InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Complete Idiot's Guide to Dog Demons ❯ When to allow your Inu into your bed ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 5. When to allow your Inu into your bed What was the proper protocol for riding over a Taiyoukai’s shoulder? Kagome’s mind scurried in warped little circles as she bounced over the shoulder of a newly outed pervert, all the while trying to figure this out. Of all the people-err...youkai- in the world, this one was the last one she ever would have guessed to harbor such inclinations. She carefully placed her hands against his lower back to brace herself, earning herself an oddly playful squeeze of her thigh as he modified his stride to accommodate her more comfortably with her shift in weight distribution. The sensation of his warm, callused fingers startled her into losing her balance with a yelp, her hands skating over the wet silk then down the smooth muscles of his back and over his gorgeously sculpted backside, where they then decided to ignore her brain when it told them to move. Please move? They curved about the conveniently placed portion of his anatomy and squeezed without her permission. It flexed under her hands as he walked, and the traitors then proceeded to relay back to her panicked brain exactly how firm and well-shaped it was. Kagome squeaked and yanked her hands from his backside as if they had caught fire, her cheek bumping his back with her lack of stability. He chuckled, his back rumbling against her chest, before smoothing his cheek against her hip. Her spinning brain then raised the white flag in defeat to insanity, and Kagome reentered the well-remembered and highly-practiced state of mental babbling. SHE’D JUST GROPED SESSHOMARU!! He didn’t kill her!?!? Why didn’t he kill her? Why was he doing this? Was he just waiting and stringing it out to torture her? What was going on? Was it to get at Inuyasha? Had he eaten a funny mushroom? Did Inu youkai males go into rut like a female would go into heat? Was Miroku a distant relation? And if so, how? These and many more questions jumped hoops in her head as her hands, unbeknownst to her and without her permission, returned to their previous occupation. He smirked and continued on, making no other gesture to acknowledge her actions so as to keep her from breaking off her current activity. Let it never be said that Sesshomaru wasn’t an opportunist… Was his previous conduct then a charade? was Kagome’s next panicked thought. Well, she knew better, now! Fat lot of good that would do her at the moment, though… His character had been defined in many ways: Aristocratic, cold ::beautiful:: remote, vicious ::sexy:: uncompromising. And the list went on. She mentally slapped herself as she realized that even her brain had betrayed her. Sexy??! She sighed. It was true. He was. Even while hanging upside down over his shoulder…watching the way his ass shifted under her hands with every swaying stride. WHAT??!! Once again, she removed her wayward hands from their newfound preoccupation. Oh god Miroku was right! Perversion was contagious!! A soft groan of disappointment came from her companion. “Um…where are we going?” Surely he wasn’t serious about her spanking him? “Home.” Wow…he actually answered. “Where is that?” She yipped as his fangs nipped her thigh through the silk of the loose sleeping pants she had managed to don a bit after Sango had finally gotten her to stop her verbal rambling back in camp. “The Western Fortress. And I do not remember instructing you to desist.” Her eyes, only recently having regained their normal appearance, once again bulged. In fact, they could not have been too unlike Inuyasha’s when Sesshomaru had swung her over his shoulder and calmly walked away. His mouth had opened and closed a few times…exactly like the fish Kagome had thought Sesshomaru to be when he had first, well… Orally groped her was the best way she could come up with to describe his actions. And when it was all said and done, he had stood like the proverbial statue, jaw resting on the ground between his feet, as they grew smaller and smaller in the distance. “When are you going to take me back?” Pease let this be a joke…pleasepleaseplease… She’d even make Inuyasha a dinner all for himself and let him overeat to his heart’s content. Of course, cooking is what had gotten her into this in the first place. How did she always manage to get herself into these situations??? “After I gain what I desire from you, miko.” “And that is…?” A low, sensuous laugh rumbled in his throat, even as he ran his hand over her upturned backside. “I thought that was rather self-explanatory, darling.” And now she had a pet name?! “HAH! I knew it!” she suddenly exclaimed. “You are Naraku!” Now he laughed outright. “Unlikely. Your half-breed would have thrown less of a tantrum.” He wondered if she realized that she had yet to attempt to free herself. Not that he was about to let her go, however. Then he narrowed his eyes. Walking was taking too long, and he was getting impatient. When they suddenly rose into the air, Kagome muffled her surprised shriek against his back while wrapping her arms tightly around his torso in a desperate attempt to not fall. And she realized then just how much faster he was than her customary youkai transportation. Though, it was after a few tense moments that she found that his ‘gait’ was also quite a bit smoother. But no way in hell was she letting go! Then, she didn’t have a choice as she was unexpectedly tossed onto her back on a rather huge bed. She looked around, momentarily misplacing the Taiyoukai in the order of her thoughts. Black silk bed clothing and hangings echoed the black marble floor. Slightly intimidating…and ominous. Then the mental picture of Sesshomaru spread out nude over the darkness of his bed reached