving confusion.

And Inuyasha still said nothing.

But Sesshomaru moved out of the way, allowing his brother to pull open the front door and storm outside when it was nearly midnight, and leave in such a hurry Sesshomaru had to wonder if he felt the hounds of hell were after him.

Watching his brother speed off in his car into the night, and Sesshomaru sighed.

He knew it was a lot.

He knew he needed to give them time.

Relenting, he closed the front door and headed towards his study. He may not have been able to sleep then, but he needed a distraction.

"Izayoi... Otou-san... keep Inuyasha safe."

He sent a quick prayer to them.

Everything was out of his hands now.


Inuyasha pressed his foot to the petal, speeding towards a destination he did not know where, running away from he did not know what, but the desperation rose in his chest so fiercely he felt he might scream. The pressure caused his blood to pound in his ears, causing them to ring and drown out all background noise.

Somehow, Kagome slept on peacefully, blissfully unaware of his plight.

He wanted it to stay that way.

...but he had to have her in his presence... he had to have her near him. He felt he might become too dangerous if she were not around.

...Inuyasha would never put Kagome in danger.

Not ever.

The radio buzzed lowly, and the street lights raced by, simply streaks of light as he rode on toward the highway. He needed to unleash himself, be free of any restraints.

His car may not have been built for speed, but he pushed her to the edge, the farthest he had ever pushed the old girl to go. And she was as faithful as ever, matching his need and putting out the speed his soul cried for.

His eyebrow twitched with the low thrum of the radio, and he glanced with temptation down at his CD case.

It laid on the floor between Kagome's legs-a place he definitely had no problem venturing.

Reaching down with one hand he felt around, never removing his eyes from the road as he grabbed up the desired object. Flipping through the CDs, much to his annoyance he did not find anything to suit his taste, except for a mix CD Kagome had made for him months prior.

He hadn't listened to it much, but he knew he liked it.

Popping it into his CD player, he heard the quiet hum of it spinning... and a deep guitar pitch greeted him, answering the call in his mind.

I still recall the taste of your tears...
Echoing your voice just like the ringing in my ears...
My favorite dreams of you still wash ashore,
scraping through my head til I don't wanna sleep anymore...

Wincing at the lyrics, Inuyasha tapped his fingers against the steering wheel in nervousness. Decidedly, he increased the volume a notch of two, to really hear the lyrics...

You make this all go away...
You make this all go away...
I'm down to just one thing,
and I'm starting to scare myself...

I'm starting to terrify myself...
Inuyasha's mind interjected, and he scowled against the unbidden thought.

You make this all go away...
You make this all go away...
I just want something...
I just want something I can never have.

A normal future with her...
his eyes trailed of their own accord to the face of the beautiful angel that slept next to him.

Too good for him...

...She didn't deserve this.

You always were the one to show me how...
Back then I couldn't do the things I can do now...

Staring heatedly at the radio, he wondered... did Kagome know what this song would mean to him?

This thing is slowly taking me apart...
Gray would be the color... if I had a heart.

I doubt it... she doesn't know what's happening to me...

You make it all go away...
I'm down to just one thing,
and I'm starting to scare myself.
You make it all go away...
I just want something...
I just want something I can never have.

Breathing deeply, Inuyasha tried to concentrate on the rode. Tried to concentrate on anything but the feelings that were welling inside of him.

In this place it seems like such a shame.
Though it all looks different now,
I know it's still the same...

Inuyasha felt his knuckles whitening against the grip he had on the steering wheel. He was squinting, blinking back the biting tears that were threatening him to fall. It was no use, was it? He knew so much more, but now... it wasn't... it wasn't any different, was it?

Everywhere I look you're all I see...

... The reason he did anything...

Just a fading fucking reminder of who I used to be...

Inuyasha couldn't take it anymore.

Come on and help me...

He shut the radio off.

He had made up his mind...

Taking the nearest exit, he headed for the outskirts of the city.


