InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Complete Idiot's Guide to Dog Demons ❯ Bathing your Inu ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 3. Bathing your Inu Inuyasha eyed his pack warily. He knew they were up to something. He just hadn’t yet figured out what. He’d once again been forced to sit and watch as the others ate their dinner. Kagome had sternly informed him when he’d ‘requested’ his share that, until he was able to leap into his tree as easily as he had before, he would not be eating </>anything she prepared. His response had been a low growl, before he had crossed his arms and stalked away. It was less embarrassing that time, as he no longer rolled from side to side like an over-inflated beach ball with every step. It wouldn’t be long… Then he would take great pleasure in showing them just how fit he was as he left them in his dust. But that didn’t change the fact that the three humans of his pack were plotting something that he was just sure he would hate.

Sango and Miroku caught Kagome’s eyes, and they nodded to each other in unspoken agreement. It really was the only thing to be done. The two girls gathered their bathing effects, chatting quietly together as they left camp to go enjoy a good bath in the hot springs nearby. Sango, who had always been fond of soaking away her tension at the end of the day, had been encouraged when she discovered that Kagome desired a daily bath. She had begun to add her demands to the futuristic girl’s…and they had finally prevailed against the stubborn hanyou. He had discovered that if he wished to keep the ringing out of his ears, that it was in his best interest to bow to the inevitable. It was not to say, however, that he did so gracefully. Time had been passing slowly, when Inuyasha saw that look come into Miroku’s eyes. It was a perverted gleam that was quite commonplace, and Inuyasha hurriedly moved to dissuade him from his current course, shaking his finger in the delinquent houshi’s face. “Don’t even think about it, you lecher!” Just as fast, Miroku’s expression smoothed into a look of perfect innocence. “I haven’t the faintest idea of what you refer to, Inuyasha.” Inuyasha wasn’t fooled for a moment, the artificial virtuousness of his tone even more false than usual. “Feh…Just stay right where you are. I don’t want to have to listen to them yelling later Monk!” Inuyasha turned away, eyes searching the tree line. He was so certain that he’d made his point, that he didn’t even hear when the monk stole away on silent feet. So it came as a bit of a surprise when he turned to complain about the length of time the girls were taking, only to find an empty camp. It conveniently slipped his mind that they had nothing better to do until he was back to normal, anyway, so it was unnecessary for him to fret about the time they ‘wasted’ on such stupid pursuits as bathing. “Miroku?!” Nothing. “Aw, crap…” Inuyasha did his best to hurry after him. Puffing the entire way.

The girls had hurried through their bath with unusual speed. They had no wish for an audience to their nudity, and so they had donned modern bathing suits from Kagome’s eyesore of a yellow pack while soaking in the warm water. It was only minutes…precious minutes that they savored…before they heard the sounds of approaching feet. Right on cue, Inuyasha blundered out of the bushes. “Miroku! Where are you?!” “NOW!” Inuyasha stumbled as a heavy weight suddenly drove him backwards and into the water. His shriek of protest was garbled as water rushed into his overly large mouth, currently opened in an attempt to hurl insults at his ‘attacker’. Strong hands held him down as another set stripped his wildly struggling form of his precious fire-rat kimono. Yet another pair, much smaller than the first two, set to scrubbing his hair and ears with a vengeance. He squawked in inarticulate rage, intent on giving as good as he got. His thrashing arms came into contact with the ground surrounding the spring, hands fisting around handfuls of dirt and grinding it into the face and hair of the soap-wielding one. A familiar huff told him that he had scored a hit and he smirked, even as his head was once again dunked under the water to rinse away the ‘shampoo’.The water was churned up with a fine layer of silt, and he took satisfaction in the knowledge that Kagome would leave at least as dirty as he’d started. Small tough hands, ones he was certain belonged to the huntress, dug into his ribs in retaliation, and he flailed at the painful action. The largest, most masculine, pair of hands suddenly wrenched him from the water and tossed him onto the ground beside the small pool. He sputtered, coughing a few times, before narrowing his eyes on the humans. “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!” he bellowed. Sango simply bent over the water, roughly wringing the water from the red fire-rat fur after she’d finished rinsing the soap from it. Miroku, unrepentant as ever, simply smiled. “You were filthy,” Kagome stated baldly. “You stank, and you had dirt on your clothes and in your hair. I get it, that moving isn’t easy right now, but we’d had enough.” The hanyou’s jaw dropped in affront. “Yeah? Well look at yourself!” Deep blue eyes narrowed in annoyance through a mask of dirt, and he fought to keep from cringing. “You’re very lucky that I don’t want to get you dirty after all of that! Keep pushing, and I’ll think of something else! You think that rosary is bad?! Ever hear of a choke chain, puppy-boy?” In spite of himself, he shut his mouth to keep from antagonizing her further. He may have been short sighted, but he wasn’t stupid. Thou shalt not piss off the priestess. Especially the one who made the ramen. It was generally a wise path to follow, though he only rarely remembered to walk it. He sent her a token scowl, catching his clothing as it was flung at his face by the disgruntled Sango who had somehow managed to keep from getting dirty again. Luck had been with Miroku, who had also managed to escape unscathed for his efforts. Kagome had been the only casualty. For once, Miroku was a gentleman and averted his eyes along with Inuyasha as Sango changed into her clothing. The two humans gazed in sympathy as the grubby miko, who had once again gathered her cleaning supplies…this time to use on herself. She was lucky that the spring had a neighboring pool that had remained undisturbed during the skirmish. The two then dragged the pouting hanyou away to give Kagome time for a quiet bath.

