InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Protector of Her Heart ❯ Betrayal of the Heart ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 20: Betrayal of the Heart
Birds chirped and flew across the peaceful blue sky, oblivious to the turmoil that enveloped the earth beneath them. It was a beautiful summer's day, with clear skies and a light breeze, and the palace gardens seemed to bloom with an even brighter vigor, yet despite all the beauty and peacefulness, anyone could see that an emotional storm was brewing inside the palace of the Human Lands.
Outside, on one of the many benches inside the garden, sat Lady Sango, the monk Miroku, with Shippou in their lap, all wanting to get away from the tension brought on ever since it was clear that Kagome and Inuyasha were having troubles.
Sighing, the monk replied, “I haven't seen Inuyasha all week…Is he still moping over the princess?”
“Probably,” Shippou answered, twirling a white flower between his hands. “He was really attached to her in the Midlands, so of course he's not going to be taking it well now.”
“I don't think `attached' even begins to cover it, young Shippou,” replied Miroku, looking back towards the high walls of the palace sadly. “He must be taking the separation real hard…”
“He isn't the only one,” Lady Sango cut in, remembering the sad look in Kagome's eyes that had been there ever since she and Inuyasha had a `talk', as she called it. “I haven't seen Kagome look remotely happy since we came back here, when she's usually bright and cheery all day.”
Concerned, the fox demon asked, “Is there anything we can do to cheer them up?”
“No, I'm afraid there isn't, Shippou,” the monk answered. “This isn't the sort of thing you can just make them smile and it goes away. With the situation as it is now, I doubt either or them will recover quickly.”
There was a collective sad sigh from the three; each wishing it never came to this. Despite it all there was nothing they could do; no matter how much they wished Kagome and Inuyasha could be together, the way of the world worked differently, and Kagome would end up marrying Lord Naraku in the end. The only hope now was if she denied the betrothal, but the chances of that happening were slim.
Changing the subject, Shippou asked, “Where is Kagome? I haven't seen her all day.”
“I believe she went to try to find Sir Inuyasha, because she did say something about wanting to apologize and set things right,” Sango told them. “I don't know if it'll help any, but she did seem like wanting to do it…and I suppose they can't go on avoiding each other forever.”
The monk nodded, “True, but it is sad that in the end, the princess will have to do what is right by the court rather than do what is right in her own heart.”
“It's not fair!” Shippou burst out. “It just makes problems for everyone else! If it hurts them so much, then why do they do it?”
Sighing, Sango closed her eyes and recalled what she and Kagome had known all their lives. “It's because they must, Shippou. Even if a woman is in love, she has to marry a rich person in her class. It is the way of the world, and to want to marry someone beneath her, with no fortune and status is scandalous, taboo, not done.” Glancing back up at the endless sky, she finished, “A woman can think she is in love, but despite that, it will only lead to ruin in the end.”
Looking back at the monk, Shippou noticed sadness had appeared in his indigo eyes as he glanced at Lady Sango, who, for a brief moment, looked back at him. “Yes, that is the way of the world,” he sighed, looking away.
Sango and Miroku looked away from each other, the silence building, each with disappointed eyes. The fox demon just glanced at one and the other, more lost than ever. Just what…is going on here?
But putting those thoughts aside, he remembered Sango's words. Still…both Kagome and Inuyasha must be having it rough…I really wish they didn't have to go through this…
* * * * * * * *
Inuyasha, his head down with a sad look on his face, walked through the halls deep in the palace, glad that it was more empty down here than up above. It wasn't that he was worried about anyone seeing him…he just didn't want to run into Kagome right now.
Ever since they had tried to talk after the banquet, he knew it was tearing her up inside as much as it was in him. He knew that she didn't want to do this, but she felt obligated and trapped into something that she didn't want. And though he wanted to blame her and curse her for it, he was more angry at himself. How could be called a `knight protector' if he couldn't protect her from a marriage she didn't want?
