InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sweet Dreams ❯ Transformation ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: ok I know I've said it before but the damn lawyers are getting on my freakin nerves. I sadly do not own Inu or any other group members. But I do own my mystery character.
Me: are u happy now lawyers?
(Lawyers nod)
Me: well that's just too bad. (Burns the lawyers to ashes) oh shit *runs away screaming then stops and runs back* oh and I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY sorry for the long update! With all the junk and the new therapist. BUT! I can make it up to you. This is gonna be a long chapter!!! Wait…is that good? W/e ENJOY!
<tokuto's thoughts>
~)()(~~~)()(~~~)()(~~~)()(~~~)()(~~~)()(~~~)()(~~~)()(~~~)()(~~~) ()(~~~)()(~~~)()(~
“Wow Kagome this is really great!” Shippo smiled, a piece of egg falling from his mouth to the floor. Kagome winced but smiled back trying to hold back her stomach. Inuyasha snickered behind his food.
“Yes Lady Kagome this is delicious.” Miroku said scooting over an inch from Shippo as another piece of pre-digested food fell from his mouth again. Again Inuyasha had to hold in a snicker from behind his food. They really needed to teach that kid some manners.
“Thanks you guys.” Kagome replied smiling trying to excuse Shippo's…eating problem.
“Ok lets get going. Lets try to find at least one shard today.” Inuyasha ordered standing up and walking over to the door. Kagome put her food down and rushed over to him in a blink of an eye. Stunned by her sudden movement, he took a step back. Averting her eyes, she rocked on the balls of her feet.
“Um…Inuyasha? I was wondering…” Taking a quick glance at him from under her bangs to see if he was listening, she continued. “I was wondering…. If we could stay here for just one more night?” Kagome held her breath, waiting for the explosion. And it came. Just as loud and annoying as any other.
“WHAT!!!! NO FUCKIN WAY!!! We've stayed here long enough!” Inuyasha screamed angrily. There was no way they were staying in this godforsaken village one more night!
“Please Inuyasha? I just know something is going to happen tonight. Please? I promise I won't go home for two weeks. Please, please, please, please, PLEASE!” she begged bringing out the ultimate weapon: the puppy dog pout. `He has to give in. the pout must work. Not even Souta could withstand its power.' Kagome thought. `Oh damn it all! It's the pout! No one can ever withstand that. That bitch! Wait she said something was going to happen tonight. What does she know?' he thought staring at her before sighing.
“Fine we'll stay the night. But we're leaving at sunrise.” Inuyasha said lifting the door to head out. He almost made it but Shippo just had to ask.
“Inuyasha where ya goin?” he squeaked from over his food. Inuyasha gritted his teeth and slowly turned around. Locking his death glare on Shippo, making the little kit jump.
“I'm going to the next village. Unlike you, I go for every chance I get to get the jewel shards. Some people want to finish it.” He snapped at them and with one giant leap, he was off. Back at Keade's hut the group sighed shaking their heads.
~)()(~~~)()(~~~)()(~~~)()(~ Later that night ~)()(~~~)()(~~~)()(~~~)()(~
“No that's not it…that either…shit…more shit…WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!!!” Inuyasha screamed holding up a red lace <did I mention see through> bra from Kagome's bag. She blushed and snatched the undergarment away from him.
“Inuyasha no toughing my stuff you pervert!” she yelled at him. Confusing him even more, though he didn't dare show it. Sure he knew what it was, but just never one so…sexy. He so needed to see this on her.
“Well if you didn't have so much shit in your bag I wouldn't have touched it!” he accused pissed.
“Oh so now you're saying it's my fault! If I'm correct, YOU'RE the one who wants me to come here and find jewel shards. So of course I have to bring all this crap with me.”
~)()(~~~)()(~~~)()(~ With the others ~)()(~~~)()(~~~)()(~
“Ugh, here we go again” Sango sighed annoyed. Why couldn't these two ever act their own age?
“I know. Why don't they just admit their true feelings? We know they both like each other.” Miroku mumbled, staring at them in his usual meditation stance. The two glared at him, hearing the conversation between them.
“SHUT UP!” Inuyasha and Kagome screamed.
“Why were you in my bag anyway?” She asked calming down after counting to ten…twenty billion times.
“I was looking for ramen but I found that instead. And you started yelling at me.” He glared pointing at the seemingly `innocent' red bra.
“Inuyasha…do you ever use your eyes? Much less your brain? I already got it out.” She pointed to the fire pit where some water was boiling and 5 ramen lay helplessly. That night the group ate in silence, cept for Inuyasha's loud slurping. After everyone had finished they unrolled their sleeping mats and went to sleep. But unknown to the others 2 stayed awake.
`I wonder if I should leave? I mean it was only a dream right? But it felt so real. But that's impossible. I was here. But that dog…he felt… familiar. I should go… no it might be a trick. Wait it was a dream! No trick only a dream. But I'll go anyway, just to prove to myself. Damn inner voices!' Slowly pulling off the covers, she shot a look to InuYasha. Seeing he didn't move she continued. Barley making a sound she tiptoed out of the hut. Braking into a run, she headed towards the god tree.
