InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Un cuento de dos amores(A tale of two loves) ❯ recollections12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Yada yada yada. I don't own anything! Now on with the story!
Seconds seemed like minutes, minutes dragged into hours. Were the fates pulling the worst prank ever on me?
Why couldn't I go meet Inuyasha for our date? Wait a minute was this even a date? I mean it was just a meeting…. Surely he was just bored at the shrine and needed company……But either way it was still nice to have him for lunch- AHHH!! MEET him for lunch!
Honestly Kagome when did you become such a hentai!
When the bell rang I shot out of my seat quicker than any race horse and I was crushed when I realized it was just the bell for break. Which meant that it had only been two hours since Inuyasha kissed me; and I still had two hours to go before I got to see him again.
I felt my elation start sinking when I heard giggling once again around me. Looking around I noticed that apparently I had shot out of my seat too quickly. I had some knowing looks from a few people from this morning and confusion from others.
I also had a peeved look from my teacher. If I was an anime character I would have had the classic sweat drop. Bowing before the teacher I excused myself -and picked up my chair- before practically running out of the room to get some fresh air.
Standing on one of the many balconies the school had, I let the crisp breeze caress my aura. If I closed my eyes I could almost pretend I was back in the feudal era on a shard hunt.
I found it strange how down I felt that I wasn't able to go back. It was like my home too and even though Inuyasha was here, it didn't feel right. Maybe if he had been a hanyou it'd be different.
The truly depressing thought was that we still didn't know what would happen once our journey was over. Would the well close? Would I have to leave Inuyasha and my friends? Or would I lose my family?
Snapping myself out of such heartbreaking thoughts I simply told myself that there was nothing I could do about it until that time came. There was no point in worrying about it now. After all Kaede said I had to keep my thoughts free of negativity.
“Kagome?” I heard a rather cheerful voice say from behind. Oh no oh no who in the hell was it?
Turning around I let out a deep sigh of relief when I saw Shika. Shika was your typical over achiever, hard working student. She was the president of everything and was super popular. Her light brown hair was neatly pulled back in a pony tail and the curls went flying in the wind. If you looked closely enough you could see her roots. Shika, even though popular, was a big fan of the American look. So while she appeared to be `not from around here' different, she simply dyed her hair and used blue contacts.
“Yeah, what is it Shika?”
She let out a false laugh before joining me on the balcony. “Well, it's all around school that you were kissed outside of the school this morning by some gorgeous guy and no one know who he his.”
She looked around as if though we were being watched or secretly spied on, although the chances of that were slim to none, we were on the third floor.
“Kagome, I don't like being nosy but as president of the formal committee I just have to know if you had invited him to attend yet!”
Her flighty personality was starting to rub me the wrong way, where was this conversation going anyway?
“Well yes actually I have.”
She clapped her hands together and let out a high pitched squeal. “Oh my god Kagome I just can't wait to meet him! If he's as good looking as Saske said- oh who cares you two are going to look so cute together! Wait do you have tickets yet?”
“Actually no I don't I was going to go by there today-“
“Don't worry about it.” She pulled out two tickets from her uniform pocket and thrusted them into my face. “I figured since you weren't in school much you might not have gotten around to them yet.”
Her generosity confused me but I took the tickets and gave her my best smile, “Thanks Shika.”
Her eyes softened a bit, “Oh no Kagome, it's the least we could do, I mean we heard about you latest illness, and we're all so sorry.”
OH LORD What in the HELL had my grandpa told them now!
“You have?”
She placed her hand on my shoulder, “Yes, and Kagome it's so great that you've found someone that will stay by you till the end.”
The end? Oh great, so now I had something terminal. Geez had grandpa really ran out of ideas?
“Uh- yeah it really is, I have to get back to class now, thanks again Shika and I'll see you at the formal.”
I didn't miss that look as I walked away, that `I pity you' one. Oh well maybe now I wouldn't have people hounding me for answers, maybe they'd think it was contagious.
Giving my legs one final stretch I reluctantly went back to class, and back to counting down the minutes until I'd be free.
*^%$#$%^&* (Just kidding)
2 hours later
There it was my savior, the bell. I tried not to run to the old tree but I found it so hard not to just barrel down everyone and make a mad dash for it. When I made it to the yard I slowed my pace, didn't want to seem too anxious.
Turning the tree I saw him, there he was with two large brown sacks sitting next to the tree with a large blue thermos leaning on his thigh.
When he looked up at me I felt the butterflies from earlier start up again, kneeling down beside him he gave me a playful nudge before starting to unpack.
“I was beginning to think you weren't coming.”
I gave him a nudge of my own before retorting, “Well you are halfway across campus” Looking over his shoulder I tried to guess what he had packed, “So what'd you bring?”
“Don't get too excited, your mother wasn't home yet and since we both know how my cooking is I stopped by that place you like on the corner.
My heart soared, how had he remembered I liked it? We'd only been three times during all the years we'd known each other. He handed me a package and when I opened it up I was even more in awe that he remembered my favorite dish. “Wow Inuyasha I guess you do pay attention.”
I gave him another nudge before beginning to eat the tempting feast. I paused; curiosity got the better of me as I waited to see what he would take out of the bag for himself. When he did I almost spit the food out of my mouth, he had apparently stuck to what he knew and brought the largest travel size bowl of ramen I had ever seen.
When he caught me looking, he simply said, “What?” before diving in completely oblivious to everyone around. And soon it began to feel that way for me too, there was just Inuyasha and I eating have light conversation enjoying each other's company.
Glancing down at my watch I let out a gasp I couldn't believe it had been almost an hour. “Oh no Inuyasha I have to go, class starts in 10 minutes and I'm going to have to run to make it.” We quickly got up and tossed all trash into the convenient trash bins. Dusting myself off and straightening my uniform I stopped to speak to Inuyasha.
Giving him a quick hug I built up all the courage and gave him a peck on the cheek. “Thanks again for brining me lunch Inuyasha, but I really have to get going.”
Before I could turn away his hands found mine, “Climb on.” Was all he said as he stood their smiling like this was just a big game we weren't supposed to play.
Looking around I noticed that everyone had already started making their way back to class and no one was near by. Giving him one last questioning look I asked, “Are you sure?”
What I got for a response was not what I was expected. I was instantly hauled onto his back and into the trees. It felt so wonderful and familiar to back like this. I couldn't help but rest my head as he jumped from tree top to tree top. It was strange how even in human form he still had such great agility and strength. He finally landed on the roof and I reluctantly climbed off his back. “Thanks for the ride Inuyasha; I didn't know how much I missed that.”
“Feh, it was nothing.”
He'd always play it off like it was no big deal, “Thanks again Inuyasha, I'll see you when I get home!” Running to the door I added, “and don't get seen jumping off the building!”
Taking one last glance at him, with his arms crossed, a sincere smile, the wind in his hair and the sun playing off his form I felt even more alive as I ran to homeroom.
DUN DUN DUUUUUN!! LOL Another chapter done! Sorry once again for the shortness, but coming up is the much anticipated dance! Hold on to your socks.
And once again. Review review review
Can you tell it's super late and I'm on a sugar high?