She could always refuse the betrothal…a small portion of his mind reminded himself. She could always refuse Naraku because she does not love him or want to marry him…
For a moment, he felt a small drop of hope, but he crushed it as soon as it came. She won't, though. She didn't want to be a `Spinster Princess' any longer. She needs to marry before her birthday in a few months. She really has no choice…
But she has the power to say no, despite that…
Stopping for a moment, the hanyou slammed his fist into the old stone wall next to him, releasing some of his inner anger. Damn it, it wasn't fair! It wasn't fair that even with what happened in the Midlands, they would end up like this! Kagome to marry some handsome lord and he to be forgotten…those times they shared just a fond memory, nothing more…
But as he faced the wall, he heard a step behind him. Whoever it belonged to was downwind, so Inuyasha had no choice but to turn and face them—it was Kouga, with an enraged look on his face. “What do you want, Wimpy Wolf?” he asked, his voice sounding worn out after all the inner turmoil.
“You and the Princess haven't been on the best of terms lately,” Kouga spoke, his blue eyes narrowing.
“And that bothers you?” Inuyasha asked, stepping closer to the wolf, but his face not challenging him. “I thought you didn't like it when I stayed too close to her.”
Growling low, the wolf continued, “And she's been melancholy and unhappy lately, too. Damn you, if you did anything to hurt her, then I'll—”
“I never did anything to hurt her!” The hanyou roared back, his temper released. “It's just her stupid stubbornness and pride that's causing this!”
Kouga raised an eyebrow and folded his arms, obviously unbelieving. “Oh?”
“Damn right it's her fault! She would rather do what everyone expects of her and what they judge to be right, rather than do what would make her happy, even if she knows she'll be miserable! Stupid woman!” And she won't even listen to me when I try to tell her this…
Just as Inuyasha had expected, Kouga growled and threw a punch at him, which Inuyasha blocked easily. “Come on wolf! If you wanna fight, then why not give it to me? I've been looking for a good fight for days!”
“Oh, shut up, Mutt!” Kouga roared, this time his fist hitting Inuyasha's jaw, causing the hanyou to fly into the wall. When Inuyasha stood up again with a grunt, wiping the blood off his chin, the wolf cracked his knuckles and continued, “I ain't looking for a stupid fight like you to drown my sorrows in. You're pathetic even by your standards.”
Though Inuyasha kept a fighting stance and growled back at the wolf, Kouga continued, “Don't go blaming the princess for your own petty problems. She knows she has a duty to her country, even if she hates it. Each one of us has a duty here, even if you don't want to acknowledge it.”
“Oh yeah, what's your duty, Wimpy Wolf?” asked Inuyasha, his amber eyes glaring.
“My duty is simple; protect the castle and its inhabitants, and stay out of the lives of nobles. At least I know I don't belong with them.” Sighing, the wolf admitted, “That is why I can never approach the princess with my love except as a simple flirtation, because of my duty to remember my place, unlike you.”
Inuyasha snapped, “Remember my place, huh? Well Kagome didn't seem to care much about place or duty in the Midlands—”
“I wonder about that,” Kouga folded his arms. “What exactly happened then?”
Inuyasha's first instinct was to growl and tell the wolf it was none of his business, while inside gloat on his victory over Kouga's but…Kagome wasn't a prize to be won over. Sighing, Inuyasha glanced towards the small window in the hall, letting a little bit of light shine through. “She seemed happier than she ever did in the Human Lands.”
There was a silence for a moment, as both men who cared for Kagome worried about her now that she was brought back to a place where she could never be fully happy. “Whatever the circumstances, you had better stay away from her and distance yourself. Though I know you want to cling on like a lost puppy,” (Inuyasha let out a growl at that) “It will be your duty once the princess is married to Lord Naraku.”
It is your duty to stay away from her…to just let her marry that man, but…Inuyasha had enough of hearing that over and over again! Turning away, he muttered, “I don't have to listen to this! I'm sick of hearing it!”
Inuyasha had nearly reached the large curtain at the end of the hallway, when Kouga replied, “Why's that, mutt? Do you fancy yourself in love with her?”
That caught the hanyou by surprise as he stopped dead in his tracks. He didn't move for a moment, just standing there clenching his fist. Finally, he turned back towards the wolf, his eyes no longer angry but deadly serious, “If I really loved her, do you think I would sit back and let her do this rather than what would make her happy because of my `duty'?”
The wolf's own eyes opened in surprise; he had never seen Inuyasha so pained. With that, the hanyou turned, and walked past the curtain into another corridor.
For a second, Inuyasha thought he caught a whiff of that scent he had missed. Kagome? He looked around, but saw no one. The hall was empty. Keh, I'm imagining things… And he walked away, back into his dreary life without her.
