InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Birth of Love ❯ Two Years Passed ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ok, people said skip, and that's what I'm doing, but this is two years later, and .....well, just see what happens....

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It had been a couple of years since he had rescued Kagome. One year, and there had been some changes. Inuyasha was now taller, and was now about nine. Kagome had grown, just like Kaede said she would. The child had went through three sizes within a two month period.

"I nu." Kagome sputtered.

Inuyasha laughed as he picked her up from her bed, and she jerked lightly on his hair.

"Inu Inu Inu."

"She's trying to speak your name." Kaede said.

"Hai. I know."

"Inuyasha, since she is at a very influential age, you might need to watch what you say around her."

"I know."


"She spoke my name...." Inuyasha's eyes grew large. 'And she spoke it after just hearing my name.'

"See what I mean?"

He nodded, and sat the child down in her bed, then walked back to the table to sit with Kaede, but he tripped on one of Kagome's toys.

"Ah kuso!"


Inuyasha picked himself up and walked over to Kagome, his eyes somewhat bugged out of his head.

"Inu kuso." Kagome chirped happily, bouncing the bear along the edge of her bed.

"Oh Kami-sama....I think I messed up." he said, getting a nd from Kaede

"You need to fix the problem before it gets worse Inuyasha."

"Kagome?" Inuyasha asked, looking down at the two year old, who was now looking up at him.

"Don't say that word, it's a bad word."

Kagome looked confused.

"I don't want to hear you say that word again, okay?"

The little girl nodded and he let her once again sit on the floor and play.

"Good job. Hope it works though."

"Of course it will!" he said, crossing his arms.

Kagome was sitting on the rug, playing with her dolls when she said it..


Kaede laughed at the expression on Inuyasha's face. A look like his self confidence was shattered, but not too badly.
Inuyasha's were wide, and his mouth gaping open, as his arms fell limply to his sides. "K-kagome! I thought I told you not to say that word again, didn't I?"
The child looked confused once more. "Do not say the k word. It is a bad word, and I have to punish you for saying it."

The little girl looked heart broken.

"Let me have your bear." he said.



The girl sighed as she handed Inuyasha her bear and she began to sniffle.

"I want you to sit still and don't move until I come and pick you up." he said coldly, putting her in the corner of the room. "And no crying."


A few minutes later, Inuyasha walked over and picked Kagome up. She refused to look at him, however, and he could tell by her scent that she was upset and had been crying.

"Come on, it's dinner time." he smiled. Kaede had left shortly before, ad now it was just Kagome and himself once more.

"Are you hungery?" he asked, knowing her answer. he sat her on his beside and walked to the counter, picking up a half loaf of bread, some honey, and a bowl of milk. He tore some of the bread off, dipped it in the honey, and gave it to Kagome who refused to take it. "Kagome, you NEED to eat."


"Hai, now eat."


"Why not?"


'What a useless conversation.' he thought with a sigh.

"Kagome, please eat." he said softly. She slowly opened her tear filled eyes and took the bread. The word 'please' had done it. She was now knawing on the bread hungrily.

"Is it good?"

She nodded.

"Want some milk?"

She nodded.

He slowly put the bowl up to her pale lips and she drank. Inuyasha smiled. 'I'll have to remember using please.'

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