InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Truth? Or Dare? ❯ The Kiss and the Question ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: If I owned InuYasha, Kikyo would already be long gone. Not to mention I would have already inserted myself in the series, and had Inu-chan proclaim his love for me.
AN: Not the best at kissing scenes, despite how many of them I've read. So it will be brief XD This is in InuYasha's POV.
Truth? Or Dare?
Chapter 2: The Kiss
Italics are thoughts
My heart began to pound even harder when I realized just what Kagome meant. Is the wench trying to torture me or something? I asked myself, before moving slowly from my spot on the hard ground. “Go away!” I barked harshly at the intrigued others, turning my back to them.
“What are you waiting for?” she asked, challenging me. She KNOWS how much torture this is! She knows and yet she won't stop. Does she really want to kiss me that badly? Do I want to kiss her so badly that I'm actually going through with this? No, I don't want to kiss her this badly. So why on EARTH am I going through with it? Fuck. I don't even know what to do anymore!
“Nothing.” I muttered, moving ever closer to the young miko. By the time I had reached her, Sango, Shippo and surprisingly even Miroku had retreated to the shelter of the forest.
Why the hell am I going through with this? I wondered again, before pushing that thought, along with many others, out of my head. Then I leaned over and, quickly, kissed her on the lips. Then I retreated, my face blushing scarlet. Remind me to never try that again. I thought with an inward smirk. Remembering the rest of the now-lost group, “You can come back now!” I hollered in their general direction, before darting back to my seat.
When they had at last returned and Sango had whispered with Kagome for a few long minutes, I broke the slightly awkward half-silence that had fallen with a question. “Sango, truth or dare?”
The confused demon slayer looked at me strangely, her dark eyes boring through my skull in search of an answer. “Truth or dare?” I repeated, anxious to get this game on with. If she wouldn't respond, then hey. That was her own fault.
“Oh!” she remarked, hitting her head lightly with one hand. “Truth I guess.”
I grinned evilly, while thinking up some strange-yet-embarrassing question for her. This was going to be good!
“Alright then!” I responded, “Here's your question. Do you love Miroku, and if so, why? Don't forget, you have to answer honestly.”
“…” was all that I could get out of Sango. It looked like she wasn't going to talk. Yet. But I would find a way to make her.
“Oh Miroku!” I called out in a singsong voice, doing my best to sound innocent. Feh. As if that would ever happen. I thought, inwardly smirking again.
“Yes InuYasha?” the monk called from his position near the edge of the forest. He wasn't going to take his chance with either Hiraikotsu or InuYasha, since they could both leave him with a nasty bump on his head.
“Please come over here for a moment.”
“Alright…”the monk answered, hesitating for a split second. And then he felt the glare that I was shooting at him, and shuddered. Fearing for his life, he scrambled over to the rest of the group, leaving his staff by his previous spot.
“Thank you Miroku.” I said politely. “Now, would you be so kind as to help Sango with her question? Even with your human ears you should have heard it.”
“Of course InuYasha. I would be delighted to help my precious Sango with anything.”
And then it came. The usual slap, followed by Sango's shout of “PERVERT!”
I sighed, shaking my head. This would never work unless Miroku would stop being himself! “Miroku!” I hissed at the monk, now with a handprint on his right cheek. “Stop being yourself and be nice to her for a minute! We need to get her to answer the question.”
AN: Yeah, so it wasn't much Mir/Sang. But that will be continued next chapter *insert evil laugh here* ^_^
Major writers block, thanks to my baka-onai of a friend! You won't be seeing he next chapter for awhile, so don't send me reviews saying to update!