InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sweet Liar ❯ Innocence and Instincts ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~Sweet Liar~

When she awoke, the next morning, her new keener senses tingled, and without looking she knew he was not at her side. He was not even in the room and a beautiful silk purple and black kimono layed folded next to her.

She breathed in deeply taking in all the new scents, and the world around her. Kagome spent some time just sitting there in bed sniffing the air and sorting them out in her mind, curious about each one of them.

As she reached for the kimono and managed to get dressed before becoming too fascinated by everything else.

Kagome walked out of Sessho-maru's room and down the hallway, her nose and instincts recognizing his scent, she followed it out into a garden where she found him having breakfast with Rin and Shippo.

"Kagome!" both the children smiled, dropping their food, and ran to her.

She picked them both up, one in each arm, and she hugged them happily.

"Sessho-maru-sama said you are Rin's mommy nows! Does that make Shippo, Rin's brother? Will Rin get more brothers and maybe a sister?" the little girl asked hopefully.

"Yes, I am your mommy now, and Shippo is your brother. As far as other siblings go, you will have as many as Sessho-maru will let us," Kagome giggled and hugged them once more.

Sessho-maru did not say a word, he just watched as his mate and his pups conversed.

"How are we gonna break this to everyone else?" Shippo looked at his mom questioningly.

"Now that's a good question, I guess we will just have to wait and see how things turn out," Kagome ruffled up Shippo's hair some, and set them both down.

"Children go play with Jaken.Your mother and I need to talk," Sessho-maru ordered.

The kids went happily to go find Jaken.

Kagome watched them go, then took a seat at the breakfast table.

Carefully she picked up a piece of fruit, and bit into it enjoying the sweet juice of it.

"What would you like to talk about?" she asked when she had finished eating the fruit.

For a long moment he remained silently staring at her.

"Why were you not there when I woke up this morning?" Kagome asked, feeling a bit awkward with him staring at her like that.

"Your scent was driving me crazy, and I did not think you wished to be raped in your sleep," Sessho-maru stated simply.

Kagome blushed having not known, until now, the effect her scent had on people.

"We have a bit of time," Sessho-maru said, standing up and making his way towards his mate.

"A bit of time for what?" Kagome looked at him curiously.

"For this," he bent down and kissed her lips softly, "I have you as mate in blood, now allow me to make you my mate in body."

He didn't even bother to wait for a response, he picked her up into his arms, and took her off to his room.

Kagome smiled, happily, but then remembered something and asked, "What do you mean only a bit of time?"

"My brother will want to know where your at," Sessho-maru said, trying to keep his emotions and instincts in check because her scent was driving him crazy.

"Mm..." Kagome snuggled closer to him nuzzling his neck, "I think your scent gets stronger when you wanna play."

"As is your scent when you are in heat," he smirked, and opened the door to his room.

She blushed a bit.

Moving swiftly to the bed he laid her down upon the white velvet blanket, sitting beside her, he ran the back of his fingers over her cheek, carressing her smooth skin gently.

Kagome just smiled up at hm, a small shiver running down her spine, she whispered softly that she loves him.

"I love you too..." he replied, and bent down to kiss her sweet lips.

The kiss was soft and tender at first, holding all the love he had for her and she for him, but it soon turned into a deep passionate one, holding the longing desire they had for each others bodies.

Sessho-maru's tongue played at her lower lip, hoping she would allow him access to her sweet mouth.

She caught his tongue between her lips and sucked gently upon it, smiling some when she knew it had made him want her more because his scent became stronger.

He searched her mouth frantically until he found what he was looking for, and soon their tongues were tangled.

A moan escaped from her softly into the kiss, and Sessho-maru was nearly driven half mad with want for her by it.

He moved atop her now, not breaking the kiss, slowly trying to remove her clothes, but in the end getting too frustrated and damning himself for even allowing her to put clothes on this morning, he ripped the kimono off her.

Kagome hadn't even put underwear on this morning, mostly because she could not find what happened to the ones she had last night, and she was left nude and blushing before the Lord of theWestern Lands.

He cupped her breast gently in his hand, attempting to be as gentle as possible despite his instincts telling him to forcefully take her and make her scream his name in ecstacy, slowly he began to massage her tender flesh in his hand.

