InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Soul of a Hanyou ❯ The Jealous Sea ( Chapter 15 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 15-The Jealous Sea

A/N-This one's kind of like "Kagome Kidnapped By Koga, the Wolf Demon", only they already know who Koga is and he's kidnapping Kayoko…not Kagome. All right? R&R!


As Kayoko and Inuyasha walked back to the rest of the gang was back in the village. Both pondering on what might've happened if Kayoko hadn't put her hand between them. As they cautiously walked into the village all that could be heard was the jingling of Kayoko's necklace as they walked past all the homes. No one was even up to farm yet. How long had they been in there? They both thought. An hour maybe two? But by the looks of things, a whole day and they still had a lot to talk about and sort through, but after Inuyasha's attempted kiss. They felt that they'd worried everyone back at the village long enough. The two hanyous walked into Kaede's hut and found everyone (even Koga) sleeping on the floor, except Kaede, who was probably out looking for herbs or something for someone in the village.

Inuyasha took one look at Koga with his arm around a sleeping Kagome and went into a flurry of rage.


Everyone immediately woke up to see the two standing into doorway, Inuyasha red with anger. Kayoko rolled her eyes and patted Inuyasha's head while saying…

Kayoko-Down boy, we don't want to scare anyone now do we? (In a mama to puppy voice)

Inuyasha immediately turned his eyes to Kayoko's that were now sarcastic as she starting cracking up.

Kagome finally awoke to Kayoko patting Inuyasha's head, but before she could warn her not to do that, Inuyasha was on the floor laughing!

Kagome had never seen him laugh like that, let alone laugh. Kagome put her head down, felling that she now had some new competition rather than just Kikyo now. Koga saw Kagome with her head hung in shame.

Koga-What's wrong with Kagome?

Kagome was surprised to see the wolf demon right next to her, she quickly thought up a lie though, because she couldn't very well tell him that she was jealous of Kayoko.

Kagome-Oh just a little tired, but I'm up now and better get breakfast started. (She said this and quickly stood up heading towards the door)

Kayoko immediately stopped laughing at the sound of the word breakfast. She offered to help Kagome, but Kagome said that she could manage. Kayoko shrugged her shoulders and helped Inuyasha up off the floor.

As Kagome made a breakfast, mainly composed of Ramen noodles, she thought about what Inuyasha and Kayoko could've possibly been doing for so long. She quickly dismissed the idea of making out, because they'd just met again for the first time in 58 years. The more Kagome thought on this the more she realized that maybe Inuyasha really did love Kayoko. `I don't have enough evidence for that yet, but well she's made him laugh, when I never could. Plus they were gone for an entire evening alone, to who-knows-where, doing who-knows-what. Hopefully, just talking.' Thought Kagome.


Koga-So I see you two have come back.

Kayoko-Yeah, what's it to ya?

Koga-Just wondering where you might have gone.

Kayoko-That's none of your business.

Koga-A little feisty today, aren't we?

Kayoko-Shut up, you commoner.

Koga-Well excuse me your majesty if I don't have red hair. I'm sorry I was just born a Black Wolf Demon unlike your self.

Kayoko-You should be, talking to me in such a suspicious manner. Maybe I should have a peek inside you thoughts as to what you're thinking of, hmmm?

Inuyasha thought that Kayoko was acting just as sarcastic and rudely to Koga as he did. She must not have liked him from the start, or picked up that Koga always gets between him and Kagome so much, but why is she trying so hard to keep Inuyasha and Kagome together? Inuyasha thought that he might just have to ask her himself.

Koga was obviously annoyed by the thought of Kayoko looking at his personal thoughts and plans. He growled at her for thinking ill of him, even if she was correct.

Koga-Why do you hang around such a scrawny scrap of meat like Inuyasha when you could be with your own kind, hmmm Kayoko?

Kayoko-Because you and your tribe are not my kind, and Inuyasha's closer to a Red Wolf Demon than you ever could be!

Koga was stunned at this remark as well as Inuyasha, and Miroku, Sango and Shippo as the spectators in the room, who suddenly felt the need to help Kagome make breakfast and ran off without a word (not Inuyasha and Koga). As Kayoko, Koga and Inuyasha remained in the room, Kayoko felt the need to do a little mind reading in Koga's mind. But before she could, Koga ran behind her and pushed Inuyasha onto the ground. Koga smirked and laughed sarcastically.

Koga-I'm taking you with me back to my tribe, Kayoko. They always need a little protecting when I'm gone, and hopefully you'll be the one to provide it.

Kayoko-So I'm gonna baby-sit a bunch of grown wolves? And how do you know I'm not gonna take over your tribe while you're gone, or leave them to fend for themselves anyway when you're gone?

Neither of those thoughts had crossed Koga's mind.

Koga-Well, we'll just have to see what you do when we get there.

Koga scooped her up in his arms and ran off.



A/N-It's dejavu! Whoa, I thought I think dat I just thunk. Whoa, I thought I think dat I just thunk. Bad grammar, a blessing in disguise. Yep it's those pancakes again. Next time on…The Soul of a Hanyou…Den of Wolves.



