InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Thieves put Theives in Their Place ❯ Save Her ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Inuyasha had led them to his and Miroku's motorcycles and took them to Inuyasha's mansion.
“Nice place.” Sango said as she followed Miroku and Inuyasha up stairs.
“Thank you Sango.” Miroku said looking back at her with a smile.
“This will be your room Sango.” Inuyasha said opening the door. “The room on the left is Miroku's and on the right belongs to Ayame you and her should get along pretty well, and you too Kagome, yous will meet her sometime tomorrow when she and Kouga get back from their vacation.”
“And where's my room?” Kagome asked when Sango went in her room with Miroku to explore.
“Well I guess I'll give you your own room…” Inuyasha said walking down the hall and up another flight of stairs.
“You better give me my own room.” Kagome said to him as they walked down the hallway.
“I don't have to do anything for you.” Inuyasha said as he opened up a door. “Here I'm next door and that room is empty.”
“How sweet…I'm next to you and no one's around.” Kagome said as she walked in.
“Shippo, Amy, and a few other guys are up here too.” Inuyasha said following her inside.
The room was dark blue with silver borders and ceiling. “Nice room…” Kagome said as she looked around. There was a queen size bed with a dark red comforter and gold sheets.
“It's the opposite of my room the color of your bed is the color of my walls and the color of your walls are the color of my bed.” Inuyasha said sitting on the foot of the bed.
“Why.” Kagome asked as she looked over at him.
“I couldn't decide what I would like better so I had both done and I just happened to pick the other one.” Inuyasha said standing up and walking over to stand in front of her.
“So I get the reject room while I stay for two months, considering I don't get out of here with Sango sooner.” Kagome said with a smile.
“It'll be two months cuz believe me I will hunt you down don't worry.” Inuyasha said pulling her closer to him with his hand around her waist.
“I'll just keep running.” Kagome said defiantly. “You won't win even if I do stay for the full two months.”
“We'll just have to see about that won't we?” Inuyasha said with a smirk. “Just to let you know I never loose.”
“Neither do I.” Kagome said with a smirk of her own.
“Well you're about too.”
“After a week if you can't get to me, there's no hope for you.” Kagome said crossing her arms over her chest.
“Then we'll keep this short sweet and to the point, a week then.” Inuyasha said letting her go.
Kagome stepped back a foot and looked up at him with a smile, “It's a deal, and just to make sure it's fair I won't run.”
“Good.” Inuyasha said thinking of last night. “Why were you crying?”
“None of your business.” Kagome said looking away.
“If you insist.” Inuyasha said walking out of the room.
Kagome walked over and closed the door and walked over to the bed and sat down. It was soft and comfortable. “Wonder if Sango's got a bed this soft…” Kagome said to herself getting up and walking outside her room looking around. A small noise came from her feet and she looked down to see a cream colored fur and black markings, and…and two tails. “You look cute.” Kagome said leaning down and petting the cat.
“Kagome, Miroku needs help finding…never mind.” Sango said coming to a stop in front of Kagome. The cat looked at her meowed, walked over to her and looked up wanting to be carried. Sango opened her arms and the cat jumped in to them.
“You always were a cat person.” Kagome said petting the cat.
“We'll Kirara has been in this house for a few days and in the hands of Miroku.” Inuyasha said walking out of his room. “And he is defiantly not getting any more pets.”
“Sango did-never mind.” Miroku said coming to a stop. “Well Inuyasha she looks like she's alive, that's a good sign.” Miroku said looking at Kagome.
“Oh yeah that reminds me. Sango we only have to stay for a week, but I'm going to have to stay and not run away.” Kagome said looking away muttering the last part.
“What, how could you promise such a thing?!” Sango yelled handing Miroku Kirara.
“Sango it's for the sake of my pride, and sanity.” Kagome said backing up her hands in the air.
“I don't get you Kagome. We could be out of here by now.” Sango said suddenly calm.
Kagome ran behind the closest person which happened to be Inuyasha, not that she took notice, “Save me…”
“Yeah, Inuyasha save her.” Sango said walking away after getting Kirara. “She need's to be.”
“She's gone insane.” Kagome said stepping away from Inuyasha.
“How should I save her!?” Inuyasha yelled after her smirking.
Sango walked back around the corner and said with an evil grin, “Any way you want just keep her away from me for the next hour or so.”
“Ok, no worries.” Inuyasha said smirking back at Kagome who was slowly backing into her room.
“See you later Inuyasha.” Miroku said with a smile, and walked after Sango.
“Yeah see ya Inuyasha.” Kagome said as she ran in her room and locked the door.
“Kagome this is my house I have no problem with breaking down the door!” Inuyasha said knocking on the door loudly. “Kagome if I break this door down you will have to stay in my room with me.” Inuyasha heard Kagome run to the door unlocking it, and then she opened the door.
“No way.” Kagome said glaring at him. “Why are you listening to Sango anyway?”
“Because I'm bored.” Inuyasha said grabbing her hand and leading her down to the first floor then into a training room. “Hmm no one's here…that's different.”
“Why?” Kagome asked looking at him as he walked up to a rack of different weapons letting go of her hand.
“Just want to see something, come pick a weapon.” Inuyasha said motioning to the weapons.
“Any one of them?” Kagome asked looking at the different ones with a smile.
“Yeah.” Inuyasha said picking up a sword and standing in the middle of the room waiting for her.
Kagome grabbed a slightly shorter sword then the one Inuyasha had, and joined him in the middle of the room. “Rules?”
“There are none just don't kill each other.” Inuyasha said jumping back a few feet.