InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Vampire Angel ❯ his damn stupidity ( Chapter 7 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Thanks to hot for ABERCROMBIE for reviewing. I don't have anything interesting to say this time, so…
On with the story.
The Vampire Angel
Chapter 7: his damn stupidity
I had a new target. This was a zombie. I've been tracking him for about a week. Tonight I was going to kill him. So I got my hunting gear together and took off my balcony.
Zombies are mindless and really, really stupid. You think since they died once they would know not to let it happen again. What's so bad about them is they kill for no reason. And they don't know that they've killed someone as soon as they're done.
I flew above the trees of the park. I found the zombie right away but I found someone else that made my eyes widen.
I flew at top speed at the zombie with my sword out. I crashed into him, shoving him in the dirt. Then I cut his head clean off. I put my sword back and walked angrily toward the bush he was hiding behind. My eyes were still blue, so it made me look that much scarier.
I yanked him up by the front of his shirt.
“What the hell are you doing here!” my face is so close to his I can feel his breath on my face. I can just sense the fear flowing from him in waves.
“My job” he says uncertainly looking everywhere but in my eyes. I release him.
“The hell with your job! You're supposed to take assignments that don't get you killed and here you are, trying to get yourself killed!” he's suddenly not scared more.
“Did it ever occur to you that I would die if I wouldn't be able to do assignments like this?”
“Don't even joke about that.”
“Or that I just might want to help you?”
“You can't help me! You're not like me! Why won't you listen!”
“Because I'm like you! And I'm not backing down.” I take a few deep breaths with my eyes closed.
“This is a problem. Come with me, we're going somewhere.” I say calmly.
“Don't you think it's a little late to be disturbing someone?” Inuyasha asks.
“I told you vampires don't sleep and I doubt she has that active of a life at this time of night.”
“So we're seeing one of your vampire friends?”
“Yes, or are you hard of hearing?” he gives me a glare but it doesn't faze me.
We get to her condo and I ring the doorbell. 2 seconds. She has a shocked look on her face to see that Inuyasha is here with me. I sigh and look past her as I say…
“He knows.” She slaps her hand to her forehead then smirks at me.
“I knew it.”
“Yeah, yeah. Stop your gloating.” I say then walk, more like shove, past her into her condo.
I sit down on the couch and hear Inuyasha talking with Sango.
“What is it that you knew?” he asks.
“I knew she'd mess up” Inuyasha gets agitated.
“what is it with you vampires taking forever to get to the point.” He says exasperatedly.
“she knew I'd mess up by letting it slip to you that I'm a vampire. Technically a vampire angel.” I say from the couch not looking at either of them.
Sango sits down across from me. I ignore her looking at the beige carpet.
“So how else did you mess up?” I slowly shift my eyes up to meet hers. It sends a chill through her but she doesn't show it. I just know.
“What makes you think I messed up more?” she looks at the ceiling.
“Just the fact you constantly mess up.”
“I do not constantly mess up.”
“Ok, you frequently mess up.” I look at her through half-lidded eyes.
“That's the same thing.”
“It is, isn't it?” she says while itching her head. Same look.
“Enough with the look, already.” I smirk at her.
“I'm still here you know.” Inuyasha says.
“Yeah, I know.” I say still looking at Sango.
“So why did the both of you come here?”
“We have a problem” Inuyasha butts in.
“Correction: she has a problem.” he says pointing to me to emphasize his point.
“And that would be?”
“He can't be there when I'm tracking and hunting.”
“Why the hell not?” he asks.
“Because it's too dangerous.” I say finally looking at him.
“Yeah, I can see how dangerous it would be for you.” I'm getting really mad at him.
“It'd be dangerous for you, idiot.” I snap. I feel hands on my shoulders.
“Kagome, you need to calm down.” I'm so mad I'm shaking.
“I know. Can I talk to you in your study?”
“Sure” she says and we start to walk to the study but Inuyasha follows.
“I specifically said her. You wait here.” I start to walk to the cellar. Sango's there, waiting for me.
“Keh, you can't tell me what to do.” He grumbles as he sits on the couch with his arms crossed.
“Wanna bet?” I shout back at him from the hall. I notice his shocked expression that I could hear him.
I close the door and walk toward the window.
“So…” Sango starts.
“Whisper.” I say whispering.
“Why?” she says whispering also. I gesture for her to come by the window also, far away from the door.
“I know Inuyasha. He's gonna try and listen to what we're talking about. It'll make it that much harder for him if we're far away from the door and whispering.”
“Well, couldn't we talk like normal if we're far from the door?” I shake my head.
“Even though vampires have the best hearing, demons can still hear pretty well. It counts for half-demons too.”
“Ok, that makes sense.”
“So, have you fallen in love with him yet?”
“I'm not going to fall in love with him.” I fiercely whisper.
“You just wait. It's gonna happen, you're gonna mess up. And I am going to be right, again.” She giggles. That noise is annoying to me.
“You just love this, don't you?”
“Very much so.” I roll my eyes.
“It's not gonna happen.” I tell her.
“Sure, now about your problem. What's so bad about him going on these missions with you?”
“He could die.”
“So could you.”
“But his life has value. I will not let him just throw it away in a fight with a werewolf or something.” I say, my voice going up a notch.
“Voice.” She reminds me. I take a few calming breaths.
“He seems just like you. It would probably be good for the both of you if he was there.”
“I'm not gonna do that to him.”
“It doesn't matter what you're gonna do. It's his decision to join you on your missions. And I think he'll join you no matter what you say.” I glare at her, but I know she's right. Damn.
“I think we're done here.” I say.
“I think so.”
“Wait,” I smile,” I wanna catch him in the act.” She nods. I use my vampire speed to get to the door so he won't hear my footsteps and have enough time to get away.
I open the door widely. Inuyasha tumbles in the room. He gets up and rubs his head.
“Damn. Do you guys even talk? What were you doing in there?”
“What were you doing out there?” I say then see his face flush.
“I got bored.” He says innocently. Too bad he's not innocent. Not to me.
“Sango seems to have solved our problem.”
“Your problem.” he says.
“Whatever. Tell him Sango.” I say cause I am against this. She looks at me incredulously. I shrug back at her and look at the floor with my hands in my pockets.
“We think—“ “ahem.” “I think, that if you want to go on missions with her that's totally up to you. And she shouldn't be able to stop you if that's what you want.” Even though we've discussed this, I still glare at her. She sticks her tongue out at me in response.
I look at Inuyasha and mentally slap myself. He's smiling. That can't be good.
“That's good. Cause I plan to come more often.” I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. Being around his blood this long cannot be healthy.
“Is she gonna be ok” he asks Sango.
“I'm still here you know.” I say with still closed eyes and pinching the bridge of my nose.
“I know.” He repeats my line from earlier back at me. I open my eyes and glare at him.
“I'll take you home. Thanks Sango.” I say then walk out the door.
“You better go. Cause she's not gonna come back for you.” Sango said to Inuyashsa.
“Thanks.” Inuyasha says then walks out and follows Kagome.
That's it. I'll try to get one in tomorrow but I have a ton of homework that I put off to the last minute…again. And I can't do another tonight because it's 1:15 in the morning and if my dad found me awake even later he'd kill me. He's unpredictable when he checks on me at night. Until next time.