InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Birth of Love ❯ Kagome's First Lesson ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~~* Yesterday is past, and every second is the future *~~

"Kagome?" came a stern, yet soft voice. "Time to wake up."

Kagome groaned and pulled the blanket over her even tighter. "Just a few more minutes ......."

"No, now. Lady Kikyou is waiting."

Her eyes popped open. "O man! I gotta get ready!" she said, nearly leaping out of bed and towards her closet in another smaller room that had been added for her privacy.

Inuyasha chuckled. "Just as she usually does."

Kagome ran out of the room. "Ja ne Inu!"

"Yeah right. I'm walking with you, just to make sure you get there safely."

"But I can take care of myself."

"So if that 'wolf' attacks you, you can fight him off?"

Kagome bit her lip and stared down at her bare feet, and said nothing.

"Thought so. Now c'mon, let's go." he said, taking her hand and pulling her down the path. They went past the baker's shop, past Kaede's shop they had never fully figured out what it sold, and then they arrived at the temple.

"Lady Kagome, Lady Kikyou has been awaiting you."

"Doomo arigatou." she said, and walked in.

Inuyasha started to follow her, but was stopped. "Lady Kikyou asks that you wait for Lady Kagome out here."

"Feh......" Inuyasha crossed his arms and lept to the top of the temple building.


"Konichiwa." Kikyou said smiling as Kagome bowed.

"Konichiwa Lady Kikyou."

"Since you are thirteen now....." she began, "You are ready to start training to become a miko."

Kagome's face lit up.

"Your studies and learnings will take you to the age of a woman. The age of 18. However, some have been known to finish earler than that. Some finish by the age of fifteen or sixteen, unfortunately that is rare."

Kagome's face grew a little darker. She was still happy Kikyou was teaching her to be a miko, but.....five long years of training!.....but, wasn't it worth it?

"Lady Kagome, are you alright?"

"Hmm? Oh, gomen!" she said quickly as her face took a bright red tint.

"Tis alright." she said before she continued. "During your training period, keep yourself morally clean. Do not defile it with lusts of the world, thus keeping yourself pure."

Kagome nodded.

"Alright. We are ready to begin training." Kikyou said, leading Kagome to a larger room. "Sit." Kagome sat down just as she was told. "Now, concentrate on your energy. The energy and power of your soul. Bring it up."

Kagome looked at her confused, but then closed her eyes and concentrated. She searched her body until she had found what Kikyou ment. After a few more moments, she started to glow a pale green glow. It was as if a wind was blowing in the room, for her hair was waving around her visage. Her eyes snapped open to reveal a green glint in them.

"Very good. Now focus it on producing a shield, one to ward off all minor demons."

The glow grew brighter, and brighter. Lady Kikyou shielded her eyes from the glow as it flooded the room and the shield went out around her, and expelled away from her a good distance. It wasn't trying to get away from her, but it was trying to ward small demons from attacking her. The energy shield was rather powerful, however. So powerful that, Inuyasha, who was sitting on the roof, was knocked off, and landed on the grown with a rather loud *THUD!*

Kagome snapped out of her trance and walked over to the only window in the room. "Inuyasha, what are you doing down there?" she asked.

"What's it look like I'm doin?!" he snorted, prying his body off the ground.

"Playing in the dirt." she giggled.


"Lady Kagome, we must concentrate on your trainings."

"Oh....." She walked back over to Kikyou and sat down.

"Now, see if you can........"


Lessons continued the rest of the morning, and most of the afternoon. By the time it was over, Kagome was extremely tired. Inuyasha saw this and picked her up in his arms.


"You're tired." was all he said, and he lept off towards their little hut.

"Arigatou." she smiled, and kissed his nose as she usually did, however, this time, they both blushed ever so lightly. Inuyasha tried to hide his by looking up.


Once inside, he laid her on the bed. "Rest now, and when you awake I'll have lunch ready."

She smiled wearily and drifted off to sleep. Inuyasha took one last look at the sleeping shoujo, and went to hunt for their dinner with one thought dominating his mind. 'She's going to be mine.....'