Kagome slowly opened her eyes, a jaw cracking yawn ready to unhinge her jaw from her skull as she stretched. To her surprise, her hands hit a roof of some sort, and she looked around her.

She wasn't in the house anymore.

She was in Inuyasha's car, the deep woody scent of it belying that fact. She stared out her window... they were parked on a overhang, a cliff. There was a railing, and a slope... and off in the horizon there were the blinking lights of the city. They twinkled like false stars, lighting up the night sky much brighter than what was natural, but it still stole her breath away.

It was past midnight, Kagome guessed, but the city didn't sleep.

Looking through the windshield, there sat the boy who had stolen her heart and her breath away. He was illuminated against the backdrop, the soft wind dancing easily with his inky locks... and Kagome rubbed her eyes as an image of silver white hair and perked ears invaded her mind.

He had his back to her, a knee drawn to his chest... obviously deep in thought, clouds of breath forming against the cold night air. Spring was there, but the nights still contained the chill of winter.

It barely ever snowed where they lived, but it got damn cold.

Catching the crank in the door, and rolling down the glass, Kagome leaned out the window and pushed back her hair as the wind invited her to play as well.


Molten gold eyes that glowed in the night softly turned to her, piercing her with something she could not recognize. The look stole her breath away, and she could not tear her gaze away from him as he hopped from the hood of his car and made his way to her. His movements were slow, drawling on as time seemed to slow...

He had captured her as his prisoner and she did not want to be free of it.

"Kagome..." the word had barely been breathed from his lips before he bent down to devour her, pushing her back through the window and following her through it.

Kagome felt her heart leap from her chest into her throat as Inuyasha lowered the seat back, covering her body with his.

Her eyes slid close then, finally submitting to him as he consumed her, pushing his tongue softly past her lips and causing her to sigh softly.

She felt as he slid a hand gingerly up her shirt, pushing it past her breasts and exposing them to the cool air. They stood at attention, puckering suddenly at the change in temperature. Shivering at this, her sensitivity peaking, she couldn't hold back the moan that was driven from her throat and spilled into Inuyasha when his fingers brushed past her nipples.

The touch was feather light as he circled her tips, and then a full palm closed over her breast and squeezed her tenderly. Arching her back into his hand, her body burned at the contact, a fire igniting inside of her that numbed her to the cold night.

Inuyasha groaned at her reaction, wrapping his other arm around her back and changing the kiss from consuming to needing. Whimpering against his lips when he pulled away, Kagome lifted his shirt up and off of him. He returned the attention, flinging the thing into his back seat carelessly as he then attatched his lips to her neck. He suckled her pulse, drawing his hand across her chest and down the plane inbetween her breasts. She quivered in anticipation, sweat beading to his touch.

Simultaneously their breaths became ragged, a sudden desperation growing between them. Inuyasha needed something, was asking her for something... and she needed to give it to him, to fulfill him and reassure him. She wrapped her hands around him, as high as she could and rubbed his back inbetween his shoulder blades. She kissed his shoulder as his own kisses trailed down her neck to her collarbone. He nibbled her there, and she sighed in longing.

The burning twisted and turned to a throbbing at her core, and she lifted her hips into him in askance.

She felt him shivering against her, his lips trembling against her as his hand slipped down her taunt abdomen... splaying there and he hid his face against her throat, nipping her occasionally.

At his perceived shyness, so sudden and so awkward, she drew one hand down and placed it over his own. It was all the permission he seemed to need, for together they moved down further and he unbuttoned her pants. Together, they slowly slid them off of her, and she was fully exposed to him.

Reaching for him now, she hooked her hands in his waistline, waiting patiently as he unbuttoned his own and she slid them off him.

He leaned back for a moment, and looked down at her. Again, his eyes locked with her own, the lava of his irises flowing in a river of emotion Kagome could not define. She just smiled lovingly at him and pressed her forehead to his. He closed the distance between them and captured her lips again, placing her legs around his waist.