Upon reaching the tree she mentally slapped herself. “See I knew it! It was all a dream. A very creepy, very real dream. Well better head back before dog boy comes to find me.” She nodded to herself and started to turn around, only to be stopped by a voice.
“I'm glad u came. I was afraid you weren't going to show.” A mysterious voice said out of nowhere. This sent Kagome flying about 10 feet in the air. InuYasha froze completely. {{An: Yes he was following her! This is Inu we're talking about! What you think I'd forget about him? Never! I neber eber let him outta my sight! *shows Inu bound and gagged to a wooden chair* Inu: lemme go you psychopathic maniac! Me: NEVA! Now bak to the story. Oh and to the people out there, little Inu's in a tree!}}
“Who are you and why are you trying to talk to me?” Kagome yelled out, not knowing where the voice was specifically coming from. A loud sigh was heard for behind the God Tree.
“Why is it that all the women in your family ask so many questions? Well I guess that's to be expected. Joanna must not have told you about me yet.” A figure said coming out from behind the Goshinkiboku. Kagome gasped. It was the dog from her dream! Except now he had very deep cuts all along his canine body. One particular gash ran from his shoulder blade all the way down to his hind leg. Dried blood covered his once midnight blue coat.
“Who are you and why did you want me here?” Kagome asked again looking the dog over. The gash on his back was the only thing worth worrying about. Since he was a demon, his wounds were already healing.
“The reason I wanted you here is so I could lift the spell from you.” He replied. Kagome had to admit it was kinda weird seeing a dog talk. But that didn't stop her for hearing what he had to say.
“Spell? What spell? There is no spell on me! Besides even if there was I'd be able to since it.” She said in a matter of fact tone, all the while getting a little scared.
“No need to be alarmed. I do not wish to hurt you. I would never hurt my daughter. But yes you do have a spell on you. That's the reason you look human. And you cant since it `cuz your mother and I kept it from letting people know it was there.” The dog stated calmly. Kagome stared at him with her mouth hanging over. But that emotion quickly turned into anger as he mentioned her father.
“You lie! My father is dead and has been for a long time! I saw him die right before my eyes. And what do you mean `look human'? I am human! I think I'd know if I weren't! Who the hell do you think you are!” Her emotions flaring. She knew that, that man that had died wasn't her real father. It was Sota's. Yes she knew they were half siblings. She wasn't as stupid as she let on. But she couldn't help but feel attached to this dog. Like a comforting feeling. But she had to test the guy.
“Kagome you and I both know that he was not your birth father. So don't try telling me he is.” The dog said getting a little pissed that she was calling some other man her father.
“ok `dad' tell me something only my father would know.” She demanded. The dog let out a mix of a growl, whine, and snort but did so.
“ Your nails grow longer and faster than a humans are supposed to. Your eyes turn bright blue on the full moon and the new moon. And you have a birthmark shaped like a paw print on your right hip, though you try to hide it.” He said without missing a beat. Kagome gawked at him. Nobody except her mother and brother knew about that mark. Kagome nodded and took a cautious step towards him.
“If you are my real father then why take this spell off now? Why not earlier?” she asked. The dog sat down on it butt and looked at her.
“We had originally put it on you so that it would come off on your seventeenth birthday. But seeing as your sixteenth one two days away, and that your quest for the jewel is getting harder, I thought I should take it off now.” He said. Kagome nodded understanding what he ment. But a battle was going on inside her head. Her heart and soul trusted him but her mind wants her to runaway thinking it was a trap. Though it was a hard decision, her heart and soul won.
“O-k I believe you. But I want you to show me your human form. I shouldn't because of what happened in the past, but I believe you.” The dog smiled a doggy smile and nodded. Suddenly a bright light flashed, surrounding the whole area. So bright Kagome and InuYasha had to cover their eyes. {{ ITS INU! Muhahhahaha!}} When the light died down, a man, looking like he was in his young forties, sat where the dog once was. The man had midnight blue hair with matching armor. A black kanta stood by his side as his gold eyes stared at her, like they were piercing her very soul. His pointed ears and the long tail signaled he was full dog demon. But the weird marking on his forehead signaled something she didn't know.
“Now lets change you back Kaggy, we don't have much time until sunrise.” He said standing up. Kagome stared at him in confusion.
“Much time? What do you mean? Are you like a ghost or something? Or like part vampire? Does that make me one too? Why does it have to be done before sunrise? Ow too many questions!” kagome whined holding her head. The man laughed.
“You're a strange girl, just like you mother.” Kagome nodded at him and smiled.
“O-k I know you're my father. But you're a demon so that'll make me… “A half demon? Correct.” He finished for her. Kagome stared at him with wide eyes thinking over what he just said. She was a half demon? ……..