She was forced the break the kiss, unable to breath, the pleasure of his touch and the feel of something hard rubbing against her inner thigh sending her instincts into a frenzy.

Smiling playfully at him, after she had caught her breath, she ran a hand down his back to where his tail met flesh, and began to rub him gently, knowing somehow it was one of his greatest pleasure points.

Sessho-maru immediatly stopped all his movements and closed his eyes.

"Kagome..." He moaned her name in pleasure, "I could transform and give you a mating like you would never forget..."

"This form is fine for now," she whispered to him.

He nodded, and began to kiss down her neck slowly, ending up at the spot where he had marked her.

Kagome had let go of his tail and was now tugging at his haori, almost begging for it to be off.

"Eager aren't we my love?" he chucked softly into her skin.

She pouted knowing he was teasing her.

"Will this satisfy you until I have had my tongue and lips all over your sweet body and am ready to give you that pleasure?" he asked moving his right hand down to rub at her inner thigh.

She gasped for air, feeling her body ache for more of his touch, and her hips moving a bit to meet his hand.

"Mm... Not enough?" he mumbled, as he licked and nibbled at that marking on her neck, "How about this?"

He moved his fingers to rub and massage her clit gently, teasing her mercilessly with his fingers and his kisses.

Kagome whimpered in pleasure moving her hips a bit more to his fingers, feeling small waves of pleasure course through her body. She found herself ever so close to a peak in the pleasure that Sessho-maru's fingers had been bringing her to, when he pulled his fingers away from her.

Giving another whimper, this time of frustration, she thought to herself, 'I now know what a bitch in heat feels like.'

"Try being the one who has been using his senses for a lot and they are a lot stronger than yous," he remarked, as he sucked softly at the mark.

Despite wanting to tease her more, her last whimper nearly drove him mad with passion, so quicker than Kagome had expect he removed his clothing and was positioned atop her.

Slowly without warning he entered her, a bit surprised to find his beloved still a virgin.

He bent down and kissed her softly.

"I am sorry I did not know you were a..." Sessho-maru kissed her again softly, sorry he had hurt his mate, and wishing he had known or asked.

Refusing to move inside her, despite his want, he just planted soft kisses all over her face and neck.

Soon all the pain had gone and she thought she would go insane if he didn't move soon.

He chuckled softly hearing the thought.

"I want you just as badly, beloved, but I am in just more control of my body then you." he said, as he pulled himself out of her slowly then thrust back in softly.

Sessho-maru set a gentle and steady pace, wanting to pleasure he love, rolling her over and cupping her tight buttox and thrusted steadily up into her.

Once more their lips found themselves locked in a heavy passionate kiss and their tongues warred with each other.

Kagome did not seem so shy now as the waves of pleasure increased with every thrust. She moved her body with his and tangled her fingers deep into his soft hair.

He ran his hands over her curves wantingly, trying to push her to that peak, wanting to hear her cry out his name.

Little did he realize he was pushing them both towards it, and they seemed to be united in pleasure, as the final thrust made them both quake with a wave triumphant ecstacy.

Kagome did moan his name, almost howled it, the pleasure far to great for her to hold it back, her hands reaching for his, squeezing them tightly, almost afraid that he would somehow disapeer if she let go of him.

A feeling of oneness took them and Sessho-maru could have swore their hearts were beating beat for beat with one another.

Soon their breathing slowed, and they laid there, bodies entwined, as the dazed feeling of pleasure left them both drained.

"Kagome..." he whispered her name to the air around him, knowing she had been so at peace that she had fallen asleep.

'I never thought I would find a mate, let alone one in someone who was not truly an inu-youkai,' he thought as he breathed in her scent. The scent was thick and heavy in the air around him, and mingled with his own, and when his nose took up a closer inspection of it he found something else there that made him smile.

Sessho-maru smiled to himself, then he closed his eyes and slept knowing he had captured a far better prize than the Tetsusiaga.

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Author's Note: So I am terrible at writing this stuff...oh well practice makes perfect... ^_^ I like the next chappy better than this one so like I gets reviews and I will post it asap!

~Wuvvies everyones favvy Missa!~