InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Complete Idiot's Guide to Dog Demons ❯ Rewarding your Inu ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 8. Rewarding your Inu

The word mate went in one ear, and Kagome's ability to reason fell out the other.

Her comment on his perversion had come out on autopilot and she half expected Sango to slap him out of long ingrained habit with Miroku. But the huntress must have had better sense than to strike the Taiyoukai, because she remained firmly on 'her' side of the path. Oh, no, onlyKagome could be that stupid…

“What do you mean by `mate'?” Her tone was oddly calm, but inside Kagome was gibbering like the proverbial village idiot.

A silver brow rose. “Mate. Or…wife, as you humans would call it.”

Any minute now, someone would be kind enough to pinch her and welcome her back to the land of the living. Kagome scrunched her eyes tightly shut. Any minute, now…

Fangs nipped briefly at her throat and Kagome whimpered as she realized that no, she was quite awake.

“But you HATE humans!” she wailed, stubbornly clinging to the concept that he had quite thoroughly disproved, as if it would make the last twenty-four hours into a warped dream.

“I thought we had gone over this last night. In detail. Or did the headboard-”

She hurriedly covered his mouth and the other two had the distinct impression that the Inu was smirking behind her hand.

Kagome's face was predictably red and she groaned. Oh kami, he really was worse than Miroku! She'd have to separate the two before Sango was forced to bludgeon the impressionable human hentai to death out of self-defense!

“H-How long will this last?” she stammered a bit hesitantly.

He curled his fingers about her fragile wrist and removed the small hand from his lips. “Forever.”

Kagome groaned while the Taiyoukai became distracted with sliding his tongue over her palm. This was just nuts….

Kagome Higurashi, half-trained miko from the future, was mated to a perverted, masochistic, morally ambiguous, orally fixated Inu youkai. Scratch that- Inu-Taiyoukai. She sighed, before pulling her hand from his roving mouth. He curled his lip as he was deprived of his treat, but allowed it.

She'd been right in thinking that he would make her his bitch. She had just never realized that he would make it permanent. If she had, she would have run screaming.

Straight into his bed, that annoying voice of honesty said smugly, and Kagome could only mentally wince as she was forced to acknowledge that embarrassing bit of truth.

Sango traded a glance with Kagome, unable to even begin ferreting out the words she wished to express. She would talk to her sister later and get whatever details she could, but for now? She settled for wrapping a hand about the unconscious hanyou's ankle and dragging him behind her like baggage. Miroku followed along, engaging in his favored past time. Two lovely backsides swayed before him, one encased in a clinging taijiya uniform and the other bouncing beneath the smooth silk of a loose kosode.

“Monk.” The voice was cool and subtly threatening and Miroku immediately looked up.

Sesshomaru pinned him with narrowed eyes. “You will refrain from ogling my female's backside or I will remove your eyes.”

That was his job and he wasn't sharing.

Miroku gulped and quickly nodded his agreement.

After all, it would not do to anger his new hero. He had so much to learn from him.

Kagome squawked as she was abruptly lifted and placed in front of the Inu, presumably to block her from Miroku's line of sight. And somehow, she was actually surprised when one of his hands slid up under the hem of the silk and through the gap at the hip of her hakama, squeezing a bare buttock. She'd forgone undergarments while in his bedchambers for the simple reason that she wanted air to get to the small punctures in her poor chew toy of a bottom.

She'd only been given time to throw her outer-clothing onto her bottom half before he had abruptly tossed her into the air, shifted forms, then pivoted so that she'd landed on his back. A shriek had been his answer and she'd barely gotten a good handful of his fur before he'd leaped from the balcony and into the early morning.

His other hand took up his new preoccupation and Kagome could only pray that Sango and Miroku didn't figure out what he was up to and-

Kagome smothered a gurgle of shock.

Up to was apparently an apt phrase as his hands released her cheeks and wrapped around her hips, pulling her backwards into his body.

Did the damned thing never die??!!

His quiet laughter rumbled in his chest, even as he pressed the swollen ridge of yet another erection against the upper curve of her recently abandoned backside before letting her go.

She glared at him as best she could before stomping away.

He snorted. “Priestess? You do realize that only makes the sight all the more enticing, do you not?”

Her shoulders hunched as he laughed outright.


Miroku, unfortunately, had already gotten ideas.

At the current time, he lay in a heap at the base of the same tree that Sango had tossed Inuyasha after reaching camp.

Before his rather ignoble beating, he had attempted to follow Sesshomaru's example by using his mouth on Sango's throat. Maybe it was an erogenous zone that had the side effect of turning off a woman's brain and ability to say no? After all, when the Taiyoukai had done it, Kagome had gone still, her eyes bugging out as he proceeded with whatever little act his deviant mind demanded of him while in the company of others.

But, unfortunately for Miroku, it had simply proved that Kagome was just too shocked by Sesshomaru's actions to stop him. She also lacked the huntress' well-honed `hentai sense', along with it's accompanying `pervert pounding mechanism'. And so, once again, Sango had been forced to deprive him of consciousness and had flung the man out of the way under the trees.

Then, to make matters worse, Inuyasha suddenly decided to rejoin the waking world. He didn't even have the decency to wake slowly, simply leaping to his feet the moment his eyes opened and howling with outrage at the sight of his brother curled up to his mate.

“You're always taking my things, you asshole! First it was my sword. You couldn`t have that, so now you move on to stealing parts of my pack?!”

The red began to bleed into Sesshomaru's eyes at the reference to his mate as a simple object. His movements slow and deliberate, he gained his feet, fangs bared. But Inuyasha ignored him to turn on Kagome.

“And you! What's the hell is wrong with you?! He's Sesshomaru! King of Bastards and icesickles up the ass! You'd probably get more pleasure from rutting an iceberg!” he ranted.

Kagome got to her feet while wringing her hands indecisively. Miroku, who had also regained awareness, got to his feet and joined Sango at the sidelines of the oncoming argument.

He was an Inu, right? He just needed his aggressions redirected. Think, Kagome! What would another Inu do?! Or more directly, what would a female do to get his attention?

Sesshomaru growled and Kagome jumped. Literally.

The Taiyoukai took a step forward and Kagome scrambled up his back, looping her legs around his waist. The sudden weight threw him off and he snarled at her. But she wouldn't let herself be distracted. She shoved his hair to the side and sank her teeth into his neck as hard as her feeble human jaws would allow.

His reaction was immediate and completely unpredictable. His eyes widened for a second, before he dropped to the ground as his knees buckled. A rough moan rumbled up his throat even as his eyes slid shut in pleasure. Neither noticed when Inuyasha was tackled by Miroku, who had decided to attempt to be useful and bound the hanyou with a sutra. Nor did Sango, who rubbed her eyes in an attempt to convince her brain that she was hallucinating. But as it became apparent that Kagome had the situation well `in hand' so to speak, she shook her head and nudged Miroku. They each took hold of a limb and Inuyasha was once again dragged facedown, shrieking curses as the two humans left Kagome to regroup.

The Inu purred as Kagome released her hold on his throat.

He turned, glancing at her over his shoulder, eyes gleaming in amazement.

“You little bitch…”

Kagome had the impression that it wasn't an insult. Just like she was certain that she would not be walking for quite some time to come.

Crap…stupid perpetually horny Inu…


Lesson eight - when your Inu learns to obey commands in a timely manner, be sure to reward him accordingly.

::swears she had nothing to do with this bit of insanity::
Next chapter: Exhibitionist Tendencies of the Inu