But after he was gone, a figure appeared from behind the curtain watching the hanyou as he walked away, until he disappeared around a corner. With tears in her eyes, Kagome appeared from behind the curtain, looking more upset and shocked than ever.
A hand came over her mouth as she thought, No…this can't be…
She had gone to find Inuyasha to try to apologize, and maybe make up so they would at least be talking to each other, but when she saw him with Kouga…she stayed to eavesdrop. And then Inuyasha had said it. “If I really loved her, do you think I would sit back and let her do this rather than what would make her happy because of my `duty'?”
Those words had thrown all of Kagome's plans right out of the window. What could she say to him after that? Did that mean that…he didn't love her? Or that…he did, but he couldn't acknowledge it? Whatever the reason, it pointed to one conclusion…Inuyasha was upset because of Lord Naraku, and in his heart, he wanted to stop her from doing what was right.
But why? The only reason he would want that…would be if he did love her after all, right?
Kagome's knees were trembling, and she sank to the floor, still too much in shock. No…what can I do now? I…don't want to marry Naraku…but…if Inuyasha's in love with me…
She remembered Sango's words, about how she also believed Inuyasha loved her. Her previous fooling herself that he didn't say it, so therefore it wasn't true couldn't possibly fit now…and with the realization that Inuyasha might be in love with her, set her own feelings on edge…how did she really feel about him?
Kagome called him a friend, but…those moments they had shared were more than “just friends” had shared between each other. Before she was kidnapped, they became friends, but in the Midlands…what had happened? Her feelings had changed, that was for sure, but had they changed enough that…
Oh dear God, I cannot be in love with him! Kagome gasped, the tears filling her eyes once more. Because…if…if that's true…then I can call off the betrothal to Lord Naraku…I don't have to marry anyone but InuyashaShe paused a moment, blinking away the tears before she sighed. I have the power to say no to Lord Naraku…I can say no…
I can do what I want…but…
Kagome sighed, closing her eyes as she fought the heart-wrenching feeling inside of her. No…he's right…If I truly loved him, I could do all those things, but…I can't!
I'm sorry...Inuyasha…
* * * * * * * * *
“If you excuse me, then there is an announcement that must be made!” Lord Bankotsu said the next night at the feast, tapping his spoon against his goblet to get the attention of all the courtiers at the feast. The room abruptly went silent as he stood up.
Beginning his speech, Lord Bankotsu began, “We have faced many trials this year, with Her Highness needing extra protection from an unknown foe, the catching of the plague and her miraculous recovery, and her recent kidnapping and her returning to us. Ever since His Majesty has passed away, we have seen more men come and go as her betrothed, but it appears, that these men were never the right ones, and they went away with a second thought. Now, with only three months until she ascends to the throne, we have had the trying task of finding her a honorable husband before that time.”
With a glint in his eye and a small smirk on his face at his triumph, he finished, “But now, at long last, the Princess Kagome has an announcement to make.”
From the back of the room, Inuyasha's heart thumped in his chest, watching as Kagome, so far away from him now, stood up slowly. Her face was emotionless but her eyes…he could feel the pain in them as she faced the crowd, and his ears picked up her racing heartbeat…she was nervous; afraid.
And now, more than ever, he wished he could abandon those damn ideals of propriety and rush to her side, and come to her aid, like he had promised her long ago.
Kagome didn't speak at first, her breath had caught in her throat. Was she really going to do this? Now, as she looked at the crowd, her heart raced in her chest from fear. Was she really going to stand up and announce this to all of them? How could she? It was sure to get some people angry when she told them…
The silence deepened, and the fear in her eyes escalated, she looked towards the back of the room, where she wouldn't have to look in their eyes and then…she saw Inuyasha. For a moment, she felt her heart stop as their eyes met, both filled with pain. Inuyasha…how much she wanted to explain, to tell him of what she had decided, and why…She remembered his words earlier. If you love me…then please…understand…
Taking a deep breath as fear spiked her heart again, Kagome spoke softly, “I would like to announce…my betrothal…” And she stopped dead, her eyes dead locked with the hanyou's.
Don't do it, Kagome! Do what you know will make you happy!
Inuyasha please! If you care at all for me, please stop me!
But nothing happened and Kagome turned away from him, finishing quickly, “To Lord Naraku.”
A cheer erupted around the room as Lord Naraku stood up with a confident grin and stood next to Kagome, while tears formed in his future bride's eyes. She glanced back at Inuyasha, who looked more shocked and hurt than ever. I'm so sorry Inuyasha…But why didn't you stop me? Do you really…not care enough for me that you wouldn't stop me when you knew I was making a mistake but I had no choice in making it?
