InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Ying and the Yang Souls ❯ The Secret Part 1 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Zephyr: `Ello! I'm back! But it's gonna be hard to keep up with updating, with school and all. My teachers think that they need to give us work on the first week back to school and three of my teachers already assigned projects. ::sighs::

Soujiro: It's not that bad… but what am I saying… I don't go to school! ^-^

Zephyr: I can fix that…

Soujiro: XD

Zephyr: Ha! Anywho…thanks to all who reviewed! I luff you all!

The special place for the special people called reviewers:

Moon-n-Universe-Goddess: ^-^ Thanks!

FoxyWolf: Awwww thankies! And you will… you will….

Firefly of Darkness: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees a Vampire story……………. And it's INU! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssss…

Shadow Daughter: Nope… Kagome left the Pixi Sticks alone… ^-^

Bloodbunny: ::singsong voice:: You'll have to wait and seeeeeeeeeee!

Kestral: Ehhhhhhhhhhh… I getting there… the plot comes back this chapter… promise!

Leafz: Thankies!

Lone-black-tiger: patience young grasshopper… patience… anywho! They'll kiss…. EVENTUALLY!!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA I AM EVIL!!!!!!!!!! Anywho! ::tosses a BIG bag of coffee:: Here yah go! Enjoy!

Kagomereborn: SO DO I!!!!!!!!! GET YAH ARSE AWAY FROM MAH SOUJIRO!!!!!!!!! ::protectively grabs Soujiro:: GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR… ::foams:: You can have pixisticks… ::throws bag of Pixi sticks:: Soujiro.. you're not calling her…

Soujiro: …

Me: NO!!

RavenCrow16: ^-^ You'll get more… and here's a fluffy plushie! ::tosses plushie of Fluffy:: and thankies!

DragonRae: ^-^ Thankies!

Cresent Moon22000: ^-^ I did! ::dances around happily::

Zephyr: I'm sorry if I've missed anyone… just in a tight spot… WRITER'S BLOCK!! IT'S EVIL!!!! I've been listening to music videos all weekend. I've got the songs stuck in my head. I suggest you go find these music videos:

**Only Destiny- InuYasha

**Crush- Card Captor Sakura

*A Girls Heart- InuYasha

**Butterfly- Rurouni Kenshin

*Glory of Love- Rurouni Kenshin

**Idiot Boyfriend- InuYasha

Zephyr: If you haven't already seen them.. they are soooooooooo cute!

Soujiro: I'm in Butterfly!

Zephyr: Yup! It's the fighting scene between him and Kenshin… or Kenchi!

Soujiro: ::sighs::

Zephyr: Anywho, onto chapter 5!

Last time on: The Ying and the Yang Souls:

"Who are you?" "You may call me Kouga, dear." "I'd rather die." "That can be arranged…" Kouga grinned baring his fangs, preparing to fulfil her wish, when an arrow came flying by cutting his cheek. Kouga stepped back surprised and touched the cut. It healed instantly leaving not even a scar on his pale cheek. Out of the shadows stepped Kikiyo, bow armed and ready to shoot. Kouga snarled and took off before anything else happened that he would regret. "Are you alright?" Kikiyo asked Sango as she approached. "Yeah sure, first you fall into a hole, then Kagome walks off like a zombie, then I'm almost sucked dry by a freak vamp with problems named Kouga… to think my day could get any worse," Sango sarcastically spouted as she fixed her armor. Kikiyo shook her head and started to walk off. "Come on, we've gotta find Kagome before Kouga or someone else does."

Kapital Fuenf

Chapter 5: The Secret

Kagome stared at the bleak floor as she followed the vampire down the hall. Shippou sat upon her shoulder speechless. `What was that all about?' Kagome thought in silence as she recalled the events that happened a few minutes ago. Sesshomaru caressed the side of Kagome's face gently as he scanned her face. It was unmarred, perfect peach skin, pink supple lips. Rubbing his finger just below her bottom lip, he moved in close and to her neck. `Follow me… if you want to get out,' he whispered and walked away towards the direction he came from. `That was weird… a little scary nonetheless…' Kagome thought as she fingered the Ying Yang piece around her neck. `What is with this?' After a few minutes of walking through the dark hallways, Sesshomaru led her into a small quaint room with pieces of furniture scattered around.

"Make yourself comfortable," he instructed and walked into a room to the side.

"Tch, as if I could…" Kagome retorted silently.

Kagome looked around her surroundings. She couldn't see much due to the dull light. Sitting down on a nearby recliner, she waited for Sesshomaru to return. He returned shortly carrying two glasses of liquid and held out a glass for her. She looked at it for a minute before glancing back at him with a distrusting look.

"It's just water…" Sesshomaru informed her as he look a sip of his drink.

"What're you drinking?" Kagome asked as she took a gulp of her drink, tasting fresh clean water.

"Wouldn't you like to know," he smirked and took a long swig. Kagome shot a disgusted look towards Sesshomaru before letting Shippou get a drink. Shippou took a gulp before curling up in Kagome's lap.

"Can you help me get out of here?"

"Why do you need to go?"

"To go home! I've got homework!"

"You came when you have work to do…"

"Yes, Kikiyo, Sango, and I."

"Well I don't know where your friends are… but I'll help you out. Come…" Sesshomaru stood up and tapped on the nearby wall. A doorknob appeared and Sesshomaru opened the door. Kagome stared at the wall for a few moments before jumping up and running after him with Shippou in her arms.

