InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Complete Idiot's Guide to Dog Demons ❯ A day in the life of an Inu and his mate ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 11. A day in the life of a Inu and his mate.

There was an uneasy truce that day between the two Inu brothers.

They had argued and sniped at each other ever since Inuyasha and the Ookami had appeared while attempting to bash each other‘s heads in. Both occasionally ganged up on Koga when the fool insisted on adding his own commentary. Day had eventually given way to evening, at which point Miroku had rejoined them after Sango extracted a promise from him to behave himself.

The sat on opposite sides of the camp fire, contemplating the previous night’s events and eyeing the lone Ookami, who for some reason insisted on remaining to quote ‘protect his woman from the sex-crazed Taiyoukai’. End quote. He had yet to get it through his thick skull that, while Sesshomaru was technically a sexual predator, he was not a sexual sadist.

It was now early in the morning, the sun was beginning to rise, and Kagome had finally given up and curled up against Sesshomaru in a doze, tiny snores occasionally escaping that had the Inu smiling faintly from time to time. It didn’t seem to unsettle him that the others would gape at him every time the expression crossed his face. Inuyasha could not remember a time when a smile from his brother had not meant the gruesome death of someone foolish enough to cross their eyes in his vicinity.

But Kagome made him smile in an almost serene fashion without even trying.

They were sitting before the fire; the male’s back to a convenient tree trunk with Kagome sprawled between his spread thighs. Inuyasha didn’t know how she managed to turn his brother so freakin’ touchy-feely, but she deserved a damned medal. She murmured in her sleep, wrapping a small fist into Sesshomaru’s hair, before grunting and going silent once more.

Inuyasha scrunched his face up in absolute revulsion, because it was actually cute.

And the fact that his brother and cute could ever be placed in the same sentence, together, was just downright disturbing. He shivered in disgust, wondering how long it would last, and hoping that Kagome would still allow them to ‘try to kill each other’ on occasion. He was hanyou enough to admit that Sesshomaru was the best opponent he’d ever come across and he didn’t want to lose his edge.

That strange sound he’d been hearing off and on since they had finally settled down once again reached his ears and he looked up to discover the source. His eyes widened as he realized that it was coming from his brother every time Kagome would knead him in her sleep. Her little claws would dig into his thigh or hip…and the Inu would purr like a neko on an overdose of catnip.

The hanyou wanted desperately to say something, but he knew better. One did not disturb the mate of a Taiyoukai. Especially this one. He would never have thought it of his aniki, but he would make Kagome a proper mate. Both he and Kagome had long ago resigned themselves to the fact that they were just not meant to be, and so they had moved on. He’d just never imagined that it would be to Sesshomaru. Just like he would never have guessed that she’d also desire the Inu. Because she must have…the marking would not have remained if he’d forced himself on her. He shivered at the thought, knowing that he’d have done anything at all to avenge her, if he‘d have hurt her…even instigating a fight with his brother over her. One that he knew he had no chance in hell of winning. And despite the drivel that he had spouted when the two had returned, no matter the first thoughts that he had and had become stuck in, secretly he was glad. Because now, Kagome could never leave them.

But he couldn’t help the smirk that crossed his face when he saw Koga’s expression. The Ookami blinked wildly, as if attempting to convince himself that he was seeing things. Because his Kagome wasn’t that forward. His Kagome would never openly caress another male. His Kagome-

“She is not your Kagome, Ookami,” Sesshomaru hissed through bared fangs.

Koga wondered if the Taiyoukai could read minds, not realizing that his ‘inner monologue’ function had short-circuited a while back and that they had been listening to his ramblings for quite some time. They had mostly tuned him out after a lengthy rant on the differences between deer meat and boar meat, the former having been provided by the Inu after Kagome had mentioned her lack of anything to eat in the last day and a half. Her stomach had rumbled and the Inu had disappeared. It was maybe a whole three minutes before he’d returned, the deer already skinned and gutted to be roasted.

