InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Model Village ❯ Destruction in the Sweetest Sense ( Chapter 10 )
I do not own Inuyasha & Co.
Well, Merry Christmas to everyone! Also, I know not everyone celebrates Christmas, as I am sure there are others who practice different religions out there who read my fiction as well. So, I'm just going to consider this chapter not only a Christmas gift to all my readers, but also as a gift of appreciation ;-) This fic has come to mean more to me than I thought it would, and all of you helped make this possible through your interest. So, without further a due, here's the next installment! Enjoy
Chapter 10: Destruction in the sweetest sense
Kagome began her descent to the first floor, where her grandfather awaited his chance to see Inuyasha up close and personal. All she could hope for was that he could be patient just a bit longer. As she reached the bottom step, she leaned her head out around the corners to see if he was anywhere in sight. What would make things much easier for Kagome would be if he never knew she left the house.
Since there was no sign of the curious senior, she decided to start out towards the front door. She reached the tile floor, slipped her feet into her loafers, and then slid the front shoji open when from behind her came that voice, "Kagome! Where are you headed? I've been waiting for you to bring me the figurine. Can I please have a look at him?"
Inuyasha's form tightened at his question. He had no idea how a priest like Kagome's grandfather would react to seeing him in real-life. Only thing he could hope for at that point was that the old fart had no real true powers as a priest.
"Oh! I'm sorry, grandpa! I just remembered I have a study session with my friend Yuka today. Can I show him to you when I return? I'm sure you'll be surprised with what you find out." Kagome answered with a wink.
"Okay, but don't be out too long now. I do go to bed early ya know." He replied as he turned his back and began to walk towards the kitchen.
`Phew' Kagome thought to herself as she slid the door closed and preceded down the steps of the shrine grounds. She knew of a secret entrance into the forest. This being a sacred forest, only the family knew of the secret. As she made her way through the shaded entrance, she found herself amongst the oldest and tallest trees she could ever imagine.
The only thoughts going through her mind as she navigated that vast forest were thoughts of how Inuyasha grew up amongst those trees. She knew he had, due to the tests done on the trees. The tests showed the tallest of them lived from his time to hers. She marveled at how she felt like she knew some of them. Like she was thrown back in time. As she walked amongst the beauty in that forest, her time did not even exist to her. She heard no sounds from outside the forest. `Maybe I should use this place as a refuge from now on.' Kagome thought to herself.
Kagome remembered when she ventured out into the forest when she was a young child, but she didn't feel then what she felt presently. Presently, she knew more about herself, and that aided her to realize her importance. She knew that she was destined to come across that gift her grandfather so willingly left in her care. How the never-ending circle of time could affect others was amazing. To think her soul would wind up right back where it left off.
As she walked on, she noticed a hallowed out tree. She decided that would be the best place to perform evil's demise. She knelt down and scooted herself inside, and pulled the bag from her back. Once the bag was settled before her, she opened the top and saw Inuyasha's eyes reflecting back at her from the darkness.
"Okay, I found a secret spot where we won't be bothered. You all ready for some fun?" Kagome cooed into the backpack.
Inuyasha climbed out and looked around. He saw where he was and recognized the tree as one of the spots he remembered meeting Kikyo at once. The memories came flooding back, as he stared into space. Nothing had changed in the forest. He could smell the same scents and felt the power from the forest. The same power that comforted him during his last life. It was as if he had never left.
Kagome turned the bag on its side so the rest of them could walk out on their own, and drag the other figurines with them. Kagome just sat back and watched until they all appeared from the bag, and were all accounted for. When everyone was settled, she picked up the bag to have it set off to the side when something that didn't sound like plastic fell to the ground in front of her. She looked down and saw Kikyo's figurine. Strange, she did not remember anyone dropping Kikyo into the bag.
She picked up the porcelain body of the regarded priestess, her past. As she looked over her, Inuyasha turned and saw she held her past body in her hand. He walked over to Kagome, put his hand on her thigh and looked up at the figure in her hand.
"Kagome. I was the one who brought her along." Inuyasha said with a somber tone.
Kagome looked down and asked, "Why?"