"How did…"


"Magic my butt," Kagome snorted. After walking through hallways and hidden doors, they finally came to the front door. Right as they reached the foyer, a figure jumped down from the ceiling.

"Hey Nii-sama! Whatcha doin?" the figure cooed as she stood up. The figure turned out to be Krystali from school as well. She was dressed in a tight, short silver top with one side having no sleeve and the other with having a long flaring sleeve. Her pants were baggy black pants with two pouches on the each leg and a chain going around one leg and hooking around the other. Her ears were twitching eagerly and her tail swayed gently back and forth.

"I thought you were annoying InuYasha…"

"I was but he's boring… and I don't have anything to do!"

"Go find Kouga…"

"WHAT! Ehhhhhh… NO! He's crazy and he wants too much from me!"

Kagome watched the two sibling bicker over what to do. `Kouga's that one dude from school right…' Kagome pondered before shivering at Krystali's words. Sesshomaru rolled his eyes, rubbed her head, and shoved her into the side door, locking it after shutting it.

"HEY! DON'T IGNORE ME! I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS! GAAAAAAAAH!!" Kagome heard Krystali screaming as Sesshomaru led Kagome to the door.

"If you see the other girls, tell them I went home, okay?" Sesshomaru nodded as he moved in close to her. Kagome sharply gasped as Sesshomaru leaned in close. They stared at each other for a good five minutes staring into each others eyes. Kagome's eyes traveled all over Sesshomaru's face as he got lost in her eyes. They were so intent with each other they didn't notice Sango and Kikiyo arrive and lean against the walls.

Sesshomaru leaned over to her ear and whispered, "Watch out, there are those of the night that don't care… take care."

He whipped around and walked past Kikiyo and Sango into the building, aware of their eyes smiling upon him. As he closed the door, Sango and Kikiyo ran up to Kagome and bombarded her with questions.

"Where were you?!"

"Why were you with Sesshomaru?!"

"What happened?!"

Kagome sighed and walked away towards her house ignoring the shouts from her friends. She looked down to her arms and checked up on Shippou, he was still asleep. When she arrived home, she immediately ran up to the stairs and into her room. Lying Shippou on her bed, she set her weapons on the floor by her bed and stripped her hunter's suit off. Walking to her dresser she got out a pair of pink pajama's and slipped them under her arm and walked into the bathroom. `Now for a nice relaxing bath!' she happily thought as she fixed the temperature just right and remove the rest of her clothes. She slipped into the water and relaxed, all while recapping the events that occurred during the day. She had just been drinking in a vampire's living room. She might as well as just asked him to tea on Saturday! Kagome snatched her bottle of shampoo and squirted a bit into the palm of her hand and gently rubbed it into her black hair.

"What am I gonna do?" she moaned.

~*Sesshomaru's POV*~

"What am I doing! I could have killed her but I just invited her in, gave her a drink and helped her escape… I'm getting soft," Sesshomaru growled as he paced around the living room.

"I'll say, a few years ago you would have killed anyone on sight, even me. Now I think your heads all screwed, ever since you got that amulet," a voice rang out as Kouga stepped out of the shadows.

"What do you want?" Sesshomaru snapped as he collapsed on the loveseat rubbing his temples.

"Nothing, just came to annoy his royal pain-in-the-assness," Kouga sneered as he picked up a rock and threw it at Sesshomaru.

"Gee, that's a new one now isn't it? I guess you do have a brain…" Sesshomaru retorted catching the rock and flinging it back at Kouga's head. Kouga smirked as the rock whizzed right by his head.

"Your aim is getting worse as well…"

"Shut up wolf…"

"Really Kouga, how immature can you get?" Krystali remarked as she walked by and towards the kitchen Kouga snatched her hand and pulled her back into his embrace.

"Krys-chan, are you jealous? Awww… there's plenty of me for you and Sesshomaru. You know where my room is so just call…" Kouga buried his face into her platinum and blue hair.

"Oh bite me," She snapped trying to pry herself from his grasp.

"That can be arranged my dear…" Kouga replied moving his lips to her neck.

"Yah and you can die where you try…" Krystali slipped under his arms and jumped to the kitchen door. Sesshomaru smirked and trekked off towards his room. Lying down on his soft bed and covers, he drifted off into sleep, silently clutching the black Ying Yang piece.

~*Kagome's POV*~

Kagome skipped merrily into her room, clad in her pink pajamas.

"Nice and clean!" she cheered as she picked up Shippou and walked happily towards the kitchen.

"Kagome dear, would you get the mild out of the fridge for me?" Mrs Higarashi called as Kagome walked through the door.

"Sure Mom," Kagome walked over and grabbed the milk and handed it to her mother.

"Oh and who's this?" Mrs. Higarashi cooed as she spied Shippou in Kagome's arms, who was just waking up.

"Momma, this is Shippou, can he stay with us?"

"Sure dear, now can you set the table while I finish supper?" Kagome set Shippou on the table as she retrieved the dinnerware from around the kitchen. After dinner, Kagome ran up the stairs with Shippou on her shoulder and jumped on her bed.

"Night Shippou," she whispered as she pulled up the covers and fell into a happy slumber. Shippou curled up against her and shortly followed.

Zephyr: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeell?

Soujiro: Well what?

Zephyr: You like?

Soujiro: …………

Zephyr: There's chapter 5! Enjoy… Chapter 6'll come really really soon cause the chapter's plastered in my head! R+R! Ja!!