InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Ying and the Yang Souls ❯ The Secret Part 2 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Zephyr: I finally got of mah lazy butt and decided to update mah stories. I've been reading fanfiction on mah latest obsession. Sora+Riku! Yayness!

Soujiro: Okay then… what about me!

Zephyr: I've read a bunch of Rurouni Kenshin stories… including you! ^-^ So ha!

Soujiro: Why won't you read any Rurouni Kenshin fics?

Zephyr: Cause I'm addicted to Sora+Riku…

Soujiro: … So…

Zephyr: ::blinks:: Anywho, thanks to all who reviewed! We luff you!!!

Soujiro: We… do?

Zephyr: YAH!

Special Place for Special People Called Reviewers!

Zephyr: OOOOOOOOOOOOKAY!!!! Onto Chapter 6!!

The Ying and the Yang Souls

Chapter 6: The Secret Part 2

Written By: Zephyr Luana Minamino

Kagome woke up to her alarm clock ringing annoyingly in her ear. Shutting it off rather violently, she sat up on her comfy bed and stretched in the sunlight flooding into her room. Looking around she spied a small brown fluffy tail poking out from under her blankets. She gently tugged on the tail to wake the body before retreating to her bathroom. Shippou sleepily crwled out from under her blankets and rubbed his eyes sleepily.

"Kagome… why are we getting up this early?" Shippou moaned as he got up and trekked after Kagome.

"I'm going to school and you're going with me," Kagome called from the bathroom.

Shippou shrugged and sprawled himself along Kagome's bed wondering how Kagome was going to take him to school with her. After a few minutes, Kagome came bounding out of her bathroom wearing her school uniform and was holding some small clothes in her hands.

"Here Shippou! These are for you to wear. Mom went and got them yesterday for you" She smiled and handed them to the little kit who was currently wearing an old nightshirt of Kagome's that was waaaaaaay too big for him.

While Shippou changed into his new clothes, Kagome quickly gathered her supplies from around her room. She shoved her books and supplies into her big yellow bag, then quickly tied her ying yang piece loosely around her neck. When Shippou finished dressing he plopped himself and watched Kagome run around her room. He was dressed in baggy blue pants and a light green shirt with green leaves decorating it. He also wore a brown furry vest and a blue ribbon pulling up his hair. When Kagome was finished, she held out her bag for the little kitsune to climb in.

"Kagomeeeeeeeeee… why do I have to stay in your bag?" Shippou whined as he looked into the bag crammed full with school materials.

"It's just temporarily. Only until I get to school. I'm not going to close it all the way." Kagome reassured the little kit.

"Okay…" Shippou crawled into the bag and pulled the top over him.

Kagome sighed and exited her house and started down the street towards her school. Shippou occasionally poked his head out of the bag to get fresh air and look at his surroundings, but then retreated back into the bag. Kagome was practically inside the school gates when she was violently shoved into a nearby wall.

~*Shippou's POV*~

I jumped as I was suddenly crushed against a wall. So I peered out of the bag and in front of Kagome was three older demons. Another kitsune, a dog, and a cat. Two guys and a girl. The kitsune had reddish orange hair and golden eyes. He was wearing black baggy pants and a black muscle shirt. The dog had black hair with gold tips and blue eyes. He was wearing a way-to-long-T-Shirt-that-was-barely-his-size and covered his way-too-big-and-falling-off-his-hips pants as well. The neko had silver hair that was put up in a tight ponytail and had silver eyes. She was wearing a spagehtti strap tank top and short shorts and had a tattoo of a rose wrapped around a sword on her right shoulder. I cringed as the kitsune walked up and looked Kagome over. Taking her chin in his hand he examined her face before spotting the ying yang piece.

"Well, what do we have here?" his baritone voice rang out.

He gently yanked the already loosely tied ying yang piece off and admired it in the sun. The dark black obsidian piece shone brightly in the sun.

"Well… now… this looks of some value. I think I'll hold on to this."

"N-no! G-give it back n-now!" Kagome stammered as she steadied herself against the wall.

"What do you need it for?" The kitsune sneered as he gently squeezed the piece in his hand.

"G-give it BACK!!" Kagome demanded as she walked over to the youkai.

"Nah… I don't think so . My interest has been drawn to something else so I think I'll just shatter it…" The kitsune said and threw the piece down and stomped down on it with his foot before pulling Kagome in his embrace tightly.

"Let me go!" Kagome snarled and tried to free herself from the kitsune's grasp.