Now, Kagome was sleeping off the effects of a wonderful meal, the excesses of the previous night, the emotional drain both before and after, and the suddenness of the new position she now found herself thrust into. Namely the title-holding Lady of the Western Lands. It had been too much for her overworked brain and she had happily succumbed to sleep while basking in the heat the male threw off.

Sesshomaru growled at the male that suddenly realized the precarious position he now found himself in. The huntress had narrowed her eyes at Koga, watchful of another tantrum. While she was not yet altogether pleased with how things had come about, Kagome had accepted the Western Lord as her mate, and she would not have the fool causing yet another scene. Because even now, she could see the big Inu curling the hand that was not occupied in running down Kagome’s back in an effort to keep her from waking into a fist, before poison began dripping down with the blood as his previously mild (and now not so much so) temper began to get the best of him.

Inuyasha was half tempted to let Sesshomaru beat some sense into the Ookami, but then Kagome would be upset, and even worse…awake. He was well aware of the fact that she needed rest.

He sighed, before planting his fist in Koga’s over-active mouth and shutting him up.

Somehow, his actions coordinated exactly with Sango’s, who had lifted her hiraikotsu and brought it down over his head…just as Miroku slapped a sutra over the back of the Ookami’s neck to immobilize him. The totaled effects were a bit of an overkill, but Sesshomaru’s beast snickered in glee as the other male blinked, before hitting the ground in much the same fashion as Inuyasha did when he’d been a bad puppy. It practically giggled and skipped in merry little circles, begging him to add to the game by gutting the boy and gifting his lower intestine to his human ward as a jumping rope.

The image it flashed behind his bleeding eyes amused him, however, and he relaxed despite it's pouting.

Kagome grumbled in her sleep, before once more settling down as he pulled her closer.

Koga mumbled unintelligibly as he attempted to roll onto his back and remove his face from the ground.


“Have we learned our lesson yet, dumb-ass?” Inuyasha asked mockingly.

“Shut up, mutt!” This was so not the way he’d imagined his day ending. All he’d wanted to do was make eyes at his woman and maybe enjoy the floor show in the forest. Was that so wrong? But, oh no. He just had to go spying on the Western Taiyoukai! His mama always did tell him that his voyeurism would get him into trouble one day, but did he listen? Nooo…he had to go his own way. It should have occurred to him that taking a female’s point of view about the female half of a mated pair would be a better choice than listening to his sire.

Now he got to lie there and watch Kagome cuddle up to another male like he was the only male in her world. He could just imagine the smirk on his mother’s face as well as the way the other Ookami would snicker at him whenever he turned his back because he’d lost his female to a lowly Inu.

It conveniently slipped his mind that cardinal Taiyoukai did not just inherit their titles…they held it by power and sheer cold-blooded cunning.

“A mutt he may be, but at the very least he boasts the blood of a Taiyoukai. What claim of heritage do you possess, Ookami, other than the ability to crack the skulls of those too young yet to defend themselves against you?” Sesshomaru sneered.

Koga opened his mouth to retort, but found that he could not refute the statement as to his blood line. Nor could he find a decent argument in his admittedly small repertoire that he felt would exonerate him of being labeled a bully. So he glared at the two males, before rolling away as if to ignore them, his nose as high into the air as his current position allowed.

Inuyasha snorted at him, silently gloating at the way the ass had been subdued where he could sit and point mental fingers. He knew better than to say anything for fear that Kagome would even the odds to where his brother could mock him in turn. His ego was still a bit tender from the previous few days and was still in the healing stages.

And so the morning passed…


The sun had long since reached it’s midpoint and Kagome had awoken to assist Sango in the preparation of their camp to move on later in the afternoon. The question about what to do with the bound Ookami had been debated over, the Inu males voting to ::ahem:: incapacitate Koga until they were out of his range of tracking ability.

The women had vetoed their wishes, choosing instead to leave him where they knew Ginta and Hakkaku would find him, both knowing that they would not be much longer in showing up. Neither having shards of their own to enhance their speed, it would take them a bit longer to arrive than it had Koga.

