InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sweet Liar ❯ Wakign Up and Going Home! ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~Sweet Liar~

Kagome's eyes fluttered open, hours later, she could feel the heat coming from her beloved's body.

" awake?" She asked as she cuddled closer to him.

"Yes," he whispered to her, and held her tighter.

"I love you..." She smiled, content to be in his arms.

"And I you... We should get dressed, my love." Sessho-maru said as he kissed her cheek.

"Why?" Kagome questioned, not wanting to leave his warm embrace.

"My brother will be knocking down our bedroom door soon if we do not go out to meet him," he chuckled, his lips carressing her cheek again playfully.

Kagome could sense the playfulness in his voice, and his scent growing a bit stronger, she smiled.

"Don't start now silly," she giggled.

"Mm...Why not?" Sessho-maru asked, forgetting his earlier statement, and began lightly kissing down her neck.

"Well unless you want Inu-Yasha busting down our door, as well as Miroku, who tends to be quite a hentai, seeing me naked. I guess we can stay in bed," Kagome smiled as she spoke, "I wouldn't mind seeing the look on his face when he saw us in bed together."

"Mine..." He growled, and kissed her lips softly, then pulled away and got up to get dressed.

She soon followed, only finding that the kimono she had worn was ripped.

Sessho-maru went to his closet and pulled out a silky black and grey kimono embroidered with red flowers, and that family crest. He tossed it to her, with a smile, and watched her get dressed.

She only protested when he would not allow her to put on underwear, claiming she was a youkai now and female youkai saw no point in wearing them.

Somehow she understood his weird reasoning and just slipped the kimono on, vowing later to come up with some good reasons for wearing underwear.

"Lord Sessho-maru-sama!" came Jaken's voice from outside the room.

Sessho-maru growled not liking being inturrupted when he was with his mate.

Kagome merely placed a hand upon his shoulder to calm him, then called for Jaken to come in.

The toad youkai came in, with Rin at his side but not Shippo.

"Lord Sessho-maru-sama there are some weird strangers and your brother at the castle gates! The little Shippo-sama went out to meet him, despite my trying to stop him. Shall I tell them go away, though they do not seem they will go?" The toad youkai looked a bit frightened as he explained this, knowing he had failed to control the children.

"We will go meet them," Sessho-maru said simply, and taking his mate's hand in his own, brushed past Jaken and Rin and towards the castle gate.

Kagom followed, keeping a steady pace, her mind racing, wondering how in the world she was going to explain to Inu-Yasha she was mated to his brother.

They walked in silence to the castles closed gates, where they stopped just in the center of the courtyard.

Without saying a word Sessho-maru let go of her hand and jumped the castle wall to the outside, expecting her to do the same.

'Why didn't you he just take me with him?' she thought a bit angrily.

'Because, I knew you could do it,' he stated simply into her mind.

Kagome put all her might into that leap, and Sessho-maru waited patiently where his brother was camped.

"Where is she?" a disgruntled hanyou snapped at his half brother.

"She comes," was all Sessho-maru could say to Inu-Yasha without killing him.

A loud splash and a scream sent everyone running toward the castle.

Inu-Yasha, Shippo, Sessho-maru, Sango, Miroku, and Kirara all stopped just short of the moat, where a half drowned Kagome was coming up from the murky water.

"You didn't tell me about the moat!" Kagome growled, her long hair draped over her face.

"You never asked," Sessho-maru chuckled at his mate.

"You, just wait! I am so going to get you!" Kagome exclaimed as, as quickly as she could, moved and mustered her strength together and tackled the Lord of the Western Lands to the ground.

Everyone was in complete shock when Kagome moved her hair aside and revealed her tattoos. Also, then everyone noticed their friend's new tail!

"You have me, now, what do you intend to do with me?" Sessho-maru teased her, knowing very well he could move at anytime he chose.

", I didm't plan that far ahead," she blushed.

"Always plan ahead of time, lest you fall into a trap." With that said he began to tickle her.

Laughing uncontrollably Kagome called for her friends to help, but they were all too stunned to provide any help.

Shippo was the only one who came to her rescue, but soon he too was caught up in the tickle mess.

Somehow they managed to talk Sessho-maru into stopping.

In one swift movement he had Kagome in his arms and Shippo was in hers.

"What is going on here!? What have you done to Kagome!?" Inu-Yasha demanded.

"If you can not tell what a full-blooded female inu-youkai is, hanyou, then maybe you do not deserve my mates help in collecting shards," Sessho-maru snapped angrily.

"Beloved, please, settle down." She frowned a bit then looked at Inu-Yasha, "I am his life mate now, and I chose to be this way! I love him, and since there is no way to ever break our bond, you had better get used to it!"

Inu-Yasha blinked, looking a bit stunned.

"We are happy for you!" Miroku grinned, then nudged Sango.

"Oh...Yes! We are very happy for you!" Sango smiled at her best friend.

Kagome looked at her adopted family, then remembered her real family has yet to meet her...Husband?

'What is a husband?' Sessho-maru asked her mentally.

"In my world it is the term we use for life mates," Kagome explained.

"We will go see your family then?" Sessho-maru inquired.

In all her time here she had nveer invited or took anyone home.

"Why don't we go now? While Naraku is quiet. Do you guys mind? We will only be gone a day." Kagome asked hopefully.

"Mommy? Can I come too?" Shippo looked at her pleadingly.

"Stay here to protect Rin," Sessho-maru said to the little Kitsune.

"Go and enjoy yourself," Sango and Miroku encouraged.

Kagome smiled brightly.

"Alright then!" Kagome wiggled out of Sessho-maru's arms, and stood setting down Shippo. "I am ready now," Kagome said to Sessho-maru.

"Alright," he replied, then turned his eyes to Shippo, "Run, and tell Jaken I will be gone for a few days!"

Shippo nodded then ran to do as he was told.

"We will continue our hunt for shards," Miroku smiled as he spoke.

"Hm... Well, we should go now then. Thank you everyone!" She hugged Sango then turned to Sessho-maru, "I'll race you!"

Before he could answer she took off running towards the well as fast as she could.

He chuckled letting her get a headstart, he then turned and looked at his still stunned half brother.

"She is mine now! You have mistreated her for three years and in one day I have made her a life mate and healed all the pain you have caused her. You are pathetic Inu-Yasha. Do anything to hurt my mate or the pups she carries and I will kill you without question!" Sessho-maru was gone in a blurr, leaving his words to die on his half brother's ears.

"Did he just say what I think he just said?" Sango asked in shock.

"Yes, all the pain I caused her..." he frowned having never wanted to hurt her.

"No, I ment about her being pregnant," Sango resisted the urge to wack him upside the head.

"It is no surprise. Upon first mating, all demons pride themselves on getting their life-mates pregnant." Inu-Yasha explained.

"So does that mean...?" Sango gasped thinking of Inu-Yasha and Kikyo.

"Yes, Naraku killed her and our unborn pup. She never even knew she was, but we demons can tell. It is a change in the scent," a single tear rolled down his cheek as he thought of his lost love.

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Author's Note: I almost feel bad for Inu-Yasha...okay I do feel bad... >.< Oh well... Heehee please review if you liked it!

~Wuvvies everyones favvy Missa!~