InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Twisted Love ❯ The wish from the past ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
*Disclaimer: Not mine!!!*
A/N: Okay, in my story the Shikon no Tama is something you can wish upon, I realize this is a little out of character from the series, but I wanted to do it this way so the story would work. Okay, well anyway, thanks for the reviews I am feeling a little better, so I hope this chapter will make up for Chapter 11.

Reaching the spring, Kagome and Sango were taking their time relaxing. Sango was only curious though about what had transpired between Sesshoumaru and her. Even though Kagome obviously loved Inuyasha, and Sesshoumaru had kidnapped her, Kagome never really said anything bad about him. (Strange.) Finally getting the nerve to ask this somewhat forbidden question, Sango took a deep breath, praying Kagome didn’t start crying, or get angry at her for trying to pry too much information from her at such a delicate time. “Kagome?”

“Hmm… what is it Sango?” Kagome responded lazily.

“What happened between Sesshoumaru and you? I mean… not THAT part, but why is it you don’t hate him for what he did?” Sango relaxed as her friend just stared at her, and then looked up into the sky.

“Honestly Sango. For all that he did, I can’t hate him. He helped bring out something inside of me. Something that if it wasn’t for him, Inuyasha and I would have never admitted loving one another. At least, maybe not so soon. Plus, he wasn’t all claws and anger. He was sweet at times, he smiled, and was tender. Hell Sango, I even made him laugh! It was almost like he loved me somewhat. I mean, I know its crazy, but I think the fierce Lord of the Western Lands is lonely and is begging to be loved and to love back. There is Rin of course, who helped soften his heart I think. Yet, Rin is a human child, Sesshoumaru needs something a little more stable than that, something he can actually say is his and no one can take away.” Breathlessly Kagome thought about all the times he touched her. Even though Inuyasha’s touch was far more loving, she couldn’t get the way Sesshoumaru made her body feel alive out of her mind and probably never would for a long time.

Sango staring at her friend in utter shock by the kind words she said about the youkai, shook her head in disbelief. “Kagome? You fell in love with him didn’t you?”

Staring at her friend she knew she could not hide the truth. “Yes. Only a little bit. I fell in love with the fact he needed me. I actually had a plan in my mind where if Inuyasha would not tell me he loved me, I would stay with Sesshoumaru. The only reason at that time was because, Inuyasha never made me feel like I was needed by him and I didn‘t want to wait forever. I was always just a convenience, and he never once treated me the way he did until after Kikyo died. Sesshoumaru had no other woman, he just had me. It was a nice feeling. Although, in my dreams and even my soul, I knew I could never leave Inuyasha. I will always love Inuyasha, and I didn’t care how long it would take for him to return his feelings, I just wanted Inuyasha. So I ran away. Obviously you know the rest.” Kagome said with a faint smile.

Sango understood her friend’s feelings. The only problem now was, how would she take it when the future battle ended? Would she grieve for Sesshoumaru in front of Inuyasha and turn from him if he killed his brother? Or would she go to Sesshoumaru if Inuyasha died? What a mess her friend was in. All Sango knew was she needed to protect her as best she could. She had a baby to think about. All men put aside, that was the most important thing right now.

Returning to the hut, they saw a very upset hanyou and houshi.

“Where have you two been?? We were worried sick that something happened to you while we went out for food!” Miroku said rushing up to his wife. “Please, Sango, make sure you leave a note next time. With Sesshoumaru nearby, and Kagome and you being pregnant. With you being so far along….” Sango pushed two fingers against Miroku’s lips to stop his persistent babbling.

“We just took a bath Miroku. No need to get all worked up. I will make sure that if we leave again and you two aren’t here there is a message.” With that said Sango walked into the hut.

Inuyasha wasn’t as simply placated as Miroku was though. “Damnit Kagome. What did you think you were doing?! Do you think for one minute that Sango in her condition could take on Sesshoumaru if he decided to take you back? He doesn’t even know we are mated yet, and even though we are I highly doubt he would care.” Grabbing a hold of her, Inuyasha pulled Kagome into a tight embrace. “I was worried I would lose you again. Please try not to be foolish anymore.”

