InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Birth of Love ❯ At the Hotsprings: A confession of hanyou and houshi ( Chapter 20 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The next day, Kagome woke up to the smell of savory meat being cooked. There was also the smell of honey cream, and fresh fruit. She slowly opened her eyes, expecting Inuyasha to be outside, but instead, he was hovering over her bed.
"EEP!" she pulled the covers up over her head.
"Kagome no baka......" he mumbled to himself. "Kagome, it's just me..."
She slowly emerged from beneath the covers. "You're usually outside about now."
"I know, but don't I usually wake you up for breakfast?" he rolled his eyes.
"Then don't be so suprised." he grumbled and pulled her outside.
After breakfast, Kagome and Inuyasha headed towards Kaede's hut to meet Sango and Miroku
"Ready to go to the hotsprings?" Sango asked Kagome. Kagome nodded, and Sango turned to Miroku as she felt a hand slip closer to her.... "Don't even think about it." The hand sadly retreated to it's owner.
~~Inuyasha and Miroku~~
Miroku ducked under the warm water and a question came to his mind. "Inuyasha?" he asked, as he rested against a rather large rock.
"Tell me. Do you, or do you not like Lady Kagome?" he said, holding back a smirk. He expected Inuyasha to get mad at him, but he got what he didn't expect. "Aare you -blushing?"
Inuyasha answered with his usual 'feh' and dove beneath the water. He then came up. "Hai, I do like her, but more than likely not in the way you like Sango."
*(Sango & Kagome's Side of the hotsprings)*
"Hey, Kagome?"
"So what's it like?"
Kagome stared confusedly at her friend. "What's what like?
"Being a miko-in-taining."
"It's cool...but it's ardeous work."
"It's hard work."
"Yeah, and I just started yesterday, so...."
"What did you do yesterday?"
"Well, Lady Kikyou gave me a speech on how I was to keep my body pure for the years I was in training and...."
"Pure? Pure from what?"
Kagome shrugged. "Dunno, but whatever it is, I have to keep my body pure from it until I'm of 'womanly age' or until my training is finished."
Sango stared at Kagome and then they both burt into giggles.
~~Back with the hanyou and houshi~~
Now it was Miroku's turn to blush.
"Nnani? You think I like Sango?"
"Hai, and you do."
"No I-"
"Don't deny it. I can smell your fear, from where you're scared I'll tell. And I can smell if you are lying."
"Darn hanyou senses." he grumbled and got a smirk from Inuyasha.
"Feh....maybe if you stop groping her, and be nicer to her, she'll start to like you."
"Don't grope! Even though you are a lech, and it's hard for you, she doesn't like it."
*(The other side)*
"So what have you and Miroku been up to lately?"
"I'm learning my father's business now."
"Really? What does he do? When did you start learning it?"
Sango laughed. "Hai. He's a youkai exterminator. I started last week." She sank lower into the water. "And Miroku said he saw you yesterday."
"At the temple."
"He's a monk-in-training."
"Oh.....that's nice."
"He said shortly after you got there, a green force came from the room you and Lady Kikyou were in. What happened?"
Kagome told about it all, then Sango's mouth dropped open some. "What's wrong?" Kagome asked.
"That's a sign of a miko who's been training for quite some time."
They were silent for a few moments, until Sango decided to break it. "He didn't say anything about Inuyasha being there."
"He was on the roof, I think."
" you're going to be a miko..."
"Yep, and you're going to be a youkai exterminator."
Sango nodded and then giggled. "So the four of us will someday be a hanyou doing whatever he pleases, a youkai exterminator, a miko, and monk? What a combination!"
Kagome giggled. "Well, you definately have the hanyou doing whatever
he pleases right." Then she seemed to drift off into space. 'He was kawaii this morning, even though he was irritated with me...'
"Kagome?" Sango called, snapping her fingers in front of Kagome's face in an attempt to get her attention.
"Huh? Oh, gomen Sango." "It's okay. I think we're pruned enough, what do you think?"
Kagome nodded and the two dressed and left the hotsprings giggling and chatting as they usually did.
~~The other two~~
"I think the girls are ready." Inuyasha stated matter-of-factly.
"I'm sure they're still soaking in the hotspring...." Miroku said, getting his famous grin on his face.
"Wipe that grin off and get dressed, otherwise...."
The two quickly dressed, and finished just in time. "Ready for lunch?" Kagome asked and the guys nodded.
"Let's go back to our hut for lunch." Inuyasha suggested to Kagome.
"Do we have enough food for Miroku and Sango?"
"I think so. If not, I can get more."
Kagome nodded and they all walked towards the small little hut that had been saved from being torn down.