Inuyasha just stared and watched as Naraku smiled and held Kagome on his arm, feeling like a knife had been shoved between his ribs. Does she…really not care about doing this? But about what happened in the Midlands…doesn't that mean anything to you now, Kagome?
Kagome blinked away the tears, not wanting to cry in front of the crowd and all those happy faces. Even though it hurts, so much…I did the right thing…I'm supposed to be married when I am eighteen and that's in a few months…even though it hurts…I did the right thing…
Unable to take Naraku smiling and flaunting his prize any longer, Inuyasha turned and stormed out, into the hall where it was quieter. Gritting his teeth against the feeling in his chest, knowing soon Kagome would be signed away to another man, he lost control and punched the stone wall. “Damn it!” he chocked, his fist colliding the wall over and over again, until his knuckles bled. But even the sweet pain wouldn't comfort him now.
Don't you care about me at all, Kagome? I thought after the Midlands I meant something to you…I guess not enough that you could give up your old ways…Is everything you said you felt in the Midlands a lie then, Kagome? With one final punch, his fist met the wall again, this time leaving a good sized crack as blood erupted from his fist. His palms bled as well, from his claws pricking them. And he didn't care one bit.
He heard noises coming his way, and saw the courtiers were leaving the great hall, with Kagome and Naraku at the center of the throng. Instantly, Kagome caught sight of Inuyasha, and for a moment, the two stared at each other, desperately hoping that this was all some nightmare and they would be woken soon.
But just as another tear appeared in Kagome's eyes, Inuyasha turned away, headng back to his room at the bottom of the palace. Fine, Kagome…if I don't mean anything to you now, I won't intrude upon your new `happiness'.
As Kagome turned away, her heart aching for Inuyasha and the pain she had caused him, she was not unnoticed by Naraku, who couldn't help a sinister smirk.
* * * * * * * *
Later that night, in a dimly lit room deep within the dungeons of the palace, Naraku leaned against the moldy wall, with Kagura, hidden from the moonlight, sitting on an upturned barrel, listening. “It is done, Kagura,” Naraku told her smugly. “Kagome has finally given in, knowing she had no say in the matter. The betrothal papers will be signed tomorrow, and the wedding is already being planned.”
Rolling her eyes at her master, the wind demon muttered, “Fine, send me an invitation then. But why must you lead the court on, if you could just take the Shikon no Tama by force? Surely the girl isn't that hard go get past.”
Smirking, Lord Naraku replied, “There are a few main reasons. For one, as Kagome's husband, I could gain the loyalty of the court in case I need it. The princess will also be in an easier position to kill once the time has come. When I am, ah, `tied to her', so to speak, the Shikon no Tama will respond to me and will give me the unlimited power I need. And once I have the crown, and the Shikon no Tama, I will be in the position to wage war against the Demon Lands, and Sesshoumaru, the son of the man that disgraced me years earlier.”
Tapping her fan against her knee, Kagura agreed, “True, but you forget one important thing; that knight of hers. He is the only one who doesn't seem to be fooled.”
If anything, Naraku's smirk got wider, looking eerie in the moonlight let in by the tiny window. “I wouldn't be sure that it is he is not fooled, Kagura, but merely that Inuyasha is in love with Kagome. Because he seems me as a rival, he will do anything he can do discredit me. If it had been another man, it would have been the same.”
His servant's eyes narrowed. I wouldn't be so sure about that, Naraku…
Confident, Naraku continued, “But as long as Kagome knows her duty to country and crown, it won't be a problem. In order to protect herself, she won't believe what he says even if he is smart enough to figure it out. But…it could be a problem if Kagome thinks she is in love with him as well…”
Naraku, you fool. Ever since you lost your power to see, I have spied for you. And if you saw them both in the Midlands, then you only know it is a matter of time before that plan fails…
“So, this knight is a problem,” Kagura replied, standing up and opening her fan lazily. “Shall we dispose of him, then?”
Naraku shook his head. “Not yet. Kagome's heart is still too weak. We should wait to see if we need to, before we risk her turning against us as well.”
Closing her fan with a snap, Kagura couldn't help the small, unseen grin that appeared on her face. Just wait…your confidence on that will be your death, Naraku!