Surprised by his worry, Kagome tightened the hug and gently whispered into Inuyasha’s ear, “I am sorry. I did not think, Inuyasha. I will not do it again.”

Returning into the hut, the couples ate dinner, and talked about happier things, laughing and smiling into the night until all were asleep but one. Sango and Miroku in their futon, and Inuyasha curled up on the floor holding tightly to his beloved. Before closing his eyes, he watched Kagome’s face while she slept. (She is so peaceful looking. How could I have been so blessed?)


Now was the time thought Sesshoumaru. He watched and waited as the last candle was snuffed out before the couples went to bed. He had returned shortly after Kagome and Sango, watching them all intently. He watched the loving embrace Inuyasha gave to Kagome and seethed with anger. He could feel the blood rage enter his eyes, before calming down to his rational self. (I will have her back.) Silently he slipped off into the woods, waiting for a time when Inuyasha and Kagome were alone and away from the village. Although humans still repulsed him to a certain degree, he did not wish any unnecessary deaths to happen. He knew it would be any day now. Kagome would want to return to her home eventually and he would be watching carefully, ready for what he was about to do to the unsuspecting Inuyasha.


“Inuyasha! I really want to go home and tell my mother all that has happened. I want to tell her she will be a grandmother soon.” Kagome pleaded.

“No, Kagome it’s not safe. I don’t want to take the chance of you getting taken again. Last time you were going to leave, that’s what happened.” Inuyasha raged.

“Then come with me!” Kagome cried.

With that Inuyasha paused. She never asked him to come with before. She always assumed he would eventually follow when she took too long. He gave into her then. He knew how much her family meant to her, and if he was with her, Inuyasha knew she would come back. Although they were mated and loved each other, he was still worried that one day she would want to return to her own time.

“Very well Kagome. You win. We will go together and will always go together from now on. Understood?” Inuyasha said with an attitude that brooked no argument.

“Thank you Inuyasha! I love you so much! Mom will be so happy!” Kagome said in between kissing Inuyasha’s face all over. She looked up suddenly when she heard Miroku clearing his throat. Suddenly Kagome felt herself blush all over.

“Sorry to interrupt. I didn’t realize you two were so busy.” Miroku said with a semi-innocent look.

“Miroku. Kagome and I are going to see her family and tell them the good news. Keep an eye out for anything suspicious please.” Inuyasha asked, apparently not in the least concerned that Kagome was embarrassed.

“Very well Inuyasha. Have fun you two.” Miroku laughed and muttered something under his breath about honeymooners as Kagome and Inuyasha left.

(Perfect! This is happening sooner than I thought.) Sesshoumaru watched the couple leave the hut and followed cautiously behind to make sure Inuyasha did not pick up his scent. When he saw them reach the well, he took out the Shikon no Tama.

“Inuyasha!” Sesshoumaru growled.

Turning around with a feeling of dread, Inuyasha saw his brother standing not far from him in the woods. (Damnit, how could I have been so stupid!)

“What do you want Sesshoumaru? You will not be taking Kagome back this time, I made sure of that. She is my mate. It will be against youkai law for you to take her now.” Inuyasha turned to Kagome and saw her stiffen at the sight of Sesshoumaru or rather what he held in his hand.

“Inuyasha, it won’t matter anymore. She will be mine and so will Testugia. It seems like you will be getting your wish from the past.” Sesshoumaru growled out with anger. “ Shikon no Tama, grant Inuyasha’s wish to be a full youkai!” With that the Shikon no Tama glowed a bright flashing light and disappeared.

Kagome suddenly realized what had happened. She saw Inuyasha slump to the ground after Shikon no Tama vanished. Hesitantly she touched Inuyasha’s shoulder.

“Inuyasha?” she spoke softly.


HEHE, can you guess what is gonna happen?? I hope this chapter was better than the last one. We are getting towards the end ladies and gents! I hope you are enjoying this. I should have the next chapter out soon! Till then!