InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Thieves put Theives in Their Place ❯ That Night ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Inuyasha, where are we going?” Kagome asked as they rode down the street on his motorcycle.
“To a small cabin I own.” Inuyasha said loud enough for her to hear him. After a few minutes they showed up at a small community of cabins. “Ok come on.” Inuyasha said once they got off.
“Inuyasha…what exactly are we here for?” Kagome asked as they walked into a well furnished cabin.
“Spend some time together.” Inuyasha said looking back at her with a smirk.
“Spend time together my butt.” Kagome said under her breath.
“Aw Kagome you don't trust me?” Inuyasha said as he turned around and hugged her.
Kagome grinned at him and said, “Only as far as I can throw you.”
“We'll have to change that won't we?” Inuyasha breathed into her neck. Inuyasha dragged his tongue across his mark, causing Kagome shivered. “But you're right I need to tell you something.”
Kagome glared at him as he moved back and looked down at her with a smirk. “What are you thinking?”
Inuyasha moved so he had Kagome up against a wall and had his body up against her so she couldn't kick him, and he had her hands in his above her head. “First things first, you will not run from me. You won't last long, you'll get little to no sleep, and once I find you, I'll be so pissed off, that the devil himself would cower, on his knees, before me.” Inuyasha growled at her before he licked his mark again. “Understand?”
“You aren't stopping me from going after Naraku.” Kagome some what growled at him.
“Kagome, I'm not going to loose you because you got away from me. If that means you never leave my side, then so be it.” Inuyasha growled looking down at her.
Kagome looked up at him defiantly. “Then you better keep me close Inuyasha, because first chance I get I'm leaving. I got away once I won't think twice before doing it again.”
Inuyasha growled and stepped away from her, and walked into the kitchen. Inuyasha reached in the fridge grabbing a bottle of water. He had a maid come in a while ago seeing as things had been getting dangerous, and cleaned it up and stocked the fridge with water, and soda. The cabinets had some ramen, other pasta, things that wouldn't go bad for a while. Inuyasha downed the water listening to what Kagome was doing. She walked into the hallway and into one of the rooms. Inuyasha followed after her throwing the bottle in the trash.
Kagome walked into a room with red walls and black carpet. The bed was big and had a red comfiture and gold sheets. Kagome looked around as she walked over to the bed. Kagome stopped walking as she felt Inuyasha put his arms around her and pull her back against him. “Let me go Inuyasha.”
“No…” Inuyasha almost purred in her ear. “Come on Kago, don't be so cold. I just want to be near you.”
“You said you'd help me, but now you're stopping me.” Kagome said as she turned in his arms to look up at him.
“Kagome, Naraku is dangerous. I wouldn't be a good mate if I let you just blindly go after him. Last time you saw him your miko powers went up, and I couldn't get to you for a while.” Inuyasha said. He shook his head before looking her in the eye “I never want to feel so helpless again. Kagome do you understand me? I couldn't get to you, to help. If something had happened to you I would have lost it Kagome, if anything happens, I'll do anything to keep you safe. Even if that means keeping our friends away from you, I'd protect you from anything that was a danger, at any cost. If they were keeping me from you, I'd kill them Kagome.” Inuyasha could tell Kagome was scared. He had just admitted bluntly that he would kill their friend if they got in his way.
“Inuyasha…” Kagome dropped her gaze from his. Kagome moved closer to him feeling guilty about what she had been saying she would do. She knew she couldn't run from him she wouldn't last, and her pride would take a kick to the butt when she came crawling back to him.
“Kagome it's fine, I'm wasted I suggest we get some rest. Seeing as this is my room, let's take a nap.” Inuyasha said with a lazy smirk.
“Ok…” Kagome said with a slight yawn. She had to admit she was still drained from the other day.
At around twelve they woke up and went into the living room sitting down and trying to figure out what to do, and of coarse wake up more.
“What could we do?” Kagome asked finally sick of thinking for her self.
“We could go to a club, invite Sango and Miroku.” Inuyasha said with a shrug. “There's also the underground club…but…nah, a regular club.”
Kagome caught the smirk on his face when he brought up the underground club. “Let's go to the underground.”
“Nah, we shouldn't.” Inuyasha said shaking his head looking at her with mischief apparent in his eyes.
“That's never stopped you, I'm sure.” Kagome said with a grin as she turned toward him and sat on her knees.
“True, and the underground is about the most awesome place, and the music is so loud you can't hear unless their right there. It's dark, awesome drinks, and I have a lot of respect there.” Inuyasha said his head tilted back, remembering the last time he was there.
Kagome smirked and kissed his neck, bringing him abruptly out of his memories. Kagome felt Inuyasha move her into his lap so she was facing him. She moved so she was kissing his lips, and gently tugged on his lower lip, causing him to growl in approval, sending a shiver down her spine.
Inuyasha took over the kiss, and pulled her closer to him. Inuyasha broke away and looked up at Kagome as she panted. “Come on Kagome; let's go call Miroku and Sango.”
Kagome nodded, knowing if she had opened her mouth she would have asked to stay in that night. Kagome moved off him and smiled as she stood and started to walk into the kitchen intent on getting some water to take her mind off the man in the other room.