InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Small Town Dreams ❯ My Dress ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome and Inuyasha went to school with the biggest headache of their lives. Sango and Miroku got into a big fight at the dinner last night. While they were eating Miroku got a call:
“Hello? Miroku here!”… “Oh hey, whats up?”… “No babe”, (Miroku said everything very quietly) “I'm having dinner with some friends,”… “No, just friends,”… “Yeah next time I promise,”… “Ok bye babe”
Miroku thought he was being quiet, he even got up from the table but Sango followed him without him noticing and heard the whole thing. When he went back into the room Sango tackled him and beat him up. Miroku kept yelling, “Sango! Don't be mad! Let me explain!” but Sango didn't hear him and kept hitting and started crying. Miroku ran outside and Sango chased him down the street and back again. Sango broke down crying on the front lawn and Kagome ran to comfort her. Inuyasha was just as mad and hit Miroku incessantly. At the end Inuyasha drove Sango home and Miroku walked home a cheater. This whole time Ayame was crying and Koga was comforting her.
Now Kagome leaned her head up against her locker half asleep. Sango had called her after the fact crying and Kagome listened all night. Inuyasha had had the same problem with Miroku but he didn't cry he explained and there was long explanation. Inuyasha was sitting on the floor next to Kagome. Kagome saw Sango coming down the hall, Inuyasha saw Miroku coming down the opposite hall. They met in the middle, Miroku opened his mouth but Sango turned to her locker ignoring him. Miroku smiled to himself and turned to his locker.
Sango slammed her locker, “Kagome? Can you walk me to my class?” Kagome looked back at Inuyasha then nodded and followed Sango.
“Inuyasha?” Miroku said.
“Don't try to be all buddy with me!” Inuyasha said loudly.
“Come on Inuyasha, I told you on the phone…”
Inuyasha interrupted him, “I was half asleep but I could still tell that it was a load of crap!” Inuyasha said.
“Don't you think that Sango should hear me out?” Miroku said and closed his locker.
“No I don't! I think she's to good for a jackass like you!” Inuyasha said as he took out his books.
“Your suppose to be my best friend! Your suppose to be on my side!” Miroku said getting frustrated.
“But I'm Sango's friend too, and if you had any emotions you would see she's hurting more then you.” Inuyasha said and closed his locker and started walking to class.
Miroku followed, “I know she's hurt, that's why I want to explain! If she knew what was really going on she wouldn't be hurt anymore!”
“Ok you have second chance to prove to me that you should ever talk to Sango,” Inuyasha said.
“Ok, that girl who called me during dinner, she was one of the girls I dated before named Yura, she's Kikyo's friend” Inuyasha rolled his eyes but Miroku kept talking, “I told her to give me a call anytime after we broke up. While Sango was away I hung out with her and now she thinks I'm with her. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I'm with Sango, but Sango talked to me when she came back. I found out I really like Sango so I was going to tell Yura that I wasn't her boyfriend last night, but then Kagome invited me to that dinner and I forgot. So she still called me and I had to tell her I'd talk to her later.” Inuyasha and Miroku went into their class.
“Ok, so what are you going to do now?” Inuyasha asked. He spotted Kagome and Sango; Sango was sitting in his seat. This meant Inuyasha would have to sit in her seat next to Miroku.
“I really like Sango so I guess I have to break up with Yura.” Miroku said and sighed. Just at that moment Kikyo came in with Yura and Kagura trailing after her.
“Now's your chance… Hey what does Yura think your doing with Sango?” Inuyasha asked.
“She thinks Sango's my cousin, you can make Yura believe anything,” Miroku gave himself a satisfied smile. Yura blew a kiss at Miroku, and he waved. He turned to Inuyasha, “Here I go,” He whispered and got up and walked towards Yura.
Yura fixed her hair when she saw him coming, “Hey Miroku!” Yura said.
“Hey Yura, we need to talk…”
Inuyasha watched from afar and saw that Yura was distressed and slapped Miroku. Miroku came back to Inuyasha with his left cheek throbbing. “I guess she didn't take it well,” Inuyasha said trying to hold back a laugh.
“What do you think?” Miroku said calmly. Kagome came over and touched Miroku's cheek.
“I saw what happened, Sango said to come over here to see if you were ok,” Kagome said.
“Yeah, I'm going to go talk to her right now.” Miroku started walking toward Sango. Kagome tried to stop him but Inuyasha grabbed her arm.
“Get away, or do you want your whole face hurt?” Sango said with a deadly glare. Miroku shook off her look and sat next to her, “Are you hard of hearing?” Sango said.
“Sango let me explain!” Miroku said calmly but with an eager tone in his voice.
“You have two minutes.” Sango said and took a deep breath.
Miroku explained, and Ayame couldn't stay away from Koga too long and was sitting with him and the others watching Sango and Miroku. Kagome had her hands clasped together with a worried look in her eyes. After hearing what Miroku had to say Sango closed her eyes and took another big breath and smiled at him. Kagome let out a breath she was holding and smiled too. Sango and Miroku hugged and Miroku for the first time didn't grab her butt.
“I'm so happy for them!” Ayame said happily.
Kagome looked back at Yura who had her arms crossed in anger and watched Miroku and Sango make up. They came to the group hand in hand.
“Inuyasha, your in my seat,” Sango said.
Everybody laughed and everyone went to there correct seat just in time fore class to start.
A couple weeks later Kagome, Sango, and Ayame went shopping for prom dresses. It was Ayame and Kagome's first dance with a date and they were really excided. Sango on the other hand, has had more boyfriends then even she can remember but was still equally excided. In some other part of the town Inuyasha, Miroku, and Koga were searching for tuxedos.
Kagome tried on a light blue dress with a big ribbon on the back and slimed down on her legs. Kagome came out of the dressing room and looked in the mirror. “Oh my gosh, I look like a mermaid!” Kagome said and frowned at her reflection.
Sango came out with a pink dress that had puffy sleeves and a big ruffles on the skirt. “I look like a cake!” Sango said and pretended to throw up.
Ayame came out with a green dress that hardly covered anything, “I don't know what I look like but it reminds me of Kikyo!” Ayame said and everybody started laughing.
This cycle continued for a while, Kagome came out of the dressing room with her eyes closed. “Ok this is the last one!” Kagome opened her eyes; she had on a fancy green summer dress with a matching flower in her hair. “I love it!” Kagome yelled and spun around in front of the mirror.
“I look perfect as always!” Kagome heard and saw Kikyo looking into a mirror in the same dress she had on. Kikyo twirled and saw Kagome in “Her” dress. “Get out of my dress!” Kikyo yelled.
Kagome stood there shocked, “No!” Kagome said and crossed her arms.
“Get out of my dress!” Kikyo repeated.
“Make me!” Kagome said loudly. Sango and Ayame came to see what was going on and ladies were sticking their heads out of the dressing rooms.
“I saw it first!” Kikyo said.
“Bite me!” Kagome yelled. She was using all her anger; this just wasn't about the dress. Kikyo had given Kagome too much heartache and Kagome was going to go all out on her.
Kikyo looked shocked at her, “You better watch you mouth and show me some respect!”
“Respect? You're telling me to be respectful… to you?!” Kagome yelled.
“Kagome calm down,” Sango whispered to her.
“No I wont!” Kagome yelled at her.
Inuyasha came into the store and heard Kagome yelling. Inuyasha ran into the dressing room ignoring the sales clerks yelling. Miroku and Koga followed.
A/M: Hey sorry for the late update and the short chapter! I'm so out of it lately! Review PLZ!