InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Birth of Love ❯ Lady Kikyo and a name for the orphan girl ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Wow....I was hoping it did well, but seven reviews in less than twenty- four hours after posting? Thanks to everyone!!!

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Inuyasha walked along the road, back towards the way he came, and eyes shining with happiness, that is, until the child started crying.

"AWW!" he shouted, setting the bag down, and rocking the babe in his arms. "Shh......." he said, but to no advantage. Then the aweful scent hit him. "EWWWW." he started to throw the child down, but realized, it was a human, and couldn't handle the drop, like a ball or a bag. He picked up the bag and started to walk again, until he came to a corner shop.

"Maybe they could help." he said, "It looks like it sells fruit and stuff." he said walking in.

"How may I help you?" said the woman behind the counter, smiling politely.
"I was wondering if you knew a place where I could get some baby stuff." he asked, getting a stare from the woman.

"Why would you want to get baby stuff?" she asked, puzzled. Then he moved the precious child out of his haori. She looked stunned.

"What are you doing with such a young infant?" she asked, walking over to him and getting on her knees.

"We're both orphans." he said smugly.

"I see." then the scent hit her. "Oh dear, looks like someone needs a diaper changed." she smiled, walking into the back room. "Boy, you may follow me." she stated, holding the child in her arms.

She sat the child on the counter. Luckily, it had subdued it's crying long before now. It's face was still wet from the tears, but it wasn't crying.

The woman pulled a plastic bag out of the closet, and reaching and pulling out a diaper. "Do you know how to change a diaper?" she asked, already knowing Inuyasha's answer. He shook his head.

"No ma'am, but do I need ot know this?" he asked, hoping she'd let him go.

"You're taking care of her right?" he nodded.

"Then you need to know." she smiled, placing him on a low stool so he could see what to do. "Okay, watch me." she said.

She stripped the child of it's smoke-stained clothes, setting them aside, then pulled back on the diaper tabs.

Inuyasha felt somewhat, sick. "Eww....."

"Everyone has to go at some point, and babes can't take care of things as we can." she stated, hoping the young lad would know what she ment.

"Feh...." he said, crossing his arms and holding his breath. Trying not to let that scent in was getting harder.

The woman tossed the used diaper into the bag. "All done. Now, let me see what I can do about clothes...."

"You're giving her clothes too?" he asked in suprise.

"Hai. A babe needs clothes, and ther old ones are dirty." she said smiling.

"SHE?" his eyes grew even larger than before.

"Hai. It's a girl." she smiled.

'Darn. I was hoping it was a he. That way when it gets older, we can hang out some.......' he sighed.

"Something wrong?" she asked, returning to the room with a box full of clothes, so full that it was overflowing.

"No Ma'am." he shook his head.

"Alright....." she said, setting the heavy box down. Luckily, I have a box of my children's old things." she smiled, going through one side, pulling out several girl's outfits.

"Hey, they look to big for her....." he stated.

"I know. Babies grow fast." she smiled.


She now had several outfits for the baby girl. "And so do little boys, especially hanyou boys." she smiled, pulling out some stuff for Inuyasha.


"So what is your name?"

"Inuyasha, ma'am." he said.

"Inuyasha......that's a nice name. Mine is Kaede."

"Arigato, Kaede-chan." he bowed.

"Don't thank me. I was planning on doing something such as this anyways." she said, handing Inuyasha one of her children's old oversized backpacks, filled with clothes,but het it had room for more. He looked at her. "I saw you carrying the baker's bag earler. I thought it may come in handy." she smiled.

Inuyasha bowed. "Arigato. Is there anything I may do to return the favor?" he asked politely.

The aging woman shook her head. "Just come and visit me, alright?"


"Now be on your way, I'm sure you are ready to leave." she smiled, handing the child to him.

"One more thing. Does she have a name?" she asked.

"No ma'am. Not that I know of."

"Go to Kikyou. She is a miko who can give her a name to go along with a wonderful destiny." she said, opening the door. "She lives in a shrine not far from here."

"Arigato." he said as he left.

Kaede watched as he walked towards the shrine, where he was told Kikyou lived.


To be continued.


AUTHORS NOTE: There is not much action in this first part, because he is young. As he grows older in the story, the action will grow as well.