Koga, of course, having no vote, had allowed his boredom to get the best of him some time before and was currently snoring under his assigned tree. Conveniently calling in the ducks for their lunch.

The two females had removed themselves to take a much longed for bath, and Sango took the opportunity to grill Kagome on her latest ‘adventures’.

“So…” She swallowed and tried again. “Sesshomaru?”

Kagome very diligently studied the steaming water she soaked in in an attempt to not meet Sango‘s eyes. “Yeah.”

The huntress blushed as she sorted through the questions she wanted to ask…especially since the one she most wanted answered was-

“How was it?”

She may as well glue her eyelids to her brow bone, Kagome thought sourly, because her eyebrows once again took up residence at her hairline as her eyes widened uncontrollably. “SANGO!”

A sheepish grin crossed the other girl’s face. Embarrassment could never stand up to the girly urge to gossip. “Well? He’s Taiyoukai! He can’t have been that bad?”

“Define bad.”

Sango giggled. “Then I take it he was bad…but in the best of ways?”

Kagome smirked as she also succumbed. “One word, Sango. Stamina.

The huntress twitched excitedly as she sat opposite Kagome. “Go on…Details!”

And out came some of the details of the Taiyoukai’s delightful perversity.


For some reason, neither the Ookami nor Inuyasha possessed as acute of hearing as the Taiyoukai. So when he suddenly grinned wickedly and chuckled, the other two and Miroku looked at him as if he’d lost his mind…er, more so.

The jury was still out as to his sanity…after all he’d mated Kagome after claiming to hate her species. Then there was the point that he’d not even bothered with asking her! If it had been Inuyasha, the hanyou just knew that he’d have been sat until his bones could have made her bread.

OOOOO…bad mental image!

But he was just specializing in those, today…after all, he’d yet to shake the image of Kagura tying him down and-

The other’s eyed the foolish smile on the hanyou’s face. Though, Sesshomaru had to laugh when he overheard a detail Kagome had decided to relate to the huntress. The beast rumbled smugly, knowing that no matter how much she may deny it and pretend otherwise, she damned well had enjoyed ‘walloping his backside’, as she put it.

He wondered what she would say when he returned the favor…

But he’d promised to be a good boy, and so did not attempt to find out when the two females returned to camp. Nor did he act on the whims of his giddy beast when that lovely ass of hers dropped down onto his thighs as she made herself comfortable while pulling his pelt over them.

His body responded in typical fashion…though she did not.

His eyes widened fractionally as she reached under herself. Then took hold of him.

Make it worth his while, his sometimes furry ass! He bit back a groan as she squeezed the hard length in her warm little hand. If this was how she chose to take care of him…

He was one damned lucky puppy.

The others, having no idea of the goings on under the thick pelt, continued on with preparations for a late lunch.

Kagome was still a bit nervous to be doing this, even through his clothing, but if the looseness of his muscles was any indication, she wasn’t doing it wrong. She had decided that she would have to meet him halfway if she wished to keep him in line. Besides…this wasn’t much of a hardship. She smothered a smile as he pressed himself into her hand, welcoming whatever she might wish to provide.

She’d pondered on this while washing her hair and then getting dressed. Sure, she wasn’t really the type for such open physical displays. And if anyone ever figured out what she was doing, she’d die of mortification. But she also knew that she’d have to bend in some areas, because that was what made a good compromise.

So what if even a couple of days ago she’d never have dared even contemplate doing this (and here her inner girl giggled. She was jerking off Sesshomaru, the ice prick! Only his prick wasn‘t cold at all…). But here she sat. In his lap and fighting not to smile as his thigh muscles bunched under her. She allowed it when he pulled her hand away, only to slide it under his clothing and wrap it around his bare flesh.

It was all he could do to maintain a straight face and block the scent of their activities.

Sango was bent over in front of the cook fire, stirring the pot of stew. Miroku’s eyes were glued to her backside as his hands twitched, though he managed to keep himself in his seat. Inuyasha kept turning and sticking out his tongue at Koga, while the Ookami just about crossed his eyes while looking ‘down his nose’ at the hanyou.

