InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Complete Idiot's Guide to Dog Demons ❯ Pack rivalry ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 7. Pack rivalry

It had taken Inuyasha almost a full hour to come to the conclusion that he had no idea what the hell was going on. He’d stood in the road, watching as Kagome had disappeared into the distance.

The little time-displaced miko had been taken by, of all things, an even larger pervert than Miroku.

He hadn’t even known such a thing was possible.

That the houshi had found someone to hero-worship was vaguely disturbing, as well. But not so much as the fact that the hero he had chosen was his stick-up-the-ass brother.

Who apparently wasn’t as uptight as he’d been led to believe.

“What the hell is going on?”

Sango crossed her arms and scowled. “Your brother is a pervert.”

“Gee, ya think?” Inuyasha returned snidely.

“Sesshomaru-sama is an inspiration to hentai, everywhere,” Miroku sighed, that same disturbingly starry-eyed look on his smiling face.




And the monk spun ass over head into the dirt, rolling a few times before impacting against a nearby tree.

She was improving, Inuyasha decided in a moment of detached irony. That one had gotten four full rotations, before Miroku had finally come to a stop. She stood there in all of her furious glory, even as Miroku grinned up at her. Then she turned on Inuyasha.

“What is Sesshomaru up to?” she growled in a rather impressive imitation of a pissed off youkai. “Will he just indulge in whatever little kink he's suddenly developed and then let her go?”

“Uh, Sango-” A small foot pressed warningly against his throat, and Miroku hastily halted in his explanation. “Right. Shutting up, Mistress Sango.”

Inuyasha eyed her in consternation. “Are you seriously asking me about my brother's sex life?!?” He asked, his voice raising into a glass-shatteringly shrill pitch.

She’d seen the way Sesshomaru had presented his ass for the spanking he’d felt he’d earned just like he had! What the fuck did she think was going on?! He himself was the king of selective eyesight and even he was unable to forget about what he’d-

Oh. That’s right… Sango had no idea of what Sesshomaru had done to Kagome just before she’d come running into camp.

“Only when it involves Kagome, Inuyasha, and good God could that sound any more twisted??!!”

Inuyasha’s ears flattened in fear. He knew what was coming and could only hope that he would weather the storm in less than five pieces. He’d just never imagined that the great Lord of the Frozen Assholes would suddenly grow a sense of humor, develop a taste for a human female, gain a rather masochistic need of aforementioned female, and then proceed to make off with her. Which left him to deal with Sango, who had decided that the younger girl was to be looked after as if she was a younger sibling.

He squared his shoulders, prayed that his knocking knees stayed silent, and cleared his throat. He almost flinched as a gimlet glare pinned him to the spot.


“…” His lower ‘accessories’ attempted to climb back up into his body as the woman’s eyes narrowed.

“NOW, Inuyasha!”

“He’s gonna rut with her.” And then he scrunched his eyes shut, so he would not have to see her fist approach.

For a few moments, the hanyou’s words did not register. It simply was not possible. And any second she would catch a glimpse of Naraku in that ugly dead ape skin he seemed to find fashionable, snickering like a naughty child as he watched Inuyasha parrot whatever words he’d managed to feed him.

But there was no Naraku. Which meant that Inuyasha was acting under his own influence.


Fortunately at that precise moment, Inuyasha’s agitation finally ate away the last remnants of his previous overindulgence and he leapt upwards into the closest tree.

“You get back down here and repeat that!”

Yeah right…and then he’d strip naked and present himself to Kagura as a sex slave.

For some reason, the thought caught his attention and his eyes momentarily glazed. Hmmm…on second thought…

Then he shook himself. Gah!

He heard a grunt and looked back to see that Sango had yanked Miroku to his feet. Hah, better the monk than him!

“Explain, monk!”

“Err…Inuyasha said he was going to rut with Kagome.” His smile was ingratiating, though ignored as a wasted effort.

“I see.” She turned to look at the treed male. “Then I only have one more question. WHY THE HELL ARE WE STANDING HERE WASTING THE TIME WE SHOULD BE USING TO SAVE KAGOME?!”

