InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Opposite of Hate ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Well (: I’m having fun with this story

Chapter 2

Sleeping that night would be impossible, seeing as the presence of Inuyasha just a few feet away in his bed disturbed her and she was very uncomfortable on the small couch that she’d decided to sleep on. Her nightgown kept getting bunched up underneath her every time she turned and her back was in pain. Kagome was getting no sleep, still feeling the sting that was left on her hand after she’d slapped his hand away from her violently.

She was just lucky he hadn’t beaten her… yet.

Kagome ran a hand through her hair and stared up at the ceiling, squinting to try and see it in the darkness. She was trying to see the rest of her life, trying to see how it would all turn out. That set her into depression mode and she quickly stopped herself. She wouldn’t let this put her down. But she knew it would, because if she was going to spend the rest of her life with that man than she was going to notice how miserable she was every second of the day.

Jumping half way in the air when she heard him move around, she clenched the nightgown over her heart. Breathing heavily she sat up slowly and got up. Trying to walk soundlessly failed, as she made most of the floor boards creak but he never noticed as he kept still with even breathing.

She inched closer and looked over his shoulder to see his peaceful face sound asleep. His long black hair was scattered all around him like a halo and he almost looked angelic. Until one eye snapped open and looked up at her. His brow furrowed and he glared darkly at her, clearly mad that she’d awakened him from his slumber. Kagome swallowed hard and looked down taking a step back and folding her hands in back of her.

“What.” It wasn’t even a question. He just said it, with clear annoyance in his voice. Her head shot up as she looked at him incredulously, almost snapping in his face.

“Nothing.” Was all she allowed herself to say and she walked back to her couch and laid herself down. All the while cursing at him in her mind.

She couldn’t take the way he talked to her, every time he talked she wanted to rip his mouth off. She couldn’t understand the reason he hated her so much. He was the one who had run away from her and left her to cry in the a middle of a field. Why did HE hate HER? Was her real question, the one she really wanted an answer to. She had the right to hate him, not the other way around. He had nothing on her. Or did he?

She quickly shook her head and forced herself into slumber covering her face under a cushion.


The next morning Kagome was woken up by a very brightly smiling Sango.

“Alright, your Highness, we must get you ready for your breakfast with the Prince.” She practically chirped. Kagome eyed her weirdly and wondered who could ever be so happy in a place like this?

“What’s got you all happy and such?”

“Ohh nothing!” Sango danced around the room and past the bed to Kagome’s trunk to pick out a dress. “Oh what am I saying!? I met the sweetest man ever, Kagome! You wouldn’t believe it!” Sango spun over to her and picked her up straight and Kagome slipped off her night gown and into her undergarments.

“Well there’s always a catch to those. Anything wrong with him?” Kagome nudged her in the ribs.

“He’s a pervert with grabby hands.” Sango stated curtly.

Kagome only blinked at her once and broke out into a laughing fit. She should’ve known!

“Oh shut up!! Hah and he’s the Prince’s advisor!” That stopped Kagome in her tracks.

“How is he all sweet and nice and the Prince is so rotten!?” Woops, that wasn’t supposed to slip out of her mouth.

Sango stopped and put the dress down, “What do you mean? Is he mean to you? Does he hurt you?” Sango’s voice started to raise and Kagome nearly jumped her.

“Yes and no! He is awfully rude but he doesn’t hurt me… yet.” Sango looked up at her then, “CAN he hurt you?” Kagome thought about that, “Maybe…” The both just looked at each other warily.

Sango sighed and slipped the dress onto Kagome, “Well today the plans are for you and the Prince to have a special breakfast for just the two of you, and then for you to go out and pick your wedding dress, with me of course.” Sango finished buttoning the dress and smiled at her as Kagome tensed up at the words ‘Wedding Dress’.

“At least most of my day won’t be spent with him…” Kagome relaxed then, knowing she wouldn’t have to see him as much.

“Well, actually you’ll see him most of the day seeing that getting your dress won’t take as long as you think it will.” Sango said cautiously, which had Kagome all tensed up again.

“But once you get back you are free to roam the castle as you please, and mostly ignore him.” Sango quickly added, hoping it would cheer her up a little.

No such thing.


Kagome was escorted to the dining room after, and she sat down being told to wait for the Prince.

‘Fashionably late?’ She thought to herself with a dark chuckle.

To take her mind off things she looked around the room, noticing the big portraits and the elegant fire place behind the chair that the Prince would probably sit on. Above her the ceiling arched and a beautiful mural was plastered right in the middle. Vines over vines of millions of blue roses around a castle, it mostly consisted of bright beautiful colors.

Then she got up and went to look at the portraits of past King’s and Queen’s, stopping at two empty spots at the end of the wall. She knew exactly who those two spots would be for.

“Unusual, I know, that they put all these portraits there. It sort of annoys me.”