~*Sesshomaru's POV*~

I was walking with Krystali, InuYasha, Kouga, and Miroku towards school. It was just a normal walk. Miroku was sort of new to our group. He'd been with us for about 2 months now, but we've gotten use to him and we've convinced Kouga not to kill him or use him a food. Krystali and InuYasha were arguing , Kouga was chatting with Miroku, and I was watching them quietly. We were just walking through the gates when I spotted the girl from yesterday in a tight spot. The idiot youkai Mako, Haku, and Hellena were trying to start something obviously. Mako had something in his hand and when he squeezed it, it felt as if something was squeezing my heart and it was hard to breathe. But when he threw it on the ground and stomped on it, it felt like my entire air supply was being cut off. I could barely breathe. I started to stagger over to the four of them. Kagome was now in the embrace of Mako. I growled under my breath the best I could and tried to hurry but it was hard… but I had to try.

~*Kagome's POV*~

I watched in horror as Mako tried to crush the ying yang piece under his foot. And then to make things worse, he was now hugging/holding me in a tight grip. In the corner of my eye I could see a figure stuggling towards us. I recognized that figure as Sesshomaru and he seemed to be in pain. I tried to run to him but Mako just tightened his grip. I felt sorry for Shippou because he was getting most of the force. I didn't think it could get any worse when Mako tried to kiss me… that literally infuriatied me but before I could do something… Shippou came bounding out of my bag and straight into the air.

"What's the big idea!?! You trying to kill me!?" Shippou snapped and charged at Mako. Mako stared at the kitsune as he came flying in and scratched up his face. Mako stared for a few more minutes before stepping off the ying yang and charged towards the younger kitsune. Shippou smiled and jumped back into the air.

"Kitsune bi!!!!" He yelled and blue flames erupted from the palm of his hand.

Mako immediately stopped as he saw the blue flames charging towards him. He immediately turned tail and ran off right past Sesshomaru, who was currently catching his breath.

"And stay away from Kagome and me!!" Shippou called after the retreating youkai.

I picked up the ying yang piece and replaced it around my neck before picking up Shippou and racing over to the fallen form of Sesshomaru.

~*Normal POV*~

"Sesshomaru! Are you alright?" Kagome asked as she gently helped him to his feet.

"Yes, I'm fine.." Sesshomaru replied as he leaned on Kagome's shoulder.

"Okay…" Kagome smiled but didn't notice as her ying yang piece fell out of her shirt and hung in plain view.

Sesshomaru turned his eyes to the swinging object around Kagome's neck and sharply gasped. `How did she get that?' He reached out to touch it and slowly picked it up. He rubbed his thumb against the smooth obsidian surface as he stared in wonder.

"May I see this for a moment?" he asked quietly.

"Sure… but I want it back… Mako already tried to take it." Kagome removed the ying yang from around her neck and handed it to Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru accepted the piece and examined it carefully before pulling out his half and looking of the design of each. Kagome was surprised when Sesshomaru asked to see her ying yang piece but was even more surprised when he pulled out an opposite piece of it and started examining them both. An idea stuck in her head and she immediately wanted to try it out.

"May I see both of them for a moment?" Kagome took the pieces and held them up in front of her face. Then she put the two pieces together and smiled. `A perfect fit!' she happily thought and tried to separate them again but it was stuck together. The ying yang glowed for a few moments and then then a light enveloped both pieces. When the light died down the ying yang was now two separate necklaces. Both were complete ying yangs and both had red and black sides. But now they had their own chains and each necklace had a special design. On one the black side had red blood designs and on the other the red side had black blood designs. Kagome was mesmorized at the transformation and then handed them back to Sesshomaru. He knew the legend so he took the one with red blood designs before handing the other to Kagome. At that instance, the bell rang both stared at the school.

"Oops… I'm late…" Kagome said as she picked up Shippou from the ground and started to walk off towards the school.

But before Kagome could go any further, Sesshomaru grabbed her arm and pulled her into a small embrace and gently kissed her on the cheek and walked off leaving Kagome on the cement frozen in shock.

Zephyr: My creation is FINSHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This chapter is done!!

Soujiro: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh….

Zephyr: YAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! And I have a new muse!

Soujiro: You're replacing me?!

Zephyr: Noooooo! I'd never replace my little Sou-chan!!! How could you thin such a thing! ::cries::

Soujiro: Oh ok…

Zephyr: Anywho… my new additon to my muses is… ::drumrool:: … ASCOT!!! Hahahahahahaha! From Magic Knights Rayearth!! He's soooooooo KAWAII!!!!

::Ascot walks in as his younger form::

Ascot: …

Zephyr: Wheeeeeeeee! ::huggles Ascot:: Anywho!! R+R!! I'm giving out little Ascot plushies to reviewers this time! And Mocha Late`s!! =^-^= Ja Ne!!!