~)()(~~~)()(~~~)()(~~~)()( Inu's Pov! )()(~~~)()(~~~)()(~~~)()(~
`Kagome's a half demon! I knew the sent of her fear in battle was fake. Hm that answers why she's hardly affected by demons. I wonder if I'll have a slight chance with her. Now that she's like me, maybe just maybe, < Is that all you think about boy? Geeze>' I almost screamed when I heard another voice in my head. `Who the fuck are you! <*sigh* I'm Kagome's father.> Looking down I saw the older demon staring up at me. `You know I'm here! You're talking to me!!! <Yes and as soon as we're alone you and I are going to have a long talk.> `aw man!!!!!!!!' I sighed. I was not looking forward to that little chat.
~)()(~~~)()(~~~)()(~~~)()( Kag's Pov )()(~~~)()(~~~)()(~~~)()(~
“Ok so uh…what's your name again?” I asked feeling really stupid. My father smiled/ smirked at me.
“My name is Tokuto, but you can call me dad.” He stated. I nodded putting all my weight on my right foot as I crossed her arms.
“Ok dad, so why aren't you with mom?” After I said this, I instantly regretted it. The pain on his face was indescribable. Taking a deep breath he answered her my question in a pained voice.
“A week after you we're born, a war started between the northern and southern lands. And being the lord of the north I had to go. But when the war ended, and I tried to go back, the well sealed its self. So I waited and tried the well as much as I could. But when you came through I hid myself. Though I hardly ever left you. But when I did it was of real importance, and every time I left something bad happened every time.” He finished looking up at me. I was confused.
“Wait. Rewind and stop. You have been here the whole time I was here? Then why didn't you show yourself? So why show up now?” I asked him. Why complicate things now? He could have in the beginning when I was confused about every thing.
“I couldn't show myself until the right time. Believe me, I would if I could. But now… never mind lets get that spell off of you.” He stated in a monotone voice. I nodded again.
“Ok I believe you. What do you need me to do?” I asked.
“Stand in the middle right…there!” he said moving me to the middle of a circle that seemed to appear out of nowhere and was glowing. “This might hurt a little bit so do you have any thing that might keep your mind off the pain?” he asked me. I made a little grunt noise as a yes and stood up straight like he showed me.
“Ok brace yourself.” As soon as he said those words a sharp pain jolted up my spine. The pain only worsened but I soon got my mind off of it as I began to sing.
Tired of being what you wanted me to be
Feeling so faithless
Lost under the surface
Don't know what you're expecting of me
But under the pressure
Of walking in your shoes
<Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow>
And every step that I take
Is another mistake to you?
<Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow>
Oh I've become so numb
I can't feel you there
I've become so tired
So much more aware
I'm becoming this
All I want to do
Is be more like me
And be less like you

~)()(~~~)()(~~~)()(~~~)()( Normal Pov )()(~~~)()(~~~)()(~~~)()(~
Kagome felt a pain in her mouth as she grew fangs. Her fingers ached as her nail grew. Wincing at the pain she continued.
Can't you see that you're smothering me
Holding to tightly
Afraid to loose control
And every thing that you thought I could be
If falling apart
Right in front of you
<Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow>
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
<Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow>
And every second I waste is more than I can take
Her physical changes were easier to recognize now. Kagome had grown at least 2 inches now. Her hair had gone from raven black to midnight blue with silver tips. Just like Inuyasha she had a pair of silver dog ears on her head. Thing was even if kagome grew, her clothes didn't.
Oh I've become so numb
I can't feel you there
I've become so tired
So much more aware
I'm becoming this
All I want to do
Is be more like me
And be less like you
And I know
I may end up failing you
But I know
You were just like me with someone disappointed in you
Oh I've become so numb
I can't feel you there
I've become so tired
So much more aware
I'm becoming this
All I want to do
Is be more like me
And be less like you
Oh I've become so numb….
Oh I've become so numb….
Kagome slowly stopped glowing and slow came down to the ground, landing on her knees. Tokuto walked up to her and sat down.
“How do you feel?” he asked pulling her chin up. Her gaze, though a little glazed over, held one emotion. Happiness. Giving him a huge smile and answered him.
“I fe-feel whole.” Giving him a big hug and whispered a `thank you' into his ear. Tokuto smiled. His little girl was back. She was back and nobody was going to take her away.
*Back to our stunned hanyou*
`Wow she's beautiful. She was pretty as a human but now she's full-blown gorgeous. <So you love my daughter?> l-love? No no no no no. I said she's beautiful. Where in there did I say love? <Whatever. We'll discuss it later. Now come down here and make yourself known.
An/ Yes finally I'm done! And once again I'm so sorry!
Inu: no you're not you just say that so they'll review.
Me: I do not! I really am! I've just been busy! And if you make me seem like the bad gurl here I will become one and make you wear a pink dress!
Inu: FEH!
Me: *sigh* boys! Anyway I'm going to up date later on next week I swear. I'm already a fourth done with the chapter. Well don't forget to review.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sweet dreams demons~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~