Kagome spun around to see none other than the Prince standing beside his chair looking at her with a blank expression.

“No, I wouldn’t say unusual. More like unique.” She looked down at her hands and then walked over to her seat and sat down. She hadn’t noticed all the food set on the table just moments ago but now she saw all her favorites and her stomach practically snarled.

But she lot her appetite once she looked up at the Prince, who was glaring at her for no apparent reason. All the while not knowing what was going through his head: ’How is it possible to be so beautiful and innocent!? Damn it all! This has to stop I will not fall in love with her, I will despise her! Oh god she’s looking at me with such a cute face… GAH! Shut up!’

To try to make himself hate her, he just glared at her. It surprised her when she glared back, almost with anger that matched his.

She looked down with a ’hmph’ and he looked down with a ’keh’. Both of them just started eating, not looking at each other.


Kagome couldn’t believe all the dresses she saw in just one little elegant store off the outskirts of the country. It had taken a while to get there, her and Sango had to try and entertain themselves in the back talking about her new found love. Miroku, was his name and he was, as we already know, the Prince’s advisor.

But when they got there both of them looked from dress to dress seeing which one looked the best.

The Queen, of course, came along trying to help the girls choose a dress that was suitable. She pulled out dress after dress with Sango to bring to Kagome to try on. She looked magnificent in all of them though she wasn’t so very satisfied just yet. Until she found one that nearly took her breath away.

She pointed at it and Sango lifted it up. Sango and the Queen simply looked at Kagome and smiled brightly.

“Wonderful choice!” The Queen smiled brightly at her, and she was right it was beautiful.

When she tried it on she almost fell in love with it. The top half clung to her torso in every curve, giving her a beautiful shape she never knew she had, with lines of pearls going down to stop at her waist where the dress let out into a beautiful white ocean of silk around her. Behind her, the dress was pulled slightly and bulged out, that part being longer than the rest of the dress. The sleeves were see through and long, and the top of the dress lined with flowers along her collarbone.

“I guess we found our dress.” Sango and the Queen said in unison.

The Queen let Sango go and pay the lady at the front and went over to stand behind Kagome who was still mesmerized by the dress.

She put her hands on Kagome’s shoulders and smiled at her through the mirror, “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you, your Majesty.” Kagome smiled back at her, she never knew the Queen was so sweet.

She laughed a little, “Izayoi.”

Kagome looked at her puzzled. “Call me Izayoi.” She said as she slid her hands down to Kagome’s forearms and smiled even brighter at her.

“Izayoi… Thank you.” Kagome turned around and looked at her soon to be Mother-in-Law and grinned at her.

At least having the encouragement from her would be good for Kagome.


Kagome’s dress was taken to safe keeping somewhere in the castle when they arrived back and Kagome went on to roam the castle as Sango said she could do freely.

She decided to keep herself busy in the gardens around the castle. The skies were an on stretch of blue all over and she couldn’t help but sit down on the grass to look up at it.

Looking over at a blue rose bush she sat up and went to it, running her hand over one of them, feeling it’s soft dewy texture. Blue roses were by far her favorite and she could stare at them forever.

But of course, that wouldn’t work if she was interrupted by a very rude Prince.

“What are you doing.” And once again, it wasn’t a question. More like a demand. She turned her head slightly and looked at him over her shoulder.

“Nothing. Just looking around, what does it matter to you.” She repeated his same tone, no question.

“It matters to me because it matters to me. Now go back inside.” He hissed at her through his teeth.

“No, you can’t make me.” She turned fully at him and crossed her arms over her chest, with her stubborn look that meant ‘I don’t want to listen to you’.

The menacing look on his face wasn’t going to scare her, “You will do as I say.”

“I don’t see the harm for being out here, why don’t you leave me be for just a small while.” She turned away from and then walked over to other flowers.

He followed suit behind her and grabbed her wrist and forced her to look at him, “I will make your life a living hell here,” He sneered at her.

Kagome wasn’t fazed, not one bit, “I won’t live my life under your command. If I am to be your wife, and the next Queen, I must be strong I can’t be strong if I am ordered around by my own husband. Standing up for myself is all I have right now. My life is already a living hell just being here.”

He was taken aback by the look in her eyes, the deep sorrow in them and he could almost see what she was remembering. The sight of him running away from her.

But the fire behind her words, it almost made him picture her as the perfect Queen.

She saw him let his guard down as her words sank into him and she slipped her wrist from his grasp with a small nudge of her other hand and she walked away.

Through his eyes, watching her walk away so swiftly, with her back straight and he nose in the air, he pictured them both sitting upon the throne. He almost wished he’d never made that promise to himself.

A/N: Well… things don’t look like they’re going the way our ruthful Prince Inuyasha wants them to go :DDD good! Lol Hope you enjoyed pleeaassee review!

Oh and me and my horrible way of describing things... If you want to see her wedding dress here is the link to it: -2.jpg