InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Thieves put Theives in Their Place ❯ Walking Barefoot into Hell ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Why did this have to happen to her? It only took one mistake for this to happen. It was all Sango's fault! Kagome was now trapped between the wall and two swords forming an X at her neck.
“Just say I win Kagome.” Inuyasha said with a smirk. “It isn't that hard.”
“You don't win! Sango came in she was a distraction!” Kagome yelled at him.
“I'm sorry Kagome I didn't mean to.” Sango said walking back out with a grin.
“She did that on purpose.” Kagome muttered.
“She probably did, but you haven't said what I want to hear.” Inuyasha said dropping the swords and grabbing her wrists putting them above her head before she could even react.
“That's because you aren't going to hear it.” Kagome said with a smirk.
“You're hard headed.” Inuyasha growled. “Just say it, wench.”
“My name's Kagome Ka-Go-Me.” Kagome said with a growl of her own.
Inuyasha smirked bringing his face closer to hers. “Well Ka-Go-Me tell me what I want to hear, and you can go.”
“I guess we're going to be here a while.” Kagome said with a smirk. “Because, no matter what those two words are not coming out of my mouth.” With that Kagome kneed him in the balls.
“BITCH!” Inuyasha yelled at her dropping to his knees. “Just you wait you damned bitch I'm going to get you…”
“Sing me a new song sometime Inu.” Kagome said leaning down and patting his cheek. Kagome then walked quickly out and past Miroku saying, “You might not want to go in there just yet.” Kagome got to Sango's room and walked in what she it now just hitting her that she might have just signed her death certificate.
“So you said what you wanted him to say?” Sango said a little shocked; she thought she would have had to get Miroku to help pry Inuyasha out of that room, Kagome being so hard headed.
“No I didn't.” Kagome said leaning against the door.
“He let you go?” Sango asked looking at her friend's distraught demeanor.
Kagome shook her head as a knock on the door came. Kagome moved away from the door as Sango asked, “Yes?”
“Could you tell Kagome to come out here?” Inuyasha said with held back anger.
“Umm…She's not in here she left a few seconds ago.” Sango said seeing Kagome shake her head franticly.
“Don't lye to me Sango, I'm a hanyou I can fucking smell her.” Inuyasha growled again.
Sango mouthed to Kagome, “What the hell did you do to him?”
Kagome lifted her knee up a little before putting it back down.
Sango's mouth formed an O before she answered Inuyasha, “Well then what do you need with her.”
Inuyasha growled, “That none of your business. Just unlock the door.”
“It's locked?” Sango asked looking at Kagome.
Kagome's eye's got huge and she looked at the door as he started to open it. “Damn.” Kagome said as she ran to the door trying to keep it closed.
“Kagome get the fuck away from the door.” Inuyasha growled letting it be closed again.
“Kagome I would go out there now.” Sango said looking at her friend. “Before he breaks down my door, or he gets madder.”
Kagome looked over her shoulder then stepped away from the door muttering curses under her breath.
Inuyasha opened the door growling, but smirking at the same time. “Come.”
Kagome stood there for a second thinking she was going to just stand there but walked towards him. I'm walking barefoot into hell aren't I…? Kagome thought as he grabbed her hand and nodded to Sango.
“Scared?” Inuyasha growled at her as he turned towards her once they got to his room, and he shut the door.
Kagome glared at him shaking her head. She didn't want to talk other wise it would be just that much more obvious.
“You should be.” Inuyasha growled moving so they were standing where the other was and pushed her against the door. “You must have one hell of a death wish girl, because that was the dumbest thing you could have done.”
Kagome's eyes were wide as her back hit the door. “You were being a jerk, you deserved it.”
“You smell so scared, and you sound it.” Inuyasha said with a smirk. “At least you know when you're in trouble.” Inuyasha brought his head down to her neck and kissed it feeling her tense up. “You do need to learn when to back down though.”
Kagome shook her head; he was not going to win this. “Eep!” was the only thing that came out when he bit down on her neck, not to hard but hard enough to get his point across.
Inuyasha let go and looked her in the eye with a smirk. “I win.” Inuyasha let his hands settle on her hips pulling her closer. “And you know it.”
“And you're a jerk, and I know that too.” Kagome said glaring at him the best she could.
“Inuyasha! Sango wanted me to make sure you didn't kill Kagome, and we want to go to dinner or something.” Miroku said knocking on the door.
“She's fine and we'll be down in a few.” Inuyasha said leading Kagome over to his bed.
“Ok Inuyasha.” Miroku said walking away.
“We should go.” Kagome said looking down at him as he sat down.
Inuyasha pulled her into his lap saying, “I swear you ever do that again and you'll be sore for a week.”
Kagome glared at him and went to stand up, but he wouldn't let her go. “Let me go.”
“Do you understand?” Inuyasha asked her as he kissed her neck. Kagome didn't say anything so he nipped at her and repeated him self a little louder. “Do you understand me or not bitch?”
Kagome glared at him then sighed and turned her head and mumbled “I understand.”
“What?” Inuyasha smirked.
“I understand you Inuyasha.” Kagome said a little louder.
“Good. Now let's go to dinner I'm starved.” Inuyasha said letting Kagome get up.