InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Complete Idiot's Guide to Dog Demons ❯ Exhibitionist tendencies of the Inu ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 9. Exhibitionist Tendencies of the Inu

Once again, Kagome found herself in a situation beyond her control.

As the last of Inuyasha's curses had faded into the distance, she had been swiftly yanked up over Sesshomaru's shoulder and pinned under the youkai. His pleasure at her actions was brought to her attention (as if she'd somehow missed it?) when he dragged her thighs up around his waist and ground himself into her.

It seemed that her half-thought-out actions had set loose the masochist in her new mate.

This time, he declined the dominant position, choosing instead to roll onto his back and lift her astride his body. Apparently, it wasn't enough that he'd duped her body into enjoying it. Now, he was determined to have her take control.

It was a strangely appealing idea. After all, if she couldn't stop it, she may as well enjoy it.

Yes, indeed, folks. Kagome had officially lost her mind.

She didn't even bother to protest as her clothing was shredded and removed without thought to what she would wear later. Though, something told her that this was not the right time to bring that little dilemma to his attention.

Nor did she voice her doubts about rutting in full view of anyone who may come along. Which would have been well within her rights, considering her mate was not the quietest of lovers and was bound to draw the attention of anything possessing ears within a ten mile radius.

Not that she was complaining, or anything. Because one of the most common faults among the male species of any humanoid culture was the lack of vocal response during the act.

I mean, seriously, her mind insisted. Men liked to hear that their actions were pleasing. Why wouldn't the same work for women?

With that in mind, she sat up and hurriedly began shoving at his clothing.

If she was to be mated to a veritable sex-god of a youkai, then she'd damned well take advantage of it!

Sesshomaru's beast sensed her sudden lack of inhibition and both male creatures decided to lay back and enjoy her frantic, fumbling efforts to strip him. In fact, he had had every intention of `allowing' her to progress in her own fashion, but his impulsive little mate took issue with his lack of assistance in an act that he'd instigated and yanked at the knots securing his hakama before shoving a small hand through the gap.

She squeezed and his body arced under her as his lungs seemed to collapse, the air whistling through his clenched teeth.

The Inu lord discovered, just then, that his bitch had a wicked smile all her own.

To her surprise, Kagome felt a peculiar sense of power in the way he'd given himself over to her. Sure, he'd allowed it, but-

A sudden snarl regained her attention and she continued. Another squeeze followed by the sliding stroke of her hand and he growled, hips rolling under her. She rode the wild movement, maintaining her balance by hugging her thighs against his body.

His fangs flashed as he bared them at her, and Kagome retaliated by raking her nails over a pectoral muscle and down his clenching abdominals. He groaned at the sensation, the lustful gleam of his eyes obscured by the sweep of his lashes. The faintest trail of welts followed in the wake of her fingers, before fading.

“Again,” he growled.

A matching path momentarily blazed over his pale flesh, before it too faded as she tightened her grip on his cock. It was accompanied by another groan. Another roll of his hips under her bottom. A satisfied smirk crossed his lips as the motion drove a responsive moan from his female.

Kagome decided that he made quite the picture, sprawled out under her. Even better than when he'd shown up dripping wet from his bath. Because now, nothing of his gorgeous anatomy was concealed. Just now, he lay spread over his fur, his kosode pulled open and his hakama loosely bunched about his thighs. She just knew her eyes had glazed over, because his satisfied expression had turned smug.

She scowled. He'd gotten his way far too many times in the past twenty-four hours.

Sesshomaru was a bit surprised when she bared her teeth at him. But he was stunned when the hand not occupied with tormenting him suddenly wrapped itself tightly in his mane and yanked him upward. Her small, white teeth once again buried themselves in his throat.

A ringing howl was her answer and she very nearly lost her grip as his hands wrapped around her hips and lifted her into the air. Instinctively, she pulled him up and pressed him into place, before he roughly dragged her down onto the hard length.

His actions were too abrupt for pleasure and she clenched her teeth tighter in reaction.

The Inu actually barked. But the wordless reprimand caught his attention. He trembled, setting the heels of his boots into the soft ground as every muscle coiled in protest. But he stayed still, waiting.

