InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sweet Liar ❯ Two and Two Make Five? ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inu-Yasha the show owns me! ^_^ I am such an addict!

~Sweet Liar~

Sessho-maru led her down a narrow hallways to a room that was filled wall to wall with shelves upon shelves of books.

Kagome had only seen one other library like this before and it was at her college that she had planned on attending. This place was huge, but from what she could see they were mostly books on war tactics.

"Here are the books that your people left behind," Sessho-maru said gesturing her toward a table littered with books.

Kagome went to the table and picked up one of the books. Opening it she was a bit stunned at what the first page said.

~This book is deticated to my daughter Kagome. I hope one day you will find these and know the truth.~

"Can you read them?" He was standing behind her, looking down over her shoulder at the book he could not read.

"This is written in the modern day english alphabet," Kagome explained.

"Alphabet? A wolf language?" Sessho-maru had only picked up on the one word, and that was alpha. He knew that wolves had Alpha's and Omega's in their packs so he tried to put two and two together, and unfortunatly got five!

"Nope, Alphabet is the system of symbols used to string words together. I can teach you easily how to read," Kagome giggled.

Sessho-maru nodded and was about to say something more when a servant came into the room.

"Lord Sesho-maru-sama, your mighty presence is required in the water garden by a mysterious stranger. We are unsure how she got into the castle, but when we asked her to leave she merely put a hand up and silenced us. She said she would like an audience before the great Lord of the Western Lands. We tried to ask her to leave but when we sensed her power we were too scared to challenge her," the servant had his head lowered as if waiting for punishment when he had explained everything.

The servant was in shock when he was not struck, but refrained from looking up just the same.

"Kagome, stay and read. I will handle this stranger, and when I return we shall eat," Sessho-maru said simply, then walked out completely ignoring the servant.

Kagome was looking at the servant who was starting to tremble a bit.

"Are you alright?" Kagome asked, not sensing or seeing anything wrong with the poor little toad demon.

"Forgive me Lord Sessho-maru-sama! I did the best I could! Please, don't kill me..." the servant begged.

"Sessho-maru left already. Don't worry he won't hurt you," Kagome smiled warmly at the toad demon as he looked up at her, "I promise you are the last thing on his mind right now."

"Oh! Thank you my lady! I am so greatful," he bowed humbly, "My name is Sald, I am the one who tends to all Lord Sessho-maru-sama's geusts when they stay here! Ask me for anything at all my lady just anything and I will do my best to get you anything just anything you name it!"

The toad demon seemed a lot happier now that he was not in the presence of his master.

"Well, I do have to wait for Sessho-maru to get back before I can eat, but is there anyway you can get me some tea?" Kagome asked, looking hopefully at him.

"Oh of course my lady! Consider it done! If there is anything else you wish I am at your service," the little toad smiled excitedly.

"Just tea is fine if it's not too much to ask. Thank you kindly though for your offer," Kagome smiled brightly.

"Alright, my lady, you just stay right here, and I will bring you the tea." Sald then hurried and went toward the kitchens, leaving Kagome alone with the books.

Kagome looked back at the book in her hands after the toad demon had left. Again she read the books detication.

~This book is deticated to my daughter Kagome. I hope one day you will find these and know the truth.~

'A book written by my father? How did he know I might find the books? What truth?' she had so many questions and the only way to answer them was by opening up the book and start reading.