He had managed to disregard the muffled sounds from above as he sat in a hidden alcove under the water. He generally came here to meditate, as he did not need to concern himself with anything as foolish as the need for air. But he was unable to ignore the legs that suddenly appeared in the pool. Long, slender legs that quickly became quite pleasantly distracting. Especially when the odd garment the female had been wearing was slowly peeled down said legs, leaving a rather enticingly nude form free for his perusal. She stepped closer as she moved into the deeper portion of the pool, more of her body becoming visible as the water lapped against her shoulders. His eyes hooded as a pair of the most perfect breasts ever gifted by the kami (in his not so humble opinion) bobbed teasingly before his rather fascinated gaze. He shrugged. He was, after all, only male, and the temptation was irresistible.

Kagome eyed the water cautiously. Something was moving, under there… Was there such a thing as hot-spring fish? Maybe a youkai variety that she’d never encountered before? A brief metallic flash gleamed just under the surface as if to confirm her suspicions, before once again disappearing from sight. She bit her lip as she contemplated her choices. She could either ignore the beastie and finish cleaning herself up. Or she could leave…and then have to explain to Inuyasha that she’d run away from a goldfish. She could just hear him, now… “You weak little human! Afraid of a little fish!?”Her nose scrunched in self-disgust. No way in HELL!!! She began humming to herself in an effort to distract herself as she re-shampooed her hair, then scrubbed her face. Something in the water shifted.She paused, eyes searching the dark depths. That must be one really big fish… Maybe she really should just wait until tomorrow. But- She really wanted to be clean, darn it! Eyes locked on the water, she hurriedly scrubbed at her neck and shoulders, preparing to call for Inuyasha despite herself as she sank to her chin under the water. “InuyaAAAIIEEEE!!” Kagome squealed in surprise as something latched onto her nipple. Then sucked. It was warm and insistent, and Kagome shot from the water so fast that it looked as if she’d levitated. She scrambled into her robe and, without wasting a moment, fled through the trees and back into camp.
Her speed was rather impressive, he reflected as his ‘prey’ disappeared. He surfaced slowly, moon-silver hair gleaming in the faint light. He allowed a smirk to curve his ruddy lips as he slowly blinked lashes heavy with moisture, golden eyes glowing with satisfaction. He’d been correct in his theory. Miko au-natural was quite the luscious treat.

They jumped as the young woman came tearing down the path and into camp. Her eyes were wild as she ran toward Sango, babbling incoherently. The best they could make out was that Kagome had encountered a ‘freaky, perverted youkai fish’. Miroku had instantly come to full attention, but when asked to elaborate, Kagome had done a rather magnificent impression of a tomato and clammed up tighter that Naraku when informed about his latest failure in ‘world domination’. When they were unable to drag anything useful from her, Inuyasha snorted at her in disgust while stating that she’d made everything up. Sango sighed. It was going to be a long night. She had no idea just how right she was…

lesson three - your Inu must be groomed and bathed regularly. Be certain that he learns good ‘bath etiquette’, at a young age, to avoid poor behavior as he matures.

a.n. He got away from me...I couldn’t control him anymore!!! ::grins::

Next chapter: Enforcing dominance