InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Ying and the Yang Souls ❯ Oh Thy Sweet Enemy ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Zephyr: SCHOOL IS OUT!!!!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!! ::runs around happily in circles..::

Soujiro: And now summer vacation!

Zephyr: Pffffff… not likely.

Ascot: Summer School?

Zephyr: Yep…

Soujiro: American History?

Zephyr: Yep…

Soujiro and Ascot: Have fun!!!

Zephyr: DAMN BOTH OF YOU!!!!

Soujiro and Ascot: =^-^=

Zephyr: XD

Disclaimer: Mmmmmmmmm… pumpkin seeds… mmmmm

~* The Yin and the Yang Souls *~

Chapter 8: Oh Thy Sweet Enemy

Kagome watched Sesshomaru tread towards the school entrance. A hand rested gently upon her kissed cheek. Shippou crawled on her shoulder, waving a hand in front of her face, frantically trying to knock Kagome out of her stupor.

"Kagome? Kagooooome… you're gonna be late… er … later than you already are!" Shippou said.

"Uhhhh… huh Shippou? Oh shit! I'm late!!! Shit shit shit shit shit shit… I'm late!!" Kagome shrieked.

Kagome leapt up and ran off towards her locker with Shippou clinging on for his life. Upon opening it she ripped open her bag and exchanged her books and grabbed a bag of chips she had stashed away before slamming the door shut and speeding off for her first class.

"I'm sooooooooo sorry I'm late! Something came up and it took a while to fix it! I'll try not to be late again!!"

"Ms. Higarashi… please refrain from deafening the class with your screaming. Take a seat before I give you detention," Mr. Bock snapped before starting roll. "Akira?"

"Here," a brown headed girl chirped.

Kagome sat down in her seat and sighed. Sango smiled sympathetically at Kagome and slipped a note under her foot. Kagome picked it up and read it carefully. It simply asked why she was late. Scribbling down a brief answer, she kicked it over to Sango and popped a piece of gum in her mouth. Kikiyo nodded a quick hello before returning to her bag of Lays chips. Kagome opened her own bag of chips and retrieved her geography book and let Shippou crawl out and into her lap. Then quietly opened her bag of Doritos and set them in her lap as well for Shippou and her to share. Mr. Bock was in a semi-good mood and let the class off easy with a chapter assessment. But of whichi left Kagome in a rotten mood.

"What is Antartica's greatest resource? How am I supposed to know that?!" Kagome growled at her textbook before opening it up and searching for the answer. Shippou quietly munched on some chips and watched Kagome effortlessly try and answer the questions before the end of the hour.

After class, Kagome joined Sango and Kikiyo as they walked out the door.

"I hate geography…" Kagome griped as she walked out the door.

"That assignment was easy…" Sango simply said.

"It was nothing to get worked up about. And why did you bring that kitsune with you?" Kikiyo peered over at Shippou who was hanging off Kagome's shoulder.

"Because I couldn't bare to leave him at home alone…"

Sango laughed as Kikiyo fumed about it and picked Shippou up and began to pamper him. Krystali popped up from who knows where with another female neko named Bairu. Bairu was about the same height as Krystali. She had short cut brown hair and emerald green eyes. She wore a pair of blue jeans and a pink tank top that said "Cute" on it in glittery text. Krystali instantly perked up from her temporary depression at the sight of Shippou.

"Shippou! So that's where you've been! Kagome-san's been takin gcare of you!" Krystali cooed an drubbed his hair softly.

"Yup, she's been taking good care of me!" chirped Shippou and happily enjoyed the full-purpose pampering he was receiving.

"So, what had you all uptight about Krystali?" Kagome asked.

Krystali's bright happy expression went dark.

"Some bastard hacked my locker and stole my entire stash of goods!" Krystali growled. "I'm gonna install a new and improved lock!"

"You do that…" Sango inserted and shifted Shippou's weight in her arms.

"You don't understand!! That stash was everything!! Food, materials, games… oh poopie…" Krystali cried.

"Well see about this later. We've got to head over to second hour. See yah later Krystali, Bairu," Kagome called and the 2 of them left and Kagome, Sango, Kikiyo and Shippou made their way down the hallway to the Language Arts 9 classroom. Sitting down in their usual seats, they relaxed and brought out their usual tasks and items. Kikiyo hauled out a big bag of Doritos, Sango dragged out some paper, pens, and pencils, and Kagome retrieved their books from the respective bags.

"Mmmmmm… Cooler Ranch. Great choice Kikiyo," Sango complimented and opened the bag quietly, setting it in between their desks. Shippou, now seated back in Kagome's lap once again, was playing with one of his leaves contently.

