InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Thieves put Theives in Their Place ❯ Mushin ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Inuyasha growled pulling Kagome to him, “I won't allow you to put her in danger.”
“He won't be putting me in danger.” Kagome said as she innocently smiled up at him.
“Good.” Inuyasha said with a nod as he kissed her on the forehead.
Kagome's smile turned to a smirk, and she said, “I'll be putting my self in danger, and like hell are you going to stop me from helping you guys doing this.”
“I'm not going to let you do something so foolish, and also for that matter I'm not letting Sango do this either, I don't need you crying for an endless amount of time because she died.” Inuyasha growled down at her.
“You're not letting me, I'm doing it. Also I don't care if it's foolish.” Kagome said as she pulled from his grip. Miroku had stopped Sango from adding in on the conversation.
“We'll discuss this later.” Miroku said as he headed for the door. “Right now we need to get Kaede and my friend.”
“Who is this friend?” Sango asked as she followed him, Kagome and Inuyasha in tow, basically growling at each other.
“His name is Mushin; Inuyasha knows him they met once.” Miroku said as they headed over to the motorcycles.
“I think I remember him, old drunk dude right.” Inuyasha said as he handed Kagome a helmet, and put one on him self.
“That's him.” Miroku said as he and Sango got on his motorcycle, helmets on. “Let's hope that he isn't too drunk.”
“Why, is he a mean drunk?” Sango asked over the motorcycle starting.
“No, he's a dumb drunk.” Miroku answered her before they took off.
“Mushin, you're going to help us right?” Miroku asked as he followed an old man into his house, Sango, Kagome, and Inuyasha behind him.
“Hmm…oh yes of course.” Mushin said with a nod. “But this will require a miko or two. They're rare; I think….I don't think I've seen one since Kaede.”
“Kagome and Sango are miko's.” Miroku explained as they all sat down in Mushin's living room.
“Ah, very nice.” Mushin said smiling, and nodding at each of the girls.
“Miroku, Kaede has a whole class of miko's in training, we aren't that rare.” Sango whispered to him.
“Shh…” Miroku whispered back before saying to Mushin. “Kaede will also be helping.”
“Very good.” Mushin said trying to keep his eye's open, as they were feeling rather heavy.
“Stay awake old man!” Inuyasha yelled when Mushin's head started to droop on to his chest.
“Yes sorry.” Mushin said waking up. “Had a long night last night, many of my former students have been visiting telling me that they have a feeling, it's getting tedious.”
“What kind of feeling do they have, may I ask?” Miroku asked as nice as he could.
“That something bad is going to happen; I think they're full of it. I have no feeling what so ever that anything is going to happen.” Mushin said in a matter of fact way.
“Ok then.” Miroku said standing up and grabbing a hold of Inuyasha and dragging him into the hallway, out of Mushin's hearing range. “I suggest we get a hold of Kaede, and tell her to get here right now.”
“Why, the old man doesn't have a feeling, he's an experienced monk, shouldn't he get a feeling if something was going to happen.” Inuyasha asked looking at Kagome who was trying to keep Mushin awake.
“He always has a feeling that something's going to happen, so it's only natural that when he doesn't something's going to happen.” Miroku said looking over at Sango, who looked utterly bored.
“Fine, but have the old man invite her over, let's say it's for dinner; tell him not to say we're here. I don't need to try and fight inside this tiny house.” Inuyasha said shaking his head slightly.
“So you're going to let Kagome and Sango do this.” Miroku said looking from the girls, then back at Inuyasha.
“I'm thinking about it.” Inuyasha said running his fingers through his hair, and sighed saying again, “I'm thinking about it.”
“Well think some more about it.” Miroku said before he walked back into the living room. “Mushin, invite Kaede over for dinner, and don't mention us being here.”
“Why?” Mushin said picking up the phone, and dialing it.
“It's a surprise.” Miroku said as he and Inuyasha took a seat.
“Yes Kaede, would you please join me for dinner.” Mushin said when Kaede picked up the phone. “I just wanted to see how you're doing, and have a chat about what my students are saying.” Mushin winked at Miroku and said, “Yes I'll see you in an hour.” Mushin then hung up the phone and said, “There you go, now excuse me, I'm going to take a nap. Feel free to get comfortable.”
“Is he normally that drunk?” Kagome asked when Mushin disappeared into his room.
“No, normally he's sober enough to stay awake and hold a half descent conversation.” Miroku said with a shrug as his hand wondered over to Kagome's behind.
“Pervert!” Kagome yelled as she slapped Miroku before moving as close as she could to Inuyasha.
“Miroku, I should kill you.” Inuyasha growled at him as he hugged Kagome, pulling her into his lap.
“I appreciate your mercy Inuyasha.” Miroku said as he switched places with Sango, and attempted to hide behind her, only to be slapped when his hand ended up somewhere it shouldn't.
“Don't touch me.” Sango grumbled with a blush as she got up and sat in the chair that Mushin had been sitting in.