InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Thieves put Theives in Their Place ❯ Getting Out of Here ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Around two in the morning Kagome sat up and looked around the room. She and Inuyasha had spent most of the day sitting around watching T.V. while Miroku and Sango went out to a club or something they hadn't gotten the chance to hear about Kagome and Inuyasha. No one was there and Inuyasha wasn't to be seen, so she got up and put a few pillows under the covers, and quietly walked to the door and open it. Outside no one was around, so she headed downstairs. Ok now to get Sango and get the hell out of here…Kagome said as she went into Sango's room and shut the door.
“Yo Sango wake up.” Kagome said tapping her on the shoulder.
“Kagome what are you doing?” Sango asked as she sat up stretching.
“Not what I'm doing, what we're doing. Sango let's get the hell out of here.” Kagome said throwing the covers off her.
“I thought we were leaving in a week.” Sango said as she got up throwing pillows under the covers.
“Yeah, well I changed my mind.” Kagome said whispered as she walked out the door and turned around to see Sango shut the door, and walked into Miroku's room.
“Well thank the gods you got your mind back.” Sango whispered happily as she shut the door waving Miroku's keys in front of her.
“Yeah wonderful, let's just focus on getting the heck out of here with out drawing the attention of the many demons in this house.” Kagome said as they made it down the stairs and to the front door.
“Where are you girls going?” Some one asked from behind them.
Kagome turned around and smiled at the girl, “Oh Amy, Sango left something in Miroku's car we're going to get it.”
“Oh well…could you take Kirara for a walk to.” Amy asked with a hopeful smile as she held the cat out to Sango.
“Sure, no problem.” Sango said taking Kirara with a smile.
“Thank you so much, now if you don't mind I will be going to bed, so in the morning I can yell at Miroku for leaving that cat out here with no one to take care of it.” Amy said walking upstairs.
“Thank god for half asleep people.” Kagome cheered quietly as they walked over to the garage. “Let's hope my arrogant hanyou up stairs is really tired.”
“Yeah and even if he does wake up, would he honestly think you of all people were jacking Miroku's car?” Sango said as she started up the car and pulled out.
“No I don't believe he would.” Kagome said as Kirara jumped in her lap. “Well I guess we have a new pet.”
“Yeah I do believe we do.” Sango laughed as they went down the street. “Hey Kagome you get bit by something?” She said motioning to her own shoulder.
“What yeah I guess I did.” Kagome said rubbing her shoulder then pulling her sleeve up over it.
~~The next morning with at the mansion~~
“Miroku I'm gon'na kill her then drag her back here.” Inuyasha growled as he paced back and forth in front of Amy and Miroku.
Miroku put his finger up trying to get Inuyasha's attention. “Umm…”
Inuyasha looked at him threw the side of his eye and then said, “Fine, I'll drag her back here,” Miroku sighed sitting back, and then Inuyasha continued, “Then I'll kill her.”
“Is there any way we can do this without killing Kagome?” Amy voiced Miroku's question.
“Amy how in the world could you let them outside of this fucking house?! Couldn't you tell they were up to something?!” Inuyasha yelled trying to control his growling.
“Inuyasha calm down. We were going to let them go in a week.” Miroku said standing up and grabbing his friend's shoulders. “What's wrong with you?”
“Miroku Kagome is coming back here, whether she likes it or not.” Inuyasha growled, “I could care less about her little friend, your cat, or your car, I want Kagome back.”
“This goes way beyond the bet I was told about.” Amy said standing up and backing out of the kitchen under the intense gaze of Inuyasha.
“I do believe it does.” Miroku said letting go of his friend. “Would you care to share it with the rest of the class?”
“She's my mate, Miroku. I made her my mate, she's coming back here, and she's coming back now.” Inuyasha said heading for the door.
“Well I wouldn't mind having Sango come back her…” Miroku said with a far off gaze in his eyes.
“Amy, Shippo you're in charge! And Amy depending on how long this takes me I might just spare your life.” Inuyasha said as he walked out with Miroku behind him.
~~with the girls~~
“Well Sango we are officially in another town, not to mention a very quiet one.” Kagome said as the walked down the street Kirara in Sango's arms. “At least during the day.”
“Yeah that was one kind of party they had.” Sango said spinning around as she walked letting Kirara down.
“That was one I would like to join again.” Kagome said as they walked into the hotel they were staying in.
“Hey girls.” The guy behind the desk said with a smile.
“Thanks for letting us keep our cat.” Sango said as she walked upstairs.
Kagome walked over to the desk and said, “Any people ask for us Jo?”
“Nah you're good for another day. You going to be partying tonight across the street at my club again, you and Sango had some moves, and boy can you two sing.” Jo said with a smile.
“Yeah sure we'll be there no problem.” Kagome said with a smile. Just then Kirara started hissing. “Kirara stop that, and let's go.” Kagome said picking up the cat and walking up stairs.