InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The last week of school spent in DT ❯ blush first date! ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"YOUR TAKEN?!" Koga's eyes buldged out of his head.

"Yep." Inuyasha rubbed it in. We walked out of the school Koga's was walking 'with his tail between his legs' so to speak. Inuyasha hoisted me onto his back on looked back at Koga with satifaction in his smile. Inuyasha of coarse ran with his damn fast speed."How come you aren't wearing a skirt." '0.o'


"Because it would be blowing in the wind by now..." I had my fist ready."Hey settle down we are on a date aren't we?"

"I guess so." Inuyasha stopped running.


"Well on the phone you didn't mention..." Inuyasha pressed his lips against mine and gave me a short and brief kiss. A peck? 'Oh Boy!'

"Let's go were going to be late." While he was running my mind was raceing. 'He just kissed me...' When we got toward main he set me down and held my hand. We walked with our hands intertwined. Inuyasha smiled and swung are arms slightly. 'What was bothering him earlier? I'll ask him later...don't wanna rune the moment.'

(at the consesstion stand inside the mall/movie theater)

"One large popcorn like butter right?," I nodded,"And one large coke?" I nodded again."We'll share a coke right?" Nodding my head was all I could do. (too afraid to say something) Inuyasha paid the cashier and we head for our movie. 'So were sharing a soda'

"Which one are we going to see?"

"What one do you want to see?" He stared at me like he was looking right threw me. I looked at the three possible contenders: 1) Little black book. 'No I'll become paranoid and start digging up info on his old girlfriends. 2) Princess diaries 2. '' 3) Without a Paddle.

"What about Without a Paddle?" I sighed."But the next showing is at eight." (the time is seven ten)

"Well we could do something at the mall part."

"Okay. What would you want to do?" Smiling he took a chug of the soda.

(at a hot topic)

"Here this would look good on you." He showed me some underware.


"Well then I'll have good dreams tonight." Searching around the store he found this one black tee shirt that had a cool saying written in blue. (You all laugh because I'm different I laugh cause your all the same.) I found some black nail polish. ($4.50) 'Expensive much! I could go to a dollar store and buy it for...a dollar. Minus of coarse the cool bottle.' Inuyasha saw that I was looking at it because he demanded paying for it."What about that skirt?" Inuyasha insisted on getting me a skirt.

(flash back)

"How come you aren't wearing a skirt." '0.o'


"Because it would be blowing in the wind by now..." I had my fist ready."Hey settle down we are on a date aren't we?"

"I guess so." Inuyasha stopped running.


"Well on the phone you didn't mention..." Inuyasha pressed his lips against mine and gave me a short and brief kiss.


Of coarse as soon as I thought of the kiss I started blushing again. 'Why do I have no control over my face?' Grabbing the skirt with one of those hooks he handed it to me. The skirt is a black and red bow jagged skirt. ($32.00) There were two red ribbons on the front.

"Now try it on...I want you to model it and everything."

"Okay but might as well find a top to go with it too." Looking we found the perfect one. It was a black 'Be good kitty tee' with red trim around the neck and arms. On it was the saying: I'd be good if I could but I can't so I won't. ($16.00)"God this will be expensive!"

"Don't worry about it I'll pay." He put a pair of black leather shoes in my hand. 'Demonia black short chunky boot. What a odd name.' ($42.99)

"You sure?"

"Yes now get in the changing room and model for me!" He pointed his finger at the changing room. At person that worked there unlocked the chains that held the curtain in place.

(inside the changing room)

'The outfit is perfect!' I said marveling myself in the mirror.

"You done yet?!" Inuyasha sounded impatient.

"Yeah." Inuyasha stuck his head inside the curtain.

"I'm definately buying that for you." He grunted and left. 'He probably saw I was blushing.' I changed back into my normal clothles and exited the curtained room."So your not going to wear it today?" I noticed there was some disappointment in his words.

"You have to pay for it first."

"Right." For a second his face was tinted another color. 'Did I see him blush? Or was it my imagination?' Inuyasha bought everything and we headed to the bathroom.

"I'll go get changed." Inuyasha took his shirt off and rummaged through the bag.

"Uh huh you do that." He put on his new shirt. 'God he has a nice body...maybe he is a little bit of a body builder. Shaking off my goo goo eyes I changed into the top and skirt and shoes placing them back into the bag.

"Thank you Inuyasha for buying me all this."

"Your welcome Kagome."

"Oh my god what time is it?" Looking at the mall clock we both gasped we had three minutes to get to the other side of the mall and get new popcorn and soda.

(Inuyasha drank and ate while he was waiting for me to get changed.) We ran up the escalater and made it into the consesstion stand. Inuyasha bought new popcorn and soda and then we were off! The commercials were still playing in the stadium seating so we got to have a seat in the very highest row. The movie started and I grabbed for the popcorn Inuyasha's hand bumped into mine.

"Sorry." I murmered.

"It's okay." He said quietly. Grabbing next for the soda I now noticed that Inuyasha only grabbed one straw this time. 'So were sharing sharing a soda.' I remembered I always used to say you got coodies if you even touched a boy.

'Should I drink it?' Inuyasha noticed my puzzlement and seemed to give me permission to drink it. Sipping it I smirked. Today is one of the best days of my life. I chuckled along with everyone in the theater. "You have a nice laugh." Inuyasha's whisper tickled my ear. I turned to face him we stared at eachother for a moment then a drastic moment happend on screen. 'Oh boy...' We continued watching like nothing happend. After the movie was over at nine forty."Are you still hungry?"

"Kinda." We went over to the food court and bothered the people at Wacdonald's that were closing to just make to more burgers and fries. I of coarse wanted my cheese burger plain. Inuyasha he didn't care he just ate what they gave him. Munching on the large fries we talked about the movie and a bunch funny parts of it.

"It sucks we have school on Monday."

"WAIT WHAT!? You mean theres still a week of school left?" Glancing up from his food he stared at me.

"You didn't know that?"

"NO! That means that Mr.Kunikida sent me to DT a week early!"

"Sucks to be you." He chuckled. 'Well I never would have met you if he hadn't. Workers were closing everything down when Inuyasha and me left. It was cold out and I was shaking like a leaf Inuyasha gave me his new shirt.

"Aren't you cold." He walked with no shirt on. (my eyes kept drifting)

"Feh! I'm fine." The way he acted verified that he was fine. Cold just couldn't affect him. After awhile of walking me home Inuyasha's hand and my hand found eachother and we walked up the many stairs to my house/shrine. At the door I gave Inuyasha his shirt back.

"Thanks again."

"It's okay. Tomorrow's Saturday right?"

"Uh huh."

"Well maybe we could do something on Sunday?"


"Call you tomorrow." He hugged me still shirtless. A little flustered I hugged back."Good bye." He waved away...I waved back. Opening the door to the house Mom was sitting on the couch seemingly waiting.

"I'm glad Inuyasha called and said you'd be late."


"Inuyasha asked me if it was okay if you went with him yesturday.And he called when he said you were in the bathroom." 'So she must have known he was drunk.' "Well you want to watch something with me?" She patted the seat next to her. I sat and watched Big Fish with her. I fell asleep during the night and woke up on the couch. 'She must've just let me sleep. I wonder what I'll do on Sunday?'