Searching fingers found her slit, gently rubbing it, stimulating her. She let out a throaty gasp, bucking into his touch. He relented, pressing his thumb against her bundle of nerves at the top as two fingers slid inside her and began to slowly pump her. She whined gently, closing her eyes tightly.

It felt wonderful.

He touched her with all the love, all the kindness for so long was never present...

He touched her in ways that didn't make her feel dirty, or unwanted.

Her touched her in ways that made her feel human again.

Something inside her wound tighter, became more desperate.

She needed more than this...

Her own delicate hand reached out and touched his shaft, which twitched at her minstrations. Inuyasha barely supressed his groan as she wrapped her hand around him. Her other hand took hold of his... the one that gave her pleasure, pulling it away from her... and she held it lovingly as she led his shaft to the entrance of her core.

He whimpered, the warmth inviting him in.

It was all the encouragement he needed, as he lined up and sheathed himself inside of her.

It was pure bliss. She was a glove that fit him perfectly, a gorgeous angel who accepted an ugly demon like him. He was unworthy of her love, but could not deny it. Not when it radiated so brilliantly from her, so accepting and so sweet...

He was blinded by it.

Tilting his head down and laying his forehead against her shoulder, his breaths were shallow as sweat dripped from his face onto her precious skin. He rocked his hips into her deeply, not missing the soft whine that issued from her in need.

She was his everything and more.

He could never let her go.

Withdrawing slowly, he slid back inside of her quickly. Her gasp shot past his ear, the breath tickling his skin. He repeated, causing her to keen.

Kissing the flesh before him, he wrapped his arms tightly around her back, one cupping her ass and lifting her hips into him as he began a steady rhythm inside of her. He was touching the one place that could drive her over the edge, so deep and so filling he thought he might touch her soul there.

"Inu...," she whimpered his name, her hands sliding up to tangle in his hair as she kissed his temple fervently.

His breathing became haggard, her constricting driving him closer to that place that seemed so far away before... that placed where they would join and become one.

Her oils heated, causing a deep shudder to run through him... she was so warm... she made him feel alive...

"Kags...," he ground out to her, barely supressed emotion rising through that single word...

He felt her nails digging into his skull... she pulled at his hair slightly, and she let out a silent scream as he hit her in just the right way. Her walls clenched him tightly, and he growled lowly as he met her there...

In heaven.

In bliss.

In perfect love.

He emptied himself into her, pulling her flush against him as he devoured her in a soul-searing kiss that drew her breath from her very living being.

Trembling against one another, it seemed like an eternity... the long expanse that took them to come down from the heady experience, their kiss slowly loosing the fire... slowly, quietly becoming simply a gentle caress of adoration.

Kagome blinked back tears, looking up at the man that had possessed her as he cupped her face and leaned away.

She wasn't sure why they were there, her tears...

But she knew, she saw...

He had them too.

"Kags..." his voice was breathy, airy... nothing like Inuyasha.

All she could do was nod... she hadn't found her own voice yet.

"You know I love you, right?"

She nodded again... of course she did...

"You know I'm in love with you... right?"

Her breath was caught in her throat... tears became overpowering, threatening to spill over... as with a shaky smile, she nodded... her chest constricted wonderfully...

"...we'll always be together, right...?"

Of course...

"...of course, baka..."

Inuyasha seemed to release a breath he had been holding. He placed a hard kiss on her quickly and released it, before leaning away and gazing at her with unconfident, unsure, but determined eyes.

Eyes she hadn't seen before.

He looked so exposed.

And she was going to ask what was wrong... but he beat her to it... with another question.

A question she never would have imagined him asking.

A question she had never considered before.

...something that seemed like a faraway, childish dream before she had met him...

A fairytale she didn't deserve.

"Kagome... marry me."

And a fairytale that left her speechless as she could only stare at him in shock.

A/n: All right, so I update quickly, and leave you with another horrible cliffy.

You weren't expecting that, were you >>...<<... :3?

*clears throat*BWAHAHA!

Your terrible author,