Her hand slid lower and tightened at the base against the knot that was just beginning to form.

Her raised brow was attributed to the two males childish behavior as Sango and Miroku looked up. Sango smiled at her friend, even as she wondered at the slightly dazed look in her eyes.

“Smells good, Sango!”

Sango decided that she must just be hungry and dismissed her curiosity. Just like the grunt that came from Sesshomaru a few moments later.

Kagome rubbed her fingers together, exploring the hot, silky mess spread over her fingers. It covered her hand from fingertips to wrist, though she found herself more intrigued then appalled. His hands stroked over her hips, even as he slowly relaxed under her.

She wiped her hand clean, before removing it, though he was a bit more sensible than she was and kept her hand beneath the fur to cover the scent of his pleasure. He wasn’t foolish enough to give up a privilege he’d only just gained.

Then the meal was served and he fed her, both to piss off the ‘prince‘, and to give them a bit more time to ’clean up’. That it made his brother’s face screw up in absolute disgust was just the icing on the cake, and he made certain to act extra sappy-sweet even as Kagome giggled silently, well aware of all of his reasoning.

Sango just shook her head at them, biting her lip to cover her own grin.

So he wasn’t that bad, she decided. Kagome was shaking as if to suppress laughter, and she knew it was because of Sesshomaru. The Inu’s eyes were gleaming as if in contemplation of his next prank. In fact…he was acting a bit like Inuyasha might if he’d had enough experience in ferreting out other’s weak points.

She carefully fed Koga during the lull, because he’d yet to be released, and no one wanted to deal with him on the loose. Nor did she wish to dig his grave when the Inu slaughtered him for sheer idiocy. Though in his case, stupidity should be painful.

But the quiet seemed doomed. Because Miroku, once again forgetting that he was not to grope the woman that he adored…did.

Sango stiffened, but she managed to keep from braining him. And because she had yet to turn on him, Miroku remained conscious, though highly wary.

She stood, slowly and deliberately, before making her way to the edge of camp. The four seated males watched her progress, one wary, one blandly curious, one dazed and a bit cross-eyed and one in fear for his immortal soul. Miroku actually flinched in terror, smiling timorously as Sango turned and gestured that he should accompany her.

They saw her lips move, but only Sesshomaru was able to make out what she was saying as her low tone was not truly meant to be overheard. He couldn’t help the smirk that curved his lips as she unconsciously echoed his instructions of the previous afternoon.

They disappeared from sight, and Inuyasha turned to him with a brow raised in question. But the elder Inu was quite content to wait and watch Inuyasha’s reactions as he figured it out. Even the Ookami was showing signs of curiosity as he sat up with a grunt, though he was not able to do more than prop himself against a tree.

Kagome looked towards all three male faces in curiosity, blinking as Inuyasha suddenly sniggered and Koga turned red enough to rival a tomato.

The two brothers looked at each other, matching smirks on their handsome faces, before bellowing with laughter.

Loud thuds and strange grunting sounds drifted through the trees, though Kagome could not make heads or tails of their meanings. Then her mate leaned down to repeat the dialogue:

“No, Mistress Sango. I will no longer grope you without permission.”

“And do you understand why this is, monk?”

“Yes, Mistress Sango. I will never again be able to procreate.”

“Do you understand that you will be rewarded for your good behavior?”

Kagome’s jaw dropped, even as a low pleased groan added color to Sesshomaru’s commentary and she almost beat out Koga for the brightest blush.

“Do you understand, as well, that you will be under constant supervision and what will happen should you transgress?“

Another happy sound, and Kagome gurgled in shock.

“I will be collared and subdued even more harshly than Inuyasha, Mistress Sango.”

“Good boy.”


l esson eleven - learning to reward your Inu in the most efficient fashion will make life pass smoother for you and your companion.


a.n. And we’re back….::grins::

Next chapter: Fantasies of the younger Inu