~Chapter one~

My dearest daughter, if you are reading this now then I am long gone from this realm. I only pray that I have found peace within the next. Always know that I will love you. I want to say it now so in case by the end of this book you don't want to hear it. I am going to start at the begining of it all.
This world was created for us. By us I mean demons, humans, animals, and crystal singers. This world was created solely to be inhabited by our people. We once lived on a planet that was destroyed by a corrupt God. The planet that we had lived upon was dieing and so three beings were selected to secure the safety of our species. These three were to bring life unto a dead planet so we may be able to live out our lives fully in peace, and so they did.
The Great God Nophlar planted seed here on this planet so the plants would grow and support life. He also brought the rains and formed the rivers, lakes, and oceans. When he was done he lit the spark that brought light into the world.
The Good Goddess Shikon sowed her crystals throughout the earth for us. We had once had many crystals upon our home world, but when the corrupt God brought about the end times for our planet, the crystals were destroyed. Crystals are the source of our light, Kagome, and they are what we sing by. I will get into more of that as I continue.
The Gentle Goddess Tama brought our souls to the planet. She created our new bodies so that we may live out our lives the way they were ment to be before the destruction of our world. This Goddess was the one who put the world into order. Night and day, earth and moon, sun and stars she put them all in an equal balance.
So we all came back into being, and we all began our lives together, everything as it was before. This is the story of our creation, my dearest daughter. Hold onto it with all your might so that these records are not lost forever. Teach it to your children and their children in hopes that one day all may know the truth.

~End Chapter One~

Kagome blinked, her mind swimming with the information, soaking it up and applying it to everything she has ever known.

She looked at the book with a fearce curiousity and wanted to continue with her reading, but Sessho-maru without her knowledge had returned. Kagome looked at him and smiled wondering why he was staring at her, she also noticed the toad had brought her tea to her.

He was sitting a few feet away from her in an overstuffed chair by the fire. He had been reading her mind as she read so he could hear the story as well. There were a few things that troubled him about the book, but he knew he didn't have time to think about them.

"Do you always sneak up on people?" Kagome giggled, then picked up her tea and sipped from it.

"I did not sneak, I merely kept quiet as so not to disturb you," he continued to stare, liking the sound of her giggle.

"What did the visitor want?" Kagome asked curiously, setting her tea back down on the little silver tray it had come from.

"To invite us to a party. The Lady of the Northern Lands came personally to invite us. She wishes to see who I am courting," he answered, his tone casual as if the matter wasn't that important.

"Do you plan on going?" Kagome put the book down she had been reading.

"We shall attend for mere appearences. The Eastern and Southern Lords will be there, along with many powerful vassels. I would like to talk with the Southern Lord about matters of state," Sessho-maru said, really not wanting to but that stupid lion-youkai owed him a favor and he intended to use it.

"We?" Kagome questioned, not sure if she liked the fact of going to an all youkai party.

"Yes, you will be coming, too. Do not fear I will protect you," he reasured her, giving her a slight smile.

"But, I am not dressed right for a party, and I don't know how to act," Kagome looked at him doubtfully.

"I have a few things that you might be able to wear, and as far as acting all you have to do is stay close to me and be polite," Sessho-maru explained as he stood up and walked over to her.

He bent down and caught her lips in a soft quick kiss.

"Don't worry you will do fine, and they will like you," he attempted at reassuring her with another kiss.

Kagome just nodded, his kisses being enough to asure her of anything.

Sessho-maru led her out of the library, promising that tomorrow they could start reading again, he led her to a room just across from his own. It had been his mother's room when she was alive. He showed her a few beautiful kimono's that his mother had worn, and said she was welcome to wear one to the party.

Kagome was a bit overwelmed at the beauty of some of the kimono's. Never before in her life had she seen such great detail woven into patterns with fine silk and velvet. It was so hard for her to choose but in the end she went with a silk blue and white kimono that Sessho-maru seemed to like best.

It was much like Kikyo's only there was a blue dog woven into the back of it, Kagome guessed it was the family crest, and little blue flowers on the sleeves and along the him. They looked like roses to Kagome, and when Sessho-maru inquired what a rose was she just smiled and said it was a lovely flower from her time.

"Get dressed and we will go," Sessho-maru said trying to keep the commanding tone out of his voice.

"I um... I can't get dressed with you watching," Kagome blushed.

"Why not?" he looked at her questioningly.

"Well...It's not proper," Kagome's face turned redder.

"You saw me get dressed," he smirked a bit, finally catching on to everything.

"Well, that was um..different," she stumbled with her words.