The bell rang at 9:38 and Ms. Mathews walked in and began the class. Ms. Mathews was a fun lady and allowed snacks in her classroom. She also had a fun aura about her. She started class off with a DOL and got into her usual happy-go-lucky attitude. 2nd hour class was their best class all day. After a quick DOL session, the class immediately turned to the play Romeo and Juliet in their books. They always rollplayed all their plays, so Ms. Mathews took the honor of assigning the parts. Kikiyo received the part of Lady Capulet, Sango the Nurse, and Kagome as Juliet. A boy named Marco got the part of Romeo, and Miroku, who was surprisingly in their class, received the part of Mercutio. When the parts were all assigned, the class started the play.

"O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I'll no longer be a Capulet." Kagome cried, reading her part with such emphasis.

"Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" Marco whispered.

"'Tis but they name that is my enemy. Thou are thyself, though not a Montague…"

The play continued until the end of the hour, where the final act was being played. The final hour of Romeo and Juliet.

"Yea, noise? Then I'll be brief. O happy dagger! This is thy sheath; there rust, and let me die." Kagome announced melodramatically.

The bell rang just as the class had finished the play. Kagome gathered up her materials and headed out the door with Shippou on her shoulder. The girls had separate classes from here on out, save for Home Economics. And so she slowly walked down the hall through the short distance separating her from her 3rd hour class. She had this class with Sesshomaru, InuYasha and Krystali. They were already seated when she entered the classroom, although Krystali and Bairu, who was also in the class, bounded up to her as she walked to her desk.

"Guten morgen!!! Wie gehts?" Krystali chirped as she watched Kagome walk past her, a faint blush stained her cheeks as she passed Sesshomaru.

"Schlect schlect schlect…" Kagome chanted noncohersively.

"Warum?" Bairu softly replied.

"Ich weiss nicht…"

Krystali snorted at the answer before taking her seat beside InuYasha. Frau Madison walked in and started roll. After roll, she started a speech on personal pronouns and their correct usage. Kagome was bored stiff from this speech.

"Why did I agree to take this class?" She muttered beneath her breath and took out her book.

"Now Klasse, personal pronouns are the following: mich, dich, sein, ihr, euch, uns, sie, and Sie. Learn them and what they stand for. We'll be quizzing over it after lunch." Frau Madison said and wrote the pronouns in a neat little chart with the information just learned.

Kagome read through the three paragraphs about personal pronouns. It was pretty dull. It was `mich' this and `dich' that… oh `euch'! So she chanced a peek at Sesshomaru. He was reading a book, eyes darting from word to word, scanning every page. He looked so regal… and majestic like to her in her eyes. She leaned her head on the palm of her hand and sighed softly.

Sesshomaru felt eyes upon him Looking up from his boring novel, his eyes met Kagome's. Her eyes widened in shock before she looked away slightly embarrassed. Shrugging it off, he returned to his book. But the book got boring fast. To Kill a Mockingbird wasn't all that interesting. It wasn't even about killing a mockingbird. Taking out a note from his pocket, he opened and read the threat that he had received from his dearest sister. It was ranting on about something with her locker.


Do you know who the pathetic little bastard who stole my stash from mah locker is? If you don't, which I know you dooooooo, but that's beside the point, I'll hunt you down and drag you around the forest and let the precious blood drain from you body….and I'll ban you from your shows… no more Full Moon wo Sagashite oniisan. I'll be waiting for you at lunch…

Much Luv from your loving oneesan


Sesshomaru snorted at the signature. `Loving indeed… you don't call yourself loving when you threaten your family… baka neko.' Sesshomaru thought bitterly before incinerating the threat with his poison claws. He'd have to have a word with her accusations. The thief was Kouga and anybody can pick the school's locks. Glancing towards the clock for the time, which was 10:57, and put his book away in her bookbag. Just as the book hit the bottom of the bag, the bell for lunch rang and the classroom emptied out. Krystali came up behind him and pounced on his back happily.

"Oniisan! Who hacked mah locker!?" she pouted.

"Talk to Kouga…" Sesshomaru replied.

"Deadpan much?" Krystali retorted and hopped of his back and towards the stairwell.

Sesshomaru snorted at her comment and continued on down the hall. Kagome followed behind slowly. She wanted to thank Sesshomaru for earlier, but she was extremely nervous. Bairu walked up beside her and smiled softly.

"Why're you so uptight, Kagome?" she asked.

"I'm just a little nervous…"

" `Bout what?"

"It's nothing…"

Bairu glanced at Kagome with a disbelieving look before skipping down the stairs after Krystali. Kagome took a deep breath before entering the cafeteria and stood in line for lunch. After picking her foods and paying for it, she sat down at their usual table. Krystali and Bairu joined her about 2 minutes later. There were only about 5 people that sat at their table, so it wasn't very crowded.

"So Kagome… anything new?" Krystali started and took a swig of her milk.

"Besides German being boring… no?" Kagome snapped a carrot stick in half and popped one half in her mouth.

"Any guys?" Bairu asked while nibbling on her pizza.


"Sitting behind you?" Krystali took a bite of her cheeseburger.

