InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Truth? Or Dare? ❯ Round One ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Truth? Or Dare?
A story about Inu-chan and group playing a little game called Truth or Dare. Kikyou lovers beware, there is going to be a lot of bashings. Inu/Kag, Mir/Sang
Disclaimer: If I owned InuYasha, do you think that there would only be 167 episodes?
Italic words are thoughts.
“Alright Kagome, it's your turn!” chirped Shippo, the happy little kitsune. He had gone first for truth or dare, and had accepted a dare from the overly-stubborn hanyou, InuYasha. A dare that had ended with a huge bump on his head, courtesy of Sango's Hiraikotsu.
“Fine.” The miko sighed, “I guess I'll choose…” she was reluctant to choose dare, knowing full well what the tiny fox was capable of. He would probably make it something like kissing InuYasha, or doing something else that would be embarrassing to do in public. Even if the public was just her friends.
But if she chose truth, she knew that she would be conned into admitting her feels for the hanyou, something that she wouldn't do anytime soon. Not until he admitted it.
“I'll go with truth.” She finally answered, a small smile on her face. This was going to be an interesting game, much more so than the typical version at sleepovers.
Shippo grinned, before happily shouting, “How do you feel about Kouga?”
InuYasha sweatdropped at this, and his heart visibly started to beat. This was bad, Kagome was hesitating. This had to mean that she loved the mangy wolf, and that she would leave him once the Jewel was completed.
“I guess…”Kagome muttered. Her face was pointed toward the ground, so that no one could see the smile that still crossed it. This was easier than it sounded, considering the fact that she had absolutely NO feelings toward the ookami youkai. “I guess that I don't love him. I never have, so you have nothing to worry about InuYasha. “
InuYasha spoke at last then, with his typical: “Feh. Who said that I was worried? It's not like I love you or anything.” Luckily for him he had turned around before speaking, so that his blushing cheeks couldn't be seen by anyone.
“My turn to choose who goes next!” Kagome said with a grin, ignoring InuYasha. “And I choose…InuYasha.”
The hanyou whirled around at the sound of his name, a questioning look on his face. “What do I have to do again?” he asked. Please don't say I have to choose either saying something that I'll regret or doing some strange `dare'.
“It's your turn to choose either truth or dare.” Kagome explained patiently. “If you choose dare, you have to do what I say without complaining. But if you choose truth, you have to honestly answer a question that I ask you. There aren't any limits, considering what Shippo just asked me.”
“I'll choose dare then.” He grunted, flattening his adorable puppy ears to his skull. Or what you could see of his skull, considering the fact that his hair covered it.
“Then I dare you to…” Kagome said, while thinking of something humiliating for the hanyou to do. Should I make him kiss me? That would be nice, not to mention the fact that I know he'd love it. “I dare you to…kiss me.”
Shippo managed to stifle his giggle at the sight of InuYasha's cheeks. They were bright red, and the hanyou was just staring at Kagome, his mouth agape. “W-What?” he managed to gasp out, not believeing his keen ears.
“I dared you to kiss me.” Kagome patiently explained. “It's part of the game.” No one seemed to notice the grin that had found its way to her lips. She was waiting, patiently, for the hanyou to come over, and she would continue to wait.
This is my first true fanfic, so please be kind with your reviews! Currently there will be one or two updates a week, until school starts in September. Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for the next chapter!