InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Thieves put Theives in Their Place ❯ Everywhere ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome and Sango went out and bought some clothes with the money Jo gave them for singing in his club.
“Kagome you sure these pants aren't too tight?” Sango asked as she walked out in tight red leather pants, and a black tank top that had a heart on the front.
“No they aren't.” Kagome said with a smile. “You look good, how about me?”
“You look good.” Sango said looking up and down her friend. Kagome was wearing black baggie pants with to chains crossing in the back, and a black top that showed most of her stomach. “Are we singing tonight?”
“Yeah we are. Jo asked me before you came down stairs before we left to buy our outfits.” Kagome said as they walked downstairs.
“Hey girls you mind being the second act of the night? I want to make sure you girls are heard by everyone tonight.” Jo said with a wide smile.
“Sure thing.” Kagome and Sango said with the same wide smile as they walked across the street and walked in passed the bouncer who had just started to let people in.
“Come on you two let's go make sure everything will be set.” Jo said walking a head of the girls.
Kagome stopped and turned around to see a bunch of people entering the club, just like the other night.
“Kagome you ok?” Sango asked grabbing her friends hand and leading her to the back of the stage.
“Yeah, just stage fright I guess.” Kagome said with a smile.
“Could you girls do a slower song kind of?” Jo asked as he walked back up to the girls.
“Yeah I guess.” Sango said as the other band started playing something by Bad Religion.
“How about Everywhere, by Michelle Branch, Sango?” Kagome said leaning against the wall looking at the group of boy's on stage.
“We haven't sung that in forever, but I still remember my part perfectly.” Sango said with a smile.
“Who are you kidding Sango, you sang that in the shower after we went to the hotel from here last night.” Kagome laughed.
“Oh you heard that?” Sango said with a slight blush.
“Yeah, but it sounded great.” Kagome said patting Sango on the back as the back and they sat back and watch the guys for the rest of the song.
“You two will be great.” Jo said as he walked on the stage after the song ended. “Ok every one!! Who is ready to hear two girls who may I add are pretty beyond reason!!” He stopped for a bit while the crowd cheered. “They're going to be singing Everywhere by Michelle Branch! Here they are SANGO AND KAGOME!!” Jo walked off stage the crowd cheered, and Kagome and Sango walked on and stood in front of two of the mikes.
The music started up and the crowd quieted a little, and Sango started singing swaying her hips a little.
Turn it inside out so I can see
The part of you that drifting over me
Sango could feel someone intense stare on her but didn't let it show that it was getting to her as she sang.
And when I wake you're never there
But when I sleep you're everywhere
You're everywhere
Then Kagome started in looking around the club at the faces. If you asked anyone she sounded like she new what she was talking about.
Just tell me how I got this far
Just tell me why you're here and who you are
Kagome thought she saw Inuyasha, but when she looked again he wasn't there.
`Cause every time I look
you're never there
And every time I sleep
You're always's there
Both Kagome and Sango staring singing together and without realizing it both closed their eyes.
`Cause you're everywhere to me
And when I close my eyes it's you I see
You're everything I know
that makes me believe
I'm not alone
I'm not alone
Kagome's voice then took over and she opened her eyes, she had a weird feeling the same kind she got when she and Inuyasha were watching T.V. the other day.
I recognize the way you make me feel
It's hard to think that
You may not be real
Even though she could breathe because she was still singing, she felt like she was swimming under water and needed to come up for a breath.
I sence it now the water's getting deep
I try to wash the pain away from me
Away from me
Sango's voice joined in again as she looked around the club, looking for what was making her feel this way.
`Cause you're everywhere to me
And when I close my eyes it's you I see
You're everything I know
that makes me believe
I'm not alone
I'm not alone
Kagome and Sango both looked at each other it was evident that they both were looking for some one or something that was making them feel close to the same way.
I'm not alone
Whoa, oh, oooh, oh
Sango's voice went on as Kagome and her gaze fell and they looked at the crowd again.
And when I touch your hand
It's then I understand
Miroku and she had a good time before her and Kagome left, but they had to leave, it wasn't where they belonged.
The beauty that within
It's now that we begin
You always light my way
I hope there never comes a day
No matter where I go
I always feel you so
Kagome joined in again both of them still scanning the crowd.
'Cause you're everywhere to me
And when I close my eyes it's you I see
You're everything I know
that makes me believe
I'm not alone
That's when Kagome's eyes came in contact with gold ones; Inuyasha was sitting at the bar staring at her.
'Cause you're everywhere to me
And when I catch my breath
Then Sango's eyes came in contact with violet ones, Miroku was leaning against the wall staring straight at her.
It's you I breathe
You're everything I know
that makes me believe
I'm not alone
Sango and Kagome both looked at each other as they finished the song both thinking the same thing which was, what a song to pick for our finial one Kagome, both knowing they weren't coming back tomorrow night.
You're in everyone I see
So tell me
Do you see me
Kagome and Sango took their bow and left the stage and quickly headed into the crowd and split up saying quietly as they could with the loud music now blaring that they'd get to the hotel.
Kagome was dancing close to the middle she had just missed getting caught by Miroku, and Inuyasha wasn't at the bar anymore. She was slowly making her way closer to the door. No such luck was in store for her as to clawed hands showed up on her stomach and she was pulled back into a hard chest. “Kagome did you really think you were going to get away from me?” Inuyasha asked tauntingly in her ear, his warm breath making her shiver.
“I was thinking it.” Kagome said under her breath. They were still dancing, more like he was dancing and moving her hips.