Kagome breathed through the discomfort, silently amazed that he was managing to control himself until she'd given him permission to continue.

But it wasn't long before the discomfort of invasion gave way to the discomfort of unrelieved arousal.

Curious, she gave the handful of silver strands a small tug. Anther soft growl rose from between clenched teeth.

Strangely, the sound had her squirming against him in response. Almost hesitantly, he flexed inside her. When he perceived that his actions were welcomed once more, he continued. True, he wasn't used to letting a female dominate him, but he found it highly enjoyable to allow her the control.

She slowly picked up her pace, rocking against him as he lay still, the restraint itself oddly arousing. Yet, when she finally bit him hard enough to draw blood, that restraint melted like snow in July.

And when her lips curved against his flesh in a pleased manner, his eyes bled red as he lost himself to her completely.

He was stunned as he watched through the trees.

He'd originally been drawn by the pleasured howls of the unknown male youkai. And as he'd gotten closer, he found himself unwittingly becoming aroused by the sounds of the female's responses. Like most youkai, sexuality was not sacred to him as it was to humans. He fully owned up to his voyeuristic tendencies.

He'd crept through the trees, a part of him wanting to know the identity of the male who was pleasuring his female so thoroughly. Because from the sound of it, he was doing an absolutely phenomenal job.

And yet, the closer he came to the moaning pair, the more he seemed to pick up the scent of that annoying half-demon and his pack. His encounters with them over the years had not tended to go smoothly, as he and Inuyasha had bumped heads together more than once. Contrary to popular opinion, he was adult enough to admit that it was not always Inuyasha's fault that they could not see eye to eye.

The scent of rutting was getting stronger, and he suppressed a whine of appreciation, because with the odor came the scent of an extremely powerful demon. That, and he'd enough respect for the other's abilities to not want to interrupt. After all, if it had been himself rutting the delicious smelling female, he knew he'd want to kill the intruder.

But as they came into sight, it was not respect that kept him rooted to the spot and silent.

It was shock.

Sure, he knew of the Western Taiyoukai. Who didn't? He was centuries old and obscenely powerful, the aspiration of every good youkai pup.

But the shock was about the fact that his partner was a human.

Didn't he hate humans?

His jaw almost hit the ground as he realized that, not only was he rutting with a human, he had actually allowed the bitch to mount him like a horse.

True, though he had yet to see her face, as she held it pressed against his throat (another oddity, to see the Taiyoukai baring his throat to a bitch) she was a sight to see none-the-less.

Small, shapely, and apparently almost as insatiable as the male.

Why didn't he have that kind of luck?

Sure, his affections were engaged, but he couldn't see his own beloved acting in such a manner. She was much too sweet and proper.

His wayward mind took a detour and substituted himself and his darling in place of the two. He could almost feel her as she bounced on him, because honestly, he wasn't as controlling as he'd heard the male before him to be. He didn't mind the thought of her enjoying him in that fashion.

But maybe not quite that uninhibited…

He'd caught the faint metallic tang on the air and realized that the female was biting the Inu. Did she have him under some strange spell? Much to his embarrassment, he actually blushed when he realized that, no, the Inu was a willing 'victim'. The rumbling growl of delight spelled that out in no uncertain terms.

The spectator once again allowed himself to sink back into his favorite little fantasy, which, for some reason, came even more easily at the moment. A goofy smile crossed his roughly handsome face as he admired the way the sunlight shone off the gleaming limbs and slender back of the writhing girl. The youkai responded by digging his long fingers into her ass and forcing her down even harder as he drove himself up into her full-stretch.

Again, his fantasy became more vivid as the sounds of her pleasure filtered through his senses. He could almost imagine that it was his own chosen female. Their tone of voice was very similar, even though he'd never heard his darling make such a sound. He was sure that he could entice her to produce a comparable noise, though his brow lifted in reluctant admiration when he caught a glimpse of just how well the prone male was endowed.

He forced himself to ignore the faint sense of inadequacy, because let's face it, that was just not normal he assured himself.