The bellow seemed far too intense to have come from the vocal cords of a human female and Inuyasha attempted to cover his poor, abused, ears even as he gazed wide-eyed at the red-faced huntress. Then he slowly climbed back down the tree's trunk, because he knew Sango’s next actions would involve utilizing her hiraikotsu on the tree until she’d cut it down far enough that he’d have no-where left to hide from her wrath.

She whistled sharply and Kirara, who had been off hunting her dinner, appeared from through the trees.

She threw a leg over the neko’s back and threw herself aboard, barely waiting long enough for Miroku to climb on behind her. For once, he had the sense to keep his hands to himself.

Just as Inuyasha knew to keep his mouth shut, and simply began tracking the Taiyoukai.

But after a while, he was forced to admit to the others that he had lost the trail.

“He’s flying.”

“What direction?”

He scowled. “Do I look psychic to you?”

“Then hurry up and guess, Inuyasha!”
“Fine!” He was beginning to remember that she was human and he wasn’t and he was a male, darn it! He wasn’t afraid of her! That did not, however, stop him from taking off in the direction of the Western Stronghold.

“Where are we going?” came the monk’s curious voice.

“The bastard’s fortress. I think he took her there.”

It somehow completely slipped his mind that there was no way in hell that he’d be able to make up the distance eaten up by his half-brother’s speed.


Kagome sprawled in an exhausted heap in the middle of the bed. Her lover, and oh god that sounded strange even to her, lay with his cheek pressed against the upper slope of her backside. A heavy arm curled around the closest thigh, holding her in place.

He’d occasionally tighten his hold while simultaneously scraping his fangs over the round curve. Then he’d either prowl up over her prone body and have another go, or purr and drop back into whatever dream he’d almost left behind. He’d actually sunk his fangs into her backside more than once, rumbling his appreciation for that bit of anatomy. But then, he was Inu after all. Maybe that was normal?

Of course, the number of fang marks in her ass could not even begin to compare to the number of marks on her shoulders.

Damn all youkai and their voracious sexual appetites! She couldn’t move without groaning and if he took her even one more time, she was sure she’d end up crawling from the room on her hands and knees….if she was lucky. That was assuming that her being on her knees with her butt in the air didn’t somehow entice him to continue right where he’d left off. It hadn’t helped things that every time he ejaculated, he’d swell even further inside of her and proceed to take advantage of her forced immobility. He seemed to particularly enjoy the sensation of her muscles clutching the swollen length of him.

She blinked as the sun finally rose above the windowsill.

She’d been gone that long?

No wonder she was sore, she huffed to herself as she reached back and down, shoving at the sleeping male’s shoulder.

Sesshomaru grunted, before his eyes slowly opened. One silver brow rose in question.

“I have to go back, now. It‘s morning,” she said, stating the blindingly obvious.

His golden eyes narrowed, before he grunted and cuddled back up to his ‘pillow’.

He was ignoring her???? Kagome shoved at him again, this time attempting to remove herself from his hold.

She would have had better luck trying to lift the family car.

“You let me up or I’ll never spank you again!”

That did it. He growled, but sat up. He yawned, his white teeth flashing in the morning light, before raking his fingers through his sleep-tousled mane. She purposefully kept her eyes from his nude form, unwilling to give up her ability to speak with coherency. Then she made a mistake. She rolled over in an attempt to sit up and whimpered as the punctures took her weight, though she did not miss his expression.

“Don’t you smirk at me! This is your fault!”

He laughed as he stood, flipping his mane over his shoulder with a toss of his head and rolling his shoulders to release the stiff muscles. “I seem to remember someone digging her little claws into my back and begging me. ‘Oh, harder, right there…’ Ring any bells?”

His breathless, moaning little impersonation of her had her face flaming. And unfortunately…

He lifted his head and scented the air, almost groaning as he took in the scent of her renewed arousal. He very nearly jumped her, but managed to restrain himself. She was right, after all. It was time to return, because he could hardly wait to see the hanyou’s face when he realized that Kagome was now Sesshomaru’s mate.


They had been traveling all through the night and well into the morning when Sango, who had been flying above the trees, observed the strange disturbance making it’s way towards them from a few miles out. The smaller trees bent outward against some massive force as it came closer to their location.

Then Inuyasha leaped to the top of the closest tree and let out a growl.

“Sesshomaru, you bastard! Get your ass over here!”

The responding rumble sounded mocking and sarcastic, even as the Inu changed course.