“Kagome, Kagome I'm your mate, I won't let you leave, and if you do I'll come after you and bring you back.” Inuyasha growled in her neck.
“I'll keep leaving…” Kagome said failing at any attempt to sound confident.
“After a while I'll make sure you never leave my sight.” Inuyasha said pulling her back as she tried to move away. “Kagome I'm sure you don't want to be treated like a puppy that runs away every time it's let off its leash.”
Kagome turned around in his arms and glared at him saying, “You're the dog not me.”
Inuyasha's eyes grew wide for a second at her little comeback; it gave him a little pride to know she could hold up an argument, for about a second then it pissed him off. “Watch it Kagome, I'm not afraid to drag you out of the middle of this nice club with you over my shoulder.”
“You wouldn't be dragging me then would you.” Kagome snapped at him as she noticed Miroku roughly leading Sango out of the club.
Inuyasha growled and his hands left her waist and grabbed her hand, and lead her out of the club. Once outside Inuyasha lead her across the street to the hotel and lead her up the stairs.
“Wait how do you know which room we're in?” Kagome asked trying to get her hand back.
“I believe the saying is if you pay a man enough he will walk barefoot into hell, but then again we aren't going to yours and Sango's room we're going next door. Also it wasn't the man who owns this place it was one of the other workers so the one guy didn't betray you.” Inuyasha growled as they got to the door. “Now can you stand there, and not runaway or do I have to open the door then run after you because believe me you wouldn't even make it to the stairs.” Inuyasha asked glaring at her.
Kagome looked away from him and nodded.
Inuyasha let go of her hand briefly, and opened the door before grabbing her hand and leading her inside. Once inside he pushed her against the wall growling. “You know that little stunt you and Sango pulled with the pillows scared Miroku out of his mind. I was half asleep other wise I wouldn't have even had to go in the room to tell you weren't there.”
“Should have known, but then again I thought you would have caught me before I even made it to Sango's room.” Kagome said looking to the side.
“I thought I'd trust you, thinking you were going to get some water. Last time I fucking do that, should have guessed you were up to something when I heard Miroku's car, should have at least checked on you.” Inuyasha growled pulling her into a hug. “I can't decide if I should hurt you, or just hold you and make sure you never leave me.”
Kagome strangely, even though he was threatening to hurt her, felt safe. I won't feel so safe when he's running his claws through me. Kagome thought bitterly.
Inuyasha picked her up and walked farther into the room and over the bed and sat near the headboard with Kagome in his lap.
“You aren't going to hurt me?” Kagome asked looking up at him.
“You'd hate me I don't think I could handle that, from you.” Inuyasha said looking down at her.
“How do you know I don't hate you now?” Kagome asked arching an eyebrow.
“Because you feel safe, if you hated me you'd feel anything but that.” Inuyasha said nipping at her cheek. “Never do this kind of thing again, got that.” Inuyasha growled as he propped his head on hers. Kagome didn't answer so he growled louder repeating himself.
“I'm not promising anything.” Kagome said shaking her head slightly.
Inuyasha growled and in a second flat was straddling her waist looking down at her. “You don't seem to get it…” Inuyasha growled, “I'm your mate you're going to stay with me.” Inuyasha's eyes flashed red, and his teeth seem to be longer.
“Inuyasha?” Kagome said fear covering her features.
“Say it! You're my mate and you're aren't going anywhere.” Inuyasha growled at her.
“I'm your mate and I won't go anywhere I promise Inuyasha! Just calm down!” Kagome said trying to sink into the mattress.
Inuyasha suddenly stiffened above her, and she looked up at him and he said leaning down and nuzzled her neck somewhat whimpering, “I'm sorry Kagome…I didn't mean to loose it. Don't be afraid of me.”
Kagome could tell he was seriously sorry for scaring her. “It's ok.” Kagome whispered hugging him which caused him to loose his balance, and ended up laying on her.
Inuyasha turned them over so he was on the bottom. “I'm sorry Kagome, my demon just was…”
“Pissed that I left, and doesn't take rejection well?” Kagome said shooting in the dark.
“Bull's-eye.” Inuyasha said rubbing her back.
“I just didn't know what to do Inuyasha; I still need to get revenge for my family…” Kagome said burying her head in the crook of his neck.
Inuyasha pulled her back enough so he could look down at her. “What happen to your family?”
“They were killed by bandits; turns out Sango's were too, so that's kind of why we stuck together after we ran away from our foster parents.” Kagome said avoiding his gaze.
“And this is why you didn't care if I killed you?” Inuyasha asked sitting up so she was straddling his waist.
“I'm a disgrace to my parents, they were well regarded people, they were well known, didn't have a lot of money but I was never told I couldn't have something because they didn't have the money.” Kagome said still not being able to look him in the eye, heck she couldn't even get her line of vision towards his head.
“Well Kagome I'll help you get your revenge, and I'm sure Miroku will help seeing as I'm sure Sango wants her revenge too.” Inuyasha said hugging her, “But like I said you never try to runaway from me again.”
Kagome nodded against his chest.
“Good.” Inuyasha said rubbing her back.
Kagome started laughing tears of mirth running down her face as they heard Miroku plea for mercy, and something hit the wall.
Inuyasha was busting out laughing too as he banged on the wall saying, “Miroku it's late, make her shut up!”
“Miroku take her out to dinner! And buy her something chocolate!” Kagome yelled laughing as they heard Sango yell “Let's go.”