"I want to give her remains to this tree, and to this forest that meant so much to her and me. There's no reason why we should hold onto these fake remains when her soul is no longer there, but here." He replied as he steadily climbed onto her leg, and reached out to Kagome's belly.
Kagome could only reply by shedding a tear. If only Kikyo knew how this had affected him, it would break her. Kagome gave him her approval with a nod and then a rub of his ear.
When the two decided to come back to the world of the living, they saw that all three evil figurines stood upright on each tin plate. Knowing she was the only one who could end all of their grief, she reached into the bag and grabbed the long matches. She opened the pack, and pulled out the first match. She looked at it for a second. The thought of ending so much grief, pain and suffering from those individuals gave her such happiness. She had always wanted to help people in need, and her chance had arrived.
She glanced down at Inuyasha and saw the excitement in his eyes. He nodded, giving her permission to proceed. She nodded in return, then struck the match on the side of the box and watched it flare to life. They all stood there for just a moment and marveled the tiny flame that would end it all. Kagome set down the box of matches and then brought the flaming match to the smaller demon's head. She watched for a moment as its head became engulfed in flames and melted almost instantly. She then proceeded to the taller female demon, and did the same as to the first.
Then the moment they all had waited for, Naraku's demise. Kagome looked over to see Inuyasha's reaction as his eyes urged her to go further and complete the plan. She then brought the match up to Naraku's head, and it too became engulfed in flames. Kagome, Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku, Kohaku, Kouga, Shippo, Kaede, Sesshoumaru, Rin and Jaken looked on as the three figurines disintegrated before their eyes within a matter of moments.
"Kagome. Please." Inuyasha said off to her side, a tone of sadness in his voice. Without question, Kagome grabbed Kikyo's figurine and set her on the plate that held the first figurine. Inuyasha watched on with heavy eyes. No one questioned what he wanted for Kikyo.
Kagome felt a sense of sadness as she struck another match, one that would erase Kikyo's existence forever. Kagome's hand began to shake as she brought the burning match close to the figurine. She didn't know why, but she couldn't seem to bring herself to do it. She looked over to Inuyasha, a tear dropped from her eye. He looked to her in question. Kagome knew what needed to be done. She handed him the match. He looked up at her and nodded. He then walked closer to the figure of his past love. He looked on her one last time.
"Kikyo. I had hoped I could be with you once again, but now I must forget the face you wore in the past, now that I know you have another. I will let go of my past, and I will embrace you as you are now, my love." Inuyasha said as a tear hit the ground before him and he brought the match to her heart.
The cloth wrapped around her porcelain body went up in flames instantly. He blew out the flame at the end of the match and watched as the paint on her face melted and her face became free of her beauty. They all watched in silence as his past disintegrated right before their eyes. His companions, new and old, knew nothing of how to comfort him but to watch with him in silence. He had never had the chance to pay Kikyo his respects properly, and now that he had his chance, he was broken.
Once she was just a pile of ashes on the tin plate, he turned to Kagome and said, "Now, the jewel. Let's get this over with."
Kagome nodded and pulled the jewel from her pocket and looked on to Kohaku and Kouga once more. Kohaku and Kouga walked up to her willingly. She did not know how to remove the jewel shards from their bodies. She looked at them for a moment, then closed her eyes. In her mind, she saw the same dream as before, she fought Naraku one last time, got the jewel from him, then her body appeared with the jewel inside it, but there was something new she hadn't noticed the last time. Her body emanated a strange glow. A glow that reminded her of the glow from the jewel. She then got an idea of what to do.
"Kohaku, Kouga. Please touch my hand." She lowered the empty hand as her other hand held the jewel.
As they both touched her hand, she closed her eyes and concentrated on her power. She released her aura, reaching out to them to find the shards and will them into herself. As this happened, Kohaku's and Kouga's eyes fell back into their heads, and they too became one with Kagome.
The power that encircled the three was immense. Soo strong, even Miroku felt as if he was a part of it, being the skilled priest he was. Inuyasha was also feeling the effects along with his brother. They felt pulled to the jewel, to the power that was beginning to fill up the tree. Inuyasha felt himself become taken over gradually by his demon blood once again. Sesshoumaru tried hard to fight against the need to take the jewel from Kagome. Since Kagome was too involved in the ritual, she had no notice of what was happening around her, and what the power was doing to her companions.