Inuyasha jumped up and down in his rage, losing his balance and nearly toppling from the treetop. “You are too a bastard!”

Another rumble, this time shaking the forest as it echoed through the trees.

“YES I DO KNOW WHAT ‘BASTARD’ MEANS YOU ASSHOLE!!!” Inuyasha shrieked, red-faced with indignation.

This time the growling sounded more like laughter, even as the faintest echoes of a female voice chastised the Inu lord.

Then Sesshomaru appeared through the trees. He was in true youkai form, his head nearly level with the surrounding treetops. Kagome rode astride his broad, sleek-furred back, clutching fistfuls of the shiny mass. She tugged in reprimand and the Inu’s red eyes half-closed in pleasure.

The humans gawked, even as Inuyasha leapt from his perch to another, closer to his brother’s massive face.

He shook a rather small, non-threateningly humanoid fist. “Give Kagome back!”

The Taiyoukai snorted gustily, almost knocking Inuyasha from his branch.

“Whattaya mean I lost her fair and square?!?!”

Sesshomaru’s fangs gleamed in a mocking doggy grin.

Kagome, in the meantime, had gained her feet and had begun marching up the Taiyoukai’s back and thick neck. She tugged at a small pointed ear to draw his attention, before she attempted to shake her finger at him while hanging over the back of his head.

His response could only best be described as a snicker as she lost her balance and slid down over his muzzle. Her thighs wrapped about the living landmass and she sat up, gazing at him wide-eyed from her new position. He flicked his tongue up over his nose in a lecherous reminder as to her positioning. Then he shifted forms, catching her in his arms, even as he rubbed his cheek against her belly before setting her on her feet.

By this time, Sango and Miroku had landed on the ground. Sango had readied her hiraikotsu to attempt an attack on the Taiyoukai, when she realized with a bit of shock that it would not be necessary. Kagome stood on her own two feet in front of a smirking Sesshomaru. Her little finger once again attempted to shake itself at him as she ‘put him in his place’. The huntress gaped as that finger disappeared into the youkai’s mouth as he captured it with his lips. Kagome went still, Sango gurgled…and Miroku grinned his hentai grin.

Inuyasha hit the ground in a cursing heap, before stomping over to his brother and taking a swing at him. Of course he hit air, but it drew Sesshomaru’s attention. And by the time Inuyasha realized that he had actually missed, Sesshomaru had already deposited the shaken girl on an overhead tree branch. His eyes were cold as he turned on his brother.

“You will never again do something so foolish.”


He found himself tossed to the ground and pinned under his brother’s rather significant weight. He squirmed, though it did him no good as his arms lay restrained under the inu’s knees. Strength was one thing, but without leverage he was screwed.

“You lost that female fair and square, little brother! You never claimed her as a potential mate, you or that foolish wolf cub you insist upon scrapping with! And you almost injured her in your blind stupidity.” The male snarled even as Inuyasha attempted to argue fault. He clamped a big hand over the hanyou’s filth-spewing mouth, muffling said filth. “And before you whine about it, Kagome failed to protest until after we arrived at my home. So that argument will not hold, boy!”

“Men hiv er ack!”

Sesshomaru removed his hand. “Repeat that.”

“I said ‘Then give her back!’ You got what you wanted from her! Now give her back!” Inuyasha ranted.

Golden eye widened in surprise. “You would liken her to a whore? To be tossed aside once enjoyed?”

“I’m not the one who-”

Sesshomaru sighed and shook his head in disgust. Then drove his fist down into Inuyasha’s jaw. Amber eyes rolled up into his head and he slumped.

Sesshomaru cracked his knuckles as he got to his feet. “Fool. As if I would give up my mate.”


The words came from three gaping mouths. Though, the only mouth he concerned himself with was the one attached to the lovely lips belonging to his female.

“Did you think I was biting you for your health?” A brow slid up in mocking question.

Red-faced, Kagome scrambled down from the tree. “I thought it was just because you were a pervert with a fixation on biting me!”

He smirked, shrugging with an absolute lack of shame. “Well, that too.”


Lesson seven - when introducing a new male into another male’s territory, be certain neither have dominance issues.


::plugs her ears and lets the youkai determine his own perverted fate::

Next chapter: Rewarding your Inu