InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Complete Idiot's Guide to Dog Demons ❯ The mating practices of an Inu ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 6. The mating practices of an Inu

Kagome could almost have prayed for the days when the only male perversion she had to deal with was the occasional grope from a lecherous `holy man' and the overenthusiastic affection from a certain ookami prince.

It wasn't fair!!!

How was she to have known that spanking the Taiyoukai would have gotten her into a state where physical preparation of her person was no longer strictly necessary? She'd always heard that a girl's first time had to be taken absurdly slowly, so as to relax her enough to accept a male into her body as comfortably as possible.

Lame…like she was some wimpy little girl who couldn't handle a bit of discomfort.

Grrr…she was doing it again! Thinking about this as if doing it was a foregone conclusion.

Male lips danced down her throat and she quivered in response.

Okay…so maybe it was.

She could now add the complete and total disloyalty of her body to that of her insanity laden mind.

The first time he'd used his mouth on her had been the beginning of the rather unique foreplay. Then came the way he'd wrapped his lips about another bit of her. A rather sensitive bit that picked that rather inconvenient time to react to the memory, puckering into a tight bud against his hand as he palmed a rounded breast. His other arm was currently locked under her hips, holding her into a position that she should have guessed he`d favor. Oh, not just because he was Inu, but because of the sexually dominant nature of the male himself. No matter his desire for the spanking. The feel of his flesh under her hands. The way he shivered under the blows while uninhibitedly howling his pleasure into the darkness of the vast room had all contributed to her current situation.

Sesshomaru allowed the rumble of pleasure to emerge as she unconsciously pressed herself backwards and into the ache that only intensified with her actions.

He knew he wasn't being fair to her, but he found himself unable to care beyond a fleeting guilty regret. He had centuries of experience to draw upon to aid him in overriding her uncertainty. Then there was his youkai senses. He could almost feel the way she experienced his touch, smell the way her body readied itself for his, even if she was unwilling to admit to it. Granted, all of his previous experiences had been with youkai bitches, but he couldn't imagine that the act would be much different in terms of mechanics.

Though…she was infinitely easier to maneuver into whatever act he might desire. Her lack of experience had dropped her into his, admittedly, currently less than ethical `clutches`.


̶ 0;Referring to me with an honorific will not help you, girl.”


Something grazed her upper thighs and Kagome went still as she remembered the exact placement of his hands. He shifted her hips and that thing eased higher, rubbing her in a place he had no business touching. With any of his limbs! She squirmed to inform him of her displeasure with his actions, but it only served to wedge the invader higher.

The squeaking that she seemed to have suddenly become adept at while in his presence once again occurred as he pressed the tip of his penis (there…she'd managed to say the word, even if it was only in her own mind!) against the folds that peeked through the dip at the tops of her thighs. Yet he was careful to go no further. The bastard…

“Knock it off, you overgrown pervert!”

He snorted in faintly scornful amusement. “Do you actually expect that to work?”

“Well, no…not really.” Heh. At least she was honest.

There was a slightly uncomfortable scrape against her shoulder and she realized he had dragged his fangs along the skin, just breaking the surface. “Owie!”

“Child.” He licked up the small beads of blood.

“Yeah, and your piece is between this child's legs!” There, that would teach him! Yeah…right…if he was anyone but Sesshomaru. Mr. I do what I want, when I want, and apparently whomever I want as well.

He chuckled at her response, even as he pressed himself against her just a bit harder, the tip of him now threatening to enter. Then he waited.

It was…strangely uncomfortable. Most of her wanted to clamp her muscles until he was forced from his position. But a small part of her wondered what it would feel like to just drop forward until her shoulders met the pillow and he took up the invitation.

Was she actually considering this?! Losing her virginity to an, though admittedly gorgeous, asshole of a youkai lord. Then again, when would she ever have another chance like this? An insanely beautiful male just waiting (rather impatiently at that) for her consent. Because, she realized, even as hard up as he was, he was still not proceeding as he so obviously wished.

Another nudge and she gave into the inevitable. His argument was very convincing, after all.

He had to admit, when she had moved, he had been certain that she was once again attempting to escape. So, he was a bit startled when she just seemed to go limp in his grasp. Her rump remained airborne, while her arms seemed to suddenly stop holding her weight.

Then he realized that she was in the proper receiving position of an Inu bitch. Maybe not consciously…but it was certainly timely. He almost lost every shred of sense, though he retained just enough that when he drove forward, he didn't throw all of his considerable strength into a thrust that broke cleanly though her hymen.

