InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Thieves put Theives in Their Place ❯ Revenge ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome stretched and then buried her head back in the warmth below her.
“Come on Kagome it's time to get up…” Inuyasha yawned as he rapped his arms around her more securely her.
“You're so convincing…” Kagome yawned as she sat up. Kagome blushed in her half asleep state as she realized she was straddling his lap. “When did this happen?” Kagome somewhat squeaked.
“You sound like I violated you…” Inuyasha said as he sat up leaning on Kagome's shoulder.
“Well sorry, but I don't wake up in the lap of men everyday.” Kagome said kind of being lulled back to sleep by Inuyasha breathing.
“The only mans lap you'll be waking up in is mine.” Inuyasha said as he rubbed her back.
Kagome nodded her head a little almost making it back to sleep when some one started to knock on the door. “If it's Sango I'm gon'na kill her.” Kagome mumbled half-heartily into Inuyasha's shoulder.
“Sure…” Inuyasha said as he moved over to the side of the bed and standing up with Kagome still in his arms, Kagome still being tired he decided against putting her down and just carried her out of the room and over to the door opening it to find Sango and Miroku.
“Is she alright?” Sango asked as she looked at her friend as Inuyasha laid her down on the couch.
“Yeah she's just tired…she probably didn't sleep the other night huh?” Inuyasha said as he walked into the little kitchen and grabbed a soda out of the miny fridge.
“Yeah she didn't sleep at all I think.” Sango said as she sat on the other couch. “How'd you know?”
“I'm her mate; she couldn't sleep because she was so far away from me so soon after I marked her.” Inuyasha said setting the soda down on the floor before moving Kagome so she was sitting in his lap laying her head on his chest, and he sat leaning on the armrest.
“Mate?” Sango said glaring at the sleeping girl. “She said that it was a bug bite. She lied to me.”
“And I'm sure she'll never hear the end of it.” Miroku sighed. “Cause boy can this woman hold a grudge.”
“Every woman on earth holds a grudge against you.” Inuyasha said as Sango sat down and started flipping through channels.
“What about the ones that haven't met me?” Miroku said sitting down next to Sango.
“Them too.” Sango said before Inuyasha could.
“KAGOME!!” Sango yelled as Kagome ran out of the training room with Inuyasha walking out behind them. “How dare you lie to me!”
“Sango I'm sorry, don't hurt me!” Kagome whined as she ran back into the training room past Miroku.
“We've been here for a total of four hours and they've been fighting for two.” Miroku said as Inuyasha sat down after closing the door.
“Well they fought for an hour then we separated them, so they've only been fighting for an hour and a half.” Inuyasha said pulling Miroku down before he got his head taken off by a baseball.
“I thought we told the guys not to play ball in the training room?” Miroku said grabbing the baseball.
“That would be the reason for it.” Inuyasha said as Kagome just missed getting tackled by Sango.
“Inuyasha!!” Kagome whined as she ducked when Sango jumped at her.
“Sorry Kago, but I can't help you.” Inuyasha said smirking at her.
“This is cruel and unusual punishment!” Kagome yelled as was finally tackled to the ground.
“Kagome I'm your sister how dare you lie to me.” Sango said as she started tickling Kagome. “How could you keep such a thing from me?!”
“Noooo! Sango don't!” Kagome laughed as she tried to get away.
“After all this, she's tickling her?” Miroku said looking at Inuyasha, who looked like he was going to fall over from trying not to laugh, like he had gone insane. “This is the punishment you settled on with Sango?”
“I wouldn't let her hurt Kagome, so this is what we settled on.” Inuyasha laughed as Kagome managed to get two feet away, before being tackled by Sango again.
“Inuyasha please help me!!” Kagome laughed as tears of mirth started rolling down her cheeks.
“Sorry Kagome…but it was between this or Sango hitting you over the head a few million times with a pillow.” Inuyasha laughed.
“Sango I'm sorry!” Kagome laughed. “Please Sango it hurts to laugh!”
“Kagome I haven't touched you since you asked Inuyasha for help.” Sango laughed falling over.
Kagome calmed down, sat up, and looked at Sango like she was a weirdo. “That's impossible!”
“No it's not.” Miroku said from behind her.
“Hentia!” Kagome whined as she hit Miroku.
“I didn't touch you.” Miroku tried to reason as he backed away his hands in the air.
“You were thinking it.” Kagome grumbled.
“Wow, the only girl you haven't touched and she still knows when you're about to be perverted.” Sango said in mock wonder.
“Touch her and die monk.” Inuyasha said as he helped Kagome up.
“Monk?” Sango and Kagome said at the same time.
“His ancestors were monks…all as perverted as him, or so says his relatives.” Inuyasha said with a shrug.
“I knew it had to be genetic.” Sango said slapping Miroku's hand.
“Only genetics could create some one such as him.” Kagome nodded as she and Sango walked out of the training room together.
“That was it?” Miroku said as he and Inuyasha walked out of the room.
“Yup, they've made up and we won't have to go through this again till the next time one of them does something stupid.” Inuyasha said as they walked into the living room, where Amy was tied to a chair.
“Inuyasha, could you let Amy out, so we can talk.” Sango said as she tried to untie the knots.
“You can't talk to her while she's tied up?” Inuyasha asked with a chuckle as Kagome kicked the chair in frustration, causing Amy to almost fall over.
“No we can't Inuyasha, now let her out!” Kagome yelled as she got up and walked over to him.
Inuyasha smirked down at her. “You're right Sango we should have tied her to the chair.” He then walked around the fuming girl and sliced the ropes holding Amy.
It turns out the only thing that the girls decided to talk about is where they could get some new clothes seeing as they were lacking in that department. Amy agreed that she would take them shopping the next day, before she ran out of Kagome's room. A minute later Inuyasha came in and looked around.
“Where is she?” Inuyasha asked as he looked at each of the girls.
“Where's who?” Sango asked looking at Inuyasha like he was crazy.
“And what was that crash?” Kagome asked as she took notice to Inuyasha's hair really messy, she always saw him as the kind who hated it when people came near his hair.
“Amy decided that she was going to pile all the weapons in the closet.” Inuyasha said as he looked back out in the hallway.
“Isn't that were the weapons belong?” Sango asked.
“Not the hall closet, on the second floor.” Inuyasha growled as he walked out and banged on Amy's door.
Kagome got up shaking her head and walked up behind him saying, “First of all I'm sure she was going to clean it up, and second of all she's hiding in Shippo's room.”
“I knew he'd help her.” Inuyasha exclaimed as he turned around to face her.
“Oh calm down.” Kagome laughed.
“Do you know I was almost neutered by one of my own weapons.” Inuyasha said pointing out the tear on the leg of his jeans.
“Well you weren't now were you?” Kagome asked her hands on her hips.
“No but that's not the point.” Inuyasha whined.
Kagome shook her head and grabbed his hand leading him into her room past Sango who smiled and left. “Would you prefer me to brush your hair, or should I.”
“Wait, I don't get a choice.” Inuyasha said as she turned around and he pulled her into his lap.
“Right.” Kagome said as she turned her head and smiled at him.
Inuyasha kissed her neck before letting her go and got up himself.
“Aw Inuyasha you won't let me brush your hair…”
“No.” Inuyasha smirked at her.
“INUYASHA WE GOT TO GET OUT OF HERE!” Miroku yelled as he skidded to a stop in front of the door.
“Why exactly?” Inuyasha asked as he ran his claws threw his hair.
“Umm well you see Naraku's gang is on their way and according to our spies they're rather well armed.” Miroku said as he caught his breath.
“Well let's go.” Kagome said as she came up beside him with her shoes on.