Sango was the only one who felt nothing as she watched her new friend take the life of her brother. Off to her side, she noticed Inuyasha as he tried to fight against his blood. She also looked over to his brother and saw anger in his eyes. She knew right away, what was happening. Even though she wanted to witness the jewel becoming one, she right away grabbed Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru and pulled them out of the tree to get them as far away from the jewel and Kagome as possible. As soon as the two demons were far enough away, they regained their control over their weak bodies and asked what had happened.
As Sango explained about the jewel and the power, Kagome was becoming weaker as Kohaku's body dropped to the floor and Kouga's legs weakened, and he fell to his knees. Kagome took her hand from Kouga's hand and placed it over the jewel. She concentrated hard as a glow emanated from her hands. The power was no longer an issue inside the tree. Miroku then snapped back into reality as he watched her concentrate.
Sango felt that it was safe to allow the two demons to look into the tree. Once she saw the miko sitting there, the jewel in her hand in its dormant state once again, she then led the two demons back to the tree. She saw her brother's body on the floor. She ran to him and held him in her arms as she cried.
"Wait, we're still figurines!" Inuyasha pointed out.
Kagome's eyes opened finally and she looked upon her companions. She too noticed that had been a bit strange. "Why? How do we…" Kagome was then interrupted by a light off to her side. She turned her head to see what it was coming from when she saw Inuyasha bathed in light.
She then saw that the other companions were suddenly bathed in the same light one by one. She then realized what was about to happen, when she decided to grab them all and move them outside the tree. Once they were set down onto the ground, they all became life sized one by one.
Kagome had no idea what to expect as she backed up against the very tree where they destroyed evil. Her heart raced as she watched them appear before her in their original glory. Her breath caught in her throat as her eyes fell upon Inuyasha. There he stood towering over her. She looked at him from his feet up to his piercing eyes. She became caught in that gaze. Even her voice was rendered useless. No words could describe the being that stood before her. Her thoughts of how handsome and exotic he was as a figurine were thrown out the window.
"Kagome." Inuyasha whispered as he looked into her eyes. He didn't know what to say except, "Thank you."
Kagome's eyes welled up with tears as she looked into his grateful eyes. She saw the struggle in them. The struggle of holding himself back from something. All she could do was nod.
The thoughts going through Inuyasha's mind were overwhelming. He didn't know if he had the strength to hold himself back from what he really wanted to do at that moment. As he looked at the one who saved everyone, and helped him to accept his past and move on, he fought hard.
That's when Kagome finally gained words from her mind and said, "I would have done it for you no matter what the outcome. To see you before me like this, I don't know what else to say, but I love you, Inuyasha."
"Kagome." Inuyasha lost the battle within him at that very moment. He then wrapped his arms around her and placed his lips over hers in an outburst of love and gratitude. Kagome returned the kiss and wrapped her arms around his torso. She couldn't believe how warm he was, how protected she felt in his arms. His arms were soo strong, she knew she could never escape as long as they held her. Of course, why would she? She had never felt soo loved before by anyone. That being her first kiss, she vowed to never love another as she loved Inuyasha from that point on.
As the show of affection graced those around them, they all decided to just bow in thanks, and then turn to leave them to their affections. Sesshoumaru then turned and asked Rin and Jaken to follow him deeper into the forest.
Kouga walked off further into the forest as well. The last thing he wanted to see was `Mutt-face' making out with a beautiful woman. The thought of her accepting his kiss just sickened him to the core.
Sango and Miroku returned to the tree where Kohaku laid, his body was also back to it's normal size. Sango once again checked him over to make sure he was dead. Sure enough, his soul had moved on. Miroku saw Sango's strength begin to waver. Once he saw this, he knelt down beside her and wrapped his arms around her, holding her against him in comfort.
"He's free, Sango. I'm here for you. I will never leave your side, I promise. I will never let you go on alone." At Miroku's promise, Sango turned and pressed her face into his chest. She grabbed his shoulders through his robes in pain as she screamed. Miroku simply held her to him, tears welling in his eyes at her pain as he rocked her softly to ease the tension.