She stiffened, though to her credit, she didn't make a sound. His beast attempted to thank her for the lack of audial assault by taking possession of her lips. Though it was strange, because while this was a human practice, he found himself peculiarly reluctant to end it. Perhaps there was merit in this after all? Or was it like the spanking and only worthwhile when indulged in with this girl?

At this point his thoroughly trampled bigotry decided to dig a hole and bury itself, because he came to the conclusion that yes, it was only this human girl that gave this act any meaning beyond an emotionless rut.

Kagome slowly managed to regulate her breathing with the barrage of new sensations. She had never realized how this might feel. Sure, like any girl her age, she was curious. What would it be like to feel her body stretch in accommodation of another person? Would it feel natural? Or strange?

She realized that her imagination was wonky, because she hadn't anticipated anything like this.

So, sure, it had stung a bit more than she'd anticipated.

But was it supposed to feel as if she'd been skewered on a flagpole???

Stupid youkai and their stupid overly gifted humanoid forms! Wasn't it enough that he was prettier than she was?!

But along with his physical perfection came the gift of his perfect patience. Because, despite his tension, he managed to wait for her to relax, murmuring soothing nonsense to the young woman caged beneath his body.

Kagome's mental babbling continued, deciding that yes, he definitely deserved a cookie for that. Not that he'd actually eat one, though. Or would he? He'd eaten the cheesecake without a qualm. Maybe he simply had a sweet tooth? What constituted `human food' anyways? Was it food that only a human would enjoy? Was it food that had once been human? Food prepared by a human? Or did it mean that only raw meat would provide the proper nutrition? Because if so-

He chose that moment to resume movement, putting a stop to her rambling as he slid back, then rolled forward.


If this was any indicator of how the ending might feel, then she was all for this, darn it!

Then she stopped thinking completely.

Sesshomaru had long ago lost any sense of technique or long honed talent. He simply wanted more. Harder. And NOW.

Now now now, the beast chanted in his head, driving him on, even as her soft, almost hesitant moans drifted upwards into his pointed youkai ears.

Kagome would never have imagined the great lord Sesshomaru, let alone any male, would be so very vocal in their pleasure. Half-feral and very nearly out of control, the sounds managed to do what his patience had not. She began moving with him as best she could, attempting to keep up with his wild thrusting.

He must have taken it as a challenge because his pounding increased in speed and power, lifting her knees from the bed before he pulled his hand from her breast and tunneled his fingers though her hair, yanking her head to the right.

She screamed as his fangs slid into the juncture of her neck and shoulder like hot knives, and if she'd been able to think straight, she might have been ashamed of the way it only added to the pleasure. But she was quite happily unaware.

And it was too late, regardless.

A strange tightening sensation began in her belly and she absently wondered if it was going to begin hurting soon. She'd thought this was supposed to be pleasurable…

It was.

Kagome jerked as if shot when the unexpected, though long awaited, orgasm ripped through her, her vision blurring and painted silver along the edges. His jaws tightened, holding her in place like the animal he was. And Kagome didn't care. She gasped and shook, going limp as he rode her down, snarling as she clenched about him with merciless force. Face down and pinned under his weight, she simply lay there and moaned as he continued, dimly aware that her insides would ache later but unable to care.

Demonic stamina being what it was, he had nearly unlimited endurance that he utilized to make certain that she'd never forget this. Would never again attempt to deny him. Because she was his, now. And maybe, just maybe, she had always been.

It was only as he realized that her voice was going hoarse and her orgasms were coming in gradually slower intervals, that it finally broke through his fogged mind that she was exhausted.


One last, harsh thrust and he allowed himself to finally release with a sharp howl. He was amused when she squeaked once more as she felt the sensation of him spilling inside her. And to Kagome's dismay, being Inu as he was, he locked up inside of her, rolling onto his side and taking her with him.

“Um…you seem to be stuck,” she stated inanely.

He grunted. “And quite content to be so.”


There was silence and he used the time to run his tongue over the punctures on her slender throat, healing them while leaving the claim marks for all to see.

“Well. Fuck,” was all she could think of to say.

The youkai chuckled. “Indeed,” he purred.
Lesson six - once you decide what place your Inu will hold in your life, be certain you are in complete control.
::blinks wildly:: that animal…
Next chapter: Pack Rivalry