InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Small Town Dreams ❯ Pictures ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Inuyasha's hair blew in the wind, all of his car windows were rolled down and he was enjoying the spring breeze. He was driving to school by himself because Kagome was sick in bed. “Kagome are you sure you cant go to school?”
“Yeah I'm sure, I'm sorry.” Kagome had said and coughed.
“Its ok! Just get better.” Inuyasha kissed Kagome's forehead and smiled at her before leaving her room.
Inuyasha smiled as he thought about Kagome, Inuyasha stopped at a red light.
“Inuyasha!” Kikyo yelled.
Inuyasha cursed himself and look in Kikyo's direction. “Hi,” Inuyasha said simply. Inuyasha looked at the light it was still red, damn! Kikyo walked to the car.
“Long time no talk! I missed you.” Kikyo leaned in to kiss him but he put his hand up to her face.
“Kikyo I'm with Kagome, what are you trying to do?” Inuyasha asked and kept his eyes on the light. Kikyo is a temptation; I have to keep my cool!
“Inuyasha, I already told you, you would be much better with me.” Kikyo said.
Inuyasha was about to say something but the light turned green, “I go to go, move please,” Inuyasha said.
“There's no cars behind you and you have plenty of time to get to school!” Kikyo said and smiled at him.
“I can't stay,” Inuyasha said and kept looking at the light.
“Come on Inuyasha what happened to that gentleman I love? The polite thing to do would ask if I need a ride.” Kikyo giggled and played with her hair in her fingers.
“I don't trust you.” Inuyasha said and the light turned yellow then red, Damn! Not again!
“Are you scared?” Kikyo asked.
“No! Fine… Kikyo do you need a ride?” Inuyasha asked angrily and Kikyo nodded and Inuyasha unlocked the door.
Kagome laid in bed, “I'm so bored!” Kagome said to herself. Kagome looked at the clock, I wonder if Inuyasha is at school yet? I hope Koga is ok, ever since Inuyasha and I made-up he's been distant. Koga and I were best friends when we were little. He's changed a lot since then. After his parents split he went to live with is dad in Tokyo. Soon his dad got remarried and Koga hated his step-mom so he instead that he live with is mom. After a year his mom got a job in America so he moved there. Koga had dreams of taking pictures for a living.
A 6 year old Koga and Kagome were climbing rocks in the park,
“You'll see Kagome! I'm going to travel to the North Pole and take pictures from the highest mountain!” Koga said and climbed on top of the biggest rock.
“Can I go too?” Kagome asked as she crawled up there with him.
“Sure! And you don't have to worry `cause I'll be there to protect you!” Koga laughed and smiled wide.
“Yay!” Kagome giggled.
The other kids used to make fun of Koga because he hung out with me…
“Ha! Look it's the girl lover!” a young Naraku teased and laughed to his friends.
“Shut up!” Koga yelled at them. Kagome watched as Koga got right in his face.
“Shut don't go up! A real man doesn't play with girls! They throw stuff at them!” Naraku said and threw and pebble at Kagome. Soon all his friends were throwing rocks and Kagome started to cry.
“Stop it!” Kagome yelled.
Koga got in front of Kagome, “You better leave her alone!” Koga said and pushed Naraku and he fell down.
Naraku began to cry.
Koga was like my big brother but then he moved.
Kagome sighed and slouched in her bed. Kagome's grandfather came in, “How are you don't Kagome?” he asked.
“I'm doing good just thinking about when me and Koga were kids,” Kagome smiled.
“You two were attached to the hip, I think we have a whole photo album of just you two!” He said.
“Really?” Kagome asked,
After an awkward rice of silence Inuyasha arrived at the school. During the ride Inuyasha wanted to look at Kikyo but didn't. Inuyasha had to admit Kikyo was very pretty but Kagome was his girlfriends and he had to be faithful. Kikyo looked back and Inuyasha and gave him a smile before getting out of the car and running to her friends.
“Kagura how fast can you spread a rumor?” Kikyo asked and smiled evilly.
Inuyasha slowly got out of his car and Miroku came up to him, “What's up with Kikyo and you?”
“She needed a ride,” Inuyasha said.
“You are going to get in so much trouble!” Miroku said and shook his head. Inuyasha sighed heavily and followed Miroku into the school. Sango was back early from the hospital; her uncle had gotten much better and went home.
“Inuyasha I saw you drove Kikyo to school,” Sango said.
“Kagome's sick,” Inuyasha said.
“Really I thought you dumped on the street so you can drive Kikyo?” Sango said sarcastically and scoffed at him.