Self-confidence restored, he silently leapt up and found himself a perch in the tree he'd been concealing himself (and make sure that you know he's really not hiding; honestly) behind.

Then the bottom dropped out of his world.

The girl drew back with a gasp, body arcing as the sharp scent of her orgasm flooded the clearing. The male under her growled, yanking her down to drive his own fangs into her slender throat. She moaned, her blue eyes hazy with pleasure and the tree-dwelling male almost fell to the ground.

Her swollen lips shaped the name of the male who continued to drive himself as deep as her body would allow. Her blood, a familiar delicious tang, reached his nose. And all of his earlier caution was blown away by the hot tide of his anger.

Which brought him to now.


Kagome almost screamed in surprise as the voice bawled in outrage.

It took her a moment to place it, during which time Sesshomaru spun them over to cover her nude form with his own. His eyes gleamed as the other male advanced on them, stretching himself languidly over the body of his mate without a care, as if he hadn't just been bucking like some randy, half-broken stallion under his little bitch.

“You're supposed to be MY woman!” the intruder continued in an outraged howl.

The Inu grunted as Kagome suddenly came to her senses and tried to dislodge him. He snorted in amusement as she realized that, until his body relaxed it's hold, she wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon.

“Hey, Asshole! Don't you fucking ignore me! And get off MY WOMAN!”

“Koga,” Kagome groaned. “Go away! I'm not your woman!”

“Yes you are!” the stubborn Ookami persisted. “Now push him off so that we can get going!”

Sesshomaru smirked. “So, it was alright that I was rutting her while you watched, until your pea-sized Ookami brain caught up to the fact that it was Kagome?”

Kagome cringed and tried to disappear. Koga had been watching them? And Sesshomaru had allowed it?!

Koga advanced with the intention of ripping the other male off of her if necessary. But he came to a screeching halt as he found that, not only was there some kind of barrier up around the couple, but that he was quite unable to get through it.

The Inu chuckled mockingly. “Did you really think I was foolish enough to not protect myself or my bitch?”

Kagome almost squawked at the term, until she remembered that that was the proper form of address for an Inuyoukai's mate. But when had he taken the time to put up that barrier? He'd seemed pretty preoccupied to her.

Now Koga was dancing from foot to foot in agitation. “Get off her, already!”

A silver brow slid up in disbelief. “As a canine based youkai, you should know that to be quite impossible at the moment.”

Koga scowled. “And why the fuck is that?”

For a second, both Kagome and Sesshomaru went still in surprise. He had to be joking…Because, even as a human, Kagome knew about Inu procreation. Sure, it had been a bit of a surprise to find out that Sesshomaru was that much of an animal in humanoid skin, but still-


The Ookami ignored her to turn supposedly threatening eyes on the offending male. “GET UP RIGHT NOW AND FIGHT ME, YOU BASTARD!” he screeched.

He expected the challenge to have the effect of forcing the other male to his feet so he could fight him for mating rights. It still hadn't entered his thick head that not only had Kagome just denied his intention to mate with her, but that no matter how much he wanted to claim her, she was already mated.

And let's not say that Sesshomaru didn't move, it just wasn't in a way that his foolish mind understood.

Kagome gasped in gob-smacked shock. He wouldn't

He most certainly would. The Inu purred as he resumed the claiming of his female. Her face flushed as she bit her lip to keep herself silent, either to protest his actions…or even more mortifying yet, encouraging him to continue. He chuckled at her reaction, even as her sharp little claws once again dug themselves into his back.

`What the fuck?! You're hurting her, you asshole!”

Sesshomaru groaned as she rippled around him and looked up at Koga. “You are trying my patience, puppy.”

“But Kagome-”

He yelped as a light whip abruptly snapped at his ankles. “Fine! But I'll be back! Right after I finish ripping Inu-trasha a new one for letting you have my woman!”

Then he was gone.

Sesshomaru turned and nuzzled his lover. “Now…where was I…?”


Lesson nine - remember that you Inu does not have the same values as yourself, and try to go with the flow.
::…I give up…::
a.n. - this bit of perversion is dedicated to Penthesileia @ Thanx for the idea…
Next Chapter: Inu family values