InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Thieves put Theives in Their Place ❯ A Good Night Cut Short ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Inuyasha this is great.” Miroku said as they walked into the Underground. “It hasn't changed a bit.”
Inuyasha nodded saying, “No it hasn't. Sango make sure he doesn't grope anyone.”
“Pervert!” They heard Sango yell before Inuyasha dragged Kagome off in the opposite direction.
“So does it live up to what I said?”
“That and more.” Kagome said as they entered the dance floor. “But it was a little far to go for just a club.”
Inuyasha placed his hands on her hips and said loud enough for her to hear, “Yeah, but this place is worth it, just wait till you taste the drinks.”
They danced for about an hour, forgetting the fact that there was something around them besides music. It was defiantly much needed for Inuyasha and Kagome, they had been at the end of their rope with each other, but now they were just intoxicated by each other. It was a harsh reminder when Miroku tapped on Inuyasha shoulder to get his attention.
“What is it Miroku?” Inuyasha asked as he stopped dancing with Kagome and turned to face him.
“Uh I know you really didn't want to work tonight, but Kaede called and Naraku showed up asking for Kagome and Sango.” Miroku said backing up as Inuyasha pushed him to the side of the dance floor were there weren't as many people were standing.
Kagome and Sango were standing behind the boys watching to make sure Inuyasha didn't hurt Miroku.
“And why, may I ask, is this pending information? So much so that you had to interuped me and Kagome.” Inuyasha asked with a hint of a growl.
“He threatened her, so she told him that we had gone somewhere, something about a club.” Miroku said shaking his head. “This'll be the first one he checks and you know it.”
Inuyasha shook his head and looked to the side. “Come one, let's get gone before he shows up. Kaede knows that we won't call her right?”
“I told her not to expect a call till it's over.” Miroku said with a nod.
“Good.” Inuyasha said as he turned around and put his arm around Kagome's waist leading her out to his motorcycle, Sango and Miroku, in a much simalur position, in tow.
They headed back out to the cabin and once they got there they headed in and sat on the couch. For the last few minutes no one had said a word, and Kagome was getting a little eratatid. No one had died, they were fine.
“We can't just sit around.” Kagome said looking up at Inuyasha.
“I know this Kagome, but I have no idea what to do yet, I was in the middle of figuring it out.” Inuyasha said leaning his head on hers.
Kagome rolled her eyes, “Yeah right you were falling asleep.”
“Enough you two.” Sango said shaking her head.
“Well really all we have to do is get rid of Naraku; his whole gang is nothing but hired people, no leader, no gang.” Miroku said with a shrug.
“How hard could it be to kill one man?” Sango asked looking between Miroku and Inuyasha.
“We've trying for about five years.” Inuyasha growled.
“Oh…” Sango said nodding.
“We'll just have to try a little harder.” Kagome said moving away from Inuyasha slightly.
“We've tried everything Kagome.” Inuyasha said shaking his head. “A little harder isn't going to cut it.”
“We have two miko's, countless demons, a monk, sort of, and Sango is as good as any demon hunter from the feudal era.” Kagome said looking him in the eye. “You can't tell me that you've tried everything.”
“The thing we haven't tried is trapping him in a bloody book; come on Kagome there's not too much to do to him that we haven't already tried.”
“Actually that would work.” Sango said with a big smile as she stood up.
“What?” Everyone said looking at her.
“I would work.” Sango laughed. “Putting him in a book!”
“I think she's gone insane.” Inuyasha said as Sango sat back down.
Kagome's started to smile and nodded, “I really would work!”
“Miroku whatever that woman of yours got she gave it to my mate!” Inuyasha yelled pointing at Miroku.
“It's your fault you gave her the idea!” Miroku yelled pointing back at him.
“No, no Inuyasha it could work. Great miko's in the past have done away with demons by trapping them in different objects.” Kagome said grabbing his shoulder. “But we won't make the mistake like in the movies, we'll burn the book, there will be no sequel to this.”
“What a way with words.” Inuyasha said rolling his eyes.
“Oh you know it'd happen.” Sango said from her spot on the couch, much calmer then before.
“Exactly why we're still listening to Kagome's raving.” Inuyasha said glancing back at her.
“Now to think of it, they're right.” Miroku said putting his finger to his chin.
“What the sequel thing?”
“No. The putting him in a book. Do you remember how many times we've “killed” that guy?”
“Fifteen times.” Inuyasha said after quickly counting on his fingers.
“That was rhetorical…but I've heard of this, when a miko came across a demon that just wouldn't die, they got together some help and then put them in an object, usually a jewel.” Miroku said as he paced back and forth. “We'll need Kaede, and a friend of mine to help, and of course Kagome and Sango.”