InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Thieves put Theives in Their Place ❯ Some Morning ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome woke up to the sound of a loud crash next-door and the sound of Sango screaming. “Sango shut it, it's way too early.” Kagome whined turning over, only for two arms to rap themselves tighter around her. There was another crash and Kagome opened her eye's only to see Inuyasha looking at her just as tired. It most likely didn't register in her head because she whined, “Inuyasha make her shut up she wont listen to me…” Kagome closed her eyes again and then they flashed open to a smirking Inuyasha, who pulled her closer. “Let me go!” Kagome yelled trying to get away from him.
“Oh calm down and go back to bed it's only five in the morning.” Inuyasha said putting his leg over her and moving so he was straddling her waist. “Miroku make her shut up!” Inuyasha yelled banging on the wall. Inuyasha then heard her stop yelling whatever she had been ranting about.
Miroku then banged on the wall and yelled, “I'm taking her out to breakfast see you later!”
Inuyasha then smiled and looked down at Kagome. “There now we can go back to bed.”
“I'm not tired now.” Kagome said as stubbornly as she could while she was yawning.
“Well I am, and you aren't going anywhere, so see ya when I wake up.” Inuyasha said getting off her, laying down, and pulling her back to him.
Kagome yawned again, and relaxed seeing no use in fighting him this early. After a few minutes she fell back asleep.
About an hour later Inuyasha woke up to Kagome whimpering and moving around in his arms.
“Inu…yasha…don…please….stop…. don't….me….” Kagome whimpered at him.
“Kagome?” Inuyasha said pulling her as close as possible. She didn't seem to hear him at all and she started thrashing more. “Kagome wake up.”
“Inu…come….me…” Kagome said as she clung to his shirt whimpering and whining.
“Kagome I'm right here so stop whimpering.” Inuyasha said nuzzling her cheek.
Her eyes flashed open and to Inuyasha, and her eyes seemed relieved when she saw him, but then she looked away stubbornly saying, “Let me go.”
“Yeah fine ok I'll be in the main room.” Inuyasha said stretching and getting up walking out of the room.
Kagome looked at where he had been laying thinking I hate visions and that is one that is never going to happen. I won't let it, and that's just how it's going to be.
“KAGOME!” Sango yelled from the main room.
Kagome got up yawning and stretching and walked out and up to her saying, “Stop yelling Sango there's no use for it. Not to mention you shouldn't yell this early in the morning especially when these walls sound like they're paper-thin.”
“Kagome he's a Pervert, and they are holding us hostage.” Sango said under her breath jabbing her thumb at Miroku.
“We've gotten out of worse, and so you slap him a few times not yell at him at five in the morning.” Kagome said looking at the two through the side of her eyes.
“Wait, where was Inuyasha sleeping? On the couch?” Sango asked thinking of this morning when Inuyasha yelled at Miroku the walls couldn't be that thin.
“I slept in the room with Kagome.” Inuyasha said with a smile at Sango.
“Kagome did he do anything to you?” Sango asked glaring at Inuyasha.
“Besides threaten to lay on me? No he didn't.” Kagome said looking at Inuyasha then back at Sango.
“I see, so what should we do.” Sango whispered in Kagome's ear.
“I can hear you.” Inuyasha said in Sango's ear.
“Ok then…” Sango said now noticing the dog ears twitching on his head. “What do you plan to do with us?”
“Let you go, we just wanted to scare you to make sure you don't leave.” Miroku said looking at Inuyasha.
“Wrong.” Inuyasha said smirking at the girls in front of him.
“That's not what we agreed on last night.” Miroku said looking from Inuyasha to the girls.
“Yeah well, we're just going to keep them around for a while.” Inuyasha said stretching and walking towards the door. “So let's get going you need ta get back home and feed that cat you found Miroku.”
“How long are you keeping us?” Kagome said getting next to him.
“Until you know when to back down.” Inuyasha said as they headed down the stairs Miroku and Sango right behind them, with Sango mumbling something about we could run now.
“That's not going to happen.” Kagome said with a confident smirk.
“Then two months if you don't show any signs of A: Wanting to stay or B: I get through those walls you've built so well.” Inuyasha said throwing the key to the room on the counter.
“And how do I know you aren't going to just keep me no matter what?” Kagome asked following him down the street.
“I give you my word as a thief.” Inuyasha said in all seriousness