InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Thieves put Theives in Their Place ❯ Pain ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Inuyasha had basically picked her up and slung her over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes, took her back to the hotel that she was staying in with Sango; it paid to no the owner of the hotel. He took her up to the room next to hers which Miroku should have opened up for him. It was open, so he walked in Kagome still hitting his back like there was no tomorrow. She had given up on screaming at him a minute after the started walking down the street.


"Stop that right now." Inuyasha growled at her. She stopped for a fraction of a second before she kneed his stomach. "You damned wench!" Inuyasha growled as he dropped her on the couch.


"I wouldn't have done that had you have put me down." Kagome said flatly as she looked at him, and then around the room.


Inuyasha was loosing all patients for her and was seconds from tearing her limb from limb. Inuyasha growled grabbing the front of her shirt and pulling her off the couch and bringing their faces not even a centimeter away from each other saying, "You're pushing it." Kagome did nothing but glare at him. "If you do one more thing that makes me mad I swear I'm going to make you sorry you were born."


"You're too late for that." Kagome hissed at him. She punched him in the stomach to get him to let go, and it worked he stumbled back, and she went to get away. Inuyasha grabbed her arm and pulled her back to him growling. Kagome glared at him trying to get her arm back.


Inuyasha pulled her to the room at the end of the hallway, and opened the door pushing her in there. He locked it from the outside, and went and sat on the couch as Kagome punched on the door. "It's a good thing these doors are magic proof other wise I'd be paying to reinstall a door." Inuyasha said to him self trying to calm down. That wench was getting on his last nerve, and he wanted nothing more then to show her, her place which was to listen to him and not to try and injure him, not that she was getting very far in that department.


Miroku then walked in rubbing his shoulder. "I need a trank gun." He said as he sat down on the couch next to Inuyasha.


"Me too, just so she'll shut up and stop trying to break the door down." Inuyasha said turning the T.V. on.


"She's beautiful, but she has a deadly right hook." Miroku said leaning back.


"This one just need's to learn her place."


"Let me guess, you would love nothing more then to show it to her." Miroku said grabbing the remote from Inuyasha, and took over flipping channels; Inuyasha changed the channels too fast.


"You guess right my friend." Inuyasha said standing up, and stretching, popping his shoulder. "She's either the bravest girl I've ever met or the dumbest, I'm not sure." Inuyasha continued as he walked down the hall. "Have a good night, and go sleep on your own couch I don't feel like listening to anything you want to watch while I'm trying to sleep."


"Yeah, I know." Miroku said turning off the T.V. and getting up and leaving.


Inuyasha walked down the hallway to the door, she had stopped pounding on the door some time right before Miroku left. Inuyasha walked in seemingly unnoticed by Kagome. She had her head resting on her knees hiding her eyes with her arms.


Kagome didn't even realize he had come in she was to busy thinking. Inuyasha really hit me where it hurt. He doesn't have to do anything to make me wish I was never born. I'm the reason my parents are dead…she didn't want to think about it but the thoughts just kept coming. I wasn't strong enough to fight those bandits on my own. They died saving me. They didn't deserve it! All I am is a disgrace I'm a thief, my parents were well regarded people. Kagome was thrown out of her thoughts when she felt the bed move. Her head shot up to look in the golden eyes of Inuyasha. Kagome's eyes were blurred by the tears she was trying to hold back. She went to make a run for it when Inuyasha grabbed her shoulders keeping her in place.


"What's wrong with you?" Inuyasha asked looking at her. She couldn't be upset because she's been captured? Inuyasha thought to himself.


"None of your damn business!" Kagome yelled trying to get away from him.


"It isn't because I caught you?" Inuyasha smirked.


Kagome punched him square in the jaw saying, "No you bastard it's not."


Inuyasha growled and grabbed her waist pulling her down so she was lying down and he was straddling her waist. "You're going to be sorry you every walked in to this town." She flinched when his hands hit the bed and it jolted under them. "You need to learn that you don't mess with demons." His growl was getting louder. "Now pay attention." He said grabbing her chin, and making her look at him. "I don't know what the hell your problem is bitch, but you're going to start showing me some respect."


Kagome simply glared at him and tried to get away from him. "Let me go!"


"No. You're going to stop this right know Kagome." Inuyasha growled out at her. "You're getting on my last nerve, and you're driving me insane. I'm torn between letting you live just so I can show you your damn place, or taering you to shreads." Inuyasha let go of her chin and put his hands on her stomach.


Kagome tenced up and tried to get away even more. She stopped moving when he started rubbing her stomach. "Wha-what are you doing Inuyasha."


"Calming you down, you smell to distressed." Inuyasha said still growling but it wasn't as loud as before. Kagome grabbed his hands, stopping him from rubbing her stomach more and shook her head.


"I'm fine Inuyasha."


Inuyasha stopped and got off her, his growl finnaily stopping. "Ok then." Inuyasha sank down and laied down beside her. She went to move away and he pulled her back. "You're not going anywhere. I want to make sure you're still her in the morning." Inuyasha had his hands around her waist, and had her as close to him as possible. "Also no punching, and or kicking me tonight, or I'll lay ontop of you."