InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Thieves put Theives in Their Place ❯ Something Happened ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Inuyasha I think something's going on.” Miroku said as they headed up the steps to the shrine.
Inuyasha looked up and saw all one of the girls running down to them. She tripped a few steps in front of them, but Inuyasha caught her.
“Thank God you're here, you two need to help Kagome and Sango.” The girl panted.
Inuyasha stood the girl up straight before running up the steps, Miroku behind him. Inuyasha stopped at the top his jaw hanging slack as he took in the sight. There was two big domes one white and one pink. Kagome and Sango were in the middle of the two domes on their knees and seemingly in pain.
“Inuyasha what should we do?” Miroku asked as they quickly walked over to Kaede.
“Kaede what the hell did you do to my mate?!” Inuyasha yelled looking from her to Kagome.
“Some one came to the shrine said they wanted to look around, he looked around with Kagome and Sango, they came back he said something to them, and as soon as he left this happened. Last time I tried to get through to them, I was thrown a few feet back.” Kaede said as Inuyasha touched the dome around Kagome and was thrown back.
“Much like that?” Miroku asked motioning to the stubborn hanyou who tried again.
“Yup.” Kaede said as Inuyasha tried again and failed. “Why don't you try Sango, I suggest a more vocal approach. You remember the stuff I taught you about monks?” Kaede asked.
“I'll use that as a last resort, but you might want to get the charms for me.” Miroku added as Inuyasha once again failed to get through.
“Kikki could you go get the monk charms I showed you.” Kaede said to the girl standing next to her. She nodded and to off running in the right direction.
“Kaede what's going on?” Inuyasha asked in a growl as he walked up to her with a barely noticeable limp.
“Their shields went up, if they don't want you in, you're not getting in.” Kaede said shaking her head.
“Kagome…” Inuyasha growled walking up to the dome again. “I know you can hear me so pay attention. Calm down, and let me help you.” Inuyasha touched the dome, it didn't throw him, but it didn't let him in either. Inuyasha looked over at Miroku he was a little closer Sango's seemed smaller then before.
“Inuyasha calm down, she's upset she doesn't need you to be growling at her.” Kaede said from beside him.
Inuyasha sighed, and then took a deep breath calming down before saying, “Kagome let me through I want to help.” Inuyasha touched the dome one more time, and it let him through. Inuyasha walked up to Kagome kneeled in front of her. “Kagome, look at me.”
Kagome shook her head trying to trying to stand up.
“Kagome look at me.” Inuyasha said pulling her to him.
“Inuyasha, what's wrong with me?” Kagome asked as the dome flared up before shrinking.
“I'm not sure, but you're strong, and I'm here everything's going to be ok, I promise you.” Inuyasha said keeping Kagome close to him. “You have to calm down though. Just relax for me.”
Kagome nodded taking deep breaths. His sent was helping; it made her feel safe, it was more reassuring that he was there then the arms around her. His sent was only his; no one else could come close. She couldn't really explain it, but it made her feel safe, which is what she needed right now.
“That's it Kagome.” Inuyasha growled contently in her ear. Inuyasha sighed as the dome disappeared.
“Inuyasha is she ok.” Sango asked as she stood off to the side.
“Yeah I'm fine.” Kagome said as she stood up with the help of Inuyasha.
“Inuyasha, Miroku, go relax with the girls inside I need to calm down the other girls.” Kaede said as she walked off to where the girls were.
Inuyasha nodded as they walked over to the house, “Miroku don't touch Sango in an uncivil way or I'll hit you.”
Miroku nodded as they sat down.
Inuyasha looked around his room as Kagome shifted off his chest and hugged the pillow. The day was spent watching T.V., sleeping, going out to a fast food place for lunch, a movie, and then going you with Kaede. Very unproductive, but it gave him some time to just hold on to his mate. Some one knocked on the door and said, “Come in.”
“Inuyasha, I need to talk to you.” Kaede said from the door.
Inuyasha looked at Kagome, and got up walking to out the door shutting it. “Yes?”
“How'd you get her to do that? You could have been purified.” Kaede asked.
“I'm her mate, it would have hurt like there was no tomorrow, but I would have gotten over it and my claws and fangs might have been a little short.” Inuyasha said with a shrug.
“I see. Is Kagome ok? Miroku said that Sango was a little drained but that was about it.”
“Same, nothing too bad, after tonight she should be fine.”
“Well then good night.” Kaede said with a smile as she walked down the hall.
“Night.” Inuyasha said as he walked back in the room. Once he laid down Kagome moved closer to him, and he put his arm around her. When I first met her I never would have pictured this. No I thought she would run away, I'd get mad, but that'd be the end of it. Kagome was the last person I would have thought of as a mate. Now I don't want anything bad to happen to her.