Once the kiss ended between Kagome and Inuyasha, they both remained in each other's arms as they stared into each other's eyes. Inuyasha brought his hand up to her cheek and said, "I am soo happy, Kagome. I'm happy to have you in my life. To finally be accepted, loved, and able to live a life without worry. It's all because of you. I promise to live for you, Kagome in thanks for your help. I have one question I must ask before I make anymore decisions."
"What is it?" Kagome asked.
"How do you want me? As I am now? Or as a human?" He asked in hopes of her accepting him as he is.
"Inuyasha, you are you. If I were to ask you to forsake any part of you for my own happiness, I could not live with myself. I am happy with you just as you are, Inuyasha. I would never want you to change anything about yourself. This is the form I know the most, and I love you like this." Kagome responded as she ran her hand through his silver hair, in front of his eye, and up to touch his ear, showing her love for each distinct part of him that was only him.
His breathing became labored as she touched him. He couldn't believe how she made him feel. He had never felt feelings such as those with Kikyo. To know that he could live with such a wonderful woman was a dream come true. He no longer knew what to wish for, until he heard Sango's screams of pain. He looked over to Miroku and Sango and he comforted her as best he could.
Inuyasha looked at Kagome as he held her and said, "I know what to wish for. But, I think you should make the wish. I don't trust myself with the jewel."
"What would you like me to wish for?" Kagome asked as she looked down at the jewel in her hand.
"Kohaku. I wish for him to be brought back to us. To be brought back to Sango for her happiness." Inuyasha replied as he looked on at the saddened couple.
"Okay. I will." Kagome said.
Inuyasha's gaze turned back to see her smiling back at him, the jewel in her hand. He held her close once again in thanks before letting her go for the first time and stepped aside as she enclosed the jewel in her hands and closed her eyes for concentration. She said no words, but knew deep in her heart what she wanted. Inuyasha watched with a smile on his face. He was more than happy to repay Sango for all that she had done for him. He had already repaid Miroku by helping to lengthen his life with Naraku's death.
Kagome concentrated hard, as the jewel in her hands began to glow. Once again, the power of the jewel encircled her, enticing Inuyasha once again. But this time, he knew he had the strength to hold himself back because he had her to protect, and he knew it wouldn't last long.
As Sango and Miroku swayed in each other's arms, they hadn't noticed the light that engulfed Kohaku as he rose off the ground just a foot. His soul was called back to his body and his eyes opened as he took in his first breathe. At the sound of his inhalation, Sango gasped and turned in Miroku's arms. She and Miroku looked on with wide eyes as Kohaku returned to the ground, and the light faded. They could not move as they watched him sit up and look around.
Sango couldn't believe her eyes. Her brother was moving without the aide of the shard! She freed herself of Miroku's arms and scooted to Kohaku's side. Kohaku looked over to her and said, "Sango?"
Sango's second wave of tears overcame her as she wrapped her arms around him in joy. Nothing could have made her happier to know he finally remembered her after all that happened. Miroku kneeled down beside them and said, "Now we can be a family." They all embraced in a hug as they laughed with joy.
Kagome looked to her hand, and saw just a ball that looked like it was nothing but a quartz charm. The ball held no power, but held the pink color. The jewel had been purified completely, and was useless. Inuyasha walked up to her and saw it's uselessness.
"Thank God." He sighed as he inhaled the clean air of the forest, and finally felt completely at peace with the world. He never knew he could feel so free.
"Well, I guess we now know what the outcome is. So, what now?" Kagome asked as she looked up at the relaxed hanyou before her.
"Hmm…tell me, how much has the world changed since time froze?" He replied as he lowered his gaze to hers, his head leaning to the side in curiosity.
"Tons! I can help you see it. But I think we'll start with Japan first. Sound good?" Kagome answered as she accepted his offered hand and they walked up to the monk and the two slayers.
Wow…Well, as you can see, the story is over. I am tossing up writing a short epilogue, or after effect chapter, just to give some closure as to what happened after they left the forest. We'll see what happens. But, for the most part, this is it for this fic…'sniff sniff'…I have had the most fun writing this story, and I'm soo happy with the response. I just want to thank everyone for reading and reviewing. You all mean a lot to me, and have given me reason to keep going. Thank you very much, and Happy Holidays!