Miroku shook his head and put his arm around Sango. They headed to their lockers and then to class.
Kagome was sitting in her bed looking at old pictures of Koga and her. Kagome slowly flipped through the memories. Every picture had its own special memory and flash back. Kagome stopped at a picture of her crying at her father's funeral. The next picture was still at the funeral but Koga was kissing her on the cheek and she had a big smile on her face. Kagome smiled at the picture, Koga was my best guy friend back then, but now Inuyasha took that slot. Kagome smiled at the thought of his name and kept looking through the album. Kagome heard her door open, Koga stood in her door way.
“Hey Kagome, I came home for lunch, I thought you would be lonely.” Koga said and smiled.
“Thanks that's sweet,” Kagome blushed and took the soup.
Koga saw the albums “What are you looking at?” he asked.
“Just some old pictures of us,” Kagome said and Koga sat down next to her. He looked at the picture of their first day of first preschool. Koga remembered that he didn't let go of Kagome's hand all day for fear of her getting hurt. Kagome was pretty clumsy back then and cried a lot.
Koga came to a picture of Koga putting a bandage on Kagome's knee, “You were always getting hurt.” Koga laughed.
“Yeah I guess,” Kagome giggled, “But you were always there to protect me.” Kagome said.
“Yeah but I wish I was here to save you from that jerk Inuyasha,” Koga said and flipped the page.
“Inuyasha is a very sweet guy! He… just like every man has his temptations.” Kagome said and looked at the album again.
Koga looking at a picture of Koga's moving day Kagome and Koga were embraced in a hug in front of his house (The house Inuyasha now lived in). Koga half smiled and looked at Kagome who was looking at it deep in thought.
“Kagome, did you miss me?” Koga asked.
“Yeah I did, at least for a while I did. But I got over it and moved on,” Kagome sighed.
“I missed you a lot, my dad said that I talked about you all the time!” Koga chuckled and flipped the page but there were no more pictures.
“Well the important thing is that your back,” Kagome said and hugged Koga.
“Yeah, but I wish I never left.” Koga said and Kagome smiled at him. Koga leaned in and kissed Kagome deeply on the lips.
“Kagome are you feeling better?” Inuyasha walked in and saw Koga and Kagome kissing. Kagome admittedly broke the kiss and went to Inuyasha.
“Inuyasha… It's not…” Kagome tried to grab his arm but he pulled away.
Inuyasha gave her packaged soup, “I came over to bring you lunch and see if you were lonely… but I guess not,” Inuyasha said and looked over at Koga who had stood up.
“Inuyasha, I didn't mean to… Koga and I were just looking through photos, and it happened,” Kagome couldn't explain.
“Inuyasha,” Koga said and Inuyasha gave him a deadly glare but Koga ignored it, “It was my fault, Kagome was a victim,” Koga explained.
“I don't want to here anything from you!” Inuyasha snarled at him and Koga backed off.
“Inuyasha, Please, I…” Kagome started to cough horribly and got weak in the knees and fell. Inuyasha caught her and put her in bed. Koga left and closed the door behind him.
“Kagome, rest,” Inuyasha said and didn't look at her.
“Inuyasha listen to me,” Kagome grabbed his hand and he look at her, “I have a past with Koga, But you're my future, I do admit do like Koga, but in a completely different way then us! I don't want us to change,” Kagome said and Inuyasha half smiled.
Inuyasha moved his hand and got up, “Kagome, I don't understand? You have feelings for Koga?” Inuyasha asked and put his hands in his pockets.
“Koga is like… my big brother, I don't like Koga like that but you have to understand, Koga sees me different. He knows me and my past, Koga and I have been through so much! But the way I feel with him, is no way near the way I feel with you!” Kagome said.
Inuyasha sat back on her bed, “So did you feel anything in that kiss?” Inuyasha asked.
“Like kissing a log, a good kissing log,” Kagome giggled and Inuyasha smiled, he's not in the laughing mood.
Inuyasha kissed her forehead and watched her eat her soup. Inuyasha thought about Koga, so Koga likes Kagome, but she doesn't like him back. They kissed, Ha! He's going to wake up with a cold tomorrow! Inuyasha laughed to himself.
A/M: I'm a sad person! Over 70 people read my last chapter! AND NOBODY REVIEWED!!! You guys are lucky that I'm even putting up the chapter! But its ok, I'm not one to get too mad about things like this. REVIEW PLZ!!! I MEAN IT!!!! Lol!!!