"No, it wasn't. Now get dressed I don't want to be late," Sessho-maru said putting a bit of authority into his voice.

Kagome knew she had to do as he said, but she turned around and took her clothes off so that he wouldn't see all of her in her underwear.

Sessho-maru watched her backside intently, his eyes intently tracing over every slender curve. He wanted to reach out and rub his hands all over her white milky skin, he wanted her to turn around so he could get a better view of her vulupcious breasts, and he wanted to make her his. It took every ounce of power and restrain he had not to touch the beauty before him as she slipped into his mother's favorite kimono.

The kimono had been a gift to his mother from his father on the day he was born. His mother always wore it when she did anything with him, and it was one of his fondest memories of his mother.

"Okay," she turned around and smiled brightly at him, "I'm done."

It took him a moment to snap out of the trance she had put him in, but he quickly recovered.

He pointed towards a dresser with a mirror.

"You may use the brushes and makeup there if you like, but please do not use the perfume, your scent is to sweet to cover up," Sessho-maru said, then watched as she went to the dresser and began to brush out her hair.

He wanted to be the one to do that, to brush out her beautiful hair for her, to run his fingers through the soft silkyness of it. 'Gods what has this girl done to me,' he thought to himself, 'She is so beautiful, and with that kimono on it only brings out more of her beauty and her sweet blue eyes.'

Kagome had finished and was thoroughly satisfied with the way she looked. The truth of the matter was she thought she had never looked or felt so good.

"I'm ready," Kagome looked at Sessho-maru who had slipped once more into one of those dazed trances.

Sessho-maru again snapped out of it.

"You look like an angel," he commented as he looked her over, he refused to let his eyes linger on her for long less he slip again into that dazed state, "Follow me."

'When this night is over, I am defiantly going to need a cold bath.' he thought to himself as he escorted Kagome toward the front gates where one of his larger white dragons was waiting to take them to the party.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

Author's Note: Why do I not like this chappy for some reason....hmms...maybe cause I hate holding back on the lemony scenes! Arg anywho I said I would write something down here to help everyone with their sama's and chans and what not! So here it is!!!

-chan - Used between friends or with someone younger than you. Generally a very friendly suffix such as "Shippo-chan" as Kagome calles Shippo. Used between boyfriends and girlfriends.

-kun - Generally used for males, but can be used for females too. Someone who's close to you as a friend. Kagome calles Kouga, "Kouga-kun" to show how she's friendly with him. ^_^ In that episode Inu-Yasha got really pissed off because of it!

-san - Polite and formal. Used for someone at the same position as you or higher. You would use this with strangers if you didn't know them well. It basically means, "Ms, Missa, Mr., or Mrs." Miroku calls Kagome, "Kagome- san" out of respect.

-dono - Not frequently used in Inu-Yasha, but in other, like Ruroni Kenshin. Indicates respect and is very polite.

-sama - Very high respect. Used when speaking about gods or someone like an emperor or king. In this case, Kikyo is called "Kikyo-sama" by the villagers that she lived with. I tricked my little sister into calling me Missa-sama! Heehee!

-sensei - Originally means, "born earlier than me". Usually used towards your master, teacher, or someone wise in the literature and art. You would call your school teacher by this suffix. -_-" I really don't like this one much!

onee-chan/san/sama - What you would call your sister. Souta calls Kagome, "Kagome onee-chan". Kaede calls Kikyo, "Kikyo onee-sama". ^_^ I call my sister, "Amanda onee-chan"!

onii-chan/san/sama - What you would call your brother. Souta calls Inu- Yasha, "Inu-no-oniichan" meaning, "Dog-eared brother"

jii-chan/san/sama - grandfather. Kagome calls her granfather, "Jii-chan"

Also several different ways to spell names Iput the ones I use first:

Inu-Yasha Inuyasha Inu-yasha

Sessho-maru Seshomaru Sesshoumaru

Kikyo Kikyou

Well that's about it! I can't remember whose website I happened to snag that off of, but I thank that person fully and I hope it helps you all with your writing!