her brain. Oh…wow. She suddenly became aware of a whispering of silk from behind, and she turned to see that the promise of perfection from under wet silk was more than fulfilled as his kosode slipped to the floor in a pool of silk. Apparently, he wasn’t joking, she thought in absentminded wonder. He moved toward her, and her cheeks burned as she realized that his hakama were still damp enough to be revealing. She crab-walked backwards in her attempt to evade him, but the stubborn pervert wasn’t having any of it as he simply wrapped his hands around her ankles and pulled her down the bed. Then he crawled up after her, before pulling her into a sitting position. Kagome squeaked and covered her eyes as his hakama landed atop his kosode in an untidy heap "You-! You're-!" He shrugged. "I'm youkai. Modesty is a human failing." Ohgodohgodohgod…this was sooo not good! And just like that, he got her into the desired position before stretching himself out on his stomach, arranging himself over her thighs. He sighed in contentment, crossing his arms and resting his head atop them. “Uh-” C’mon, Kagome! Say something! Protest! He had this look of anticipation that was highly unnerving as she peeked through her fingers like a little girl. Did he really want it that much? The candlelight reflected in his golden eyes and flickered against his moon-pale flesh. “I don’t think-” “Good. Do not think. Proceed.” Yeah…that was Sesshomaru alright, despite his new turn into lechery. It was at that unfortunate moment that sanity decided to rear it’s hugely ugly mug. She had Lord Sesshomaru draped over her lap, awaiting his ‘punishment’. This was so not right! “Can we talk about this?!” she pleaded, her voice rising with every word. “There is nothing to discuss. You will provide what I require, miko.” His voice remained that unruffled baritone. She felt irritation spike through her at his casual disregard of her feelings, and before she knew it, her hand had come down rather sharply on his proffered backside with a crack. Kagome gasped in alarm, certain that he would retaliate. But all he did was close his eyes, hips rolling reflexively against her thighs with a low moan. She looked at her rebellious hand, almost certain now that it was somehow possessed. Sesshomaru smiled to himself, though he was careful to keep it hidden. That had been so much better than he had anticipated. Oh…he was definitely enjoying this, Kagome though. That was rather unmistakable, even though she’d never had a male press himself against her before. She blinked. Did they all get that hard? Or was it a youkai thing? She must have sat in her stupor a bit longer that he had the patience for, because he let her know with a faint curl of his lip that she had been idle. She could almost have claimed that she’d conceded out of sheer self-preservation …but it would have been a lie. Because she was curious. She must also be completely crackers!! Seeing as, just then, she lifted a hand….and let fly. The impact was even harder this time, sending small stinging twinges through her hand where it had impacted the firm muscle. This time his answer was a strangely erotic mix of rough pleasured moan and bestial growl, a sound that made her shiver in reaction even as she brought her hand down yet again. It wasn’t hard to ignore the nagging of her consciousness after that as it demanded she cease and desist forthwith in favor of drawing yet more of those incredibly arousing sounds from the Taiyoukai. She soon forgot all about her stinging hand as she watched his skin momentarily flush under the impact before swiftly fading into his accustomed pale perfection. He seemed completely enthralled by the sensation as he began howling under the blows…and even that held it’s own appeal. Sesshomaru’s beast had emerged to share the sensation, and he kept his eyelids tightly clenched to keep from causing any reason at all for her to end the amazing pleasure so unlike any he had ever allowed himself in the past. And he had also been correct in his assumption. It was simply the fact that it was her that made it so enjoyable. Her small hands on his flesh and her innocently curious desire that, even now, he could feel drive heat in a spiking rush through his blood as her scent made him almost dizzy. And then he was finally unable to endure the delicious agony a moment longer. In a split second, she was flat on her stomach, her clothing winging across the room to join his. She blinked as she suddenly found herself pinned under a heavily aroused male. I knew this was going to happen! the prim side of her crowed. And she had…if not consciously. It had been that sixth sense that all young women possess that warned of danger when in the presence of a sexually deviant male. Especially when that particular deviancy might be something that could, by the remotest possible margin, be something that could appeal to their inner wanton. But if she had known…then why hadn’t she made any real attempt to stop him? Because she hadn’t wanted to… Crap! Self-honesty was such a bitch! And speaking of…if she didn’t talk him out of this, he’d soon be making her his bitch. She made one last effort to reason with him. “You don’t really want to do this! I’m human and you’re youkai! Remember?! This sooo isn‘t right!” He chuckled, though she didn’t see what was so terribly funny. “True. Especially since, technically, one might consider this to be beastiality." He ran his tongue down a shoulder blade with a relishing sound as she almost stopped breathing. "But, lucky for me, I'm fully capable of consenting."

lesson five - when sharing your bed with your Inu companion, be careful that he remembers that it is a privilege to be earned, and not demanded.

::pats dirt down atop her head and waits for the insanity to end::

Next chapter: The mating practices of an Inu