Kagome choked on her carrot stick and looked behind her quietly. There, in all his regal state, was Sesshomaru. Along with Kouga, Miroku, and InuYasha. They were talking about something that had to do with hoards of blood and gore for Kouga was slightly drooling. Kagome returned to her meal slightly disgusted and disturbed.

"I'll take that for a yes…" Krystali smiled but frowned as she spotted Kouga. "Excuse me for a second…"

Krystali tiptoed around the table and behind Kouga. Putting finger to her lips, she motioned for the guys to ignore her. Kagome and Bairu were just barely keeping their laughter in. The sight of Kouga getting chewed out was fairly humorous. And then Krystali made her move.

"Ohhhhhh Kouga, love…" she cooed.

Kouga seemed mildly shocked, but he hid it well. Instead, he wrapped his arms around Krystali's waist from ahead, earning a small squeak from her.

"Yes, love?" he asked modestly.

"Would you happen to know anything about why my locker is bare?" she purred, running her fingers through his silky brown hair.

"No, why would you ask?"

"Because a little birdy told me that you robbed mah stash!!!" Krystali snarled and dug her claws into his scalp.

"Ow… easy love… easy!!" Kouga yelped as her grip intensed.

By this time, Kagome and Bairu were roaring with laughter. InuYasha and Sesshomaru glanced questionably at the spasmadic actions of the two girls. InuYasha shook his head and returned to his meal. But Sesshomaru watched Kagome laugh. Her joyful laughter rang out happily and her cheeks, red from laughing. He slowly returned to his lunch, the sound of Kagome's laughter ringing in his mind.

Krystali returned from the boy's table examining her nails. Sitting down, she picked up her nail file from her ID chain and began to clean the dead skin from under it.

"Ewwww! Krystali, clean your lover's skin from under your nails somewhere else!" Bairu whined, flicking a stray piece of skin away from her tray.

"He's not mah lover…" Krystali snarled.

"Coulda fooled me…" Kagome sneered, dodging a fork flying past her ear.

Krystali ate the rest of her lunch in silence, a small blush visible upon her face. Kagome, noticing this, smiled softly but went back to the matter at hand. She had to thank Sesshomaru somehow. So on through the final four classes, she pondered on how she'd accomplish her task. At least once per hour her hand found it's way to the now complete yin yang around her neck and traced the details of the fiery design. By the end of school, she had settled on a simple thank you. She stood, waiting by the wall, for him to exit the school. Krystali was the first to walk out. She skipped around for a while before being tackled to the ground by Kouga. InuYasha walked up and sneered at Krystali before moving around the tumbling duo. Kouga grinned and kissed Krystali on the tip of her nose before getting up and helping her up… but it turned into another wrestling match as Krystali tackled Kouga back onto the ground. Then her finally came, stepping out into the sunlight, Sesshomaru grimaced at the sudden brightness, but ignored it as he walked on. He walked past Krystali and Kouga, who's positions had once again switched, and walked towards the gate. Kagome saw this as an opportunity and walked over to join him. He acknowledged her presence with a slight nod and kept walking.

"Ano… I wanted to say thank you… for saving me. Arigato," Kagome softly said.

"Your welcome," he replied, still walking.

"Well… umm… I was wondering if… you'd like to go out for coffee or something?" Kagome asked slowly, trying to see his reaction.

Sesshomaru's stride slowed down and finally stopped. He turned around to face Kagome, studying her emotions. Soon he found himself nodding his head slightly.

"Hai, I'd like that very much," he replied smoothly.

Kagome's face immediately flushed as she ran to catch up with Sesshomaru. She could only wonder where he would take her…

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~

Zephyr: Wai! It's soooooooooo cute!!! And saaaaaaaaaaaaaad!! ::crying::

Ascot: What now… certainly not your story…

Zephyr: It's cute too and I've extended it for mah beloved readers!!!!!

Ryuichi: Well… what's cute?

Zephyr: FULL MOON WO SAGASHITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::cries happily::

Soujiro: Let me guess… new muse?

Zephyr: YAAAAAAAAAAH!! Since Hiei retired…

Soujiro: I thought he quit…

Zephyr: I FIRED HIM!!!!!!!! Anywho… my new muse is Takuto!!!!!!

Takuto: WTF?!

Zephyr: Don't start…

Ryuichi: Well… R+R!!!!! Drop a review!! For me and Ta-kun!!!!

Zephyr: Let your minds wander! AND REMEMBER!!!!!!!! ORANGE JUICE!!!!

Ascot: You mean lemon?

Zephyr: Orange juice… not quite lemon but getting there… just a kiss… cutsy fluffy waffy moments! WAI!!

Takuto: Ehhhhhh… Zephyr no baka!!!

Zephyr: =^-^= And if anybody out there knows about the beloved Full Moon wo Sagashite… you and I should really talk!!

Izumi: Ne?

Zephyr: PUPPY DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::glomps Izumi::